コード例 #1
double RunTestImpl ( const char* title, void (*pfn)(), char* histogramFileName = no_histogram ) {
    double  time = 0, variation = 0, deviation = 0;
    size_t nrep = 1;
    while (true) {
        CalibrateTiming(NRUNS, 1, nrep);
        StartTiming(NRUNS, 1, nrep);
        StopTiming(time, variation, deviation);
        time -= util::base;
        if ( time > 1e-6 )
        nrep *= 2;
    nrep *= (size_t)ceil(ONE_TEST_DURATION/time);
    CalibrateTiming(NRUNS, 1, nrep);    // sets util::base
    util::durations_t  t;
    StartTimingEx(t, NRUNS, 1, nrep);
    StopTiming(time, variation, deviation);
    if ( histogramFileName != (char*)-1 )
        util::trace_histogram(t, histogramFileName);
    double clean_time = time - util::base;
    if ( title ) {
        // Deviation (in percent) is calulated for the Gross time
        printf ("\n%-34s %.2e  %5.1f      ", title, clean_time, deviation);
        if ( util::sequential_time != 0  )
            //printf ("% .2e  ", clean_time - util::sequential_time);
            printf ("% 10.1f      ", 100*(clean_time - util::sequential_time)/util::sequential_time);
            printf ("%*s ", util::rate_field_len, "");
        printf ("%-9u %1.6f    |", (unsigned)nrep, time * nrep);
    return clean_time;
コード例 #2
void MHmgphy::SolveSystem( vector<double> &X, int nTr )
	fflush( stdout );
	clock_t	t0 = StartTiming();

#if 0

	HmgphyFromHmgphy( X, nTr );


	vector<double>	Xin;
	AFromTbl( Xin, nTr );
	clock_t			t2 = StartTiming();

	OnePassTH( _OnePass_HFromA, X, Xin, nTr*8, 16, 0.9 );
	printf( "Just HfromA\n" );
	PrintMagnitude( X );
	fflush( stdout );

	for( gpass = 0; gpass < 2000; ++gpass ) {	// 1000 - 2000 good
		Xin = X;
		OnePassTH( _OnePass_HFromH, X, Xin, nTr*8, 16, 0.9 );
		printf( "Done pass %d\n", gpass + 1 ); fflush( stdout );

	PrintMagnitude( X );
	StopTiming( stdout, "Iters", t2 );
	fflush( stdout );


	StopTiming( stdout, "SolveH", t0 );
コード例 #3
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
	clock_t		t0 = StartTiming();

/* ------------------ */
/* Parse command line */
/* ------------------ */

	gArgs.SetCmdLine( argc, argv );

	TS.SetLogFile( flog );

	if( !ReadScriptParams( scr, gArgs.script, flog ) )
		goto exit;

	inv_scl = 1.0 / scr.crossscale;

/* ---------------- */
/* Read source data */
/* ---------------- */

	if( gArgs.zb >= 0 && gArgs.za < 0 )
		gArgs.za = gArgs.zb;

	TS.FillFromRgns( gArgs.srcmons, gArgs.idb, gArgs.zb, gArgs.za );

	fprintf( flog, "Got %d images.\n", (int)TS.vtil.size() );

	if( !TS.vtil.size() )
		goto exit;

	TS.GetTileDims( gW, gH );

	t0 = StopTiming( flog, "ReadFile", t0 );

/* ------------- */
/* Sort by layer */
/* ------------- */


/* ----- */
/* Stuff */
/* ----- */


/* ---- */
/* Done */
/* ---- */

	fprintf( flog, "\n" );
	VMStats( flog );
	fclose( flog );

	return 0;
コード例 #4
void CDecPerformanceForm::StartTiming()
    if (perf_operation) return ;

    // just to be sure

    // update number of passes from edit control
    CString strPhaseCount;
    phase_count = StrToInt(strPhaseCount);
    phase_count = max(phase_count, 1);
    phase_count = min(phase_count, PASSES_MAX);

    // update the file list
    CString			source_file;
    for (int i=0; i<file_list.GetCount(); i++) {


    // update view

    // reset the clock
    // if this was done before the filters were refreshed, the graph was not reset for some reason :-/
    // NB this may not be necessary after recent bug fixes to clock management
    view->graph.SetClock(0 != IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CHECK_USE_CLOCK), NULL);

    // update the display again

    // Find first time measure filter in graph and store a reference to it
    for (int i=0; i<view->graph.filters.GetCount() && !time_filter; i++) {
        if (view->graph.filters[i]->filter)
            view->graph.filters[i]->filter->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ITimeMeasureFilter), (void**)&time_filter);

