void cAggressiveMonster::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) { super::Tick(a_Dt, a_Chunk); if (m_EMState == CHASING) { CheckEventLostPlayer(); } else { CheckEventSeePlayer(); } if (m_Target == nullptr) { return; } cTracer LineOfSight(GetWorld()); Vector3d MyHeadPosition = GetPosition() + Vector3d(0, GetHeight(), 0); Vector3d AttackDirection(m_Target->GetPosition() + Vector3d(0, m_Target->GetHeight(), 0) - MyHeadPosition); if (TargetIsInRange() && !LineOfSight.Trace(MyHeadPosition, AttackDirection, static_cast<int>(AttackDirection.Length())) && (GetHealth() > 0.0)) { // Attack if reached destination, target isn't null, and have a clear line of sight to target (so won't attack through walls) StopMovingToPosition(); Attack(a_Dt); } }
bool cSkeleton::Attack(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt) { StopMovingToPosition(); // Todo handle this in a better way, the skeleton does some uneeded recalcs due to inStateChasing cFastRandom Random; if ((m_Target != nullptr) && (m_AttackCoolDownTicksLeft == 0)) { Vector3d Inaccuracy = Vector3d(Random.NextFloat(0.5) - 0.25, Random.NextFloat(0.5) - 0.25, Random.NextFloat(0.5) - 0.25); Vector3d Speed = (m_Target->GetPosition() + Inaccuracy - GetPosition()) * 5; Speed.y = Speed.y - 1 + Random.NextInt(3); cArrowEntity * Arrow = new cArrowEntity(this, GetPosX(), GetPosY() + 1, GetPosZ(), Speed); if (Arrow == nullptr) { return false; } if (!Arrow->Initialize(*m_World)) { delete Arrow; Arrow = nullptr; return false; } m_World->BroadcastSpawnEntity(*Arrow); ResetAttackCooldown(); return true; } return false; }
void cOcelot::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) { super::Tick(a_Dt, a_Chunk); if (!IsTicking()) { // The base class tick destroyed us return; } if (!IsTame() && !IsBaby()) { if (m_CheckPlayerTickCount == 23) { m_World->DoWithNearestPlayer(GetPosition(), 10, [&](cPlayer & a_Player) -> bool { cItems Items; GetBreedingItems(Items); if (Items.ContainsType(a_Player.GetEquippedItem().m_ItemType)) { if (!IsBegging()) { SetIsBegging(true); m_World->BroadcastEntityMetadata(*this); } MoveToPosition(a_Player.GetPosition()); } else { if (IsBegging()) { SetIsBegging(false); m_World->BroadcastEntityMetadata(*this); } } return true; }, true); m_CheckPlayerTickCount = 0; } else { m_CheckPlayerTickCount++; } } if (IsTame() && !IsSitting()) { TickFollowPlayer(); } else if (IsSitting()) { StopMovingToPosition(); } m_World->BroadcastEntityMetadata(*this); }
void cWolf::TickFollowPlayer() { Vector3d OwnerPos; bool OwnerFlying; auto Callback = [&](cPlayer & a_Player) { OwnerPos = a_Player.GetPosition(); OwnerFlying = a_Player.IsFlying(); return true; }; if (m_World->DoWithPlayerByUUID(m_OwnerUUID, Callback)) { // The player is present in the world, follow him: double Distance = (OwnerPos - GetPosition()).Length(); if (Distance > 20) { if (!OwnerFlying) { OwnerPos.y = FindFirstNonAirBlockPosition(OwnerPos.x, OwnerPos.z); TeleportToCoords(OwnerPos.x, OwnerPos.y, OwnerPos.z); SetTarget(nullptr); } } if (Distance < 2) { if (GetTarget() == nullptr) { StopMovingToPosition(); } } else { if (GetTarget() == nullptr) { if (!OwnerFlying) { MoveToPosition(OwnerPos); } } } } }
