コード例 #1
long CMUSHclientDoc::DeleteTimer(LPCTSTR TimerName)
    CString strTimerName = TimerName;
    CTimer * timer_item;

    // trim spaces from name, make lower-case
    CheckObjectName (strTimerName, false);

    if (!GetTimerMap ().Lookup (strTimerName, timer_item))
        return eTimerNotFound;

    // can't if executing a script
    if (timer_item->bExecutingScript)
        return eItemInUse;

    // the timer seems to exist - delete its pointer
    delete timer_item;

    // now delete its entry
    if (!GetTimerMap ().RemoveKey (strTimerName))
        return eTimerNotFound;

    SortTimers ();

    if (!m_CurrentPlugin) // plugin mods don't really count
        SetModifiedFlag (TRUE);   // document has changed
    return eOK;
}   // end of CMUSHclientDoc::DeleteTimer
コード例 #2
long CMUSHclientDoc::DeleteTimerGroup(LPCTSTR GroupName)
    CString strTimerName;
    CTimer * timer_item;
    POSITION pos;

    // no group name, affect nothing
    if (strlen (GroupName) == 0)
        return 0;

    vector<string> vToDelete;

    // count timers
    for (pos = GetTimerMap ().GetStartPosition(); pos; )
        GetTimerMap ().GetNextAssoc (pos, strTimerName, timer_item);
        if (timer_item->strGroup == GroupName)

            // can't if executing a script
            if (timer_item->bExecutingScript)

            delete timer_item;

            // remember to delete from timer map
            vToDelete.push_back ((LPCTSTR) strTimerName);
    }   // end of timers

    // now delete from map, do it this way in case deleting whilst looping throws things out
    for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = vToDelete.begin ();
            it != vToDelete.end ();
        GetTimerMap ().RemoveKey (it->c_str ());

    if (!vToDelete.empty ())
        SortTimers ();
        if (!m_CurrentPlugin) // plugin mods don't really count
            SetModifiedFlag (TRUE);   // document has changed

    return vToDelete.size ();
}   // end of DeleteTimerGroup
コード例 #3
long CMUSHclientDoc::DeleteTemporaryTimers()
    long iCount = 0;
    POSITION pos;
    CString strTimerName;
    CTimer * timer_item;

    for (pos = GetTimerMap ().GetStartPosition(); pos; )
        GetTimerMap ().GetNextAssoc (pos, strTimerName, timer_item);
        if (timer_item->bTemporary && !timer_item->bExecutingScript)
            delete timer_item;
            GetTimerMap ().RemoveKey (strTimerName);
    }   // end of deleting timers

    if (iCount)
        SortTimers ();

    return iCount;
}  // end of CMUSHclientDoc::DeleteTemporaryTimers
コード例 #4
ファイル: timers.cpp プロジェクト: RKelson93/mushclient
void CMUSHclientDoc::CheckTimerList (CTimerMap & TimerMap)
CTimer * timer_item;
CString strTimerName;
CmcDateTime tNow = CmcDateTime::GetTimeNow();
CmcDateTimeSpan tsOneDay (1, 0, 0, 0);

// check for deleted chat sessions

  for (POSITION chatpos = m_ChatList.GetHeadPosition (); chatpos; )
    POSITION oldpos = chatpos;
    CChatSocket * pSocket = m_ChatList.GetNext (chatpos);
    if (pSocket->m_bDeleteMe)
      m_ChatList.RemoveAt (oldpos);
      delete pSocket;
      break;    // list is no longer valid

  set <string> firedTimersList;

// iterate through all timers for this document - first build list of them

  for (pos = TimerMap.GetStartPosition(); pos; )

    TimerMap.GetNextAssoc (pos, strTimerName, timer_item);

    if (!timer_item->bEnabled)    // ignore un-enabled timers

    // no timer activity whilst closed or in the middle of connecting, or if not enabled

    if (!timer_item->bActiveWhenClosed)
      if (m_iConnectPhase != eConnectConnectedToMud)

    // if not ready to fire yet, ignore it

    if (timer_item->tFireTime > tNow)

    firedTimersList.insert ((LPCTSTR) strTimerName);       // add to list of fired timers

  // now process list, checking timer still exists in case a script deleted one
  // see: http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/?id=10358

  for (set <string>::iterator it = firedTimersList.begin ();
       it != firedTimersList.end ();
    // get next fired timer from list
    strTimerName = it->c_str ();

    // check still exists, get pointer if so
    if (!TimerMap.Lookup (strTimerName, timer_item))

    timer_item->nMatched++;   // count timer matches
    timer_item->tWhenFired = tNow;  // when it fired


