bool CCLexicalAnalyzer::Create(const char *pStr) { //strcpy(m_szOriginal, pStr); char seps[] = " ,\t'"; // ','는 임시로 빼 놓는다. ''로 스트링을 구분하기 위해 char szToken[256]; if(StrTok(szToken, pStr, seps)==false) return true; while(1){ if(szToken[0]==' '){ } else if(szToken[0]==','){ } else if(szToken[0]=='\t'){ } else if(szToken[0]=='\''){ if(StrTok(szToken, NULL, "'")==false) return true; char *pAddToken = new char[strlen(szToken)+1]; strcpy(pAddToken, szToken); m_Tokens.Add(pAddToken); if(StrTok(szToken, NULL, "'")==false) return true; } else{ char *pAddToken = new char[strlen(szToken)+1]; strcpy(pAddToken, szToken); m_Tokens.Add(pAddToken); } if(StrTok(szToken, NULL, seps)==false) return true; } /* char *pToken = strtok(pStr, seps); char szTemp[256]; while(pToken!=NULL){ if(pToken[0]=='\''){ strcpy(szTemp, pToken); pToken = strtok(NULL, "'"); strcpy(szTemp+strlen(szTemp), pToken); szTemp[strlen(szTemp)+1] = 0; szTemp[strlen(szTemp)] = '\''; pToken = szTemp; } char *pAddToken = new char[strlen(pToken)+1]; strcpy(pAddToken, pToken); m_Tokens.Add(pAddToken); pToken = strtok(NULL, seps); } */ return true; }
static int ASE_ReadMeshFaceList (CFILE *cfP, tASEModel *pm) { tASESubModel *psm = &pm->pSubModels->sm; tASEFace *pf; int i; if (CharTok (" \t") != '{') return ASE_Error ("syntax error"); while ((pszToken = ASE_ReadLine (cfP))) { if (*pszToken == '}') return 1; if (!strcmp (pszToken, "*MESH_FACE")) { if (!psm->pFaces) return ASE_Error ("no faces found"); i = IntTok (" \t"); if ((i < 0) || (i >= psm->nFaces)) return ASE_Error ("invalid face number"); pf = psm->pFaces + i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { strtok (NULL, " :\t"); pf->nVerts [i] = IntTok (" :\t"); } do { pszToken = StrTok (" :\t"); if (!*pszToken) return ASE_Error ("unexpected end of file"); } while (strcmp (pszToken, "*MESH_MTLID")); pf->nBitmap = IntTok (" "); } } return ASE_Error ("unexpected end of file"); }
static int ASE_ReadTexture (CFILE *cfP, tASEModel *pm, int nBitmap, int nType, int bCustom) { grsBitmap *bmP = pm->textures.pBitmaps + nBitmap; char fn [FILENAME_LEN], *ps; int l; if (CharTok (" \t") != '{') return ASE_Error ("syntax error"); bmP->bmFlat = 0; while ((pszToken = ASE_ReadLine (cfP))) { if (*pszToken == '}') return 1; if (!strcmp (pszToken, "*BITMAP")) { if (bmP->bmTexBuf) //duplicate return ASE_Error ("duplicate item"); *fn = '\001'; CFSplitPath (StrTok ("\""), NULL, fn + 1, NULL); if (!ReadModelTGA (strlwr (fn), bmP, nType, bCustom)) return ASE_Error ("texture not found"); l = (int) strlen (fn) + 1; if (!(pm->textures.pszNames [nBitmap] = (char *) D2_ALLOC (l))) return ASE_Error ("out of memory"); memcpy (pm->textures.pszNames [nBitmap], fn, l); if ((ps = strstr (fn, "color"))) pm->textures.nTeam [nBitmap] = atoi (ps + 5) + 1; else pm->textures.nTeam [nBitmap] = 0; bmP->bmTeam = pm->textures.nTeam [nBitmap]; } } return ASE_Error ("unexpected end of file"); }
