コード例 #1
int main(int argc, char** argv)
//                    Assimilando dados do arquivo externo
    Volumes v1;    
    LeituraDadosProblema (v1);
    std :: vector <Real>      xFronteiras (v1.NVOL()+1), //localizações fronteiras
                              xCentro     (v1.NVOL()),   //localizações centros
                              DistCentro  (v1.NVOL()+1), //distâncias entre centros
                              DistFace    (v1.NVOL());   //distância entre fronteiras adjacentes

    GeracaoMalha (xFronteiras, xCentro, DistCentro, DistFace, v1);
    std :: vector <Real>      Ap(v1.NVOL()),
    CalculaCoeficientes (DistFace, DistCentro, Ap, Ae, Aw, Sp);
    for (int i=0; i<v1.NVOL(); i++)
    std :: cout << "Ae[" << i << "]=" << Ap[i] << std :: endl;
コード例 #2
ファイル: testprog.cpp プロジェクト: cdesrosiers/libqsd
int main() 
// Primary Operators
  AnnihilationOperator A1(0);  // 1st freedom
  NumberOperator N1(0);
  IdentityOperator Id1(0);
  AnnihilationOperator A2(1);  // 2nd freedom
  NumberOperator N2(1);
  IdentityOperator Id2(1);
  SigmaPlus Sp(2);             // 3rd freedom
  IdentityOperator Id3(2);
  Operator Sm = Sp.hc();       // Hermitian conjugate
  Operator Ac1 = A1.hc();
  Operator Ac2 = A2.hc();
// Hamiltonian
  double E = 20.0;           
  double chi = 0.4;      
  double omega = -0.7;       
  double eta = 0.001;
  Complex I(0.0,1.0);
  Operator H = (E*I)*(Ac1-A1)
             + (0.5*chi*I)*(Ac1*Ac1*A2 - A1*A1*Ac2)
             + omega*Sp*Sm + (eta*I)*(A2*Sp-Ac2*Sm);
// Lindblad operators
  double gamma1 = 1.0;       
  double gamma2 = 1.0;       
  double kappa = 0.1;        
  const int nL = 3;
  Operator L[nL]={sqrt(2*gamma1)*A1,sqrt(2*gamma2)*A2,sqrt(2*kappa)*Sm};
// Initial state
  State phi1(50,FIELD);       // see paper Section 4.2
  State phi2(50,FIELD);
  State phi3(2,SPIN);
  State stateList[3] = {phi1,phi2,phi3};
  State psiIni(3,stateList);
// Trajectory
  double dt = 0.01;    // basic time step                            
  int numdts = 100;    // time interval between outputs = numdts*dt  
  int numsteps = 5;    // total integration time = numsteps*numdts*dt
  int nOfMovingFreedoms = 2;
  double epsilon = 0.01;     // cutoff probability
  int nPad = 2;              // pad size
  //ACG gen(38388389);            // random number generator with seed
  //ComplexNormal rndm(&gen);     // Complex Gaussian random numbers
  ComplexNormalTest rndm(899101); // Simple portable random number generator
  AdaptiveStep stepper(psiIni, H, nL, L);       // see paper Section 5
// Output
  const int nOfOut = 3;
  Operator outlist[nOfOut]={ Sp*A2*Sm*Sp, Sm*Sp*A2*Sm, A2 };
  char *flist[nOfOut]={"X1.out","X2.out","A2.out"};
  int pipe[] = {1,5,9,11}; // controls standard output (see `onespin.cc')
// Simulate one trajectory (for several trajectories see `onespin.cc')
  Trajectory traj(psiIni, dt, stepper, &rndm);  // see paper Section 5
  traj.plotExp( nOfOut, outlist, flist, pipe, numdts, numsteps,
                nOfMovingFreedoms, epsilon, nPad );
コード例 #3
ファイル: bssrdf.cpp プロジェクト: yangjiaqian/pbrt-v3
Spectrum SeparableBSSRDF::Sample_Sp(const Scene &scene, Float sample1,
                                    const Point2f &sample2, MemoryArena &arena,
                                    SurfaceInteraction *pi, Float *pdf) const {
    ProfilePhase pp(Prof::BSSRDFEvaluation);
    // Choose projection axis for BSSRDF sampling
    Vector3f axis;
    if (sample1 < .25f) {
        axis = ss;
        sample1 *= 4;
    } else if (sample1 < .5f) {
        axis = ts;
        sample1 = (sample1 - .25f) * 4;
    } else {
        axis = Vector3f(ns);
        sample1 = (sample1 - .5f) * 2;

