コード例 #1
ファイル: patches.cpp プロジェクト: Isaacssv552/ufoai
 *	@brief Chops the patch by a global grid
static void SubdividePatch(patch_t* patch)
	winding_t* w, *o1, *o2;
	vec3_t mins, maxs;
	vec3_t split;
	vec_t dist;
	int i;
	patch_t* newp;

	w = patch->winding;
	WindingBounds(w, mins, maxs);


	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		if (floor((mins[i] + 1) / PATCH_SUBDIVIDE) < floor((maxs[i] - 1) / PATCH_SUBDIVIDE)) {
			split[i] = 1.0;
	/* no splitting needed */
	if (i == 3)

	/* split the winding */
	dist = PATCH_SUBDIVIDE * (1 + floor((mins[i] + 1) / PATCH_SUBDIVIDE));
	ClipWindingEpsilon(w, split, dist, ON_EPSILON, &o1, &o2);

	/* create a new patch */
	newp = Mem_AllocType(patch_t);

	newp->next = patch->next;
	patch->next = newp;

	patch->winding = o1;
	newp->winding = o2;

	FinishSubdividePatch(patch, newp);

コード例 #2
ファイル: patches.cpp プロジェクト: Isaacssv552/ufoai
 * @brief Iterate all of the head face patches, subdividing them as necessary.
void SubdividePatches (void)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_MAP_FACES; i++) {
		patch_t* p = face_patches[i];

		if (p)  /* break it up */
コード例 #3
ファイル: qrad.c プロジェクト: jpiolho/halflife
void SubdividePatches (void)
	int		i, num;

	num = num_patches;	// because the list will grow
	for (i=0 ; i<num ; i++)
		patch_t *patch = patches + i;
		SubdividePatch( patch );
	qprintf ("%i patches after subdivision\n", num_patches);
コード例 #4
ファイル: patches.c プロジェクト: jayschwa/quake2world
 * @brief Iterate all of the head face patches, subdividing them as necessary.
void SubdividePatches(void) {
	int32_t i;

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_BSP_FACES; i++) {

		const d_bsp_face_t *f = &d_bsp.faces[i];
		patch_t *p = face_patches[i];

		if (p && !IsSky(f)) // break it up

コード例 #5
ファイル: qrad.c プロジェクト: jpiolho/halflife
void	SubdividePatch (patch_t *patch)
	winding_t *w, *o1, *o2;
	vec3_t	total;
	vec3_t	split;
	vec_t	dist;
	vec_t	widest = -1;
	int		i, j, widest_axis = -1;
	int		subdivide_it = 0;
	vec_t	v;
	patch_t	*newp;

	w = patch->winding;

	VectorSubtract (patch->maxs, patch->mins, total);
	for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
		if ( total[i] > widest )
			widest_axis = i;
			widest = total[i];
		if ( total[i] > patch->chop
		  || (patch->face_maxs[i] == patch->maxs[i] || patch->face_mins[i] == patch->mins[i] )
		  && total[i] > minchop )
			subdivide_it = 1;

	if ( subdivide_it )
		// split the winding
		VectorCopy (vec3_origin, split);
		split[widest_axis] = 1;
		dist = (patch->mins[widest_axis] + patch->maxs[widest_axis])*0.5f;
		ClipWinding (w, split, dist, &o1, &o2);

		// create a new patch
		if (num_patches == MAX_PATCHES)
			Error ("MAX_PATCHES");
		newp = &patches[num_patches];

		newp->next = patch->next;
		patch->next = newp;

		patch->winding = o1;
		newp->winding = o2;

		VectorCopy( patch->face_mins, newp->face_mins );
		VectorCopy( patch->face_maxs, newp->face_maxs );

