BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { #ifdef HOOK_GAMEDLL g_ReGameDLLRuntimeConfig.parseFromCommandLine(GetCommandLineA()); g_pOriginalGameDLLModule = Sys_LoadModule(shrPathGameDLL()); g_pOriginalFileSystemModule = Sys_LoadModule(ORIGINAL_FILESYSTEM_DLL_NAME); size_t gameAddr = (size_t)Sys_GetProcAddress((void *)g_pOriginalGameDLLModule, GIVEFNPTRS_TO_DLL_PROCNAME); size_t engAddr = (size_t)Sys_GetProcAddress(ORIGINAL_ENGINE_DLL_NAME, CREATEINTERFACE_PROCNAME); HookGameDLL(gameAddr, engAddr); #endif } else if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { if (g_pOriginalFileSystemModule) { Sys_UnloadModule(g_pOriginalFileSystemModule); g_pOriginalFileSystemModule = NULL; g_OriginalFileSystemFactory = NULL; g_pOriginalFileSystem = NULL; } if (g_pOriginalGameDLLModule) { Sys_UnloadModule(g_pOriginalGameDLLModule); g_pOriginalGameDLLModule = NULL; } } return TRUE; }
void __attribute__((constructor)) DllMainLoad() { g_pOriginalGameDLLModule = Sys_LoadModule(shrPathGameDLL()); g_pOriginalFileSystemModule = Sys_LoadModule(ORIGINAL_FILESYSTEM_DLL_NAME); size_t gameAddr = (size_t)Sys_GetProcAddress((void *)g_pOriginalGameDLLModule, GIVEFNPTRS_TO_DLL_PROCNAME); size_t engAddr = (size_t)Sys_GetProcAddress(ORIGINAL_ENGINE_DLL_NAME, CREATEINTERFACE_PROCNAME); HookGameDLL(gameAddr, engAddr); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv ); const char *pDLLName = "vvis_dll.dll"; CSysModule *pModule = Sys_LoadModule( pDLLName ); if ( !pModule ) { printf( "vvis launcher error: can't load %s\n%s", pDLLName, GetLastErrorString() ); return 1; } CreateInterfaceFn fn = Sys_GetFactory( pModule ); if( !fn ) { printf( "vvis launcher error: can't get factory from %s\n", pDLLName ); Sys_UnloadModule( pModule ); return 2; } int retCode = 0; ILaunchableDLL *pDLL = (ILaunchableDLL*)fn( LAUNCHABLE_DLL_INTERFACE_VERSION, &retCode ); if( !pDLL ) { printf( "vvis launcher error: can't get IVVisDLL interface from %s\n", pDLLName ); Sys_UnloadModule( pModule ); return 3; } pDLL->main( argc, argv ); Sys_UnloadModule( pModule ); return 0; }
bool RehldsApi_Init() { char failReason[2048]; #ifdef WIN32 CSysModule* engineModule = Sys_LoadModule("swds.dll"); #else CSysModule* engineModule = Sys_LoadModule(""); #endif if (!RehldsApi_TryInit(engineModule, failReason)) { Con_DPrintf("[RePatcher]: ReHLDS API init error: '%s'", failReason); return false; } return true; }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { const char *pModuleName = "vtex_dll.dll"; CSysModule *pModule = Sys_LoadModule( pModuleName ); if ( !pModule ) { printf( "Can't load %s.", pModuleName ); return false; } CreateInterfaceFn fn = Sys_GetFactory( pModule ); if ( !fn ) { printf( "Can't get factory from %s.", pModuleName ); Sys_UnloadModule( pModule ); return false; } ILaunchableDLL *pInterface = (ILaunchableDLL*)fn( LAUNCHABLE_DLL_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); if ( !pInterface ) { printf( "Can't get '%s' interface from %s.", LAUNCHABLE_DLL_INTERFACE_VERSION, pModuleName ); Sys_UnloadModule( pModule ); return false; } int iRet = pInterface->main( argc, argv ); Sys_UnloadModule( pModule ); return iRet; }