/*! * \brief Returns a range of integers from a string. * * \return Always returns 1. */ static int GetNextRange( /*! string containing the token / range. */ char **SrcRangeStr, /*! gets the first byte of the token. */ off_t *FirstByte, /*! gets the last byte of the token. */ off_t *LastByte) { char *Ptr; char *Tok; int i; int64_t F = -1; int64_t L = -1; int Is_Suffix_byte_Range = 1; if (*SrcRangeStr == NULL) return -1; Tok = StrTok(SrcRangeStr, ","); if ((Ptr = strstr(Tok, "-")) == NULL) return -1; *Ptr = ' '; sscanf(Tok, "%" SCNd64 "%" SCNd64, &F, &L); if (F == -1 || L == -1) { *Ptr = '-'; for (i = 0; i < (int)strlen(Tok); i++) { if (Tok[i] == '-') { break; } else if (isdigit(Tok[i])) { Is_Suffix_byte_Range = 0; break; } } if (Is_Suffix_byte_Range) { *FirstByte = (off_t) L; *LastByte = (off_t) F; return 1; } } *FirstByte = (off_t) F; *LastByte = (off_t) L; return 1; }
/*!\brief Verbindung aufbauen * */ void UDPSocket::connect(const String &host_and_port) { if (host_and_port.isEmpty()) throw IllegalArgumentException("UDPSocket::connect(const String &host_and_port)"); Array hostname = StrTok(host_and_port, ":"); if (hostname.size() != 2) throw IllegalArgumentException("UDPSocket::connect(const String &host_and_port)"); String portname = hostname.get(1); int port = portname.toInt(); if (port <= 0 && portname.size() > 0) { // Vielleicht wurde ein Service-Namen angegeben? struct servent *s = getservbyname((const char*) portname, "tcp"); if (s) { unsigned short int p = s->s_port; port = (int) ntohs(p); } else { throw IllegalPortException("UDPSocket::connect(const String &host_and_port=%s)", (const char*) host_and_port); } } if (port <= 0) throw IllegalPortException("UDPSocket::connect(const String &host_and_port=%s)", (const char*) host_and_port); return connect(hostname.get(0), port); }
void WikiParser::parseDoxygen(String &Line) { String Tmp; Array matches; Line.pregReplace("/\\\\p\\s([a-z_A-Z_0-9]+)/","<b style=\"color: #005000;\">$1</b>"); Line.pregReplace("/\\\\b\\s([^\\s]+)/","<b>$1</b>"); Line.pregReplace("/^\\\\brief\\s(.*)$/","$1<br>"); if (Line.pregMatch("/^\\\\desc(.*)$/i", matches)) { doxygenChapter(Line,"Beschreibung:",matches); } if (Line.pregMatch("/^\\\\return(.*)$/i",matches)) { doxygenChapter(Line,"Rückgabe:",matches); } if (Line.pregMatch("/^\\\\example(.*)$/i",matches)) { doxygenChapter(Line,"Beispiel:",matches); } if (Line.pregMatch("/^\\\\history(.*)$/i",matches)) { doxygenChapter(Line,"Historie:",matches); } if (Line.pregMatch("/^\\\\sourcecode(.*)$/i",matches)) { doxygenChapter(Line,"Quellcode:",matches); } if (Line.pregMatch("/^\\\\note(.*)$/i",matches)) { doxygenChapter(Line,"Hinweis:",matches); } if (Line.pregMatch("/^\\\\attention(.*)$/i",matches)) { doxygenChapter(Line,"Achtung:",matches); } if (Line.pregMatch("/^\\\\par$/i")) { Line=""; for (int i=indentlevel;i>0;i--) Line+="</div>"; indentlevel=0; Line+="<div style=\"margin-left: 30px;\">"; indentlevel++; } if (Line.pregMatch("/^\\\\syntax\\s+(.*)$/i",matches)) { Line=""; for (int i=indentlevel;i>0;i--) Line+="</div>"; indentlevel=0; Line+="<b>Syntax:</b><div style=\"margin-left: 30px;\">"; String s=matches[1]; if (s.pregMatch("/^(.+)\\s+(.