//    TRACE1 ("Fired at = %10.8f\n", timer_item->tWhenFired.m_dt);

    if (timer_item->strLabel.IsEmpty ())
      Trace ("Fired unlabelled timer ");
      Trace ("Fired timer %s", (LPCTSTR) timer_item->strLabel);

//    TRACE1 ("Fire time = %10.8f\n", timer_item->tFireTime.m_dt);

// update fire time - before calling the script, in case it takes a long time

    if (timer_item->iType == CTimer::eAtTime)
      timer_item->tFireTime += tsOneDay;
      timer_item->tFireTime += CmcDateTimeSpan (0,    // add the interval

    // in case clock changes or some such thing, make sure timer will be due to
    // fire in the future, not the past, or it might go mad and keep firing

    if (timer_item->tFireTime <= tNow)
      ResetOneTimer (timer_item);

    // if one-shot, disable it, so if the timer routine finds it again while
    // it is still executing (eg. due to a syntax error dialog box) then
    // it won't fire again.

    if (timer_item->bOneShot)
      timer_item->bEnabled = false;

// send timer message, if this timer list is "active"

    CString strExtraOutput;

    timer_item->bExecutingScript = true;     // cannot be deleted now
    m_iCurrentActionSource = eTimerFired;
    SendTo (timer_item->iSendTo, 
            timer_item->bOmitFromOutput, // omit from output
            timer_item->bOmitFromLog,    // omit from log
            TFormat ("Timer: %s", (LPCTSTR) timer_item->strLabel),
    m_iCurrentActionSource = eUnknownActionSource;
    timer_item->bExecutingScript = false;     // can be deleted now

    // display any stuff sent to output window

    if (!strExtraOutput.IsEmpty ())
       DisplayMsg (strExtraOutput, strExtraOutput.GetLength (), COMMENT);

// invoke script subroutine, if any

    if (!timer_item->strProcedure.IsEmpty ())
      if (CheckScriptingAvailable ("Timer", timer_item->dispid, timer_item->strProcedure))

    if (timer_item->dispid != DISPID_UNKNOWN)        // if we have a dispatch id
      CString strType = "timer";
      CString strReason =  TFormat ("processing timer \"%s\"", 
                                    (LPCTSTR) timer_item->strLabel);

      // get unlabelled timer's internal name
      const char * pLabel = timer_item->strLabel;
      if (pLabel [0] == 0)
        pLabel = GetTimerRevMap () [timer_item].c_str ();

      if (GetScriptEngine () && GetScriptEngine ()->IsLua ())
        list<double> nparams;
        list<string> sparams;
        sparams.push_back (pLabel);
        timer_item->bExecutingScript = true;     // cannot be deleted now
        GetScriptEngine ()->ExecuteLua (timer_item->dispid, 
        timer_item->bExecutingScript = false;     // can be deleted now
        }   // end of Lua
        // prepare for the arguments (so far, 1 which is the timer name)
        // WARNING - arguments should appear in REVERSE order to what the sub expects them!

          eArgCount,     // this MUST be last

        COleVariant args [eArgCount];
        DISPPARAMS params = { args, NULL, eArgCount, 0 };

  //      args [eTimerName] = strTimerName;
        args [eTimerName] = pLabel;
        timer_item->bExecutingScript = true;     // cannot be deleted now
        ExecuteScript (timer_item->dispid,  
        timer_item->bExecutingScript = false;     // can be deleted now

        } // not Lua
      }     // end of having a dispatch ID

    // If they passed the wrong arguments to the timer routine, the dialog box
    // might appear, and the timer be deleted, before we get a chance to
    // do this code, in which case the timer has gone.
    // Just get it again to be sure ...  [#430]

    if (!TimerMap.Lookup (strTimerName, timer_item))

// if one-shot timer, delete from list

    if (timer_item->bOneShot)
      TimerMap.RemoveKey (strTimerName);
      delete timer_item;
      SortTimers ();
    }   // end of processing each timer

  } // end of CMUSHclientDoc::CheckTimerMap
コード例 #5
long CMUSHclientDoc::DoAfterSpecial(double Seconds, LPCTSTR SendText, short SendTo)

    int iHours,

    // sanity check
    if (Seconds < 0.1)
        return eTimeInvalid;

    // fiddle seconds into hours/mins/seconds

    iHours = Seconds / 3600;
    Seconds = Seconds - (iHours * 3600);
    iMinutes = Seconds / 60;
    Seconds = Seconds - (iMinutes * 60);

// a really big number would make hours > 23

    if (iHours > 23)
        return eTimeInvalid;

    // check they are sending to somewhere valid

    if (SendTo < 0 || SendTo >= eSendToLast)
        return eOptionOutOfRange;