    // Choose spectral channel for BSSRDF sampling
    int ch =
        Clamp((int)(sample1 * Spectrum::nSamples), 0, Spectrum::nSamples - 1);
    sample1 = sample1 * Spectrum::nSamples - ch;

    // Sample BSSRDF profile in polar coordinates
    Float r = Sample_Sr(ch, sample2.x);
    if (r < 0) return Spectrum(0.f);
    Float phi = 2 * Pi * sample2.y;

    // Compute BSSRDF profile bounds and intersection height
    Float rMax = Sample_Sr(ch, 0.999f);
    if (r > rMax) return Spectrum(0.f);
    Float l = 2 * std::sqrt(rMax * rMax - r * r);

    // Compute BSSRDF sampling ray segment
    Vector3f v0, v1;
    CoordinateSystem(axis, &v0, &v1);
    Interaction base;
    base.p =
        po.p + r * (v0 * std::cos(phi) + v1 * std::sin(phi)) - l * axis * 0.5f;
    base.time = po.time;
    Point3f target = base.p + l * axis;

    // Intersect BSSRDF sampling ray against the scene geometry
    struct IntersectionChain {
        SurfaceInteraction si;
        IntersectionChain *next;
    IntersectionChain *chain = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, IntersectionChain)(),
                      *ptr = chain;
    int nFound = 0;
    while (true) {
        if (!scene.Intersect(base.SpawnRayTo(target), &ptr->si)) break;
        base = ptr->si;
        // Append admissible intersection to _IntersectionChain_
        if (ptr->si.primitive->GetMaterial() == material) {
            IntersectionChain *next = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, IntersectionChain)();
            ptr->next = next;
            ptr = next;

    // Randomly choose one of several intersections during BSSRDF sampling
    if (nFound == 0) return Spectrum(0.0f);
    int selected = Clamp((int)(sample1 * nFound), 0, nFound - 1);
    while (selected-- > 0) chain = chain->next;
    *pi = chain->si;

    // Compute sample PDF and return the spatial BSSRDF term $\Sp$
    *pdf = Pdf_Sp(*pi) / nFound;
    return Sp(*pi);
コード例 #4
ファイル: funccomp.cpp プロジェクト: dewhisna/m6811dis
double CompareFunctions(FUNC_COMPARE_METHOD nMethod,
											CFuncDescFile *pFile1, int nFile1FuncNdx,
											CFuncDescFile *pFile2, int nFile2FuncNdx,
											BOOL bBuildEditScript)
	CFuncDesc *pFunction1;
	CFuncDesc *pFunction2;
	CStringArray zFunc1;
	CStringArray zFunc2;
	double nRetVal = 0;
	CString strTemp;

	m_bEditScriptValid = FALSE;

	if ((pFile1 == NULL) || (pFile2 == NULL)) return nRetVal;

	pFunction1 = pFile1->GetFunc(nFile1FuncNdx);
	pFunction2 = pFile2->GetFunc(nFile2FuncNdx);
	if ((pFunction1 == NULL) ||
		(pFunction2 == NULL)) return nRetVal;

	if ((zFunc1.GetSize() == 0) ||
		(zFunc2.GetSize() == 0)) return nRetVal;

	if ((bBuildEditScript) && (nMethod == FCM_DYNPROG_XDROP)) {
		// Note: XDROP Method currently doesn't support building
		//		of edit scripts, so if caller wants to build an
		//		edit script and has selected this method, replace
		//		it with the next best method that does support
		//		edit scripts:

	switch (nMethod) {
			//	The following algorithm comes from the following source:
			//			"A Greedy Algorithm for Aligning DNA Sequences"
			//			Zheng Zhang, Scott Schwartz, Lukas Wagner, and Webb Miller
			//			Journal of Computational Biology
			//			Volume 7, Numbers 1/2, 2000
			//			Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
			//			Pp. 203-214
			//			p. 205 : Figure 2 : "A dynamic-programming X-drop algorithm"
			//		T' <- T <- S(0,0) <- 0
			//		k <- L <- U <- 0
			//		repeat {
			//			k <- k + 1
			//			for i <- ceiling(L) to floor(U)+1 in steps of 1/2 do {
			//				j <- k - i
			//				if i is an integer then {
			//					S(i, j) <- Max of:
			//								S(i-1/2, j-1/2) + mat/2		if L <= i-1/2 <= U and a(i) = b(j)
			//								S(i-1/2, j-1/2) + mis/2		if L <= i-1/2 <= U and a(i) != b(j)
			//								S(i, j-1) + ind				if i <= U
			//								S(i-1, j) + ind				if L <= i-1
			//				} else {
			//					S(i, j) <- S(i-1/2, j-1/2)
			//								+ mat/2	if a(i+1/2) = b(j+1/2)
			//								+ mis/2	if a(i+1/2) != b(j+1/2)
			//				}
			//				T' <- max{T', S(i, j)}
			//				if S(i, j) < (T - X) then S(i, j) <- -oo
			//			}
			//			L <- min{i : S(i, k-i) > -oo }
			//			U <- max{i : S(i, k-i) > -oo }
			//			L <- max{L, k+1-N}				<<< Should be: L <- max{L, k+1/2-N}
			//			U <- min{U, M-1}				<<< Should be: U <- min(U, M-1/2}
			//			T <- T'
			//		} until L > U+1
			//		report T'
			//	Given:
			//		arrays: a(1..M), b(1..N) containing the two strings to compare
			//		mat : >0 : Weighting of a match
			//		mis : <0 : Weighting of a mismatch
			//		ind : <0 : Weighting of an insertion/deletion
			//		X = Clipping level : If scoring falls more than X below the
			//				best computed score thus far, then we don't consider
			//				additional extensions for that alignment.  Should
			//				be >= 0 or -1 for infinity.
			//	Returning:
			//		T' = Composite similarity score
			//	For programmatic efficiency, all S indexes have been changed from
			//		0, 1/2 to even/odd and the i loop runs as integers of even/odd
			//		instead of 1/2 increments:
			//	Testing has also been done and it has been proven that the order of
			//		the two arrays has no effect on the outcome.
			//	In the following, we will define oo as DBL_MAX and -oo as -DBL_MAX.
			//	To hold to the non-Generalized Greedy Algorithm requirements, set
			//		ind = mis - mat/2

			CStringArray &a = zFunc1;
			CStringArray &b = zFunc2;
			double Tp, T;
			double **S;
			int i, j, k, L, U;
			double nTemp;
			int M = a.GetSize();
			int N = b.GetSize();
			const double mat = 2;
			const double mis = -2;
			const double ind = -3;
			const double X = -1;

			// Allocate Memory:
			S = new double*[((M+1)*2)];
			if (S == NULL) {
				return nRetVal;
			for (i=0; i<((M+1)*2); i++) {
				S[i] = new double[((N+1)*2)];
				if (S[i] == NULL) AfxThrowMemoryException();

			// Initialize:
			for (i=0; i<((M+1)*2); i++) {
				for (j=0; j<((N+1)*2); j++) {
					S[i][j] = -DBL_MAX;

			// Algorithm:
			Tp = T = S[0][0] = 0;
			k = L = U = 0;

			do {
				k = k + 2;
				for (i = L+((L & 0x1) ? 1 : 0); i <= (U - ((U & 0x1) ? 1 : 0) + 2); i++) {
					j = k - i;
					ASSERT(i >= 0);
					ASSERT(i < ((M+1)*2));
					ASSERT(j >= 0);
					ASSERT(j < ((N+1)*2));
					if ((i&1) == 0) {
						nTemp = -DBL_MAX;
						if ((L <= (i-1)) &&
							((i-1) <= U)) {
							// TODO : Improve A/B Comparison:
							if (a.GetAt((i/2)-1).CompareNoCase(b.GetAt((j/2)-1)) == 0) {
								nTemp = __max(nTemp, S[i-1][j-1] + mat/2);
							} else {
								nTemp = __max(nTemp, S[i-1][j-1] + mis/2);
						if (i <= U) {
							nTemp = __max(nTemp, S[i][j-2] + ind);
						if (L <= (i-2)) {
							nTemp = __max(nTemp, S[i-2][j] + ind);
						S[i][j] = nTemp;
					} else {
						// TODO : Improve A/B Comparison:
						if (a.GetAt(((i+1)/2)-1).CompareNoCase(b.GetAt(((j+1)/2)-1)) == 0) {
							S[i][j] = S[i-1][j-1] + mat/2;
						} else {
							S[i][j] = S[i-1][j-1] + mis/2;
					Tp = __max(Tp, S[i][j]);
					if ((X>=0) && (S[i][j] < (T-X))) S[i][j] = -DBL_MAX;