+)\\s*\\((.*)\\)$/",matches)) { Line.appendf("<span style=\"color: #400000;\">%s</span> <b>%s</b>(", matches.getPtr(1), matches.getPtr(2)); Array Tok; StrTok(Tok,matches[3],","); // TODO String tt; int c=0; for (size_t j=0;j<Tok.size();j++) { tt=Tok[j]; if (tt.pregMatch("/^(.*)\\s+(.*)$/",matches)) { if (c) Line+=", "; Line.appendf("<span style=\"color: #400000;\">%s</span> <b style=\"color: #005000;\">%s</b>", (const char*)matches[1], (const char*)matches[2]); c++; } } } Line+=")</div>"; } if (Line.pregMatch("/^\\\\param\\s*\\[(.+)\\]\\s{0}(.+?)\\s+(.*)$/i",matches)) { Line=""; if (!doxyparamsStarted) { for (int i=indentlevel;i>0;i--) Line+="</div>"; indentlevel=0; doxyparamsStarted=true; Line+="<b>Parameter:</b><div style=\"margin-left: 30px;\">\n"; indentlevel++; } Line+="<ul><li>["; Line+=matches[1]; Line+="] <b style=\"color: #005000;\">"; Line+=matches[2]; Line+="</b> "; Line+=matches[3]; Line+="</li></ul>"; nobr=true; } if (Line.pregMatch("/^\\\\param\\s+(.+?)\\s+(.*)$/i",matches)) { Line=""; if (!doxyparamsStarted) { for (int i=indentlevel;i>0;i--) Line+="</div>"; indentlevel=0; doxyparamsStarted=true; Line+="<b>Parameter:</b><div style=\"margin-left: 30px;\">\n"; indentlevel++; } Line+="<ul><li><b style=\"color: #005000;\">"; Line+=matches[1]; Line+="</b> "; Line+=matches[2]; Line+="</li></ul>"; } }
Bool LoadActions(char *file) { FILE *fp; int type, i; char line[MAX_LINE_LEN],*token; Action action,*new_action=NULL; DEBUG(D_LOAD) printf("LoadActions: %s\n",file); fp=fopen(file, "r"); if (NULL==fp) { printf("Cannot open file: %s.\n",file); return FALSE; } while (fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LEN,fp)) { if (line[0]=='#') continue; if (strlen(line)<=1) continue; DEBUG(D_LOAD) printf("DEBUG: Read line: %s\n",line); {register int slen; slen=strlen(line); line[slen-1]=0; /* take out \n from fgets */ line[slen]=0; /* add extra \0 for last param check */ } Zero(&action, sizeof(action)); /* Event Type */ token=StrTok(line, WHITE_SPACE); if (NULL==token) continue; type=StrToType(token); /* Flags */ NextToken; action.flags=StrToFlags(token); /* delay */ NextToken; action.delay.tv_sec=atoi(token); NextToken; action.delay.tv_usec=atoi(token); while (action.delay.tv_usec>1000000) { action.delay.tv_usec-=1000000; action.delay.tv_sec++; } DEBUG(D_LOAD) printf("DEBUG: delay is sec %d usec %d\n",action.delay.tv_sec,action.delay.tv_usec); /* Condition & test functions */ NextToken; action.tests=atoi(token); new_action=NULL; for (i=0; i<action.tests; i++) { NextToken; if (!strcmp("DEFAULT",token)) { new_action=&set[type].default_action; } else { if (token[0]=='-' && token[1]==0) action.match[i]=NULL; else { if (token[0]=='!') { action.not[i]=TRUE; token++; } else action.not[i]=FALSE; action.match[i]=StrToCall(token,CALL_TEST); } } NextToken; action.cond[i]=StrToCondition(token); } DEBUG(D_LOAD) printf("Read %d tests\n",i); /* Call */ NextToken;,CALL_ACTION); /* call's parameters (in string action.string) */ token=&token[strlen(token)+1]; if (strlen(token)>0) { action.string=(char *)malloc(strlen(token)+1); strcpy(action.string, token); DEBUG(D_LOAD) printf("Call Function Parameter: %s\n", token); } else action.string=NULL; /* add to list */ set[type].is_set=TRUE; if (NULL==new_action) { new_action=(Action *)malloc(sizeof(Action)); bcopy(&action, new_action, sizeof(Action)); ListAddAfter(&set[type].tlist, ListLastElem(&set[type].tlist), new_action); } else bcopy(&action, new_action, sizeof(Action)); } return TRUE; }