int CL_DLLEXPORT Initialize( cl_enginefunc_t *pEnginefuncs, int iVersion ) { gEngfuncs = *pEnginefuncs; RecClInitialize(pEnginefuncs, iVersion); if (iVersion != CLDLL_INTERFACE_VERSION) return 0; memcpy(&gEngfuncs, pEnginefuncs, sizeof(cl_enginefunc_t)); EV_HookEvents(); // get tracker interface, if any char szDir[512]; if (!gEngfuncs.COM_ExpandFilename("Bin/TrackerUI.dll", szDir, sizeof(szDir))) { g_pTrackerUser = NULL; g_hTrackerModule = NULL; return 1; } g_hTrackerModule = Sys_LoadModule(szDir); CreateInterfaceFn trackerFactory = Sys_GetFactory(g_hTrackerModule); if (!trackerFactory) { g_pTrackerUser = NULL; g_hTrackerModule = NULL; return 1; } g_pTrackerUser = (ITrackerUser *)trackerFactory(TRACKERUSER_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL); return 1; }
void InitStudioRender( void ) { if ( g_pStudioRenderModule ) return; Assert( g_MatSysFactory ); g_pStudioRenderModule = Sys_LoadModule( "StudioRender.dll" ); if( !g_pStudioRenderModule ) { Error( "Can't load StudioRender.dll\n" ); } CreateInterfaceFn studioRenderFactory = Sys_GetFactory( g_pStudioRenderModule ); if (!studioRenderFactory ) { Error( "Can't get factory for StudioRender.dll\n" ); } g_pStudioRender = ( IStudioRender * )studioRenderFactory( STUDIO_RENDER_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); if (!g_pStudioRender) { Error( "Unable to init studio render system version %s\n", STUDIO_RENDER_INTERFACE_VERSION ); } g_pStudioRender->Init( g_MatSysFactory, g_ShaderAPIFactory ); UpdateStudioRenderConfig(); }
void RunInDLL( const char *pFilename, CUtlVector<char*> &newArgv ) { if ( g_pConnMgr ) g_pConnMgr->SetAppState( VMPI_SERVICE_STATE_BUSY ); bool bSuccess = false; CSysModule *pModule = Sys_LoadModule( pFilename ); if ( pModule ) { CreateInterfaceFn fn = Sys_GetFactory( pModule ); if ( fn ) { ILaunchableDLL *pDLL = (ILaunchableDLL*)fn( LAUNCHABLE_DLL_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); if( pDLL ) { // Do this here because the executables we would have launched usually would do it. CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( newArgv.Count(), newArgv.Base() ); pDLL->main( newArgv.Count(), newArgv.Base() ); bSuccess = true; SpewOutputFunc( MySpewOutputFunc ); } } Sys_UnloadModule( pModule ); } if ( !bSuccess ) { Msg( "Error running VRAD (or VVIS) out of DLL '%s'\n", pFilename ); } if ( g_pConnMgr ) g_pConnMgr->SetAppState( VMPI_SERVICE_STATE_IDLE ); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Application entry point // Loads and runs the TrackerSRV //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int APIENTRY WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { // winsock aware WSAData wsaData; int nReturnCode = ::WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsaData); // load the Tracker Server DLL CSysModule *serverDll = Sys_LoadModule("TrackerSRV.dll"); CreateInterfaceFn serverFactory = Sys_GetFactory(serverDll); if (!serverFactory) { ::MessageBox(NULL, "Could not load 'TrackerSRV.dll'", "Fatal Error - TrackerServer", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return 1; } ITrackerSRV *trackerInterface = (ITrackerSRV *)serverFactory(TRACKERSERVER_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL); // Activate server trackerInterface->RunTrackerServer(lpCmdLine); Sys_UnloadModule(serverDll); ::WSACleanup(); return 0; }