				for (L = 0; L < ((M+1)*2); L++) {
					if ((k - L) < 0) continue;
					if ((k - L) >= ((N+1)*2)) continue;
					if (S[L][k-L] > -DBL_MAX) break;
				if (L == ((M+1)*2)) L=INT_MAX;

				for (U=((M+1)*2)-1; U>=0; U--) {
					if ((k - U) < 0) continue;
					if ((k - U) >= ((N+1)*2)) continue;
					if (S[U][k-U] > -DBL_MAX) break;
				if (U == -1) U=INT_MIN;

				L = __max(L, k + 1 - (N*2));
				U = __min(U, (M*2) - 1);
				T = Tp;
			} while (L <= U+2);

			// If the two PrimaryLabels at the function's address don't match, decrement match by 1*mat.
			//		This helps if there are two are more functions that the user has labeled that
			//		are identical except for the labels:
			if (pFile1->GetPrimaryLabel(pFunction1->GetMainAddress()).CompareNoCase(
					pFile2->GetPrimaryLabel(pFunction2->GetMainAddress())) != 0) Tp = __max(0, Tp - mat);

			// Normalize it:
			nRetVal = Tp/(__max(M,N)*mat);

			// Deallocate Memory:
			for (i=0; i<((M+1)*2); i++) delete[] (S[i]);
			delete[] S;

			//	The following algorithm comes from the following source:
			//			"A Greedy Algorithm for Aligning DNA Sequences"
			//			Zheng Zhang, Scott Schwartz, Lukas Wagner, and Webb Miller
			//			Journal of Computational Biology
			//			Volume 7, Numbers 1/2, 2000
			//			Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
			//			Pp. 203-214
			//			p. 209 : Figure 4 : "Greedy algorithm that is equivalent to the algorithm
			//								of Figure 2 if ind = mis - mat/2."
			//		i <- 0
			//		while i < min{M, N} and a(i+1) = b(i+1) do i <- i + 1
			//		R(0, 0) <- i
			//		T' <- T[0] <- S'(i+i, 0)
			//		d <- L <- U <- 0
			//		repeat
			//			d <- d + 1
			//			d' <- d - floor( (X + mat/2)/(mat - mis) ) - 1
			//			for k <- L - 1 to U + 1 do
			//				i <- max of:
			//							R(d-1, k-1) + 1		if L < k
			//							R(d-1, k) + 1		if L <= k <= U
			//							R(d-1, k+1)			if k < U
			//				j <- i - k
			//				if i > -oo and S'(i+j, d) >= T[d'] - X then
			//					while i<M, j<N, and a(i+1) = b(j+1) do
			//						i <- i + 1;  j <- j + 1
			//					R(d, k) <- i
			//					T' <- max{T', S'(i+j, d)}
			//				else R(d, k) <- -oo
			//			T[d] <- T'
			//			L <- min{k : R(d, k) > -oo}
			//			U <- max{k : R(d, k) > -oo}
			//			L <- max{L, max{k : R(d, k) = N + k} + 2}	<<< Should be: L <- max{L, max{k : R(d, k) = N + k} + 1}
			//			U <- min{U, min{k : R(d, k) = M } - 2}		<<< Should be: U <- min{U, min{k : R(d, k) = M } - 1}
			//		until L > U + 2
			//		report T'
			//	Given:
			//		arrays: a(1..M), b(1..N) containing the two strings to compare
			//		mat : >0 : Weighting of a match
			//		mis : <0 : Weighting of a mismatch
			//		ind : <0 : Weighting of an insertion/deletion
			//		(Satisfying: ind = mis - mat/2)
			//		X = Clipping level : If scoring falls more than X below the
			//				best computed score thus far, then we don't consider
			//				additional extensions for that alignment.  Should
			//				be >= 0 or -1 for infinity.
			//		S'(i+j, d) = (i+j)*mat/2 - d*(mat-mis)
			//		or S'(k, d) = k*mat/2 - d*(mat-mis)
			//	Returning:
			//		T' = Composite similarity score
			//	Testing has also been done and it has been proven that the order of
			//		the two arrays has no effect on the outcome.
			//	In the following it will be assumed that the number of mismatches
			//	(i.e. array bounds) can't exceed M+N since the absolute maximum
			//	edit script to go from an array of M objects to an array of N
			//	objects is to perform M deletions and N insertions.  However,
			//	these differences can be tracked either forward or backward, so
			//	the memory will be allocated for the full search field.
			//	We are also going to define -oo as being -2 since no index can be
			//	lower than 0.  The reason for the -2 instead of -1 is to allow
			//	for the i=R(d,k)+1 calculations to still be below 0.  That is
			//	to say so that -oo + 1 = -oo