		VectorCopy( patch->baselight, newp->baselight );
		VectorCopy( patch->directlight, newp->directlight );
		VectorCopy( patch->totallight, newp->totallight );
		VectorCopy( patch->reflectivity, newp->reflectivity );
		newp->plane = patch->plane;
		newp->sky = patch->sky;
		newp->chop = patch->chop;
		newp->faceNumber = patch->faceNumber;


		patch->area = WindingArea (patch->winding);
		newp->area = WindingArea (newp->winding);

		WindingCenter (patch->winding, patch->origin);
		WindingCenter (newp->winding, newp->origin);

// This seems to be a bad idea for some reason.  Leave it turned off for now.
		// Set (Copy or Calculate) the synthetic normal for these new patches
		VectorAdd (patch->origin, patch->plane->normal, patch->origin);
		VectorAdd (newp->origin, newp->plane->normal, newp->origin);
		GetPhongNormal( patch->faceNumber, patch->origin, patch->normal );
		GetPhongNormal( newp->faceNumber, newp->origin, newp->normal );
		VectorSubtract( patch->origin, patch->plane->normal, patch->origin);
		VectorSubtract( newp->origin, newp->plane->normal, newp->origin);
		VectorCopy( patch->plane->normal, patch->normal );
		VectorCopy( newp->plane->normal, newp->normal );
		VectorAdd( patch->origin, patch->normal, patch->origin );
		VectorAdd( newp->origin, newp->normal, newp->origin );

		WindingBounds(patch->winding, patch->mins, patch->maxs);
		WindingBounds(newp->winding, newp->mins, newp->maxs);

		// Subdivide patch even more if on the edge of the face; this is a hack!
		VectorSubtract (patch->maxs, patch->mins, total);
		if ( total[0] < patch->chop && total[1] < patch->chop && total[2] < patch->chop )
			for ( i=0; i<3; i++ )
				if ( (patch->face_maxs[i] == patch->maxs[i] || patch->face_mins[i] == patch->mins[i] )
				  && total[i] > minchop )
					patch->chop = max( minchop, patch->chop / 2 );

		SubdividePatch (patch);

		// Subdivide patch even more if on the edge of the face; this is a hack!
		VectorSubtract (newp->maxs, newp->mins, total);
		if ( total[0] < newp->chop && total[1] < newp->chop && total[2] < newp->chop )
			for ( i=0; i<3; i++ )
				if ( (newp->face_maxs[i] == newp->maxs[i] || newp->face_mins[i] == newp->mins[i] )
				  && total[i] > minchop )
					newp->chop = max( minchop, newp->chop / 2 );

		SubdividePatch (newp);
コード例 #6
ファイル: patches.c プロジェクト: Garux/netradiant-custom

   Chops the patch only if its local bounds exceed the max size
void    SubdividePatch( patch_t *patch ){
	winding_t *w, *o1, *o2;
	vec3_t mins, maxs, total;
	vec3_t split;
	vec_t dist;
	int i, j;
	vec_t v;
	patch_t *newp;

	w = patch->winding;
	mins[0] = mins[1] = mins[2] = 99999;
	maxs[0] = maxs[1] = maxs[2] = -99999;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < w->numpoints ; i++ )
		for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ )
			v = w->p[i][j];
			if ( v < mins[j] ) {
				mins[j] = v;
			if ( v > maxs[j] ) {
				maxs[j] = v;
	VectorSubtract( maxs, mins, total );
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
		if ( total[i] > ( subdiv + 1 ) ) {
	if ( i == 3 ) {
		// no splitting needed

	// split the winding
	VectorCopy( vec3_origin, split );
	split[i] = 1;
	dist = ( mins[i] + maxs[i] ) * 0.5;
	ClipWindingEpsilon( w, split, dist, ON_EPSILON, &o1, &o2 );

	// create a new patch
	if ( num_patches == MAX_PATCHES ) {
		Error( "MAX_PATCHES" );
	newp = &patches[num_patches];

	newp->next = patch->next;
	patch->next = newp;

	patch->winding = o1;
	newp->winding = o2;

	FinishSplit( patch, newp );

	SubdividePatch( patch );
	SubdividePatch( newp );