static int GetSimpleTypeProperties(CPLXMLNode *psTypeNode, GMLPropertyType *pGMLType, int *pnWidth, int *pnPrecision) { const char *pszBase = StripNS( CPLGetXMLValue( psTypeNode, "restriction.base", "" )); if( EQUAL(pszBase,"decimal") ) { *pGMLType = GMLPT_Real; const char *pszWidth = CPLGetXMLValue( psTypeNode, "restriction.totalDigits.value", "0" ); const char *pszPrecision = CPLGetXMLValue( psTypeNode, "restriction.fractionDigits.value", "0" ); *pnWidth = atoi(pszWidth); *pnPrecision = atoi(pszPrecision); return TRUE; } else if( EQUAL(pszBase,"float") || EQUAL(pszBase,"double") ) { *pGMLType = GMLPT_Real; return TRUE; } else if( EQUAL(pszBase,"integer") ) { *pGMLType = GMLPT_Integer; const char *pszWidth = CPLGetXMLValue( psTypeNode, "restriction.totalDigits.value", "0" ); *pnWidth = atoi(pszWidth); return TRUE; } else if( EQUAL(pszBase,"string") ) { *pGMLType = GMLPT_String; const char *pszWidth = CPLGetXMLValue( psTypeNode, "restriction.maxLength.value", "0" ); *pnWidth = atoi(pszWidth); return TRUE; } /* TODO: Would be nice to have a proper date type */ else if( EQUAL(pszBase,"date") || EQUAL(pszBase,"dateTime") ) { *pGMLType = GMLPT_String; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
int GMLParseXSD( const char *pszFile, std::vector<GMLFeatureClass*> & aosClasses) { if( pszFile == NULL ) return FALSE; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Load the raw XML file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psXSDTree = CPLParseXMLFile( pszFile ); if( psXSDTree == NULL ) return FALSE; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Strip off any namespace qualifiers. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLStripXMLNamespace( psXSDTree, NULL, TRUE ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Find <schema> root element. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psSchemaNode = CPLGetXMLNode( psXSDTree, "=schema" ); if( psSchemaNode == NULL ) { CPLDestroyXMLNode( psXSDTree ); return FALSE; } /* ==================================================================== */ /* Process each feature class definition. */ /* ==================================================================== */ CPLXMLNode *psThis; for( psThis = psSchemaNode->psChild; psThis != NULL; psThis = psThis->psNext ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check for <xs:element> node. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( psThis->eType != CXT_Element || !EQUAL(psThis->pszValue,"element") ) continue; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check the substitution group. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszSubGroup = StripNS(CPLGetXMLValue(psThis,"substitutionGroup","")); // Old OGR produced elements for the feature collection. if( EQUAL(pszSubGroup, "_FeatureCollection") ) continue; if( !EQUAL(pszSubGroup, "_Feature") && !EQUAL(pszSubGroup, "AbstractFeature") /* AbstractFeature used by GML 3.2 */ ) { continue; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get name */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszName; pszName = CPLGetXMLValue( psThis, "name", NULL ); if( pszName == NULL ) { continue; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get type and verify relationship with name. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszType; pszType = CPLGetXMLValue( psThis, "type", NULL ); if (pszType == NULL) { CPLXMLNode *psComplexType = CPLGetXMLNode( psThis, "complexType" ); if (psComplexType) { GMLFeatureClass* poClass = GMLParseFeatureType(psSchemaNode, pszName, psComplexType); if (poClass) aosClasses.push_back(poClass); } continue; } if( strstr( pszType, ":" ) != NULL ) pszType = strstr( pszType, ":" ) + 1; if( EQUAL(pszType, pszName) ) { /* A few WFS servers return a type name which is the element name */ /* without any _Type or Type suffix */ /* e.g. : */ } else if( !EQUALN(pszType,pszName,strlen(pszName)) || !(EQUAL(pszType+strlen(pszName),"_Type") || EQUAL(pszType+strlen(pszName),"Type")) ) { continue; } /* CanVec .xsd contains weird types that are not used in the related GML */ if (strncmp(pszName, "XyZz", 4) == 0 || strncmp(pszName, "XyZ1", 4) == 0 || strncmp(pszName, "XyZ2", 4) == 0) continue; GMLFeatureClass* poClass = GMLParseFeatureType(psSchemaNode, pszName, pszType); if (poClass) aosClasses.push_back(poClass); } CPLDestroyXMLNode( psXSDTree ); if( aosClasses.size() > 0 ) { return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