			CStringArray &a = zFunc1;
			CStringArray &b = zFunc2;
			double Tp;				// T' = Overall max for entire comparison
			double Tpp;				// T'' = Overall max for current d value
			double *T;
			double nTemp;
			int **Rm;
			int *Rvisitmin;			// Minimum k-index of R visited for a particular d (for speed)
			int *Rvisitmax;			// Maximum k-index of R visited for a particular k (for speed)
			int i, j, k, L, U;
			int d, dp;
			int dbest, kbest;
			int M = a.GetSize();
			int N = b.GetSize();
			const int dmax = ((M+N)*2)+1;
			const int kmax = (M+N+1);
			const int rksize = (kmax*2)+1;
			const double mat = 2;
			const double mis = -2;
			const double X = -1;
			const int floored_d_offset = (int)((X+(mat/2))/(mat-mis));
			#define Sp(x, y) ((double)((x)*(mat/2) - ((y)*(mat-mis))))
			#define R(x, y) (Rm[(x)][(y)+kmax])

			// Allocate Memory:
			T = new double[dmax];
			if (T == NULL) {
				return nRetVal;

			Rvisitmin = new int[dmax];
			if (Rvisitmin == NULL) {
				delete T;
				return nRetVal;

			Rvisitmax = new int[dmax];
			if (Rvisitmax == NULL) {
				delete T;
				delete Rvisitmin;
				return nRetVal;

			Rm = new int*[dmax];
			if (Rm == NULL) {
				delete T;
				delete Rvisitmin;
				delete Rvisitmax;
				return nRetVal;
			for (i=0; i<dmax; i++) {
				Rm[i] = new int[rksize];
				if (Rm[i] == NULL) AfxThrowMemoryException();

			// Initialize:
			for (i=0; i<dmax; i++) {
				T[i] = 0;
				Rvisitmin[i] = kmax+1;
				Rvisitmax[i] = -kmax-1;
				for (j=0; j<rksize; j++) {
					Rm[i][j] = -2;

			// Algorithm:
			// TODO : Improve A/B Comparison:
			while ((i<__min(M, N)) && (a.GetAt(i).CompareNoCase(b.GetAt(i)) == 0)) i++;
			R(0, 0) = i;
			dbest = kbest = 0;
			Tp = T[0] = Sp(i+i, 0);
			d = L = U = 0;
			Rvisitmin[0] = 0;
			Rvisitmax[0] = 0;


			if ((i != M) || (i != N)) {
				do {
					dp = d - floored_d_offset - 1;
					Tpp = -DBL_MAX;
					for (k=(L-1); k<=(U+1); k++) {
						ASSERT(d > 0);
						ASSERT(d < dmax);
						ASSERT(abs(k) <= kmax);
						i = -2;
						if (L < k)			i = __max(i, R(d-1, k-1)+1);
						if ((L <= k) &&
							(k <= U))		i = __max(i, R(d-1, k)+1);
						if (k < U)			i = __max(i, R(d-1, k+1));
						j = i - k;
						if ((i >= 0) && (j >= 0) && ((X<0) || (Sp(i+j, d) >= (((dp >= 0) ? T[dp] : 0) - X)))) {
							// TODO : Improve A/B Comparison:
							while ((i<M) && (j<N) && (a.GetAt(i).CompareNoCase(b.GetAt(j)) == 0)) {
								i++; j++;

							R(d, k) = i;
							if (Rvisitmin[d] > k) Rvisitmin[d] = k;
							if (Rvisitmax[d] < k) Rvisitmax[d] = k;
							nTemp = Sp(i+j, d);
							Tp = __max(Tp, nTemp);
printf("d=%2ld : k=%2ld, i=%2ld, j=%2ld, M=%2ld, N=%2ld, T=%2ld, Tp=%2ld, Tpp=%2ld", d, k, i, j, M, N, (int)nTemp, (int)Tp, (int)Tpp);
							if (nTemp > Tpp) {
								Tpp = nTemp;
printf(" * Best (%2ld)", (int)Tpp);
									dbest = d;
									kbest = k;

