コード例 #1
OGRErr OGRPGDumpLayer::CreateFeature( OGRFeature *poFeature )
    if( NULL == poFeature )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "NULL pointer to OGRFeature passed to CreateFeature()." );
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;

    nFeatures ++;

    // We avoid testing the config option too often.
    if( bUseCopy == USE_COPY_UNSET )
        bUseCopy = CSLTestBoolean( CPLGetConfigOption( "PG_USE_COPY", "NO") );

    if( !bUseCopy )
        return CreateFeatureViaInsert( poFeature );
        if ( !bCopyActive )
            /* This is a heuristics. If the first feature to be copied has a */
            /* FID set (and that a FID column has been identified), then we will */
            /* try to copy FID values from features. Otherwise, we will not */
            /* do and assume that the FID column is an autoincremented column. */
            StartCopy(poFeature->GetFID() != OGRNullFID);

        return CreateFeatureViaCopy( poFeature );
コード例 #2
OGRErr OGRPGDumpLayer::CreateFeature( OGRFeature *poFeature )
    if( NULL == poFeature )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "NULL pointer to OGRFeature passed to CreateFeature()." );
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;

    nFeatures ++;

    // We avoid testing the config option too often. 
    if( bUseCopy == USE_COPY_UNSET )
        bUseCopy = CSLTestBoolean( CPLGetConfigOption( "PG_USE_COPY", "NO") );

    if( !bUseCopy )
        return CreateFeatureViaInsert( poFeature );
        if ( !bCopyActive )

        return CreateFeatureViaCopy( poFeature );
コード例 #3
ファイル: classVisPPUSim.cpp プロジェクト: scs/leanxsugus
void CVisPPUSim::DoProcessing()
	Int lines;
	// Copy ids;
	Uint32		copyRGB;
	Uint32		copyLUT;
	Uint32		copyGray;
	Uint32		copyErodedLUT;
	// Acquire the image buffers
	const Uint8 * pLUT			= (Uint8*)m_iportLUT.GetBuffer();
	const Uint32 * pRGBImage	= (const Uint32*)m_iportRGBInput.GetBuffer();
	Uint8 * pGrayImage			= (Uint8*)m_oportGrayOutput.GetBuffer();	
	Uint8 * pLUTImage			= (Uint8*)m_oportLUTOutput.GetBuffer();

	// ***************************************************************
	//  Process the image line by line; First convert to gray and do
	//	the LUT lookup.
	// ***************************************************************
	// Prologue; copy the RGB lines from the image
	copyRGB = StartCopy( (Ptr)m_pRGBLine, (Ptr)pRGBImage, m_unResultWidth * 4 );
	copyGray = COPY_DONE;
	// Kernel
	for ( lines = 0; lines < m_unResultHeight; lines++)
		Uint32 offs = lines * m_unResultWidth;

		// Convert RGB to gray
		// -> need RGB input
		// -> need gray
		WaitCopy( copyRGB );
		WaitCopy( copyGray );
		RGBtoGray( m_pRGBLine, (Uint32*)(m_pGrayLine), m_unResultWidth );	
		// Lookup the RGB pixels; but not on first and last lines.
		// -> done with gray afterwards
		// -> done with RGB afterwards
		// -> done with LUT afterwards
		WaitCopy( copyLUT );
		if ( (lines != 0) && (lines != m_unResultHeight-1) )
			LookupPixels( m_pRGBLine, m_pLUTData, m_pGrayLine, pLUT, m_unResultWidth );
			MemSet( m_pLUTData, 0, m_unResultWidth );

		if ( lines < m_unResultHeight-1)
			copyRGB = StartCopy( (Ptr)m_pRGBLine, (Ptr)(pRGBImage + offs + m_unResultWidth), m_unResultWidth * 4 );
		copyGray = StartCopy( (Ptr)(pGrayImage + offs), m_pGrayLine, m_unResultWidth );

		copyLUT = StartCopy( (Ptr)(pLUTImage + offs), m_pLUTData, m_unResultWidth );

	// Epilogue
	//WaitCopy( copyRGB );
	WaitCopy( copyLUT );
	WaitCopy( copyGray );

	// ***************************************************************
	//  Erode the image.
	// ***************************************************************

	for (int i=0; i<m_nNumErosions ; i++)
		// To keep things simple, we'd like to do the erosion in place, 
		// that is the input and output port is the same. That behaviour
		// implies that we have to copy the new input data before writing
		// the output data back to the image.

		// Copy the input data.
		copyLUT = StartCopy(	m_pLUTData, 
								(Ptr)(pLUTImage) , 
								m_unResultWidth * 3);
		WaitCopy( copyLUT );

		for ( lines = 1; lines < m_unResultHeight-1; lines++)
			// Erode a line
			ErodeLine_lut( m_pLUTData, m_pErodedLUTData, m_unResultWidth );

			// Copy the next input data.
			copyLUT = StartCopy(	m_pLUTData, 
									(Ptr)(pLUTImage + lines * m_unResultWidth) , 
									m_unResultWidth * 3 );

			// Wait for the copy to finish, so that the output can then be written.
			WaitCopy( copyLUT );

			// Copy the result data out
			copyErodedLUT = StartCopy(	(Ptr)(pLUTImage + lines*m_unResultWidth) , 
										m_unResultWidth );

			WaitCopy( copyErodedLUT );

	// Clear the most left and right rows.
	for ( lines = 0; lines < m_unResultHeight; lines++)
		pLUTImage[ lines*m_unResultWidth ] = 0;
		pLUTImage[ lines*m_unResultWidth + m_unResultWidth - 1] = 0;

	// Convert the image to grayscale
	StartProfileTask( m_nProfile_1 );
	RGBtoGray( pRGBImage, (Uint32*)(pGrayImage), m_unResultWidth*m_unResultHeight );	
	StopProfileTask( m_nProfile_1 );

	// do the LUT conversion 
	StartProfileTask( m_nProfile_2 );
	LookupPixels( pRGBImage, pLUTImage, m_unResultWidth*m_unResultHeight );
	StopProfileTask( m_nProfile_2 );

	// Mask out all grayscale pixels where there is background
	StartProfileTask( m_nProfile_3 );
	for ( Uint32 i=0; i<m_unResultWidth*m_unResultHeight; i++)
		if ( pLUTImage[i] == 0 )
			pGrayImage[i] = 0;
	StopProfileTask( m_nProfile_3 );
	// Do Erosion
	for ( int er=0; er<CVisCalibHistogram::NUM_EROSIONS; er++)
		for ( Uint32 line=1; line<m_unResultHeight-1; line++)
			Uint32 offs = line * m_unResultWidth;
			ErodeLine( pLUTImage + offs, pErodedImage + offs + m_unResultWidth, m_unResultWidth );
		memcpy( pLUTImage, pErodedImage, m_unResultWidth*m_unResultHeight );
コード例 #4
ファイル: gpoddevice.cpp プロジェクト: Aceler/Clementine
void GPodDevice::StartDelete() { StartCopy(nullptr); }
コード例 #5
ファイル: wmdmdevice.cpp プロジェクト: admiral0/clementine
void WmdmDevice::StartDelete() {
コード例 #6
ファイル: mtpdevice.cpp プロジェクト: Gu1/Clementine
void MtpDevice::StartDelete() {