PREFIX value ml_elm_fileselector_selected_set(value v_obj, value v_path) { return Val_Eina_Bool(elm_fileselector_selected_set((Evas_Object*) v_obj, String_val(v_path))); }
static DWORD WINAPI gr_open_graph_internal(value arg) { RECT rc; int ret; int event; int x, y, w, h; int screenx,screeny; int attributes; static int registered; MSG msg; gr_initialized = TRUE; hInst = GetModuleHandle(NULL); x = y = w = h = CW_USEDEFAULT; sscanf(String_val(arg), "%dx%d+%d+%d", &w, &h, &x, &y); /* Open the display */ if (grwindow.hwnd == NULL || !IsWindow(grwindow.hwnd)) { if (!registered) { registered = DoRegisterClass(); if (!registered) { open_graph_errmsg = "Cannot register the window class"; SetEvent(open_graph_event); return 1; } } grwindow.hwnd = CreateWindow(szOcamlWindowClass, WINDOW_NAME, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, x,y, w,h, NULL,0,hInst,NULL); if (grwindow.hwnd == NULL) { open_graph_errmsg = "Cannot create window"; SetEvent(open_graph_event); return 1; } #if 0 if (x != CW_USEDEFAULT) { rc.left = 0; = 0; rc.right = w; rc.bottom = h; AdjustWindowRect(&rc,GetWindowLong(grwindow.hwnd,GWL_STYLE),0); MoveWindow(grwindow.hwnd,x,y,rc.right-rc.left,,1); } #endif } gr_reset(); ShowWindow(grwindow.hwnd,SW_SHOWNORMAL); /* Position the current point at origin */ grwindow.grx = 0; grwindow.gry = 0; caml_gr_init_event_queue(); /* The global data structures are now correctly initialized. Restart the Caml main thread. */ open_graph_errmsg = NULL; SetEvent(open_graph_event); /* Enter the message handling loop */ while (GetMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); // Translates virtual key codes DispatchMessage(&msg); // Dispatches message to window if (!IsWindow(grwindow.hwnd)) break; } return 0; }
CAMLprim value caml_extunix_recvmsg2(value vfd, value vbuf, value ofs, value vlen, value vflags) { CAMLparam4(vfd, vbuf, ofs, vlen); CAMLlocal5(vres, vlist, v, vx, vsaddr); union { struct cmsghdr hdr; char buf[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(int)) /* File descriptor passing */ #ifdef EXTUNIX_HAVE_IP_RECVIF + CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct sockaddr_dl)) /* IP_RECVIF */ #endif #ifdef EXTUNIX_HAVE_IP_RECVDSTADDR + CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct in_addr)) /* IP_RECVDSTADDR */ #endif ]; } cmsgbuf; struct iovec iov; struct msghdr msg; struct cmsghdr *cmsg; ssize_t n; size_t len; char iobuf[UNIX_BUFFER_SIZE]; struct sockaddr_storage ss; int sendflags; #ifdef EXTUNIX_HAVE_IP_RECVIF struct sockaddr_dl *dst = NULL; #endif len = Long_val(vlen); memset(&iov, 0, sizeof(iov)); memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); if (len > UNIX_BUFFER_SIZE) len = UNIX_BUFFER_SIZE; iov.iov_base = iobuf; iov.iov_len = len; msg.msg_name = &ss; msg.msg_namelen = sizeof(ss); msg.msg_iov = &iov; msg.msg_iovlen = 1; msg.msg_control = &cmsgbuf.buf; msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(cmsgbuf.buf); sendflags = caml_convert_flag_list(vflags, msg_flag_table); caml_enter_blocking_section(); n = recvmsg(Int_val(vfd), &msg, sendflags); caml_leave_blocking_section(); vres = caml_alloc_small(4, 0); if (n == -1) { uerror("recvmsg", Nothing); CAMLreturn (vres); } vsaddr = my_alloc_sockaddr(&ss); memmove(&Byte(vbuf, Long_val(ofs)), iobuf, n); vlist = Val_int(0); /* Build the variant list vlist */ for (cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); cmsg != NULL; cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmsg)) { if (cmsg->cmsg_level == SOL_SOCKET && cmsg->cmsg_type == SCM_RIGHTS) { /* CMSG_DATA is aligned, so the following is cool */ v = caml_alloc_small(2, TAG_FILEDESCRIPTOR); Field(v, 0) = Val_int(*(int *)CMSG_DATA(cmsg)); Field(v, 1) = vlist; vlist = v; continue; } #ifdef EXTUNIX_HAVE_IP_RECVIF if (cmsg->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IP && cmsg->cmsg_type == IP_RECVIF) { dst = (struct sockaddr_dl *)CMSG_DATA(cmsg); v = caml_alloc_small(2, 0); vx = caml_alloc_small(1, TAG_IP_RECVIF); Field(vx, 0) = Val_int(dst->sdl_index); Field(v, 0) = vx; Field(v, 1) = vlist; vlist = v; continue; } #endif #ifdef EXTUNIX_HAVE_IP_RECVDSTADDR if (cmsg->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IP && cmsg->cmsg_type == IP_RECVDSTADDR) { struct in_addr ipdst; ipdst = *(struct in_addr *)CMSG_DATA(cmsg); v = caml_alloc_small(2, 0); vx = caml_alloc_small(1, TAG_IP_RECVDSTADDR); Field(vx, 0) = caml_alloc_string(4); memcpy(String_val(Field(vx, 0)), &ipdst, 4); Field(v, 0) = vx; Field(v, 1) = vlist; vlist = v; continue; } #endif } /* Now build the result */ Field(vres, 0) = Val_long(n); Field(vres, 1) = vsaddr; Field(vres, 2) = vlist; Field(vres, 3) = int_to_recvflags(msg.msg_flags); CAMLreturn(vres); }