static GMLFeatureClass* GMLParseFeatureType(CPLXMLNode *psSchemaNode, const char* pszName, CPLXMLNode *psComplexType) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Grab the sequence of extensions greatgrandchild. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psAttrSeq = CPLGetXMLNode( psComplexType, "complexContent.extension.sequence" ); if( psAttrSeq == NULL ) { return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* We are pretty sure this going to be a valid Feature class */ /* now, so create it. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GMLFeatureClass *poClass = new GMLFeatureClass( pszName ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Loop over each of the attribute elements being defined for */ /* this feature class. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psAttrDef; int nAttributeIndex = 0; int bGotUnrecognizedType = FALSE; for( psAttrDef = psAttrSeq->psChild; psAttrDef != NULL; psAttrDef = psAttrDef->psNext ) { if( strcmp(psAttrDef->pszValue,"group") == 0 ) { /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */ delete poClass; return NULL; } if( !EQUAL(psAttrDef->pszValue,"element") ) continue; /* MapServer WFS writes element type as an attribute of element */ /* not as a simpleType definition */ const char* pszType = CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "type", NULL ); const char* pszElementName = CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "name", NULL ); if (pszType != NULL) { const char* pszStrippedNSType = StripNS(pszType); int nWidth = 0, nPrecision = 0; GMLPropertyType gmlType = GMLPT_Untyped; if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "string") || EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "Character")) gmlType = GMLPT_String; /* TODO: Would be nice to have a proper date type */ else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "date") || EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "dateTime")) gmlType = GMLPT_String; else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "real") || EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "double") || EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "float") || EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "decimal")) gmlType = GMLPT_Real; else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "short") || EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "int") || EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "integer") || EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "long")) gmlType = GMLPT_Integer; else if (strncmp(pszType, "gml:", 4) == 0) { const AssocNameType* psIter = apsPropertyTypes; while(psIter->pszName) { if (strncmp(pszType + 4, psIter->pszName, strlen(psIter->pszName)) == 0) { if (poClass->GetGeometryAttributeIndex() != -1) { CPLDebug("GML", "Geometry field already found ! Ignoring the following ones"); } else { poClass->SetGeometryElement(pszElementName); poClass->SetGeometryType(psIter->eType); poClass->SetGeometryAttributeIndex( nAttributeIndex ); nAttributeIndex ++; } break; } psIter ++; } if (psIter->pszName == NULL) { /* Can be a non geometry gml type */ /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */ delete poClass; return NULL; } if (poClass->GetGeometryAttributeIndex() == -1) bGotUnrecognizedType = TRUE; continue; } /* Integraph stuff */ else if (strcmp(pszType, "G:Point_MultiPointPropertyType") == 0 || strcmp(pszType, "gmgml:Point_MultiPointPropertyType") == 0) { poClass->SetGeometryElement(pszElementName); poClass->SetGeometryType(wkbMultiPoint); poClass->SetGeometryAttributeIndex( nAttributeIndex ); nAttributeIndex ++; continue; } else if (strcmp(pszType, "G:LineString_MultiLineStringPropertyType") == 0 || strcmp(pszType, "gmgml:LineString_MultiLineStringPropertyType") == 