コード例 #1
void ReadTag(CIccProfile *pIcc)
  CIccInfo Fmt;
  icChar buf[64];

  printf("\nProfile Tags\n");
  printf(  "------------\n");

  printf("%25s    ID    %8s\t%8s\n", "Tag", "Offset", "Size");
  printf("%25s  ------  %8s\t%8s\n", "----", "------", "----");

  TagEntryList::iterator i;

  for (i=pIcc->m_Tags->begin(); i!=pIcc->m_Tags->end(); i++) {
    printf("%25s  %s  %8d\t%8d\n", Fmt.GetTagSigName(i->TagInfo.sig),
                                     icGetSig(buf, i->TagInfo.sig, false), 
                                     i->TagInfo.offset, i->TagInfo.size);

  printf("\nNote: The above Offset & Size parameters DO NOT reflect any unsaved changes to profile.\n");

  printf("\nEnter the tag ID : ");
  std::string TagID;
  TagID = GetUserInput();

  if(!ShowTag(pIcc, (icTagSignature)icGetSigVal(TagID.c_str())))
    printf("Tag (%s) not found in profile\n", TagID.c_str());

コード例 #2
void EmptyPlaceholderSelection::Draw(View* view, BPoint origin)
	// create the tagEditor if there isn't one yet
	// we'd do this in the ctor, except stupid C++ can't call derived virtual
	//		functions from the ctor
	if (tagEditor == NULL)

	BetweenGlyphsSelection::Draw(view, origin);