    // run the graph
    phase_cur			= 0;
    timings_min = Timings();
    timings_max = Timings();
    timings_avg = Timings();
    running				= true;

コード例 #5
	  static void PrintResults(std::ostream & out = std::cout) {  
	       // Print out the timing and operation count results for the
	       // program in a standard format.
	       if (_stopTime == 0) {
	       out << "Sys\tName\tRunTime\tOperations\tThreads\topsPerSec\tBandwidth\n";
	       out <<     _system 
		   << "\t" << _name 
		   << "\t" << _stopTime - _startTime 
		   << "\t" << _operationsCompleted 
		   << "\t" << _threadCount 
		   << "\t" << (static_cast<float>(_operationsCompleted)/(_stopTime - _startTime))
		   << "\t" << (static_cast<float>(GetFootPrintMB())/(_stopTime - _startTime))
		   << "\n";
コード例 #6
void CDecPerformanceForm::OnBuildGraphClick()
    time_filter = NULL;
    view->OnNewClick();		// clear any existing graph

    // just to be sure

    HRESULT hr = BuildPerformanceGraph(view->graph.gb);		// errors displayed in here with context

コード例 #7
void CDecPerformanceForm::OnPhaseComplete()
    if (!running)
        return ;

    Timings timings;		// Get current results of current phase
    if (time_filter) {
        time_filter->GetStats(&timings.runtime_ns, &timings.frames, &timings.realtime_ns);
    } else {
        timings.runtime_ns = view->last_stop_time_ns - view->last_start_time_ns;	// no time measure filter but we can measure the total streaming time
    if (timings.runtime_ns <= 0)
        timings.runtime_ns = 1;							// avoid division by zero.

    timings_avg.runtime_ns	+= timings.runtime_ns;		// update average timings
    timings_avg.frames		+= timings.frames;
    timings_avg.realtime_ns += timings.realtime_ns;

    if (0 == phase_cur) {								// update min/max timings
        timings_min = timings;
        timings_max = timings;
    } else {
        if (timings.runtime_ns < timings_min.runtime_ns)
            timings_min = timings;
        if (timings.runtime_ns > timings_max.runtime_ns)
            timings_max = timings;

    CString		phase_idx_str;							// display timings for the current phase
    phase_idx_str.Format(_T("%d"), phase_cur+1);
    InsertListItem(timings, phase_cur, phase_idx_str);

    phase_cur ++;
    if (phase_cur >= phase_count) {						// if we're done
    } else {
        view->OnStopClick();							// start the next run
コード例 #8
void CDecPerformanceForm::OnStopClick()
コード例 #9
int main( int argc, char **argv )
	clock_t	t0 = StartTiming();

/* ---------- */
/* Parameters */
/* ---------- */

	MPIInit( argc, argv );

	if( !gArgs.SetCmdLine( argc, argv ) ||
		!gArgs.GetRanges() ) {

		exit( 42 );

/* ------------ */
/* Initial data */
/* ------------ */

	if( !LayerCat( vL, gArgs.tempdir, gArgs.cachedir,
			gArgs.zolo, gArgs.zohi, false ) ) {

		exit( 42 );

	InitTables( gArgs.zilo, gArgs.zihi );

		CLoadPoints	*LP = new CLoadPoints;
		LP->Load( gArgs.tempdir, gArgs.cachedir );
		delete LP;

/* ----- */
/* Solve */
/* ----- */

	printf( "\n---- Solve ----\n" );

	SetSolveParams( gArgs.regtype, gArgs.Wr, gArgs.Etol );

	XArray	Xevn, Xodd;

	if( !strcmp( gArgs.mode, "A2A" ) ) {

		Xevn.Load( gArgs.prior );

		if( gArgs.untwist )
			UntwistAffines( Xevn );

		Xodd.Resize( 6 );
		Solve( Xevn, Xodd, gArgs.iters );
	else if( !strcmp( gArgs.mode, "A2H" ) ) {

		Xevn.Resize( 8 );

		{	// limit A lifetime
			XArray	*A = new XArray;
			A->Load( gArgs.prior );

			if( gArgs.untwist )
				UntwistAffines( *A );

			Solve( *A, Xevn, 1 );
			delete A;

		Xodd.Resize( 8 );
		Solve( Xevn, Xodd, gArgs.iters );
	else if( !strcmp( gArgs.mode, "H2H" ) ) {

		Xevn.Load( gArgs.prior );
		Xodd.Resize( 8 );
		Solve( Xevn, Xodd, gArgs.iters );
	else if( !strcmp( gArgs.mode, "eval" ) ) {