void CL_LoadParticleMan( void ) { char szPDir[512]; if ( gEngfuncs.COM_ExpandFilename( PARTICLEMAN_DLLNAME, szPDir, sizeof( szPDir ) ) == FALSE ) { g_pParticleMan = NULL; g_hParticleManModule = NULL; return; } g_hParticleManModule = Sys_LoadModule( szPDir ); CreateInterfaceFn particleManFactory = Sys_GetFactory( g_hParticleManModule ); if ( particleManFactory == NULL ) { g_pParticleMan = NULL; g_hParticleManModule = NULL; return; } g_pParticleMan = (IParticleMan *)particleManFactory( PARTICLEMAN_INTERFACE, NULL); if ( g_pParticleMan ) { g_pParticleMan->SetUp( &gEngfuncs ); // Add custom particle classes here BEFORE calling anything else or you will die. g_pParticleMan->AddCustomParticleClassSize ( sizeof ( CBaseParticle ) ); } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: get the interface for the specified module and version // Input : // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Sys_LoadInterface( const char *pModuleName, const char *pInterfaceVersionName, CSysModule **pOutModule, void **pOutInterface ) { CSysModule *pMod = Sys_LoadModule( pModuleName ); if ( !pMod ) return false; CreateInterfaceFn fn = Sys_GetFactory( pMod ); if ( !fn ) { Sys_UnloadModule( pMod ); return false; } *pOutInterface = fn( pInterfaceVersionName, NULL ); if ( !( *pOutInterface ) ) { Sys_UnloadModule( pMod ); return false; } if ( pOutModule ) *pOutModule = pMod; return true; }
int EXPORT Initialize( cl_enginefunc_t *pEnginefuncs, int iVersion ) { gEngfuncs = *pEnginefuncs; //!!! mwh UNDONE We need to think about our versioning strategy. Do we want to try to be compatible // with previous versions, especially when we're only 'bonus' functionality? Should it be the engine // that decides if the DLL is compliant? if (iVersion != CLDLL_INTERFACE_VERSION) return 0; memcpy(&gEngfuncs, pEnginefuncs, sizeof(cl_enginefunc_t)); EV_HookEvents(); // Determine which filesystem to use. #if defined ( _WIN32 ) char *szFsModule = "filesystem_stdio.dll"; #elif defined(OSX) char *szFsModule = "filesystem_stdio.dylib"; #elif defined(LINUX) char *szFsModule = ""; #else #error #endif char szFSDir[MAX_PATH]; szFSDir[0] = 0; if ( gEngfuncs.COM_ExpandFilename( szFsModule, szFSDir, sizeof( szFSDir ) ) == FALSE ) { return false; } // Get filesystem interface. g_pFileSystemModule = Sys_LoadModule( szFSDir ); assert( g_pFileSystemModule ); if( !g_pFileSystemModule ) { return false; } CreateInterfaceFn fileSystemFactory = Sys_GetFactory( g_pFileSystemModule ); if( !fileSystemFactory ) { return false; } g_pFileSystem = ( IFileSystem * )fileSystemFactory( FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); assert( g_pFileSystem ); if( !g_pFileSystem ) { return false; } return 1; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Adds tool from specified library // Input : *dllname - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CToolFrameworkInternal::LoadToolsFromLibrary( const char *dllname ) { CSysModule *module = Sys_LoadModule( dllname ); if ( !module ) { Warning( "CToolFrameworkInternal::LoadToolsFromLibrary: Unable to load '%s'\n", dllname ); return; } CreateInterfaceFn factory = Sys_GetFactory( module ); if ( !factory ) { Sys_UnloadModule( module ); Warning( "CToolFrameworkInternal::LoadToolsFromLibrary: Dll '%s' has no factory\n", dllname ); return; } IToolDictionary *dictionary = ( IToolDictionary * )factory( VTOOLDICTIONARY_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); if ( !dictionary ) { Sys_UnloadModule( module ); Warning( "CToolFrameworkInternal::LoadToolsFromLibrary: Dll '%s' doesn't support '%s'\n", dllname, VTOOLDICTIONARY_INTERFACE_VERSION ); return; } if ( !dictionary->Connect( g_AppSystemFactory ) ) { Sys_UnloadModule( module ); Warning( "CToolFrameworkInternal::LoadToolsFromLibrary: Dll '%s' connection phase failed.