void hh_load(value in_filename) { CAMLparam1(in_filename); FILE* fp = fopen(String_val(in_filename), "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { caml_failwith("Failed to open file"); } uint64_t magic = 0; read_all(fileno(fp), (void*)&magic, sizeof magic); assert(magic == MAGIC_CONSTANT); size_t revlen = 0; read_all(fileno(fp), (void*)&revlen, sizeof revlen); char revision[revlen]; read_all(fileno(fp), (void*)revision, revlen * sizeof(char)); assert(strncmp(revision, BuildInfo_kRevision, revlen) == 0); read_all(fileno(fp), (void*)&heap_init_size, sizeof heap_init_size); int compressed_size = 0; read_all(fileno(fp), (void*)&compressed_size, sizeof compressed_size); char* chunk_start = save_start(); pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); pthread_t thread; decompress_args args; int thread_started = 0; // see hh_save for a description of what we are parsing here. while (compressed_size > 0) { char* compressed = malloc(compressed_size * sizeof(char)); assert(compressed != NULL); uintptr_t chunk_size = 0; read_all(fileno(fp), (void*)&chunk_size, sizeof chunk_size); read_all(fileno(fp), compressed, compressed_size * sizeof(char)); if (thread_started) { intptr_t success = 0; int rc = pthread_join(thread, (void*)&success); free(args.compressed); assert(rc == 0); assert(success); } args.compressed = compressed; args.compressed_size = compressed_size; args.decompress_start = chunk_start; args.decompressed_size = chunk_size; pthread_create(&thread, &attr, (void* (*)(void*))decompress, &args); thread_started = 1; chunk_start += chunk_size; read_all(fileno(fp), (void*)&compressed_size, sizeof compressed_size); } if (thread_started) { int success; int rc = pthread_join(thread, (void*)&success); free(args.compressed); assert(rc == 0); assert(success); } fclose(fp); CAMLreturn0; }
static unsigned long get_hash(value key) { return *((unsigned long*)String_val(key)); }
CAMLextern_C value caml_sfHttpRequest_setUri(value httpRequest, value uri) { SfHttpRequest_val(httpRequest)->setUri(String_val(uri)); return Val_unit; }
value register_leds_cb(value cb_name) { leds_closure = caml_named_value(String_val(cb_name)); return Val_unit; }
/* string -> Target.t option */ CAMLprim value llvm_target_by_name(value Name) { return llvm_target_option(LLVMGetTargetFromName(String_val(Name))); }
/* string -> DataLayout.t */ CAMLprim value llvm_datalayout_of_string(value StringRep) { return llvm_alloc_data_layout(LLVMCreateTargetData(String_val(StringRep))); }
value setLeftCreatureName(str) { fi.leftName = (char*)(String_val(str)); return Val_unit; }
value setRightCreatureName(str) { fi.rightName = (char*)(String_val(str)); return Val_unit; }
value setRightCreatureTexture(str) { char* texture = (char*)(String_val(str)); sfSprite_SetImage(fi.rightCreature, TexturesManager_getTexture(game.texturesManager, texture)); return Val_unit; }
/* Executes a pattern match with runtime options, a regular expression, a string offset, a string length, a subject string, a number of subgroup offsets, an offset vector and an optional callout function */ CAMLprim value pcre_exec_stub(value v_opt, value v_rex, value v_ofs, value v_subj, value v_subgroups2, value v_ovec, value v_maybe_cof) { const int ofs = Int_val(v_ofs), len = caml_string_length(v_subj); if (ofs > len || ofs < 0) caml_invalid_argument("Pcre.pcre_exec_stub: illegal offset"); { const pcre *code = (pcre *) Field(v_rex, 1); /* Compiled pattern */ const pcre_extra *extra = (pcre_extra *) Field(v_rex, 2); /* Extra info */ const char *ocaml_subj = String_val(v_subj); /* Subject string */ const int opt = Int_val(v_opt); /* Runtime options */ int subgroups2 = Int_val(v_subgroups2); const int subgroups2_1 = subgroups2 - 1; const int subgroups3 = (subgroups2 >> 1) + subgroups2; /* Special case when no callout functions specified */ if (v_maybe_cof == None) { int *ovec = (int *) &Field(v_ovec, 0); /* Performs the match */ const int ret = pcre_exec(code, extra, ocaml_subj, len, ofs, opt, ovec, subgroups3); if (ret < 0) { switch(ret) { case PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_Not_found); case PCRE_ERROR_PARTIAL : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_Partial); case PCRE_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_MatchLimit); case PCRE_ERROR_BADPARTIAL : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_BadPartial); case PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8 : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_BadUTF8); case PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8_OFFSET : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_BadUTF8Offset); default : caml_raise_with_string(*pcre_exc_InternalError, "pcre_exec_stub"); } } else { const int *ovec_src = ovec + subgroups2_1; long int *ovec_dst = (long int *) ovec + subgroups2_1; /* Converts offsets from C-integers to OCaml-Integers This is a bit tricky, because there are 32- and 64-bit platforms around and OCaml chooses the larger possibility for representing integers when available (also in arrays) - not so the PCRE */ while (subgroups2--) { *ovec_dst = Val_int(*ovec_src); --ovec_src; --ovec_dst; } } } /* There are callout functions */ else { value v_cof = Field(v_maybe_cof, 0); value v_substrings; char *subj = caml_stat_alloc(sizeof(char) * len); int *ovec = caml_stat_alloc(sizeof(int) * subgroups3); int ret; struct cod cod = { (value *) NULL, (value *) NULL, (value) NULL }; struct pcre_extra new_extra = #ifdef PCRE_CONFIG_MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION { PCRE_EXTRA_CALLOUT_DATA, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0 }; #else { PCRE_EXTRA_CALLOUT_DATA, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL }; #endif memcpy(subj, ocaml_subj, len); Begin_roots3(v_rex, v_cof, v_substrings); Begin_roots2(v_subj, v_ovec); v_substrings = caml_alloc_small(2, 0); End_roots(); Field(v_substrings, 0) = v_subj; Field(v_substrings, 1) = v_ovec; cod.v_substrings_p = &v_substrings; cod.v_cof_p = &v_cof; new_extra.callout_data = &cod; if (extra == NULL) { ret = pcre_exec(code, &new_extra, subj, len, ofs, opt, ovec, subgroups3); } else { new_extra.flags = PCRE_EXTRA_CALLOUT_DATA | extra->flags; new_extra.study_data = extra->study_data; new_extra.match_limit = extra->match_limit; new_extra.tables = extra->tables; #ifdef PCRE_CONFIG_MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION new_extra.match_limit_recursion = extra->match_limit_recursion; #endif ret = pcre_exec(code, &new_extra, subj, len, ofs, opt, ovec, subgroups3); } free(subj); End_roots(); if (ret < 0) { free(ovec); switch(ret) { case PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_Not_found); case PCRE_ERROR_PARTIAL : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_Partial); case PCRE_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_MatchLimit); case PCRE_ERROR_BADPARTIAL : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_BadPartial); case PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8 : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_BadUTF8); case PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8_OFFSET : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_BadUTF8Offset); case PCRE_ERROR_CALLOUT : caml_raise(cod.v_exn); default : caml_raise_with_string(*pcre_exc_InternalError, "pcre_exec_stub"); } } else { int *ovec_src = ovec + subgroups2_1; long int *ovec_dst = &Field(v_ovec, 0) + subgroups2_1; while (subgroups2--) { *ovec_dst = Val_int(*ovec_src); --ovec_src; --ovec_dst; } free(ovec); } } } return Val_unit; } /* Byte-code hook for pcre_exec_stub Needed, because there are more than 5 arguments */ CAMLprim value pcre_exec_stub_bc(value *argv, int __unused argn) { return pcre_exec_stub(argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6]); } /* Generates a new set of chartables for the current locale (see man page of PCRE */ CAMLprim value pcre_maketables_stub(value __unused v_unit) { /* GC will do a full cycle every 100 table set allocations (one table set consumes 864 bytes -> maximum of 86400 bytes unreclaimed table sets) */ const value v_res = caml_alloc_final(2, pcre_dealloc_tables, 864, 86400); Field(v_res, 1) = (value) pcre_maketables(); return v_res; } /* Wraps around the isspace-function */ CAMLprim value pcre_isspace_stub(value v_c) { return Val_bool(isspace(Int_val(v_c))); } /* Returns number of substring associated with a name */ CAMLprim value pcre_get_stringnumber_stub(value v_rex, value v_name) { const int ret = pcre_get_stringnumber((pcre *) Field(v_rex, 1), String_val(v_name)); if (ret == PCRE_ERROR_NOSUBSTRING) caml_invalid_argument("Named string not found"); return Val_int(ret); } /* Returns array of names of named substrings in a regexp */ CAMLprim value pcre_names_stub(value v_rex) { CAMLparam0(); CAMLlocal1(v_res); int name_count; int entry_size; const char *tbl_ptr; int i; int ret = pcre_fullinfo_stub(v_rex, PCRE_INFO_NAMECOUNT, &name_count); if (ret != 0) caml_raise_with_string(*pcre_exc_InternalError, "pcre_names_stub"); ret = pcre_fullinfo_stub(v_rex, PCRE_INFO_NAMEENTRYSIZE, &entry_size); if (ret != 0) caml_raise_with_string(*pcre_exc_InternalError, "pcre_names_stub"); ret = pcre_fullinfo_stub(v_rex, PCRE_INFO_NAMETABLE, &tbl_ptr); if (ret != 0) caml_raise_with_string(*pcre_exc_InternalError, "pcre_names_stub"); v_res = caml_alloc(name_count, 0); for (i = 0; i < name_count; ++i) { value v_name = caml_copy_string(tbl_ptr + 2); Store_field(v_res, i, v_name); tbl_ptr += entry_size; } CAMLreturn(v_res); }