    CString strTimerName;
    CTimer * timer_item;

    // this is a temporary unlabelled timer, make up a name
    strTimerName.Format ("*timer%s", (LPCTSTR) App.GetUniqueString ());

    if (iHours < 0 || iHours > 23)
        return eTimeInvalid;

    if (iMinutes < 0 || iMinutes > 59)
        return eTimeInvalid;

    if (Seconds < 0 || Seconds > 59.9999)
        return eTimeInvalid;

    // create new timer item and insert in timer map
    GetTimerMap ().SetAt (strTimerName, timer_item = new CTimer);

    timer_item->nUpdateNumber    = App.GetUniqueNumber ();   // for concurrency checks

    timer_item->iEveryHour = iHours;
    timer_item->iEveryMinute = iMinutes;
    timer_item->fEverySecond = Seconds;
    timer_item->iType  = CTimer::eInterval;

    timer_item->strContents      = SendText;
    timer_item->bEnabled         = true;
    timer_item->bOneShot         = true;
    timer_item->bTemporary       = true;
    timer_item->bActiveWhenClosed = true;

    timer_item->iSendTo = SendTo;

    ResetOneTimer (timer_item);

    SortTimers ();

    return eOK;
}   // end of CMUSHclientDoc::DoAfterSpecial
コード例 #6
long CMUSHclientDoc::AddTimer(LPCTSTR TimerName,
                              short Hour,
                              short Minute,
                              double Second,
                              LPCTSTR ResponseText,
                              long Flags,
                              LPCTSTR ScriptName)
    CString strTimerName = TimerName;
    CTimer * timer_item;
    long nStatus;
    bool bReplace = false;

    if (strTimerName.IsEmpty ())
        strTimerName.Format ("*timer%s", (LPCTSTR) App.GetUniqueString ());
        // return if bad name
        if (nStatus = CheckObjectName (strTimerName))
            return nStatus;

    // if it already exists, error
    if (GetTimerMap ().Lookup (strTimerName, timer_item))
        if (Flags & eReplace)
            bReplace = true;
            return eTimerAlreadyExists;

    if (Hour < 0 || Hour > 23)
        return eTimeInvalid;

    if (Minute < 0 || Minute > 59)
        return eTimeInvalid;

    if (Second < 0.0 || Second > 59.9999)
        return eTimeInvalid;

    // can't have a zero time for "every" timers
    if (((Hour == 0) && (Minute == 0) && (Second == 0.0)) &&
            !(Flags & eAtTime))
        return eTimeInvalid;

// get timer dispatch ID

    if (GetScriptEngine () && strlen (ScriptName) != 0)
        CString strMessage;
        dispid = GetProcedureDispid (ScriptName, "timer", TimerName, strMessage);
        if (dispid == DISPID_UNKNOWN)
            return eScriptNameNotLocated;

    // timer replacement wanted
    if (bReplace)
        // the timer seems to exist - delete its pointer
        delete timer_item;

        // now delete its entry
        GetTimerMap ().RemoveKey (strTimerName);

    // create new timer item and insert in timer map
    GetTimerMap ().SetAt (strTimerName, timer_item = new CTimer);

    if ((Flags & eTemporary) == 0)
        if (!m_CurrentPlugin) // plugin mods don't really count
            SetModifiedFlag (TRUE);

    timer_item->nUpdateNumber    = App.GetUniqueNumber ();   // for concurrency checks

    if (Flags & eAtTime)
        timer_item->iAtHour = Hour;
        timer_item->iAtMinute = Minute;
        timer_item->fAtSecond = Second;
        timer_item->iType  = CTimer::eAtTime;
        timer_item->iEveryHour = Hour;
        timer_item->iEveryMinute = Minute;
        timer_item->fEverySecond = Second;
        timer_item->iType  = CTimer::eInterval;

    timer_item->strContents      = ResponseText;
    timer_item->bEnabled         = (Flags & eEnabled) != 0;
    timer_item->bOneShot         = (Flags & eOneShot) != 0;
    timer_item->bTemporary       = (Flags & eTemporary) != 0;
    timer_item->bActiveWhenClosed = (Flags & eActiveWhenClosed) != 0;
    timer_item->strProcedure     = ScriptName;
    timer_item->strLabel         = TimerName;
    timer_item->dispid           = dispid;

    if (Flags & eTimerSpeedWalk)
        timer_item->iSendTo = eSendToSpeedwalk;
    else if (Flags & eTimerNote)
        timer_item->iSendTo = eSendToOutput;

    ResetOneTimer (timer_item);

    SortTimers ();

    return eOK;
}  // end of CMUSHclientDoc::AddTimer