		Xevn.Load( gArgs.prior );

		if( gArgs.untwist )
			UntwistAffines( Xevn );

		gArgs.iters = 0;
	else {	// split

		Xevn.Load( gArgs.prior );
		gArgs.iters = 0;

	const XArray& Xfinal = ((gArgs.iters & 1) ? Xodd : Xevn);

/* ----------- */
/* Postprocess */
/* ----------- */

	if( gArgs.mode[0] == 's' ) {

		Split	S( Xfinal, gArgs.splitmin );

	else {

		Evaluate( Xfinal );

		if( gArgs.mode[0] != 'e' )

/* ------- */
/* Cleanup */
/* ------- */

	if( !wkid ) {
		printf( "\n" );
		StopTiming( stdout, "Lsq", t0 );

	VMStats( stdout );

	return 0;
コード例 #10
// The strip alignment from S.DenovoBestAngle (followed by SetXY)
// produces a transform A->B = best.T for the scaled down scapes.
// Here's how to convert that to a transform between the original
// montages:
// Recapitulate total process...
//	TAffine	Rbi, Ra, t;
// Scale back up
//	best.T.MulXY( scr.crossscale );
//	A.x0 *= scr.crossscale;
//	A.y0 *= scr.crossscale;
//	B.x0 *= scr.crossscale;
//	B.y0 *= scr.crossscale;
// A-montage -> A-oriented
//	Ra.NUSetRot( A.deg*PI/180 );
// A-oriented -> A-scape
//	Ra.AddXY( -A.x0, -A.y0 );
// A-scape -> B-scape
//	t = best.T * Ra;
// B-scape -> B-oriented
//	t.AddXY( B.x0, B.y0 );
// B-oriented -> B-montage
//	Rbi.NUSetRot( -B.deg*PI/180 );
//	best.T = Rbi * t;
static void ScapeStuff()
	clock_t		t0 = StartTiming();
	CSuperscape	A, B;
	ThmRec		thm;
	CThmScan	S;
	CorRec		best;

	B.FindLayerIndices( gArgs.zb );

	if( gArgs.ismb ) {

		char	buf[256];

		sprintf( buf, "montages/M_%d_0.png", gArgs.zb );
		B.DrawRas( buf );
		B.WriteMeta( 'M', gArgs.zb );
		t0 = StopTiming( flog, "MakeMontage", t0 );

	if( !gArgs.isab )

	A.FindLayerIndices( gArgs.za );

	MakeStripRasters( A, B );
	t0 = StopTiming( flog, "MakeStrips", t0 );

	A.MakePoints( thm.av, thm.ap );
	A.WriteMeta( 'A', gArgs.za );

	B.MakePoints( thm.bv, thm.bp );
	B.WriteMeta( 'B', gArgs.zb );

	thm.reqArea	= int(gW * gH * inv_scl * inv_scl);
	thm.olap1D	= int(gW * inv_scl * 0.5);
	thm.scl		= 1;

	S.Initialize( flog, best );
	S.SetRThresh( scr.stripmincorr );
	S.SetNbMaxHt( 0.99 );
	S.SetSweepConstXY( false );
	S.SetSweepPretweak( true );
	S.SetSweepNThreads( scr.stripslots );
	S.SetUseCorrR( true );
	S.SetNewAngProc( NewAngProc );

	gA = &A;
	gB = &B;
	gS = &S;

	if( gArgs.abdbg ) {

		//S.RFromAngle( best, gArgs.abctr, thm );
		//S.Pretweaks( best.R, gArgs.abctr, thm );
		dbgCor = true;
		S.RFromAngle( best, gArgs.abctr, thm );
	else {

		if( scr.stripsweepspan && scr.stripsweepstep ) {

			S.DenovoBestAngle( best,
				0, scr.stripsweepspan / 2, scr.stripsweepstep,
				thm, true );
		else {
			best.A = 0;
			S.PeakHunt( best, 0, thm );

		best.T.Apply_R_Part( A.Opts );

		best.X += B.Opts.x - A.Opts.x;
		best.Y += B.Opts.y - A.Opts.y;

		best.T.SetXY( best.X, best.Y );

		fprintf( flog, "*T: [0,1,2,3,4,5] (strip-strip)\n" );
		fprintf( flog, "[%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f]\n",
		best.T.t[0], best.T.t[1], best.T.t[2],
		best.T.t[3], best.T.t[4], best.T.t[5] );

	t0 = StopTiming( flog, "Corr", t0 );
コード例 #11
bool PixPair::Load(
	const char	*apath,
	const char	*bpath,
	int			order,
	int			bDoG,
	int			r1,
	int			r2,
	FILE*		flog )
	printf( "\n---- Image loading ----\n" );

	clock_t		t0 = StartTiming();