static void extern_rec(value v) { struct code_fragment * cf; struct extern_item * sp; sp = extern_stack; while(1) { if (Is_long(v)) { intnat n = Long_val(v); if (n >= 0 && n < 0x40) { Write(PREFIX_SMALL_INT + n); } else if (n >= -(1 << 7) && n < (1 << 7)) { writecode8(CODE_INT8, n); } else if (n >= -(1 << 15) && n < (1 << 15)) { writecode16(CODE_INT16, n); #ifdef ARCH_SIXTYFOUR } else if (n < -((intnat)1 << 31) || n >= ((intnat)1 << 31)) { writecode64(CODE_INT64, n); #endif } else writecode32(CODE_INT32, n); goto next_item; } if (Is_in_value_area(v)) { header_t hd = Hd_val(v); tag_t tag = Tag_hd(hd); mlsize_t sz = Wosize_hd(hd); if (tag == Forward_tag) { value f = Forward_val (v); if (Is_block (f) && (!Is_in_value_area(f) || Tag_val (f) == Forward_tag || Tag_val (f) == Lazy_tag || Tag_val (f) == Double_tag)){ /* Do not short-circuit the pointer. */ }else{ v = f; continue; } } /* Atoms are treated specially for two reasons: they are not allocated in the externed block, and they are automatically shared. */ if (sz == 0) { if (tag < 16) { Write(PREFIX_SMALL_BLOCK + tag); } else { writecode32(CODE_BLOCK32, hd); } goto next_item; } /* Check if already seen */ if (Color_hd(hd) == Caml_blue) { uintnat d = obj_counter - (uintnat) Field(v, 0); if (d < 0x100) { writecode8(CODE_SHARED8, d); } else if (d < 0x10000) { writecode16(CODE_SHARED16, d); } else { writecode32(CODE_SHARED32, d); } goto next_item; } /* Output the contents of the object */ switch(tag) { case String_tag: { mlsize_t len = caml_string_length(v); if (len < 0x20) { Write(PREFIX_SMALL_STRING + len); } else if (len < 0x100) { writecode8(CODE_STRING8, len); } else { writecode32(CODE_STRING32, len); } writeblock(String_val(v), len); size_32 += 1 + (len + 4) / 4; size_64 += 1 + (len + 8) / 8; extern_record_location(v); break; } case Double_tag: { if (sizeof(double) != 8) extern_invalid_argument("output_value: non-standard floats"); Write(CODE_DOUBLE_NATIVE); writeblock_float8((double *) v, 1); size_32 += 1 + 2; size_64 += 1 + 1; extern_record_location(v); break; } case Double_array_tag: { mlsize_t nfloats; if (sizeof(double) != 8) extern_invalid_argument("output_value: non-standard floats"); nfloats = Wosize_val(v) / Double_wosize; if (nfloats < 0x100) { writecode8(CODE_DOUBLE_ARRAY8_NATIVE, nfloats); } else { writecode32(CODE_DOUBLE_ARRAY32_NATIVE, nfloats); } writeblock_float8((double *) v, nfloats); size_32 += 1 + nfloats * 2; size_64 += 1 + nfloats; extern_record_location(v); break; } case Abstract_tag: extern_invalid_argument("output_value: abstract value (Abstract)"); break; case Infix_tag: writecode32(CODE_INFIXPOINTER, Infix_offset_hd(hd)); extern_rec(v - Infix_offset_hd(hd)); break; case Custom_tag: { uintnat sz_32, sz_64; char * ident = Custom_ops_val(v)->identifier; void (*serialize)(value v, uintnat * wsize_32, uintnat * wsize_64) = Custom_ops_val(v)->serialize; if (serialize == NULL) extern_invalid_argument("output_value: abstract value (Custom)"); Write(CODE_CUSTOM); writeblock(ident, strlen(ident) + 1); Custom_ops_val(v)->serialize(v, &sz_32, &sz_64); size_32 += 2 + ((sz_32 + 3) >> 2); /* header + ops + data */ size_64 += 2 + ((sz_64 + 7) >> 3); extern_record_location(v); break; } default: { value field0; if (tag < 16 && sz < 8) { Write(PREFIX_SMALL_BLOCK + tag + (sz << 4)); #ifdef ARCH_SIXTYFOUR } else if (hd >= ((uintnat)1 << 32)) { writecode64(CODE_BLOCK64, Whitehd_hd (hd)); #endif } else { writecode32(CODE_BLOCK32, Whitehd_hd (hd)); } size_32 += 1 + sz; size_64 += 1 + sz; field0 = Field(v, 0); extern_record_location(v); /* Remember that we still have to serialize fields 1 ... sz - 1 */ if (sz > 1) { sp++; if (sp >= extern_stack_limit) sp = extern_resize_stack(sp); sp->v = &Field(v,1); sp->count = sz-1; } /* Continue serialization with the first field */ v = field0; continue; } } } else if ((cf = extern_find_code((char *) v)) != NULL) { if (!extern_closures) extern_invalid_argument("output_value: functional value"); writecode32(CODE_CODEPOINTER, (char *) v - cf->code_start); writeblock((char *) cf->digest, 16); } else { extern_invalid_argument("output_value: abstract value (outside heap)"); } next_item: /* Pop one more item to marshal, if any */ if (sp == extern_stack) { /* We are done. Cleanup the stack and leave the function */ extern_free_stack(); return; } v = *((sp->v)++); if (--(sp->count) == 0) sp--; }
