コード例 #1
ファイル: gdlwidget.hpp プロジェクト: vedraiyani/GDL
 void SetFuncValue( const DString& funcvalue){funcValue = StrUpCase(funcvalue);}
コード例 #2
  BaseGDL* rk4_fun(EnvT* e)
    SizeT nParam = e->NParam();

    if( nParam != 5)    
      e->Throw(" Invalid Number of arguments in RK4 ");
    //-----------------------------  ACQUISITION DES PARAMETRES  ------------------//

    //"Y" input array a vector of values for Y at X value
    //DDoubleGDL* Yvals = new DDoubleGDL(e->GetParAs<DDoubleGDL>(0)->N_Elements(),BaseGDL::NOZERO);
    DDoubleGDL* Yvals = e->GetParAs<DDoubleGDL>(0);
    if(e->GetParDefined(0)->Type() == GDL_COMPLEX || e->GetParDefined(0)->Type() == GDL_COMPLEXDBL)
      cout<<" If RK4 is complex then only the real part is used for the computation "<< endl;

    //"dydx" input value or array 
    //DDoubleGDL* dydxvals = new DDoubleGDL(e->GetParAs<DDoubleGDL>(1)->N_Elements(),BaseGDL::NOZERO);
    DDoubleGDL* dydxvals = e->GetParAs<DDoubleGDL>(1);
    if(e->GetParDefined(1)->Type() == GDL_COMPLEX || e->GetParDefined(1)->Type() == GDL_COMPLEXDBL)
      cout<<" If RK4 is complex then only the real part is used for the computation "<< endl;

    if(dydxvals->N_Elements()!=Yvals->N_Elements())e->Throw(" Y and DYDX dimensions have to match "); 

    // "X" input value  
    DDoubleGDL* X = e->GetParAs<DDoubleGDL>(2);
    if(e->GetParDefined(2)->Type() == GDL_COMPLEX || e->GetParDefined(2)->Type() == GDL_COMPLEXDBL)
      cout<<" If RK4 is complex then only the real part is used for the computation "<< endl;

    // "H" input value  
    DDoubleGDL* H = e->GetParAs<DDoubleGDL>(3);
    if(e->GetParDefined(3)->Type() == GDL_COMPLEX || e->GetParDefined(3)->Type() == GDL_COMPLEXDBL)
      cout<<" If RK4 is complex then only the real part is used for the computation "<< endl;

    // Differentiate User's Function string name 
    DStringGDL* init = e->GetParAs<DStringGDL>(4);
    if(e->GetParDefined(4)->Type() != GDL_STRING )
      e->Throw(" Fifth value must be a function name string ");

    //-------------------------------- Allocation -----------------------------------//
    BaseGDL *Steptwo,*Stepthree,*Stepfour;
    SizeT i;
    DDoubleGDL *HH,*H6,*XplusH,*Ytampon,*XH,*Yout,* dym,* dyt;

    Ytampon = new DDoubleGDL(Yvals->Dim(),BaseGDL::NOZERO);
    Yout = new DDoubleGDL(Yvals->Dim(),BaseGDL::NOZERO);
    HH = new DDoubleGDL(H->Dim(),BaseGDL::NOZERO);
    H6 = new DDoubleGDL(H->Dim(),BaseGDL::NOZERO);
    XH = new DDoubleGDL(H->Dim(),BaseGDL::NOZERO);
    BaseGDL* XHO=static_cast<BaseGDL*>(XH);
    XplusH = new DDoubleGDL(H->Dim(),BaseGDL::NOZERO);
    BaseGDL* XplusHO=static_cast<BaseGDL*>(XplusH);
    dym= new DDoubleGDL(Yvals->Dim(),BaseGDL::NOZERO);
    dyt= new DDoubleGDL(Yvals->Dim(),BaseGDL::NOZERO);
    //-------------------------------- Init FIRST STEP -----------------------------------//
    (*XH)[0] = (*X)[0] + (*HH)[0];
// marc: probably an error
//     XplusH[0] = (*X)[0] +  (*H)[0];
    (*XplusH)[0] = (*X)[0] +  (*H)[0];
    //---------------------------- Init Call function -------------------------------------//
    DString RK_Diff;
    e->AssureScalarPar<DStringGDL>( 4, RK_Diff);	

    // this is a function name -> convert to UPPERCASE
    RK_Diff = StrUpCase( RK_Diff);