0) { poClass->SetGeometryElement(pszElementName); poClass->SetGeometryType(wkbMultiLineString); poClass->SetGeometryAttributeIndex( nAttributeIndex ); nAttributeIndex ++; continue; } else if (strcmp(pszType, "G:Polygon_MultiPolygonPropertyType") == 0 || strcmp(pszType, "gmgml:Polygon_MultiPolygonPropertyType") == 0 || strcmp(pszType, "gmgml:Polygon_Surface_MultiSurface_CompositeSurfacePropertyType") == 0) { poClass->SetGeometryElement(pszElementName); poClass->SetGeometryType(wkbMultiPolygon); poClass->SetGeometryAttributeIndex( nAttributeIndex ); nAttributeIndex ++; continue; } /* ERDAS Apollo stuff (like in */ else if (strcmp(pszType, "wfs:MixedPolygonPropertyType") == 0) { poClass->SetGeometryElement(pszElementName); poClass->SetGeometryType(wkbMultiPolygon); poClass->SetGeometryAttributeIndex( nAttributeIndex ); nAttributeIndex ++; continue; } else { gmlType = GMLPT_Untyped; if ( ! LookForSimpleType(psSchemaNode, pszStrippedNSType, &gmlType, &nWidth, &nPrecision) ) { /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */ delete poClass; return NULL; } } if (pszElementName == NULL) pszElementName = "unnamed"; GMLPropertyDefn *poProp = new GMLPropertyDefn( pszElementName, pszElementName ); poProp->SetType( gmlType ); poProp->SetAttributeIndex( nAttributeIndex ); poProp->SetWidth( nWidth ); poProp->SetPrecision( nPrecision ); if (poClass->AddProperty( poProp ) < 0) delete poProp; else nAttributeIndex ++; continue; } // For now we skip geometries .. fixup later. CPLXMLNode* psSimpleType = CPLGetXMLNode( psAttrDef, "simpleType" ); if( psSimpleType == NULL ) { const char* pszRef = CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "ref", NULL ); /* FME .xsd */ if (pszRef != NULL && strncmp(pszRef, "gml:", 4) == 0) { const AssocNameType* psIter = apsRefTypes; while(psIter->pszName) { if (strncmp(pszRef + 4, psIter->pszName, strlen(psIter->pszName)) == 0) { if (poClass->GetGeometryAttributeIndex() != -1) { OGRwkbGeometryType eNewType = psIter->eType; OGRwkbGeometryType eOldType = (OGRwkbGeometryType)poClass->GetGeometryType(); if ((eNewType == wkbMultiPoint && eOldType == wkbPoint) || (eNewType == wkbMultiLineString && eOldType == wkbLineString) || (eNewType == wkbMultiPolygon && eOldType == wkbPolygon)) { poClass->SetGeometryType(eNewType); } else { CPLDebug("GML", "Geometry field already found ! Ignoring the following ones"); } } else { poClass->SetGeometryElement(pszElementName); poClass->SetGeometryType(psIter->eType); poClass->SetGeometryAttributeIndex( nAttributeIndex ); nAttributeIndex ++; } break; } psIter ++; } if (psIter->pszName == NULL) { /* Can be a non geometry gml type */ /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */ delete poClass; return NULL; } if (poClass->GetGeometryAttributeIndex() == -1) bGotUnrecognizedType = TRUE; continue; } /* Parse stuff like the following found in : <xs:element name="Obj" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref="gml:_Geometry"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> */ CPLXMLNode* psComplexType = GetSingleChildElement( psAttrDef, "complexType" ); CPLXMLNode* psComplexTypeSequence = GetSingleChildElement( psComplexType, "sequence" ); CPLXMLNode* psComplexTypeSequenceElement = GetSingleChildElement( psComplexTypeSequence, "element" ); if( pszElementName != NULL && CheckMinMaxOccursCardinality(psAttrDef) && psComplexTypeSequenceElement != NULL && CheckMinMaxOccursCardinality(psComplexTypeSequence) && strcmp(CPLGetXMLValue( psComplexTypeSequenceElement, "ref", "" ), "gml:_Geometry") == 0 ) { poClass->SetGeometryElement(pszElementName); poClass->SetGeometryType(wkbUnknown); poClass->SetGeometryAttributeIndex( nAttributeIndex ); nAttributeIndex ++; continue; } else { /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */ delete poClass; return NULL; } } if (pszElementName == NULL) pszElementName = "unnamed"; GMLPropertyDefn *poProp = new GMLPropertyDefn( pszElementName, pszElementName ); GMLPropertyType eType = GMLPT_Untyped; int nWidth = 0, nPrecision = 0; GetSimpleTypeProperties(psSimpleType, &eType, &nWidth, &nPrecision); poProp->SetType( eType ); poProp->SetWidth( nWidth ); poProp->SetPrecision( nPrecision ); poProp->SetAttributeIndex( nAttributeIndex ); if (poClass->AddProperty( poProp ) < 0) delete poProp; else nAttributeIndex ++; } /* Only report wkbNone if we didn't find a known geometry type */ /* and there were not any unknown types (in case this unknown type */ /* would be a geometry type) */ if (poClass->GetGeometryAttributeIndex() == -1 && !bGotUnrecognizedType) { poClass->SetGeometryType(wkbNone); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Class complete, add to reader class list. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ poClass->SetSchemaLocked( TRUE ); return poClass; }