CAMLprim value caml_sys_rename(value oldname, value newname) { if (rename(String_val(oldname), String_val(newname)) != 0) caml_sys_error(NO_ARG); return Val_unit; }
CAMLprim value mmdb_ml_lookup_path(value ip, value query_list, value mmdb) { CAMLparam3(ip, query_list, mmdb); CAMLlocal3(iter_count, caml_clean_result, query_r); int total_len = 0, copy_count = 0, gai_error = 0, mmdb_error = 0; char *clean_result; long int int_result; iter_count = query_list; unsigned int len = caml_string_length(ip); char *as_string = caml_strdup(String_val(ip)); if (strlen(as_string) != (size_t)len) { caml_failwith("Could not copy IP address properly"); } MMDB_s *as_mmdb = (MMDB_s*)Data_custom_val(mmdb); MMDB_lookup_result_s *result = caml_stat_alloc(sizeof(*result)); *result = MMDB_lookup_string(as_mmdb, as_string, &gai_error, &mmdb_error); check_error(gai_error, mmdb_error); caml_stat_free(as_string); while (iter_count != Val_emptylist) { total_len++; iter_count = Field(iter_count, 1); } char **query = caml_stat_alloc(sizeof(char *) * (total_len + 1)); while (query_list != Val_emptylist) { query[copy_count] = caml_strdup(String_val(Field(query_list, 0))); copy_count++; query_list = Field(query_list, 1); } query[total_len] = NULL; MMDB_entry_data_s entry_data; int status = MMDB_aget_value(&result->entry, &entry_data, (const char *const *const)query); check_status(status); check_data(entry_data); caml_stat_free(result); for (int i = 0; i < copy_count; caml_stat_free(query[i]), i++); caml_stat_free(query); query_r = caml_alloc(2, 0); as_mmdb = NULL; switch (entry_data.type) { case MMDB_DATA_TYPE_BYTES: clean_result = caml_stat_alloc(entry_data.data_size + 1); memcpy(clean_result, entry_data.bytes, entry_data.data_size); caml_clean_result = caml_copy_string(clean_result); caml_stat_free(clean_result); goto string_finish; case MMDB_DATA_TYPE_UTF8_STRING: clean_result = strndup(entry_data.utf8_string, entry_data.data_size); caml_clean_result = caml_copy_string(clean_result); free(clean_result); goto string_finish; case MMDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT: Store_field(query_r, 0, polymorphic_variants.poly_float); Store_field(query_r, 1, caml_copy_double(entry_data.float_value)); goto finish; case MMDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN: Store_field(query_r, 0, polymorphic_variants.poly_bool); Store_field(query_r, 1, Val_true ? entry_data.boolean : Val_false); goto finish; case MMDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE: Store_field(query_r, 0, polymorphic_variants.poly_float); Store_field(query_r, 1, caml_copy_double(entry_data.double_value)); goto finish; case MMDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT16: Store_field(query_r, 0, polymorphic_variants.poly_int); int_result = Val_long(entry_data.uint16); goto int_finish; case MMDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT32: Store_field(query_r, 0, polymorphic_variants.poly_int); int_result = Val_long(entry_data.uint32); goto int_finish; case MMDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT64: Store_field(query_r, 0, polymorphic_variants.poly_int); int_result = Val_long(entry_data.uint32); goto int_finish; // look at /usr/bin/sed -n 1380,1430p src/maxminddb.c case MMDB_DATA_TYPE_ARRAY: case MMDB_DATA_TYPE_MAP: caml_failwith("Can't return a Map or Array yet"); } string_finish: Store_field(query_r, 0, polymorphic_variants.poly_string); Store_field(query_r, 1, caml_clean_result); CAMLreturn(query_r); int_finish: Store_field(query_r, 1, int_result); CAMLreturn(query_r); finish: CAMLreturn(query_r); }
CAMLprim value caml_sys_chdir(value dirname) { if (chdir(String_val(dirname)) != 0) caml_sys_error(dirname); return Val_unit; }
CAMLprim value unix_link_r(CAML_R, value path1, value path2) { if (link(String_val(path1), String_val(path2)) == -1) uerror_r(ctx,"link", path2); return Val_unit; }
CAMLextern_C value caml_sfHttpRequest_setBody(value httpRequest, value body) { SfHttpRequest_val(httpRequest)->setBody(String_val(body)); return Val_unit; }