\n", dllname ); return; } if ( dictionary->Init( ) != INIT_OK ) { Sys_UnloadModule( module ); Warning( "CToolFrameworkInternal::LoadToolsFromLibrary: Dll '%s' initialization phase failed.\n", dllname ); return; } dictionary->CreateTools(); int toolCount = dictionary->GetToolCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < toolCount; ++i ) { IToolSystem *tool = dictionary->GetTool( i ); if ( tool ) { Msg( "Loaded tool '%s'\n", tool->GetToolName() ); m_ToolSystems.AddToTail( tool ); } } m_Dictionaries.AddToTail( dictionary ); m_Modules.AddToTail( module ); }
HINTERFACEMODULE LoadFilesystemModule(void) { HINTERFACEMODULE hModule = Sys_LoadModule("filesystem_stdio.dll"); if (!hModule) { MessageBox(NULL, "Could not load filesystem dll.\nFileSystem crashed during construction.", "Fatal Error", MB_ICONERROR); return NULL; } return hModule; }
bool Revoice_RehldsApi_Init() { char failReason[2048]; #ifdef WIN32 CSysModule* engineModule = Sys_LoadModule("swds.dll"); if (!Revoice_RehldsApi_TryInit(engineModule, failReason)) { engineModule = Sys_LoadModule("filesystem_stdio.dll"); if (!Revoice_RehldsApi_TryInit(engineModule, failReason)) { LCPrintf(true, "%s", failReason); return false; } } #else CSysModule* engineModule = Sys_LoadModule(""); if (!Revoice_RehldsApi_TryInit(engineModule, failReason)) { LCPrintf(true, "%s", failReason); return false; } #endif return true; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The application object //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CUnitTestApp::Create() { // Install a special Spew handler that ignores all assertions and lets us // run for as long as possible SpewOutputFunc( UnitTestSpew ); // FIXME: This list of dlls should come from the unittests themselves AppSystemInfo_t appSystems[] = { { "vstdlib.dll", PROCESS_UTILS_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "", "" } // Required to terminate the list }; if ( !AddSystems( appSystems ) ) return false; // Very simple... just iterate over all .DLLs in the current directory // see if they export UNITTEST_INTERFACE_VERSION. If not, then unload them // just as quick. // We may want to make this more sophisticated, giving it a search path, // or giving test DLLs special extensions, or statically linking the test DLLs // to this program. WIN32_FIND_DATA findFileData; HANDLE hFind= FindFirstFile("*.dll", &findFileData); while (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CSysModule* hLib = Sys_LoadModule(findFileData.cFileName); if ( hLib ) { CreateInterfaceFn factory = Sys_GetFactory( hLib ); if ( factory && factory( UNITTEST_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ) ) { AppModule_t module = LoadModule( factory ); AddSystem( module, UNITTEST_INTERFACE_VERSION ); } else { Sys_UnloadModule( hLib ); } } if (!FindNextFile( hFind, &findFileData )) break; } return true; }