bool cSkeleton::Attack(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt) { StopMovingToPosition(); // Todo handle this in a better way, the skeleton does some uneeded recalcs due to inStateChasing auto & Random = GetRandomProvider(); if ((GetTarget() != nullptr) && (m_AttackCoolDownTicksLeft == 0)) { Vector3d Inaccuracy = Vector3d(Random.RandReal<double>(-0.25, 0.25), Random.RandReal<double>(-0.25, 0.25), Random.RandReal<double>(-0.25, 0.25)); Vector3d Speed = (GetTarget()->GetPosition() + Inaccuracy - GetPosition()) * 5; Speed.y += Random.RandInt(-1, 1); auto Arrow = cpp14::make_unique<cArrowEntity>(this, GetPosX(), GetPosY() + 1, GetPosZ(), Speed); auto ArrowPtr = Arrow.get(); if (!ArrowPtr->Initialize(std::move(Arrow), *m_World)) { return false; } ResetAttackCooldown(); return true; } return false; }
void cWolf::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) { if (!IsAngry()) { cMonster::Tick(a_Dt, a_Chunk); if (m_NotificationCooldown > 0) { m_NotificationCooldown -= 1; } } else { super::Tick(a_Dt, a_Chunk); } if (!IsTicking()) { // The base class tick destroyed us return; } if (GetTarget() == nullptr) { m_World->DoWithNearestPlayer(GetPosition(), static_cast<float>(m_SightDistance), [&](cPlayer & a_Player) -> bool { switch (a_Player.GetEquippedItem().m_ItemType) { case E_ITEM_BONE: case E_ITEM_RAW_BEEF: case E_ITEM_STEAK: case E_ITEM_RAW_CHICKEN: case E_ITEM_COOKED_CHICKEN: case E_ITEM_ROTTEN_FLESH: case E_ITEM_RAW_PORKCHOP: case E_ITEM_COOKED_PORKCHOP: { if (!IsBegging()) { SetIsBegging(true); m_World->BroadcastEntityMetadata(*this); } m_FinalDestination = a_Player.GetPosition(); // So that we will look at a player holding food // Don't move to the player if the wolf is sitting. if (!IsSitting()) { MoveToPosition(a_Player.GetPosition()); } break; } default: { if (IsBegging()) { SetIsBegging(false); m_World->BroadcastEntityMetadata(*this); } } } return true; }); } else { if (IsSitting()) { SetTarget(nullptr); } else { MoveToPosition(GetTarget()->GetPosition()); if (TargetIsInRange()) { Attack(a_Dt); } } } if (IsTame() && !IsSitting()) { TickFollowPlayer(); } else if (IsSitting()) { StopMovingToPosition(); } }
void cWolf::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) { if (!IsAngry()) { cMonster::Tick(a_Dt, a_Chunk); } else { super::Tick(a_Dt, a_Chunk); } cPlayer * a_Closest_Player = m_World->FindClosestPlayer(GetPosition(), static_cast<float>(m_SightDistance)); if (a_Closest_Player != nullptr) { switch (a_Closest_Player->GetEquippedItem().m_ItemType) { case E_ITEM_BONE: case E_ITEM_RAW_BEEF: case E_ITEM_STEAK: case E_ITEM_RAW_CHICKEN: case E_ITEM_COOKED_CHICKEN: case E_ITEM_ROTTEN_FLESH: case E_ITEM_RAW_PORKCHOP: case E_ITEM_COOKED_PORKCHOP: { if (!IsBegging()) { SetIsBegging(true); m_World->BroadcastEntityMetadata(*this); } m_FinalDestination = a_Closest_Player->GetPosition(); // So that we will look at a player holding food // Don't move to the player if the wolf is sitting. if (!IsSitting()) { MoveToPosition(a_Closest_Player->GetPosition()); } break; } default: { if (IsBegging()) { SetIsBegging(false); m_World->BroadcastEntityMetadata(*this); } } } } if (IsTame() && !IsSitting()) { TickFollowPlayer(); } else if (IsSitting()) { StopMovingToPosition(); } }