char *ifname = String_val(caml_ifname); \ struct ifreq ifr; \ \ memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(struct ifreq)); \ copyifname(ifr.ifr_name, ifname); \ SETTER; \ FI(socket, REQUEST, &ifr); \ RESULT(Val_unit, 0); \ } SET_FIELD(SIOCSIFFLAGS, siocsifflags_c, ifr.ifr_flags = Int_val(caml_val)) SET_FIELD(SIOCSIFPFLAGS, siocsifpflags_c, ifr.ifr_flags = Int_val(caml_val)) SET_FIELD(SIOCSIFMTU, siocsifmtu_c, ifr.ifr_mtu = Int_val(caml_val)) SET_FIELD(SIOCSIFTXQLEN, siocsiftxqlen_c, ifr.ifr_qlen = Int_val(caml_val)) SET_FIELD(SIOCSIFNAME, siocsifname_c, copyifname(ifr.ifr_newname, String_val(caml_val))) static void set_hwaddr(struct sockaddr *sa, value hwaddr) { /* quick and dirty checks */ if (caml_string_length(hwaddr) != ETHERNET_MAC_LEN) caml_failwith("Expected 6 byte ethernet MAC"); memcpy(sa->sa_data, String_val(hwaddr), ETHERNET_MAC_LEN); return; } SET_FIELD(SIOCSIFHWADDR, siocsifhwaddr_c, set_hwaddr(&ifr.ifr_hwaddr, caml_val)) static void set_ipaddr(struct sockaddr *sa, value ipaddr) {
static void extern_rec(value v) { tailcall: if (Is_long(v)) { intnat n = Long_val(v); if (n >= 0 && n < 0x40) { Write(PREFIX_SMALL_INT + n); } else if (n >= -(1 << 7) && n < (1 << 7)) { writecode8(CODE_INT8, n); } else if (n >= -(1 << 15) && n < (1 << 15)) { writecode16(CODE_INT16, n); #ifdef ARCH_SIXTYFOUR } else if (n < -((intnat)1 << 31) || n >= ((intnat)1 << 31)) { writecode64(CODE_INT64, n); #endif } else writecode32(CODE_INT32, n); return; } if (Is_young(v) || Is_in_heap(v) || Is_atom(v)) { header_t hd = Hd_val(v); tag_t tag = Tag_hd(hd); mlsize_t sz = Wosize_hd(hd); if (tag == Forward_tag) { value f = Forward_val (v); if (Is_block (f) && (Is_young (f) || Is_in_heap (f)) && (Tag_val (f) == Forward_tag || Tag_val (f) == Lazy_tag || Tag_val (f) == Double_tag)){ /* Do not short-circuit the pointer. */ }else{ v = f; goto tailcall; } } /* Atoms are treated specially for two reasons: they are not allocated in the externed block, and they are automatically shared. */ if (sz == 0) { if (tag < 16) { Write(PREFIX_SMALL_BLOCK + tag); } else { writecode32(CODE_BLOCK32, hd); } return; } /* Check if already seen */ if (Color_hd(hd) == Caml_blue) { uintnat d = obj_counter - (uintnat) Field(v, 0); if (d < 0x100) { writecode8(CODE_SHARED8, d); } else if (d < 0x10000) { writecode16(CODE_SHARED16, d); } else { writecode32(CODE_SHARED32, d); } return; } /* Output the contents of the object */ switch(tag) { case String_tag: { mlsize_t len = caml_string_length(v); if (len < 0x20) { Write(PREFIX_SMALL_STRING + len); } else if (len < 0x100) { writecode8(CODE_STRING8, len); } else { writecode32(CODE_STRING32, len); } writeblock(String_val(v), len); size_32 += 1 + (len + 4) / 4; size_64 += 1 + (len + 8) / 8; extern_record_location(v); break; } case Double_tag: { if (sizeof(double) != 8) extern_invalid_argument("output_value: non-standard floats"); Write(CODE_DOUBLE_NATIVE); writeblock_float8((double *) v, 1); size_32 += 1 + 2; size_64 += 1 + 1; extern_record_location(v); break; } case Double_array_tag: { mlsize_t nfloats; if (sizeof(double) != 8) extern_invalid_argument("output_value: non-standard floats"); nfloats = Wosize_val(v) / Double_wosize; if (nfloats < 0x100) { writecode8(CODE_DOUBLE_ARRAY8_NATIVE, nfloats); } else { writecode32(CODE_DOUBLE_ARRAY32_NATIVE, nfloats); } writeblock_float8((double *) v, nfloats); size_32 += 1 + nfloats * 2; size_64 += 1 + nfloats; extern_record_location(v); break; } case Abstract_tag: extern_invalid_argument("output_value: abstract value (Abstract)"); break; case Infix_tag: writecode32(CODE_INFIXPOINTER, Infix_offset_hd(hd)); extern_rec(v - Infix_offset_hd(hd)); break; case Custom_tag: { uintnat sz_32, sz_64; char * ident = Custom_ops_val(v)->identifier; void (*serialize)(value v, uintnat * wsize_32, uintnat * wsize_64) = Custom_ops_val(v)->serialize; if (serialize == NULL) extern_invalid_argument("output_value: abstract value (Custom)"); Write(CODE_CUSTOM); writeblock(ident, strlen(ident) + 1); Custom_ops_val(v)->serialize(v, &sz_32, &sz_64); size_32 += 2 + ((sz_32 + 3) >> 2); /* header + ops + data */ size_64 += 2 + ((sz_64 + 7) >> 3); extern_record_location(v); break; } default: { value field0; mlsize_t i; if (tag < 16 && sz < 8) { Write(PREFIX_SMALL_BLOCK + tag + (sz << 4)); #ifdef ARCH_SIXTYFOUR } else if (hd >= ((uintnat)1 << 32)) { writecode64(CODE_BLOCK64, Whitehd_hd (hd)); #endif } else { writecode32(CODE_BLOCK32, Whitehd_hd (hd)); } size_32 += 1 + sz; size_64 += 1 + sz; field0 = Field(v, 0); extern_record_location(v); if (sz == 1) { v = field0; } else { extern_rec(field0); for (i = 1; i < sz - 1; i++) extern_rec(Field(v, i)); v = Field(v, i); } goto tailcall; } } }