CreateInterfaceFn CDllDemandLoader::GetFactory() { if ( !m_hModule && !m_bLoadAttempted ) { m_bLoadAttempted = true; m_hModule = Sys_LoadModule( m_pchModuleName ); } if ( !m_hModule ) { return NULL; } return Sys_GetFactory( m_hModule ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Global functions. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // IFileSystem* ScratchPad3D_SetupFileSystem() { // Get a filesystem interface. CSysModule *pModule = Sys_LoadModule( "filesystem_stdio" ); if( !pModule ) return NULL; CreateInterfaceFn fn = Sys_GetFactory( pModule ); IFileSystem *pFileSystem; if( !fn || (pFileSystem = (IFileSystem *)fn( FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL )) == NULL ) { Sys_UnloadModule( pModule ); return NULL; } return pFileSystem; }
void LoadFileSystem( void ) { hFileSystemModule = Sys_LoadModule( FILESYSTEM_DLLNAME ); CreateInterfaceFn fileSystemFactory = Sys_GetFactory( hFileSystemModule ); if( fileSystemFactory == NULL ) { g_pFileSystem = NULL; } g_pFileSystem = (IFileSystem *)fileSystemFactory( FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); if( g_pFileSystem ) { ALERT( at_aiconsole, "%s interface instantiated.\n", FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION ); } }
SystemWrapper::library_t *SystemWrapper::GetLibrary(char *name) { char fixedname[MAX_PATH]; Q_strlcpy(fixedname, name); COM_FixSlashes(fixedname); library_t *lib = (library_t *)m_Libraries.GetFirst(); while (lib) { if (Q_stricmp(lib->name, name) == 0) { return lib; } lib = (library_t *)m_Libraries.GetNext(); } lib = (library_t *)Mem_Malloc(sizeof(library_t)); if (!lib) { DPrintf("ERROR! System::GetLibrary: out of memory (%s).\n", name); return nullptr; } Q_snprintf(lib->name, sizeof(lib->name), "%s." LIBRARY_PREFIX, fixedname); FS_GetLocalCopy(lib->name); lib->handle = (CSysModule *)Sys_LoadModule(lib->name); if (!lib->handle) { DPrintf("ERROR! System::GetLibrary: coulnd't load library (%s).\n", lib->name); Mem_Free(lib); return nullptr; } lib->createInterfaceFn = (CreateInterfaceFn)Sys_GetFactory(lib->handle); if (!lib->createInterfaceFn) { DPrintf("ERROR! System::GetLibrary: coulnd't get object factory(%s).\n", lib->name); Mem_Free(lib); return nullptr; } m_Libraries.Add(lib); DPrintf("Loaded library %s.\n", lib->name); return lib; }
bool ConnectDeferredExt() { char modulePath[MAX_PATH*4]; Q_snprintf( modulePath, sizeof( modulePath ), "%s/bin/game_shader_generic_deferred.dll\0", engine->GetGameDirectory() ); __g_pDeferredShaderModule = Sys_LoadModule( modulePath ); if ( __g_pDeferredShaderModule ) { CreateInterfaceFn shaderDeferredDLLFactory = Sys_GetFactory( __g_pDeferredShaderModule ); __g_defExt = shaderDeferredDLLFactory ? ((IDeferredExtension *) shaderDeferredDLLFactory( DEFERRED_EXTENSION_VERSION, NULL )) : NULL; if ( !__g_defExt ) Warning( "Unable to pull IDeferredExtension interface.\n" ); } else Warning( "Cannot load game_shader_generic_deferred.dll from %s!\n", modulePath ); return __g_defExt != NULL; }
bool ConnectShaderPostprocessInterface() { char modulePath[MAX_PATH*4]; Q_snprintf( modulePath, sizeof( modulePath ), "%s/bin/game_shader_dx9.dll", engine->GetGameDirectory() ); __g_pShaderAPIShaderModule = Sys_LoadModule( modulePath ); if ( __g_pShaderAPIShaderModule ) { CreateInterfaceFn shaderShaderAPIDLLFactory = Sys_GetFactory( __g_pShaderAPIShaderModule ); __g_shaderExt = shaderShaderAPIDLLFactory ? ((IShaderEnginePostprocessInterface *)shaderShaderAPIDLLFactory(POSTPROCESS_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL)) : NULL; if ( !__g_shaderExt ) Warning( "Unable to pull IShaderEnginePostprocessInterface interface.\n" ); } else Warning( "Cannot load game_shader_dx9.dll from %s!\n", modulePath ); return __g_shaderExt != NULL; }