int GMLReader::ParseXSD( const char *pszFile ) { if( pszFile == NULL ) return FALSE; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Load the raw XML file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psXSDTree = CPLParseXMLFile( pszFile ); if( psXSDTree == NULL ) return FALSE; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Strip off any namespace qualifiers. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLStripXMLNamespace( psXSDTree, NULL, TRUE ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Find <schema> root element. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psSchemaNode = CPLGetXMLNode( psXSDTree, "=schema" ); if( psSchemaNode == NULL ) { CPLDestroyXMLNode( psXSDTree ); return FALSE; } /* ==================================================================== */ /* Process each feature class definition. */ /* ==================================================================== */ CPLXMLNode *psThis; int bIsLevel0 = TRUE; for( psThis = psSchemaNode->psChild; psThis != NULL; psThis = psThis->psNext ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check for <xs:element> node. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( psThis->eType != CXT_Element || !EQUAL(psThis->pszValue,"element") ) continue; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check the substitution group. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszSubGroup = StripNS(CPLGetXMLValue(psThis,"substitutionGroup","")); // Old OGR produced elements for the feature collection. if( EQUAL(pszSubGroup, "_FeatureCollection") ) continue; if( !EQUAL(pszSubGroup, "_Feature") ) { bIsLevel0 = FALSE; break; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get name */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszName; pszName = CPLGetXMLValue( psThis, "name", NULL ); if( pszName == NULL ) { bIsLevel0 = FALSE; break; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get type and verify relationship with name. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszType; pszType = CPLGetXMLValue( psThis, "type", NULL ); if( strstr( pszType, ":" ) != NULL ) pszType = strstr( pszType, ":" ) + 1; if( pszType == NULL || !EQUALN(pszType,pszName,strlen(pszName)) || !(EQUAL(pszType+strlen(pszName),"_Type") || EQUAL(pszType+strlen(pszName),"Type")) ) { bIsLevel0 = FALSE; break; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* The very next element should be the corresponding */ /* complexType declaration for the element. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ psThis = psThis->psNext; while( psThis != NULL && psThis->eType == CXT_Comment ) psThis = psThis->psNext; if( psThis == NULL || psThis->eType != CXT_Element || !EQUAL(psThis->pszValue,"complexType") || !EQUAL(CPLGetXMLValue(psThis,"name",""),pszType) ) { bIsLevel0 = FALSE; break; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Grab the sequence of extensions greatgrandchild. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psAttrSeq = CPLGetXMLNode( psThis, "complexContent.extension.sequence" ); if( psAttrSeq == NULL ) { bIsLevel0 = FALSE; break; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* We are pretty sure this going to be a valid Feature class */ /* now, so create it. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GMLFeatureClass *poClass = new GMLFeatureClass( pszName ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Loop over each of the attribute elements being defined for */ /* this feature class. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psAttrDef; for( psAttrDef = psAttrSeq->psChild; psAttrDef != NULL; psAttrDef = psAttrDef->psNext ) { if( !EQUAL(psAttrDef->pszValue,"element") ) continue; // For now we skip geometries .. fixup later. if( CPLGetXMLNode( psAttrDef, "simpleType" ) == NULL ) continue; GMLPropertyDefn *poProp = new GMLPropertyDefn( CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "name", "unnamed" ), CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "name", "unnamed" ) ); const char *pszBase = StripNS( CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "simpleType.restriction.base", "" )); if( EQUAL(pszBase,"decimal") ) { poProp->SetType( GMLPT_Real ); const char *pszWidth = CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "simpleType.restriction.totalDigits.value", "0" ); const char *pszPrecision = CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "simpleType.restriction.fractionDigits.value", "0" ); poProp->SetWidth( atoi(pszWidth) ); poProp->SetPrecision( atoi(pszPrecision) ); } else if( EQUAL(pszBase,"float") || EQUAL(pszBase,"double") ) poProp->SetType( GMLPT_Real ); else if( EQUAL(pszBase,"integer") ) { poProp->SetType( GMLPT_Integer ); const char *pszWidth = CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "simpleType.restriction.totalDigits.value", "0" ); poProp->SetWidth( atoi(pszWidth) ); } else if( EQUAL(pszBase,"string") ) { poProp->SetType( GMLPT_String ); const char *pszWidth = CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "simpleType.restriction.maxLength.value", "0" ); poProp->SetWidth( atoi(pszWidth) ); } else poProp->SetType( GMLPT_Untyped ); poClass->AddProperty( poProp ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Class complete, add to reader class list. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ poClass->SetSchemaLocked( TRUE ); AddClass( poClass ); } CPLDestroyXMLNode( psXSDTree ); if( m_nClassCount > 0 ) { SetClassListLocked( TRUE ); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
bool GMLParseXSD( const char *pszFile, std::vector<GMLFeatureClass*> & aosClasses, bool& bFullyUnderstood) { bFullyUnderstood = false; if( pszFile == NULL ) return false; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Load the raw XML file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psXSDTree = GMLParseXMLFile( pszFile ); if( psXSDTree == NULL ) return false; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Strip off any namespace qualifiers. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLStripXMLNamespace( psXSDTree, NULL, TRUE ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Find <schema> root element. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psSchemaNode = CPLGetXMLNode( psXSDTree, "=schema" ); if( psSchemaNode == NULL ) { CPLDestroyXMLNode( psXSDTree ); return false; } /* ==================================================================== */ /* Process each include directive. */ /* ==================================================================== */ CPLXMLSchemaResolveInclude( pszFile, psSchemaNode ); //CPLSerializeXMLTreeToFile(psSchemaNode, "/vsistdout/"); bFullyUnderstood = true; /* ==================================================================== */ /* Process each feature class definition. */ /* ==================================================================== */ CPLXMLNode *psThis = psSchemaNode->psChild; for( ; psThis != NULL; psThis = psThis->psNext ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check for <xs:element> node. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( psThis->eType != CXT_Element || !EQUAL(psThis->pszValue,"element") ) continue; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check the substitution group. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszSubGroup = StripNS(CPLGetXMLValue(psThis,"substitutionGroup","")); // Old OGR produced elements for the feature collection. if( EQUAL(pszSubGroup, "_FeatureCollection") ) continue; if( !EQUAL(pszSubGroup, "_Feature") && !EQUAL(pszSubGroup, "AbstractFeature") /* AbstractFeature used by GML 3.2 */ ) { continue; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get name */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszName = CPLGetXMLValue( psThis, "name", NULL ); if( pszName == NULL ) { continue; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get type and verify relationship with name. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszType = CPLGetXMLValue( psThis, "type", NULL ); if (pszType == NULL) { CPLXMLNode *psComplexType = CPLGetXMLNode( psThis, "complexType" ); if (psComplexType) { GMLFeatureClass* poClass = GMLParseFeatureType(psSchemaNode, pszName, psComplexType); if (poClass) aosClasses.push_back(poClass); else bFullyUnderstood = false; } continue; } if( strstr( pszType, ":" ) != NULL ) pszType = strstr( pszType, ":" ) + 1; if( EQUAL(pszType, pszName) ) { /* A few WFS servers return a type name which is the element name */ /* without any _Type or Type suffix */ /* e.g. : */ } /* <element name="RekisteriyksikonPalstanTietoja" type="ktjkiiwfs:PalstanTietojaType" substitutionGroup="gml:_Feature" /> */ else if( strlen(pszType) > 4 && strcmp(pszType + strlen(pszType) - 4, "Type") == 0 && strlen(pszName) > strlen(pszType) - 4 && strncmp(pszName + strlen(pszName) - (strlen(pszType) - 4), pszType, strlen(pszType) - 4) == 0 ) { } else if( !EQUALN(pszType,pszName,strlen(pszName)) || !(EQUAL(pszType+strlen(pszName),"_Type") || EQUAL(pszType+strlen(pszName),"Type")) ) { continue; } /* CanVec .xsd contains weird types that are not used in the related GML */ if (STARTS_WITH(pszName, "XyZz") || STARTS_WITH(pszName, "XyZ1") || STARTS_WITH(pszName, "XyZ2")) continue; GMLFeatureClass* poClass = GMLParseFeatureType(psSchemaNode, pszName, pszType); if (poClass) aosClasses.push_back(poClass); else bFullyUnderstood = false; } CPLDestroyXMLNode( psXSDTree ); if( aosClasses.size() > 0 ) { return true; } else return false; }
static GMLFeatureClass* GMLParseFeatureType(CPLXMLNode *psSchemaNode, const char* pszName, CPLXMLNode *psComplexType) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Grab the sequence of extensions greatgrandchild. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psAttrSeq = CPLGetXMLNode( psComplexType, "complexContent.extension.sequence" ); if( psAttrSeq == NULL ) { return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* We are pretty sure this going to be a valid Feature class */ /* now, so create it. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GMLFeatureClass *poClass = new GMLFeatureClass( pszName ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Loop over each of the attribute elements being defined for */ /* this feature class. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int nAttributeIndex = 0; bool bGotUnrecognizedType = false; CPLXMLNode *psAttrDef = psAttrSeq->psChild; for( ; psAttrDef != NULL; psAttrDef = psAttrDef->psNext ) { if( strcmp(psAttrDef->pszValue,"group") == 0 ) { /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */ delete poClass; return NULL; } /* Parse stuff like : <xs:choice> <xs:element ref="gml:polygonProperty"/> <xs:element ref="gml:multiPolygonProperty"/> </xs:choice> as found in */ if( strcmp(psAttrDef->pszValue,"choice") == 0 ) { CPLXMLNode* psChild = psAttrDef->psChild; bool bPolygon = false; bool bMultiPolygon = false; for( ; psChild; psChild = psChild->psNext ) { if( psChild->eType != CXT_Element ) continue; if( strcmp(psChild->pszValue,"element") == 0 ) { const char* pszRef = CPLGetXMLValue( psChild, "ref", NULL ); if( pszRef != NULL ) { if( strcmp(pszRef, "gml:polygonProperty") == 0 ) bPolygon = true; else if( strcmp(pszRef, "gml:multiPolygonProperty") == 0 ) bMultiPolygon = true; else { delete poClass; return NULL; } } else { delete poClass; return NULL; } } } if( bPolygon && bMultiPolygon ) { poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn( "", "", wkbMultiPolygon, nAttributeIndex, true ) ); nAttributeIndex ++; } continue; } if( !EQUAL(psAttrDef->pszValue,"element") ) continue; /* MapServer WFS writes element type as an attribute of element */ /* not as a simpleType definition */ const char* pszType = CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "type", NULL ); const char* pszElementName = CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "name", NULL ); bool bNullable = EQUAL(CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "minOccurs", "1" ), "0"); const char* pszMaxOccurs = CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "maxOccurs", NULL ); if (pszType != NULL) { const char* pszStrippedNSType = StripNS(pszType); int nWidth = 0, nPrecision = 0; GMLPropertyType gmlType = GMLPT_Untyped; if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "string") || EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "Character")) gmlType = GMLPT_String; /* TODO: Would be nice to have a proper date type */ else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "date") || EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "dateTime")) gmlType = GMLPT_String; else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "real") || EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "double") || EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "decimal")) gmlType = GMLPT_Real; else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "float") ) gmlType = GMLPT_Float; else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "int") || EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "integer")) gmlType = GMLPT_Integer; else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "long")) gmlType = GMLPT_Integer64; else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "short") ) gmlType = GMLPT_Short; else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "boolean") ) gmlType = GMLPT_Boolean; else if (strcmp(pszType, "gml:FeaturePropertyType") == 0 ) { gmlType = GMLPT_FeatureProperty; } else if (STARTS_WITH(pszType, "gml:")) { const AssocNameType* psIter = apsPropertyTypes; while(psIter->pszName) { if (strncmp(pszType + 4, psIter->pszName, strlen(psIter->pszName)) == 0) { OGRwkbGeometryType eType = psIter->eType; /* Look if there's a comment restricting to subclasses */ if( psAttrDef->psNext != NULL && psAttrDef->psNext->eType == CXT_Comment ) { if( strstr(psAttrDef->psNext->pszValue, "restricted to Polygon") ) eType = wkbPolygon; else if( strstr(psAttrDef->psNext->pszValue, "restricted to LineString") ) eType = wkbLineString; else if( strstr(psAttrDef->psNext->pszValue, "restricted to MultiPolygon") ) eType = wkbMultiPolygon; else if( strstr(psAttrDef->psNext->pszValue, "restricted to MultiLineString") ) eType = wkbMultiLineString; } poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn( pszElementName, pszElementName, eType, nAttributeIndex, bNullable ) ); nAttributeIndex ++; break; } psIter ++; } if (psIter->pszName == NULL) { /* Can be a non geometry gml type */ /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */ delete poClass; return NULL; } if (poClass->GetGeometryPropertyCount() == 0) bGotUnrecognizedType = true; continue; } /* Integraph stuff */ else if (strcmp(pszType, "G:Point_MultiPointPropertyType") == 0 || strcmp(pszType, "gmgml:Point_MultiPointPropertyType") == 0) { poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn( pszElementName, pszElementName, wkbMultiPoint, nAttributeIndex, bNullable ) ); nAttributeIndex ++; continue; } else if (strcmp(pszType, "G:LineString_MultiLineStringPropertyType") == 0 || strcmp(pszType, "gmgml:LineString_MultiLineStringPropertyType") == 0) { poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn( pszElementName, pszElementName, wkbMultiLineString, nAttributeIndex, bNullable ) ); nAttributeIndex ++; continue; } else if (strcmp(pszType, "G:Polygon_MultiPolygonPropertyType") == 0 || strcmp(pszType, "gmgml:Polygon_MultiPolygonPropertyType") == 0 || strcmp(pszType, "gmgml:Polygon_Surface_MultiSurface_CompositeSurfacePropertyType") == 0) { poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn( pszElementName, pszElementName, wkbMultiPolygon, nAttributeIndex, bNullable ) ); nAttributeIndex ++; continue; } /* ERDAS Apollo stuff (like in */ else if (strcmp(pszType, "wfs:MixedPolygonPropertyType") == 0) { poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn( pszElementName, pszElementName, wkbMultiPolygon, nAttributeIndex, bNullable) ); nAttributeIndex ++; continue; } else { gmlType = GMLPT_Untyped; if ( ! LookForSimpleType(psSchemaNode, pszStrippedNSType, &gmlType, &nWidth, &nPrecision) ) { /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */ delete poClass; return NULL; } } if (pszElementName == NULL) pszElementName = "unnamed"; const char* pszPropertyName = pszElementName; if( gmlType == GMLPT_FeatureProperty ) { pszPropertyName = CPLSPrintf("%s_href", pszElementName); } GMLPropertyDefn *poProp = new GMLPropertyDefn( pszPropertyName, pszElementName ); if( pszMaxOccurs != NULL && strcmp(pszMaxOccurs, "1") != 0 ) gmlType = GetListTypeFromSingleType(gmlType); poProp->SetType( gmlType ); poProp->SetWidth( nWidth ); poProp->SetPrecision( nPrecision ); poProp->SetNullable( bNullable ); if (poClass->AddProperty( poProp ) < 0) delete poProp; else nAttributeIndex ++; continue; } // For now we skip geometries .. fixup later. CPLXMLNode* psSimpleType = CPLGetXMLNode( psAttrDef, "simpleType" ); if( psSimpleType == NULL ) { const char* pszRef = CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "ref", NULL ); /* FME .xsd */ if (pszRef != NULL && STARTS_WITH(pszRef, "gml:")) { const AssocNameType* psIter = apsRefTypes; while(psIter->pszName) { if (strncmp(pszRef + 4, psIter->pszName, strlen(psIter->pszName)) == 0) { if (poClass->GetGeometryPropertyCount() > 0) { OGRwkbGeometryType eNewType = psIter->eType; OGRwkbGeometryType eOldType = (OGRwkbGeometryType)poClass->GetGeometryProperty(0)->GetType(); if ((eNewType == wkbMultiPoint && eOldType == wkbPoint) || (eNewType == wkbMultiLineString && eOldType == wkbLineString) || (eNewType == wkbMultiPolygon && eOldType == wkbPolygon)) { poClass->GetGeometryProperty(0)->SetType(eNewType); } else { CPLDebug("GML", "Geometry field already found ! Ignoring the following ones"); } } else { poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn( pszElementName, pszElementName, psIter->eType, nAttributeIndex, true ) ); nAttributeIndex ++; } break; } psIter ++; } if (psIter->pszName == NULL) { /* Can be a non geometry gml type */ /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */ delete poClass; return NULL; } if (poClass->GetGeometryPropertyCount() == 0) bGotUnrecognizedType = true; continue; } /* Parse stuff like the following found in : <xs:element name="Obj" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref="gml:_Geometry"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> */ CPLXMLNode* l_psComplexType = GetSingleChildElement( psAttrDef, "complexType" ); CPLXMLNode* psComplexTypeSequence = GetSingleChildElement( l_psComplexType, "sequence" ); CPLXMLNode* psComplexTypeSequenceElement = GetSingleChildElement( psComplexTypeSequence, "element" ); if( pszElementName != NULL && CheckMinMaxOccursCardinality(psAttrDef) && psComplexTypeSequenceElement != NULL && CheckMinMaxOccursCardinality(psComplexTypeSequence) && strcmp(CPLGetXMLValue( psComplexTypeSequenceElement, "ref", "" ), "gml:_Geometry") == 0 ) { poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn( pszElementName, pszElementName, wkbUnknown, nAttributeIndex, bNullable ) ); nAttributeIndex ++; continue; } else { /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */ delete poClass; return NULL; } } if (pszElementName == NULL) pszElementName = "unnamed"; GMLPropertyDefn *poProp = new GMLPropertyDefn( pszElementName, pszElementName ); GMLPropertyType eType = GMLPT_Untyped; int nWidth = 0, nPrecision = 0; GetSimpleTypeProperties(psSimpleType, &eType, &nWidth, &nPrecision); if( pszMaxOccurs != NULL && strcmp(pszMaxOccurs, "1") != 0 ) eType = GetListTypeFromSingleType(eType); poProp->SetType( eType ); poProp->SetWidth( nWidth ); poProp->SetPrecision( nPrecision ); poProp->SetNullable( bNullable ); if (poClass->AddProperty( poProp ) < 0) delete poProp; else nAttributeIndex ++; } /* If we have found an unknown types, let's be on the side of caution and */ /* create a geometry field */ if( poClass->GetGeometryPropertyCount() == 0 && bGotUnrecognizedType ) { poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn( "", "", wkbUnknown, -1, true ) ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Class complete, add to reader class list. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ poClass->SetSchemaLocked( true ); return poClass; }