value read_dump_file(value filename) { CAMLparam1(filename); CAMLlocal5(ocaml_var, ocaml_list_el1, ocaml_list_el2, ocaml_dyn_type, ocaml_dyn_aux); CAMLlocal2(ocaml_name, ocaml_hostval); printf("opening %s\n", String_val(filename)); FILE *ifile = fopen(String_val(filename), "r"); if (ifile == NULL) { ocaml_var = Val_int(0); CAMLreturn(ocaml_var); } int num_vars = 0; fread(&num_vars, sizeof(int), 1, ifile); if (num_vars == 0) { ocaml_var = Val_int(0); CAMLreturn(ocaml_var); } printf("parsing vars\n"); ocaml_list_el2 = caml_alloc_tuple(2); int i, j; int name_len, shape_len, type, num_bytes; int *shape; char *name, *data; for (i = 0; i < num_vars; ++i) { // Allocate the variable tuple of (name, hostval) ocaml_var = caml_alloc_tuple(2); // Build the name fread(&name_len, sizeof(int), 1, ifile); ocaml_name = caml_alloc_string(name_len); fread(String_val(ocaml_name), sizeof(char), name_len, ifile); Store_field(ocaml_var, 0, ocaml_name); printf("got var name: %s\n", String_val(ocaml_name)); // Build the shape fread(&shape_len, sizeof(int), 1, ifile); shape = (int*)malloc(shape_len * sizeof(int)); fread(shape, sizeof(int), shape_len, ifile); printf("got shape of len %d\n", shape_len); // Build the DynType fread(&ocaml_dyn_type, sizeof(value), 1, ifile); for (j = 0; j < shape_len; ++j) { ocaml_dyn_aux = ocaml_dyn_type; ocaml_dyn_type = caml_alloc(1, VecT); Store_field(ocaml_dyn_type, 0, ocaml_dyn_aux); } printf("built dyn_type\n"); // Get the num_bytes fread(&num_bytes, sizeof(int), 1, ifile); // Get the payload data = (char*)malloc(num_bytes); fread(data, 1, num_bytes, ifile); printf("got payload of %d bytes\n", num_bytes); // Build the HostVal ocaml_hostval = build_ocaml_hostval(num_bytes, ocaml_dyn_type, shape, shape_len, data); printf("built hostval from inputs\n"); Store_field(ocaml_var, 1, ocaml_hostval); // Insert the var into the list if (i == 0) { Store_field(ocaml_list_el2, 1, Val_int(0)); } else { Store_field(ocaml_list_el2, 1, ocaml_list_el1); } Store_field(ocaml_list_el2, 0, ocaml_var); if (i < num_vars - 1) { ocaml_list_el1 = ocaml_list_el2; ocaml_list_el2 = caml_alloc_tuple(2); } } fclose(ifile); CAMLreturn(ocaml_list_el2); }
static char* hh_store_ocaml(value data) { size_t data_size = caml_string_length(data); char* addr = hh_alloc(data_size); memcpy(addr, String_val(data), data_size); return addr; }
value xdiff_revpatch( value old_data, value patch) { CAMLparam2 (old_data, patch); CAMLlocal1(res); mmfile_t mf1, mf2, mf3, mf4; xdemitcb_t ecb, rjecb; long new_size, rej_size; res = alloc_tuple(2); if (xdlt_store_mmfile(String_val(old_data), string_length(old_data), &mf1) < 0) { sprintf(ELINE, "%s:%d failed", __FILE__, __LINE__); failwith(ELINE); } if (xdlt_store_mmfile(String_val(patch), string_length(patch), &mf2) < 0) { xdl_free_mmfile(&mf1); sprintf(ELINE, "%s:%d failed", __FILE__, __LINE__); failwith(ELINE); } if (xdl_init_mmfile(&mf3, XDLT_STD_BLKSIZE, XDL_MMF_ATOMIC) < 0) { xdl_free_mmfile(&mf1); xdl_free_mmfile(&mf2); sprintf(ELINE, "%s:%d failed", __FILE__, __LINE__); failwith(ELINE); } if (xdl_init_mmfile(&mf4, XDLT_STD_BLKSIZE, XDL_MMF_ATOMIC) < 0) { xdl_free_mmfile(&mf1); xdl_free_mmfile(&mf2); xdl_free_mmfile(&mf3); sprintf(ELINE, "%s:%d failed", __FILE__, __LINE__); failwith(ELINE); } ecb.priv = &mf3; ecb.outf = xdlt_outf; rjecb.priv = &mf4; rjecb.outf = xdlt_outf; if (xdl_patch(&mf1, &mf2, XDL_PATCH_REVERSE, &ecb, &rjecb) < 0) { xdl_free_mmfile(&mf1); xdl_free_mmfile(&mf2); xdl_free_mmfile(&mf3); xdl_free_mmfile(&mf4); sprintf(ELINE, "%s:%d failed", __FILE__, __LINE__); failwith(ELINE); } new_size = xdlt_mmfile_size(&mf3); rej_size = xdlt_mmfile_size(&mf4); Field(res, 0) = alloc_string(new_size); Field(res, 1) = alloc_string(rej_size); if (xdlt_read_mmfile(String_val(Field(res, 0)), &mf3) < 0) { xdl_free_mmfile(&mf1); xdl_free_mmfile(&mf2); xdl_free_mmfile(&mf3); xdl_free_mmfile(&mf4); sprintf(ELINE, "%s:%d failed", __FILE__, __LINE__); failwith(ELINE); } if (xdlt_read_mmfile(String_val(Field(res, 1)), &mf4) < 0) { xdl_free_mmfile(&mf1); xdl_free_mmfile(&mf2); xdl_free_mmfile(&mf3); xdl_free_mmfile(&mf4); sprintf(ELINE, "%s:%d failed", __FILE__, __LINE__); failwith(ELINE); } xdl_free_mmfile(&mf1); xdl_free_mmfile(&mf2); xdl_free_mmfile(&mf3); xdl_free_mmfile(&mf4); CAMLreturn(res); }
CAMLprim value unix_unlink(value path) { if (unlink(String_val(path)) == -1) uerror("unlink", path); return Val_unit; }
