// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void CellNetStateHandler ( le_cellnet_State_t state, void* contextPtr ) { static le_cellnet_State_t oldState = LE_CELLNET_REG_UNKNOWN; LE_INFO("Cellular Network state is %d", state); if (state == LE_CELLNET_REG_HOME) { oldState = LE_CELLNET_REG_HOME; SwitchOffCellNet(); LE_INFO("Verify that Cellular Network is OFF by checking CellNet events."); } if ((oldState == LE_CELLNET_REG_HOME) && (state == LE_CELLNET_REG_EMERGENCY)) { LE_INFO("Cellular Network is OFF has been checked."); le_cellnet_RemoveStateEventHandler(StateHandlerRef); LE_INFO("StateHandlerRef (%p) removed", StateHandlerRef); LE_INFO("======== cellNetServiceTest TEST PASSED ======== "); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void CellNetStateHandler ( le_cellnet_State_t state, void* contextPtr ) { LE_INFO("Cellular Network state is %d", state); if (state == LE_CELLNET_REG_HOME) { SwitchOffCellNet(); LE_INFO("Verify that Cellular Network is OFF by checking CellNet events."); } }