void cMonster::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) { super::Tick(a_Dt, a_Chunk); GET_AND_VERIFY_CURRENT_CHUNK(Chunk, POSX_TOINT, POSZ_TOINT); if (m_Health <= 0) { // The mob is dead, but we're still animating the "puff" they leave when they die. m_DestroyTimer += a_Dt; if (m_DestroyTimer > std::chrono::seconds(1)) { Destroy(true); } return; } if (m_TicksSinceLastDamaged < 100) { ++m_TicksSinceLastDamaged; } if ((m_Target != nullptr) && m_Target->IsDestroyed()) { m_Target = nullptr; } // Process the undead burning in daylight. HandleDaylightBurning(*Chunk, WouldBurnAt(GetPosition(), *Chunk)); if (TickPathFinding(*Chunk)) { /* If I burn in daylight, and I won't burn where I'm standing, and I'll burn in my next position, and at least one of those is true: 1. I am idle 2. I was not hurt by a player recently. Then STOP. */ if ( m_BurnsInDaylight && ((m_TicksSinceLastDamaged >= 100) || (m_EMState == IDLE)) && WouldBurnAt(m_NextWayPointPosition, *Chunk) && !WouldBurnAt(GetPosition(), *Chunk) ) { // If we burn in daylight, and we would burn at the next step, and we won't burn where we are right now, and we weren't provoked recently: StopMovingToPosition(); m_GiveUpCounter = 40; // This doesn't count as giving up, keep the giveup timer as is. } else { MoveToWayPoint(*Chunk); } } SetPitchAndYawFromDestination(); HandleFalling(); switch (m_EMState) { case IDLE: { // If enemy passive we ignore checks for player visibility. InStateIdle(a_Dt); break; } case CHASING: { // If we do not see a player anymore skip chasing action. InStateChasing(a_Dt); break; } case ESCAPING: { InStateEscaping(a_Dt); break; } case ATTACKING: break; } // switch (m_EMState) BroadcastMovementUpdate(); }
bool cMonster::TickPathFinding(cChunk & a_Chunk) { if (!m_IsFollowingPath) { return false; } if (m_TicksSinceLastPathReset < 1000) { // No need to count beyond 1000. 1000 is arbitary here. ++m_TicksSinceLastPathReset; } if (ReachedFinalDestination()) { StopMovingToPosition(); return false; } if ((m_FinalDestination - m_PathFinderDestination).Length() > 0.25) // if the distance between where we're going and where we should go is too big. { /* If we reached the last path waypoint, Or if we haven't re-calculated for too long. Interval is proportional to distance squared, and its minimum is 10. (Recalculate lots when close, calculate rarely when far) */ if ( ((GetPosition() - m_PathFinderDestination).Length() < 0.25) || ((m_TicksSinceLastPathReset > 10) && (m_TicksSinceLastPathReset > (0.4 * (m_FinalDestination - GetPosition()).SqrLength()))) ) { /* Re-calculating is expensive when there's no path to target, and it results in mobs freezing very often as a result of always recalculating. This is a workaround till we get better path recalculation. */ if (!m_NoPathToTarget) { ResetPathFinding(); } } } if (m_Path == nullptr) { if (!EnsureProperDestination(a_Chunk)) { StopMovingToPosition(); // Invalid chunks, probably world is loading or something, cancel movement. return false; } m_NoPathToTarget = false; m_NoMoreWayPoints = false; m_PathFinderDestination = m_FinalDestination; m_Path = new cPath(a_Chunk, GetPosition(), m_PathFinderDestination, 20, GetWidth(), GetHeight()); } switch (m_Path->Step(a_Chunk)) { case ePathFinderStatus::NEARBY_FOUND: { m_NoPathToTarget = true; m_PathFinderDestination = m_Path->AcceptNearbyPath(); break; } case ePathFinderStatus::PATH_NOT_FOUND: { StopMovingToPosition(); // Try to calculate a path again. // Note that the next time may succeed, e.g. if a player breaks a barrier. break; } case ePathFinderStatus::CALCULATING: { // Pathfinder needs more time break; } case ePathFinderStatus::PATH_FOUND: { if (m_NoMoreWayPoints || (--m_GiveUpCounter == 0)) { if (m_EMState == ATTACKING) { ResetPathFinding(); // Try to calculate a path again. // This results in mobs hanging around an unreachable target (player). } else { StopMovingToPosition(); // Find a different place to go to. } return false; } else if (!m_Path->IsLastPoint()) // Have we arrived at the next cell, as denoted by m_NextWayPointPosition? { if ((m_Path->IsFirstPoint() || ReachedNextWaypoint())) { m_NextWayPointPosition = m_Path->GetNextPoint(); m_GiveUpCounter = 40; // Give up after 40 ticks (2 seconds) if failed to reach m_NextWayPointPosition. } } else { m_NoMoreWayPoints = true; } return true; } } return false; }
void cMonster::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) { super::Tick(a_Dt, a_Chunk); if (!IsTicking()) { // The base class tick destroyed us return; } GET_AND_VERIFY_CURRENT_CHUNK(Chunk, POSX_TOINT, POSZ_TOINT); ASSERT((GetTarget() == nullptr) || (GetTarget()->IsPawn() && (GetTarget()->GetWorld() == GetWorld()))); if (m_AttackCoolDownTicksLeft > 0) { m_AttackCoolDownTicksLeft -= 1; } if (m_Health <= 0) { // The mob is dead, but we're still animating the "puff" they leave when they die m_DestroyTimer += a_Dt; if (m_DestroyTimer > std::chrono::seconds(1)) { Destroy(true); } return; } if (m_TicksSinceLastDamaged < 100) { ++m_TicksSinceLastDamaged; } if ((GetTarget() != nullptr)) { ASSERT(GetTarget()->IsTicking()); if (GetTarget()->IsPlayer()) { if (static_cast<cPlayer *>(GetTarget())->IsGameModeCreative()) { SetTarget(nullptr); m_EMState = IDLE; } } } // Process the undead burning in daylight. HandleDaylightBurning(*Chunk, WouldBurnAt(GetPosition(), *Chunk)); bool a_IsFollowingPath = false; if (m_PathfinderActivated) { if (ReachedFinalDestination()) { StopMovingToPosition(); // Simply sets m_PathfinderActivated to false. } else { // Note that m_NextWayPointPosition is actually returned by GetNextWayPoint) switch (m_PathFinder.GetNextWayPoint(*Chunk, GetPosition(), &m_FinalDestination, &m_NextWayPointPosition, m_EMState == IDLE ? true : false)) { case ePathFinderStatus::PATH_FOUND: { /* If I burn in daylight, and I won't burn where I'm standing, and I'll burn in my next position, and at least one of those is true: 1. I am idle 2. I was not hurt by a player recently. Then STOP. */ if ( m_BurnsInDaylight && ((m_TicksSinceLastDamaged >= 100) || (m_EMState == IDLE)) && WouldBurnAt(m_NextWayPointPosition, *Chunk) && !WouldBurnAt(GetPosition(), *Chunk) ) { // If we burn in daylight, and we would burn at the next step, and we won't burn where we are right now, and we weren't provoked recently: StopMovingToPosition(); } else { a_IsFollowingPath = true; // Used for proper body / head orientation only. MoveToWayPoint(*Chunk); } break; } case ePathFinderStatus::PATH_NOT_FOUND: { StopMovingToPosition(); break; } default: { } } } } SetPitchAndYawFromDestination(a_IsFollowingPath); switch (m_EMState) { case IDLE: { // If enemy passive we ignore checks for player visibility. InStateIdle(a_Dt, a_Chunk); break; } case CHASING: { // If we do not see a player anymore skip chasing action. InStateChasing(a_Dt, a_Chunk); break; } case ESCAPING: { InStateEscaping(a_Dt, a_Chunk); break; } case ATTACKING: break; } // switch (m_EMState) BroadcastMovementUpdate(); if (m_AgingTimer > 0) { m_AgingTimer--; if ((m_AgingTimer <= 0) && IsBaby()) { SetAge(1); m_World->BroadcastEntityMetadata(*this); } } }