/* ----------------------------- */
/* Load and sanity check rasters */
/* ----------------------------- */

	uint8	*aras, *bras;
	uint32	wa, ha, wb, hb;
	int		ok = false;

	aras = Raster8FromAny( apath, wa, ha, flog );
	bras = Raster8FromAny( bpath, wb, hb, flog );

	if( !aras || !bras ) {
		fprintf( flog,
		"PixPair: Picture load failure.\n" );
		goto exit;

	if( wa != wb || ha != hb ) {
		fprintf( flog,
		"PixPair: Nonmatching picture dimensions.\n" );
		goto exit;

	ok		= true;
	wf		= wa;
	hf		= ha;
	ws		= wa;
	hs		= ha;
	scl		= 1;

/* -------------- */
/* Resin removal? */
/* -------------- */

	//if( dbgCor ) {
	//	ZeroResin( "bloba.tif", aras );
	//	ZeroResin( "blobb.tif", bras );
	//else {
	//	ZeroResin( NULL, aras );
	//	ZeroResin( NULL, bras );

	//StopTiming( flog, "Resin removal", t0 );

/* ------- */
/* Flatten */
/* ------- */

	LegPolyFlatten( _avf, aras, wf, hf, order );
	RasterFree( aras );

	LegPolyFlatten( _bvf, bras, wf, hf, order );
	RasterFree( bras );

	avs_vfy	= avs_aln = avf_vfy	= avf_aln = &_avf;
	bvs_vfy	= bvs_aln = bvf_vfy	= bvf_aln = &_bvf;

/* ------------- */
/* Apply filters */
/* ------------- */

//	vector<CD>	kfft;
//	double		K[] = {
//				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
//				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
//				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
//				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
//				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
//				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
//				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
//				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
//				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
//				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
//				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
//		Convolve( _avf, _avf, wf, hf, K, 11, 11, true, true, kfft );
//		Normalize( _avf );
//		Convolve( _bvf, _bvf, wf, hf, K, 11, 11, true, true, kfft );
//		Normalize( _bvf );

#if 0
	vector<CD>	kfft;
	double		K[] = {
				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
		Convolve( _avfflt, _avf, wf, hf, K, 11, 11, true, true, kfft );
		Normalize( _avfflt );
		Convolve( _bvfflt, _bvf, wf, hf, K, 11, 11, true, true, kfft );
		Normalize( _bvfflt );

		avs_aln = avf_aln = &_avfflt;
		bvs_aln = bvf_aln = &_bvfflt;

		bDoG = true;

	if( bDoG ) {

		vector<double>	DoG;
		vector<CD>		kfft;
		int				dim = MakeDoGKernel( DoG, r1, r2, flog );

		Convolve( _avfflt, _avf, wf, hf,
			&DoG[0], dim, dim, true, true, kfft );
		Normalize( _avfflt );

		Convolve( _bvfflt, _bvf, wf, hf,
			&DoG[0], dim, dim, true, true, kfft );
		Normalize( _bvfflt );

		avs_aln = avf_aln = &_avfflt;
		bvs_aln = bvf_aln = &_bvfflt;

/* --------------------- */
/* Downsample all images */
/* --------------------- */

	if( ws > 2048 || hs >= 2048 ) {

		do {
			ws		/= 2;
			hs		/= 2;
			scl		*= 2;
		} while( ws > 2048 || hs > 2048 );

		fprintf( flog, "PixPair: Scaling by %d\n", scl );

		if( ws * scl != wf || hs * scl != hf ) {

			fprintf( flog,
			"PixPair: Dimensions not multiple of scale!\n" );
			goto exit;

		Downsample( _avs, _avf );
		Downsample( _bvs, _bvf );

		avs_vfy = avs_aln = &_avs;
		bvs_vfy = bvs_aln = &_bvs;

		if( bDoG ) {

			if( _avfflt.size() ) {
				Downsample( _avsflt, _avfflt );
				avs_aln = &_avsflt;

			if( _bvfflt.size() ) {
				Downsample( _bvsflt, _bvfflt );
				bvs_aln = &_bvsflt;
		fprintf( flog, "PixPair: Using image scale=1.\n" );

/* ------------------------------ */
/* Write DoG images for debugging */
/* ------------------------------ */

#if 0
	if( bDoG ) {
		VectorDblToTif8( "DoGa.tif", avs_aln, ws, hs );
		VectorDblToTif8( "DoGb.tif", bvs_aln, ws, hs );

/* -------- */
/* Clean up */
/* -------- */

	if( aras )
		RasterFree( aras );

	if( bras )
		RasterFree( bras );

	StopTiming( flog, "Image conditioning", t0 );

	return ok;