/* given a return value in OCaml land, translate it to the return_val_t C structure */ return_val_t translate_return_value(value ocaml_result) { CAMLparam1(ocaml_result); CAMLlocal5(ocaml_shape, ocaml_strides, ocaml_data, ocaml_cur, ocaml_type); CAMLlocal1(v); return_val_t ret; if (Is_long(ocaml_result)) { // In this case, we know that the return code must have been Pass, // since the other two return codes have data. ret.return_code = RET_PASS; ret.results_len = 0; } else if (Tag_val(ocaml_result) == RET_FAIL) { ret.return_code = RET_FAIL; ret.results_len = caml_string_length(Field(ocaml_result, 0)); ret.error_msg = malloc(ret.results_len + 1); strcpy(ret.error_msg, String_val(Field(ocaml_result, 0))); } else if (Tag_val(ocaml_result) == RET_SUCCESS) { ocaml_cur = Field(ocaml_result, 0); ret.return_code = RET_SUCCESS; ret.results_len = ocaml_list_length(ocaml_cur); ret.results = (ret_t*)malloc(sizeof(ret_t) * ret.results_len); int i, j; host_val h; for (i = 0; i < ret.results_len; ++i) { v = Field(ocaml_cur, 0); h = create_host_val(v); ocaml_cur = Field(ocaml_cur, 1); // returning a scalar if (value_is_scalar(h)) { ret.results[i].is_scalar = 1; ocaml_type = (scalar_type)value_type_of(h); ret.results[i].data.scalar.ret_type = get_scalar_element_type(ocaml_type); // WARNING: // Tiny Memory Leak Ahead // ----------------------- // When scalar data is returned to the host language // on the heap, it should be manually deleted by the // host frontend if (type_is_bool(ocaml_type)) { ret.results[i].data.scalar.ret_scalar_value.boolean = get_bool(h); } else if (type_is_int32(ocaml_type)) { ret.results[i].data.scalar.ret_scalar_value.int32 = get_int32(h); } else if (type_is_int64(ocaml_type)) { ret.results[i].data.scalar.ret_scalar_value.int64 = get_int64(h); } else if (type_is_float32(ocaml_type)) { ret.results[i].data.scalar.ret_scalar_value.float32 = get_float64(h); } else if (type_is_float64(ocaml_type)) { ret.results[i].data.scalar.ret_scalar_value.float64 = get_float64(h); } else { caml_failwith("Unable to return scalar of this type\n"); } } else { // Pass the type ret.results[i].is_scalar = 0; ret.results[i].data.array.ret_type = array_type_of(h); // Pass the data ret.results[i] = get_array_data(h); // Build the shape array ocaml_shape = value_get_shape(h); int shape_len = Wosize_val(ocaml_shape); ret.results[i].data.array.shape = (int*)malloc(shape_len * sizeof(int)); ret.results[i].data.array.shape_len = shape_len; for (j = 0; j < shape_len; ++j) { ret.results[i].data.array.shape[j] = Int_val(Field(ocaml_shape, j)); } // Build the strides array ocaml_strides = value_get_strides(h); int strides_len = Wosize_val(ocaml_strides); ret.results[i].data.array.strides_len = strides_len; ret.results[i].data.array.strides = (int*)malloc(strides_len * sizeof(int)); for (j = 0; j < strides_len; ++j) { ret.results[i].data.array.strides[j] = Int_val(Field(ocaml_strides, j)); } } } } CAMLreturnT(return_val_t, ret); }
CAMLprim value unix_rmdir(value path) { if (rmdir(String_val(path)) == -1) uerror("rmdir", path); return Val_unit; }
CAMLprim value caml_sys_file_exists(value name) { struct stat st; return Val_bool(stat(String_val(name), &st) == 0); }
CAMLprim value caml_extunix_recvmsg(value fd_val) { CAMLparam1(fd_val); CAMLlocal2(data, res); struct msghdr msg; int fd = Int_val(fd_val); int recvfd; ssize_t len; struct iovec iov[1]; char buf[4096]; #if defined(CMSG_SPACE) union { struct cmsghdr cmsg; /* just for alignment */ char control[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof recvfd)]; } control_un; struct cmsghdr *cmsgp; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof msg); msg.msg_control = control_un.control; msg.msg_controllen = CMSG_LEN(sizeof recvfd); #else msg.msg_accrights = (caddr_t)&recvfd; msg.msg_accrightslen = sizeof recvfd; #endif iov[0].iov_base = buf; iov[0].iov_len = sizeof buf; msg.msg_iov = iov; msg.msg_iovlen = 1; caml_enter_blocking_section(); len = recvmsg(fd, &msg, 0); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (len == -1) uerror("recvmsg", Nothing); res = caml_alloc(2, 0); #if defined(CMSG_SPACE) cmsgp = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); if (cmsgp == NULL) { Store_field(res, 0, Val_none); } else { CAMLlocal1(some_fd); if (cmsgp->cmsg_len != CMSG_LEN(sizeof recvfd)) unix_error(EINVAL, "recvmsg", caml_copy_string("wrong descriptor size")); if (cmsgp->cmsg_level != SOL_SOCKET || cmsgp->cmsg_type != SCM_RIGHTS) unix_error(EINVAL, "recvmsg", caml_copy_string("invalid protocol")); some_fd = caml_alloc(1, 0); Store_field(some_fd, 0, Val_int(*(int *)CMSG_DATA(cmsgp))); Store_field(res, 0, some_fd); } #else if (msg.msg_accrightslen != sizeof recvfd) { Store_field(res, 0, Val_none); } else { CAMLlocal1(some_fd); some_fd = caml_alloc(1, 0); Store_field(some_fd, 0, Val_int(recvfd)); Store_field(res, 0, some_fd); } #endif data = caml_alloc_string(len); memcpy(String_val(data), buf, len); Store_field(res, 1, data); CAMLreturn (res); }
PREFIX value ml_elm_fileselector_path_set(value v_obj, value v_path) { elm_fileselector_path_set((Evas_Object*) v_obj, String_val(v_path)); return Val_unit; }