void ConnectHaptics(CreateInterfaceFn appFactory) { bool success = false; // NVNT load haptics module pFalconModule = Sys_LoadModule( HAPTICS_TEST_PREFIX HAPTICS_DLL_NAME ); if(pFalconModule) { CreateInterfaceFn factory = Sys_GetFactory( pFalconModule ); if(factory) { haptics = reinterpret_cast< IHaptics* >( factory( HAPTICS_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ) ); if(haptics && haptics->Initialize(engine, view, g_InputInternal, gpGlobals, appFactory, g_pVGuiInput->GetIMEWindow(), filesystem, enginevgui, ActivityList_IndexForName, ActivityList_NameForIndex)) { success = true; hap_HasDevice.SetValue(1); } } } if(!success) { Sys_UnloadModule(pFalconModule); pFalconModule = 0; haptics = new CHapticsStubbed; } if(haptics->HasDevice()) { Assert( (void*)haptics == inputsystem->GetHapticsInterfaceAddress() ); } HookHapticMessages(); }
void LoadFileSystemDialogModule() { Assert( !g_pFSDialogModule ); // Load the module with the file system open dialog. const char *pDLLName = "FileSystemOpenDialog.dll"; g_pFSDialogModule = Sys_LoadModule( pDLLName ); if ( g_pFSDialogModule ) { g_FSDialogFactory = Sys_GetFactory( g_pFSDialogModule ); } if ( !g_pFSDialogModule || !g_FSDialogFactory ) { if ( g_pFSDialogModule ) { Sys_UnloadModule( g_pFSDialogModule ); g_pFSDialogModule = NULL; } } }
bool FileSystem_LoadDLL(CreateInterfaceFn filesystemFactory) { if (!filesystemFactory) { g_pFileSystemModule = Sys_LoadModule(STDIO_FILESYSTEM_LIB); if (g_pFileSystemModule) { filesystemFactory = Sys_GetFactory(g_pFileSystemModule); } } if (filesystemFactory) { g_FileSystemFactory = filesystemFactory; g_pFileSystem = (IFileSystem *)filesystemFactory(FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, 0); return g_pFileSystem != NULL; } return false; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char dllName[512]; bool bUseDefault = true; CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv ); // check whether they used the -both switch. If this is specified, vrad will be run // twice, once with -hdr and once without int both_arg=0; for(int arg=1;arg<argc;arg++) if (Q_stricmp(argv[arg],"-both")==0) { both_arg=arg; } char fullPath[512], redirectFilename[512]; MakeFullPath( argv[0], fullPath, sizeof( fullPath ) ); Q_StripFilename( fullPath ); Q_snprintf( redirectFilename, sizeof( redirectFilename ), "%s\\%s", fullPath, "vrad.redirect" ); // First, look for vrad.redirect and load the dll specified in there if possible. CSysModule *pModule = NULL; FILE *fp = fopen( redirectFilename, "rt" ); if ( fp ) { if ( fgets( dllName, sizeof( dllName ), fp ) ) { char *pEnd = strstr( dllName, "\n" ); if ( pEnd ) *pEnd = 0; pModule = Sys_LoadModule( dllName ); if ( pModule ) printf( "Loaded alternate VRAD DLL (%s) specified in vrad.redirect.\n", dllName ); else printf( "Can't find '%s' specified in vrad.redirect.\n", dllName ); } fclose( fp ); } int returnValue; for(int mode=0;mode<2;mode++) { if (mode && (! both_arg)) continue; // If it didn't load the module above, then use the if ( !pModule ) { strcpy( dllName, "vrad.dll" ); pModule = Sys_LoadModule( dllName ); } if( !pModule ) { printf( "vrad_launcher error: can't load %s\n%s", dllName, GetLastErrorString() ); return 1; } CreateInterfaceFn fn = Sys_GetFactory( pModule ); if( !fn ) { printf( "vrad_launcher error: can't get factory from vrad.dll\n" ); Sys_UnloadModule( pModule ); return 2; } int retCode = 0; IVRadDLL *pDLL = (IVRadDLL*)fn( VRAD_INTERFACE_VERSION, &retCode ); if( !pDLL ) { printf( "vrad_launcher error: can't get IVRadDLL interface from vrad.dll\n" ); Sys_UnloadModule( pModule ); return 3; } if (both_arg) strcpy(argv[both_arg],(mode)?"