    // first search library funcedures  
    int funIx=LibFunIx( RK_Diff);
    StackGuard<EnvStackT> guard( e->Interpreter()->CallStack());
    if( funIx != -1)
	e->Throw(" String function name is intrinsic function name please change it  ");
	//  Search in user proc and function
	funIx = GDLInterpreter::GetFunIx(RK_Diff );
	//-----------------FIRST STEP-------------------//
	for (i=0;i<Yvals->N_Elements();++i)

	BaseGDL* Ytmp=static_cast<BaseGDL*>(Ytampon);
	//  1st CALL to user function "differentiate"	
	PushNewEnvRK(e, funList[ funIx],&XHO,&Ytmp);
	EnvUDT* newEnv = static_cast<EnvUDT*>(e->Interpreter()->CallStack().back());	
	StackGuard<EnvStackT> guard1 ( e->Interpreter()->CallStack());

	BaseGDL* Steptwo = e->Interpreter()->call_fun(static_cast<DSubUD*>(newEnv->GetPro())->GetTree()); 
	//Conversion BaseGDL*-> DDoubleGDL* in order to use the RK_Diff function result.
	dyt= static_cast<DDoubleGDL*>(Steptwo->Convert2(GDL_DOUBLE,BaseGDL::CONVERT));

	//-------------SECOND STEP-------------------//	
	for (i=0;i<Yvals->N_Elements();++i)

	//  2nd CALL to user function "differentiate"
	PushNewEnvRK(e, funList[ funIx],&XHO,&Ytmp);	
	StackGuard<EnvStackT> guard2 ( newEnv->Interpreter()->CallStack());
	BaseGDL* Stepthree = e->Interpreter()->call_fun(static_cast<DSubUD*>(newEnv->GetPro())->GetTree());
	//Conversion BaseGDL*-> DDoubleGDL* in order to use the RK_Diff function result.
	dym = static_cast<DDoubleGDL*>(Stepthree->Convert2(GDL_DOUBLE,BaseGDL::CONVERT));
	//--------------THIRD STEP-------------------//
	for (i=0;i<Yvals->N_Elements();++i)
	    (*Ytampon)[i]=(*Yvals)[i]+ (*H)[0]*(*dym)[i];
	    (*dym)[i] += (*dyt)[i];

	// 3rd CALL to user function "differentiate"
	PushNewEnvRK(e, funList[ funIx],&XplusHO,&Ytmp);
	StackGuard<EnvStackT> guard3 ( newEnv->Interpreter()->CallStack());

	BaseGDL* Stepfour = e->Interpreter()->call_fun(static_cast<DSubUD*>(newEnv->GetPro())->GetTree());

	dyt= static_cast<DDoubleGDL*>(Stepfour->Convert2(GDL_DOUBLE,BaseGDL::CONVERT));
	//--------------FOURTH STEP-------------------//
	for (i=0;i<Yvals->N_Elements();++i)
	  (*Yout)[i]= (*Yvals)[i] + (*H6)[0] * ( (*dydxvals)[i]+(*dyt)[i]+ 2.00000*(*dym)[i] );
	static DInt doubleKWIx = e->KeywordIx("DOUBLE");

	//if need, convert things back
	if( !e->KeywordSet(doubleKWIx))
	  return Yout->Convert2(GDL_FLOAT,BaseGDL::CONVERT);
	  return Yout;
    assert( false);	
  }// RK4_fun
コード例 #3
ファイル: gdlwidget.hpp プロジェクト: vedraiyani/GDL
 void SetProValue( const DString& provalue){proValue = StrUpCase(provalue);}
コード例 #4
ファイル: gdlwidget.hpp プロジェクト: vedraiyani/GDL
 void SetKillNotify( const DString& eKN) { killNotify = StrUpCase( eKN);}
コード例 #5
ファイル: gdlwidget.hpp プロジェクト: vedraiyani/GDL
 void SetNotifyRealize( const DString& eNR) { notifyRealize = StrUpCase( eNR);}
コード例 #6
ファイル: gdlwidget.hpp プロジェクト: vedraiyani/GDL
 void SetEventFun( const DString& eFun) { eventFun = StrUpCase( eFun);}
コード例 #7
ファイル: gdlwidget.hpp プロジェクト: vedraiyani/GDL
 void SetEventPro( const DString& ePro) { eventPro = StrUpCase( ePro);}