									// Account for hitting the max M or N boundaries:
									if ((i != M) || (j != N)) {
										if (j > N) {
printf(" >>>>>>  k++ j shift");
										} else {
											if (i > M) {
printf(" <<<<<<  k-- i shift");


						} else {
							R(d, k) = -2;
							if (Rvisitmin[d] == k) Rvisitmin[d]++;
							if (Rvisitmax[d] >= k) Rvisitmax[d] = k-1;
					T[d] = Tp;

					L = Rvisitmin[d];
					U = Rvisitmax[d];
					for (k=Rvisitmax[d]; k>=Rvisitmin[d]; k--) if (R(d, k) == (N+k)) break;
					if (k<Rvisitmin[d]) k = INT_MIN;
					L = __max(L, k+1);
					for (k=Rvisitmin[d]; k<=Rvisitmax[d]; k++) if (R(d, k) == M) break;
					if (k>Rvisitmax[d]) k = INT_MAX;
					U = __min(U, k-1);
				} while (L <= U+2);

			// If the two PrimaryLabels at the function's address don't match, decrement match by 1*mat.
			//		This helps if there are two are more functions that the user has labeled that
			//		are identical except for the labels:
			if (pFile1->GetPrimaryLabel(pFunction1->GetMainAddress()).CompareNoCase(
					pFile2->GetPrimaryLabel(pFunction2->GetMainAddress())) != 0) Tp = __max(0, Tp - mat);

			// Normalize it:
			nRetVal = Tp/(__max(M,N)*mat);

			// Build Edit Script:
			if (bBuildEditScript) {
				int last_i, last_j;
				int cur_i, cur_j;
				int k_rest;

				if (dbest > 0) {
					k = kbest;
					last_i = M+1;
					last_j = N+1;

printf("\n%s with %s:\n", LPCTSTR(pFunction1->GetMainName()), LPCTSTR(pFunction2->GetMainName()));

					for (d=dbest-1; d>=0; d--) {
						i = __max((R(d, k-1) + 1), __max((R(d, k) + 1), (R(d, k+1))));

printf("(%3ld, %3ld) : %3ld(%5ld), %3ld(%5ld), %3ld(%5ld) :", d, k,
						(R(d, k-1) + 1), (int)Sp((R(d, k-1))*2-k+1, d),
						(R(d, k) + 1), (int)Sp((R(d, k))*2-k, d),
						(R(d, k+1)), (int)Sp((R(d, k+1))*2-k-1, d));

for (j=Rvisitmin[dbest-1]; j<=Rvisitmax[dbest-1]; j++) {
	if (j == k-1) printf("("); else printf(" ");
	if (R(d,j)<0) printf("   "); else printf("%3ld", R(d, j));
	if (j == k+1) printf(")"); else printf(" ");

						j = i-k;

						if (i == (R(d, k-1) + 1)) {
							strTemp.Format("%ld>%ld", i-1, j);
							cur_i = i-1;
							cur_j = j;
							k_rest = 1;
						} else {
							if (i == (R(d, k+1))) {
								strTemp.Format("%ld<%ld", i, j-1);
								cur_i = i;
								cur_j = j-1;
								k_rest = -1;
							} else {
								// if (i == (R(d, k) + 1))
								strTemp.Format("%ld-%ld", i-1, j-1);
								cur_i = i-1;
								cur_j = j-1;
								// k=k;
								k_rest = 0;
						m_EditScript.SetAt(d, strTemp);
						// The following test is needed since our insertion/deletion indexes are
						//		one greater than the stored i and/or j values from the R matrix.
						//		It is possible that the previous comparison added some extra
						//		entries to the R matrix than what was really needed.  This will
						//		cause extra erroneous entries to appear in the edit script.
						//		However, since the indexes should be always increasing, we simply
						//		filter out extra entries added to the end that don't satisfy
						//		this condition:
						if ((k_rest == 0) &&
							((cur_i == last_i) && (cur_j == last_j))) {

						last_i = cur_i;
						last_j = cur_j;

				// Note: if the two are identical, array stays empty:
				m_bEditScriptValid = TRUE;

			// Deallocate Memory:
			delete[] T;
			delete[] Rvisitmin;
			delete[] Rvisitmax;
			for (i=0; i<dmax; i++) delete[] (Rm[i]);
			delete[] Rm;

	return nRetVal;