-hdr":"-ldr"); returnValue = pDLL->main( argc, argv ); Sys_UnloadModule( pModule ); pModule=0; } return returnValue; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char dllName[512]; Pause(); CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv ); char fullPath[512], redirectFilename[512]; MakeFullPath( argv[0], fullPath, sizeof( fullPath ) ); Q_StripFilename( fullPath ); Q_snprintf( redirectFilename, sizeof( redirectFilename ), "%s\\%s", fullPath, "vrad.redirect" ); Pause(); // First, look for vrad.redirect and load the dll specified in there if possible. CSysModule *pModule = NULL; FILE *fp = fopen( redirectFilename, "rt" ); if ( fp ) { if ( fgets( dllName, sizeof( dllName ), fp ) ) { char *pEnd = strstr( dllName, "\n" ); if ( pEnd ) *pEnd = 0; pModule = Sys_LoadModule( dllName ); if ( pModule ) printf( "Loaded alternate VRAD DLL (%s) specified in vrad.redirect.\n", dllName ); else printf( "Can't find '%s' specified in vrad.redirect.\n", dllName ); } fclose( fp ); } Pause(); // If it didn't load the module above, then use the if ( !pModule ) { strcpy( dllName, "shadercompile_dll.dll" ); pModule = Sys_LoadModule( dllName ); } Pause(); if( !pModule ) { printf( "vrad_launcher error: can't load %s\n%s", dllName, GetLastErrorString() ); Pause(); return 1; } Pause(); CreateInterfaceFn fn = Sys_GetFactory( pModule ); if( !fn ) { printf( "vrad_launcher error: can't get factory from vrad_dll.dll\n" ); Sys_UnloadModule( pModule ); return 2; } int retCode = 0; IShaderCompileDLL *pDLL = (IShaderCompileDLL*)fn( SHADER_COMPILE_INTERFACE_VERSION, &retCode ); if( !pDLL ) { printf( "vrad_launcher error: can't get IVRadDLL interface from vrad_dll.dll\n" ); Sys_UnloadModule( pModule ); return 3; } int returnValue = pDLL->main( argc, argv ); Sys_UnloadModule( pModule ); return returnValue; }
bool ShaderEditorHandler::Init() { factorylist_t factories; FactoryList_Retrieve( factories ); #ifdef SOURCE_2006 ConVar *pCVarDev = cvar->FindVar( "developer" ); bool bShowPrimDebug = pCVarDev != NULL && pCVarDev->GetInt() != 0; #else ConVarRef devEnabled( "developer", true ); bool bShowPrimDebug = devEnabled.GetInt() != 0; #endif bool bCreateEditor = ( CommandLine() != NULL ) && ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-shaderedit" ) != 0 ); SEDIT_SKYMASK_MODE iEnableSkymask = SKYMASK_OFF; #ifdef SHADEREDITOR_FORCE_ENABLED bCreateEditor = true; iEnableSkymask = SKYMASK_QUARTER; #endif char modulePath[MAX_PATH*4]; #ifdef SWARM_DLL Q_snprintf( modulePath, sizeof( modulePath ), "%s/bin/shadereditor_swarm.dll\0", engine->GetGameDirectory() ); #elif SOURCE_2006 Q_snprintf( modulePath, sizeof( modulePath ), "%s/bin/shadereditor_2006.dll\0", engine->GetGameDirectory() ); #elif SOURCE_2013 Q_snprintf( modulePath, sizeof( modulePath ), "%s/bin/shadereditor_2013.dll\0", engine->GetGameDirectory() ); #else Q_snprintf( modulePath, sizeof( modulePath ), "%s/bin/shadereditor_2007.dll\0", engine->GetGameDirectory() ); #endif shaderEditorModule = Sys_LoadModule( modulePath ); if ( shaderEditorModule ) { CreateInterfaceFn shaderEditorDLLFactory = Sys_GetFactory( shaderEditorModule ); shaderEdit = shaderEditorDLLFactory ? ((IVShaderEditor *) shaderEditorDLLFactory( SHADEREDIT_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL )) : NULL; if ( !shaderEdit ) { Warning( "Unable to pull IVShaderEditor interface.