/******************************************************************** * * print_label_to_buffer_all_ex(buf, label, pos, strand, extra_space) * * print a label (with label_name=label, position=pos, * orientation = strand, extra_space = extra_space for partial start) * into the current buffer * return the offset of the buffer pointer to the current buffer * Has an option to strip/not-strip semicolons for hardline old blast * users. * *********************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN Int4 print_label_to_buffer_all_ex(CharPtr buf, CharPtr label, Int4 pos, Uint1 strand, Boolean extra_space, Boolean is_html, Int4 label_space, Int4 num_space, Boolean show_strand, Boolean strip_semicolon) { Int4 len; Char symbol; Char temp[100]; Int4 i = 0; CharPtr str; Int4 max_b_space; /* * print the label to the buffer */ max_b_space = label_space + 1; len = 0; if(label) { if (strip_semicolon) { str= StrTok(label, ":"); if(str == NULL) str = label; else { str = StrTok(NULL, ":"); if(str == NULL) str = label; } } else { str = label; } len = MIN(max_b_space-1, (Int4)StringLen(str)); StringNCpy(buf, str, len); i = len; if(is_html) { sprintf(buf+i, "</a>"); i += 4; } buf[i++] = ' '; ++len; } /*add the leftover empty space */ for(; len<max_b_space; ++len) buf[i++] = ' '; if(show_strand) { symbol = ' '; if(strand == Seq_strand_plus) symbol = '>'; if(strand == Seq_strand_minus) symbol = '<'; buf[i++] = ' '; buf[i++] = symbol; buf[i++] = ' '; } len = 0; if(pos != -1) { sprintf(buf+i, "%ld", (long) pos); sprintf(temp, "%ld", (long) pos); len = StringLen(temp); i += len; } if(extra_space) /*for partial codon*/ ++len; max_b_space = num_space + 1; for(; len <max_b_space; ++len) buf[i++] = ' '; return i; }
void InitSearch(typePos *Position, char *str) { char *p; sint64 wtime = Infinity, btime = Infinity, winc = 0, binc = 0, Time, OppTime, mtg = 0; int sm = 0; Depth = 255; AbsoluteTime = DesiredTime = Infinity; Stop = false; DoInfinite = false; DoPonder = false; NewPonderhit = false; DoSearchMoves = false; LastMessage = 0; p = strtok(str, " "); for (StrTok(p); p != NULL; StrTok(p)) { if (!strcmp(p, "depth")) { StrTok(p); Depth = MAX(1, atoi(p)); } else if (!strcmp(p, "movetime")) { StrTok(p); AbsoluteTime = MAX(1, atoll(p)) * 1000; } else if (!strcmp(p, "wtime")) { StrTok(p); wtime = atoll(p) * 1000; } else if (!strcmp(p, "winc")) { StrTok(p); winc = atoll(p) * 1000; } else if (!strcmp(p, "btime")) { StrTok(p); btime = atoll(p) * 1000; } else if (!strcmp(p, "binc")) { StrTok(p); binc = atoll(p) * 1000; } else if (!strcmp(p, "movestogo")) { StrTok(p); mtg = atoi(p); } else if (!strcmp(p, "infinite")) DoInfinite = true; else if (!strcmp(p, "ponder")) DoPonder = true; else if (!strcmp(p, "searchmoves")) DoSearchMoves = true; else if (DoSearchMoves) SearchMoves[sm++] = NumericMove(Position, p); else ErrorEnd("go string: %s", p); } BattleTime = Infinity; NormalTime = Infinity; EasyTime = Infinity; Time = Position->wtm ? wtime : btime; OppTime = Position->wtm ? btime : wtime; if (Time < 0) Time = 0; if (Time == Infinity) goto End; Increment = Position->wtm ? winc : binc; TimeManager(Time, OppTime, Increment, mtg); End: if (Time == Infinity) Analysing = true; else Analysing = false; if (DoSearchMoves) SearchMoves[sm] = MoveNone; }
static int ASE_ReadSubModel (CFILE *cfP, tASEModel *pm) { tASESubModelList *pml; tASESubModel *psm; if (CharTok (" \t") != '{') return ASE_Error ("syntax error"); if (!(pml = (tASESubModelList *) D2_ALLOC (sizeof (tASESubModelList)))) return ASE_Error ("out of memory"); memset (pml, 0, sizeof (*pml)); pml->pNextModel = pm->pSubModels; pm->pSubModels = pml; psm = &pm->pSubModels->sm; psm->nId = pm->nSubModels++; psm->nBomb = -1; psm->nMissile = -1; psm->nGun = -1; psm->nGunPoint = -1; psm->nBullets = -1; psm->bRender = 1; psm->nType = 0; psm->bBarrel = 0; while ((pszToken = ASE_ReadLine (cfP))) { if (*pszToken == '}') return 1; if (!strcmp (pszToken, "*NODE_NAME")) { strcpy (psm->szName, StrTok (" \t\"")); if (strstr (psm->szName, "$GUNPNT")) psm->nGunPoint = atoi (psm->szName + 8); if (strstr (psm->szName, "$BULLETS")) psm->nBullets = 1; else if (strstr (psm->szName, "GLOW") != NULL) psm->bGlow = 1; else if (strstr (psm->szName, "$DUMMY") != NULL) psm->bRender = 0; else if (strstr (psm->szName, "$THRUSTER") != NULL) psm->bThruster = 1; else if (strstr (psm->szName, "$WINGTIP") != NULL) { psm->bWeapon = 1; psm->nGun = 0; psm->nBomb = psm->nMissile = -1; psm->nType = atoi (psm->szName + 8) + 1; } else if (strstr (psm->szName, "$GUN") != NULL) { psm->bWeapon = 1; psm->nGun = atoi (psm->szName + 4) + 1; psm->nWeaponPos = atoi (psm->szName + 6) + 1; psm->nBomb = psm->nMissile = -1; } else if (strstr (psm->szName, "$BARREL") != NULL) { psm->bWeapon = 1; psm->nGun = atoi (psm->szName + 7) + 1; psm->nWeaponPos = atoi (psm->szName + 9) + 1; psm->nBomb = psm->nMissile = -1; psm->bBarrel = 1; } else if (strstr (psm->szName, "$MISSILE") != NULL) { psm->bWeapon = 1; psm->nMissile = atoi (psm->szName + 8) + 1; psm->nWeaponPos = atoi (psm->szName + 10) + 1; psm->nGun = psm->nBomb = -1; } else if (strstr (psm->szName, "$BOMB") != NULL) { psm->bWeapon = 1; psm->nBomb = atoi (psm->szName + 6) + 1; psm->nGun = psm->nMissile = -1; } } else if (!strcmp (pszToken, "*NODE_PARENT")) { strcpy (psm->szParent, StrTok (" \t\"")); } if (!strcmp (pszToken, "*NODE_TM")) { if (!ASE_ReadNode (cfP, pm)) return ASE_Error (NULL); } else if (!strcmp (pszToken, "*MESH")) { if (!ASE_ReadMesh (cfP, pm)) return ASE_Error (NULL); } else if (!strcmp (pszToken, "*MATERIAL_REF")) { psm->nBitmap = IntTok (" \t"); } } return ASE_Error ("unexpected end of file"); }