コード例 #1
ファイル: wiring.c プロジェクト: FireflyTeam/Fireduino-SDK
uint32_t millis( void )
	double t = ((double)SysTickPeriodGet()-(double)SysTickValueGet())/(double)SysTickPeriodGet();
	t *= 10;

	return get_SystickCount() * 10 + (uint32_t)t;
コード例 #2
ファイル: wiring.c プロジェクト: FireflyTeam/Fireduino-SDK
uint32_t micros( void )
	double t = ((double)SysTickPeriodGet()-(double)SysTickValueGet())/(double)SysTickPeriodGet();
	t *= 10;
	t *= 1000;

	return (get_SystickCount() * 1000 * 10 + (uint32_t)t);
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: arduic/GitHub
//Converts all the gyro acc data into usable data for roll pitch yaw... eventually
void getInclination(float *RwAcc, float *RwEst, float *RwGyro, float *Gyro_ds, float *Awz){
	//Long convaluted equation that someone found and i'm borrowing. Returns a unit vector need to convet to degrees
	int w = 0;
	//int x = 0;
	float tmpf = 0.0;
	long currentTime, signRzGyro;
	float R;
	//currentTime = ((SysCtlClockGet() / (1000 * 3))*timeBetweenCalculations)-(SysTickValueGet()*(1000*3));	//So I BELIEVE this will tell me how many ms
	currentTime = (SysTickPeriodGet()-SysTickValueGet())/80000;	//I think this actually converts to ms between calculations
	interval = (currentTime - lastTime);	//
	interval = (interval < 0) ? interval + SysTickValueGet()/80000 : interval;
	lastTime = currentTime;
	//We need to fill in an inital RwEst for the math to work. We'll assume that the object is stable on the first start thus accelerometer angles are the angles
	//However, if we needed to restart mid flight this would fix itself fairly quickly in theory
	if (firstSample) { // the NaN check is used to wait for good data from the Stellaris
		for(w=0;w<=2;w++) {
			RwEst[w] = RwAcc[w];    //initialize with accelerometer readings
		/*float bob = 0.7;			//This was here to debug float compares. The below RwEst statment is bugged!
		if(bob < 0.1){
		//Rz is too small and because it is used as reference for computing Axz, Ayz it's error fluctuations will amplify leading to bad results
		//in this case skip the gyro data and just use previous estimate
		//My comment on this, The RzEST is very small which means if me divide by a small number we will get close to infinity which is bad
		if((fabs(RwEst[2])) < ((float)0.1)) {
			for(w=0;w<=2;w++) {
				RwGyro[w] = RwEst[w];
			//get angles between projection of R on ZX/ZY plane and Z axis, based on last RwEst
			//This calculates the Axz Ayz part. It seems right
				tmpf = Gyro_ds[w];                        //get current gyro rate in deg/s
				tmpf *= interval / ((float)1000.0);                     //get angle change in deg
				Awz[w] = atan2f(RwEst[w],RwEst[2]) * 180 / PI;   //get angle and convert to degrees
				Awz[w] += tmpf;             //get updated angle according to gyro movement		//These are in degrees
			//Awz[0] = 30;
			//Awz[1] = 45;
			//estimate sign of RzGyro by looking in what qudrant the angle Axz is,
			//RzGyro is pozitive if  Axz in range -90 ..90 => cos(Awz) >= 0
			signRzGyro = ( cosf(Awz[0] * PI / 180) >=0 ) ? 1 : -1;
			//reverse calculation of RwGyro from Awz angles, for formulas deductions see  http://starlino.com/imu_guide.html
				//Effectively RwGyro is unitless. Completly unitless
			RwGyro[0] = sinf(Awz[0] * PI / 180);
			RwGyro[0] /= floatingSquare( 1 + (cosf(Awz[0] * PI / 180)*cosf(Awz[0] * PI / 180)) * (tanf(Awz[1] * PI / 180)*tanf(Awz[1] * PI / 180)));
			RwGyro[1] = sinf(Awz[1] * PI / 180);
			RwGyro[1] /= floatingSquare( 1 + (cosf(Awz[1] * PI / 180)*cosf(Awz[1] * PI / 180)) * (tanf(Awz[0] * PI / 180)*tanf(Awz[0] * PI / 180)));

			RwGyro[2] = signRzGyro * floatingSquare((float)1.0 - (RwGyro[0]*RwGyro[0]) - (RwGyro[1]*RwGyro[1]));	//THIS THIS IS THE DEVIL!		//Note this does not ever try to eval sqrt(<0)
			/*RwGyro[0] = 0.2;
			RwGyro[1] = 0.3;
			RwGyro[2] = 0.4;*/
		//combine Accelerometer and gyro readings
		//w = 0;	failed attempt
			//I believe the units are in g's
			//RwEst[w] = (RwAcc[w] + (float)10.0 * RwGyro[w]) / (1 + 10);	failed attempt
			//RwEst[w] = (RwAcc[w] + wGyro * RwGyro[w]) / (1 + wGyro);		failed attempt
			/*RwEst[w] = (RwAcc[w] + wGyro * RwGyro[w]);
			RwEst[w] /= (1+wGyro);		failed attempt */
			//RwEst[w] = nextafter(fmaf(wGyro,RwGyro[w],RwAcc[w]),100000000);		//So when I add RwAcc[2] + RwGyro[2] it crashes invebitably. WTF!!!!!
			RwEst[w] = floatingAdd(RwGyro[w],wGyro*RwAcc[w])/(1+wGyro);			//DO NOT REMOVE FLOATING ADD it for some reason allows this addition to happen which otherwise fails misserably.
		/*for(x=0;x<=2;x++){		failed attempt
			RwEst[x] = (RwAcc[x] + wGyro * RwGyro[x]) / (1 + wGyro);

		R = floatingSquare(RwEst[0]*RwEst[0]+RwEst[1]*RwEst[1]+RwEst[2]*RwEst[2]);

		RwEst[1]/=R;	//This is unitless.

	firstSample = 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: modutime.c プロジェクト: jaafarbarek/pyrtos
STATIC mp_obj_t time_ticks_cpu(void) {
    // We want to "cast" the 32 bit unsigned into a 30-bit small-int
    return MP_OBJ_NEW_SMALL_INT((SysTickPeriodGet() - SysTickValueGet()) & MP_SMALL_INT_POSITIVE_MASK);