\n" ); } else if ( !shaderEdit->Init( factories.appSystemFactory, gpGlobals, sEditMRender, bCreateEditor, bShowPrimDebug, iEnableSkymask ) ) { Warning( "Cannot initialize IVShaderEditor.\n" ); shaderEdit = NULL; } } else { Warning( "Cannot load shadereditor.dll from %s!\n", modulePath ); } m_bReady = shaderEdit != NULL; RegisterCallbacks(); RegisterViewRenderCallbacks(); if ( IsReady() ) { shaderEdit->PrecacheData(); } return true; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: the main loop for the dedicated server // Output : value to return to shell //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD WINAPI ServerThreadFunc( LPVOID threadobject ) { int iret = DLL_NORMAL; IDedicatedServerAPI *engineAPI; char cur[1024]; _getcwd(cur,1024); CSysModule *engineModule = NULL; CreateInterfaceFn engineFactory = NULL; while(iret!=DLL_CLOSE ) { //_chdir(UTIL_GetBaseDir()); vgui::filesystem()->Unmount(); engineModule = Sys_LoadModule( g_pszengine ); if ( !engineModule ) { goto cleanup; } engineFactory = Sys_GetFactory( engineModule ); if ( engineFactory ) { engineAPI = ( IDedicatedServerAPI * )engineFactory( VENGINE_HLDS_API_VERSION, NULL ); } if ( !engineAPI ) { goto cleanup; } server.SetEngineAPI(engineAPI); engineAPI->Init( UTIL_GetBaseDir(),server.GetCmdline(), Sys_GetFactoryThis() ); vgui::filesystem()->Mount(); if(strlen(server.GetCvars())>0) { engineAPI->AddConsoleText(server.GetCvars()); server.ResetCvars(); } while ( 1 ) { // Try to allow other apps to get some CPU Sys_Sleep( 1 ); // Check for shutdown event if ( !engineAPI->RunFrame() ) break; server.UpdateStatus( 0 ); } server.SetEngineAPI(NULL); server.SetInstance(NULL); iret = engineAPI->Shutdown(); Sys_UnloadModule( engineModule ); } // while(iret != DLL_CLOSE && gbAppHasBeenTerminated==FALSE ) cleanup: // this line is IMPORTANT! SetEvent(server.GetShutDownHandle()); // tell the main window we have shut down now //return 0; ExitThread(0); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Entry point //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { // load vgui CSysModule *vguiModule = Sys_LoadModule("vgui2.dll"); CSysModule *fileSystemModule = Sys_LoadModule("filesystem_stdio.dll"); CSysModule *netModule = Sys_LoadModule("../friends/trackerNET.dll"); CreateInterfaceFn vguiFactory = Sys_GetFactory(vguiModule); CreateInterfaceFn netFactory = Sys_GetFactory(netModule); CreateInterfaceFn fileSystemFactory = Sys_GetFactory(fileSystemModule); if (!vguiFactory) { printf("Fatal error: Could not load vgui2.dll\n"); return 2; } if (!netFactory) { printf("Fatal error: Could not load trackerNET.dll\n"); return 3; } // initialize interfaces CreateInterfaceFn factories[2] = { fileSystemFactory, vguiFactory }; assert(vgui::VGui_InitInterfacesList(factories, 2)); g_pTrackerNET = (ITrackerNET *)netFactory(TRACKERNET_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL); g_pTrackerNET->Initialize(1300, 1400); vgui::filesystem()->AddSearchPath("../", ""); // Init the surface vgui::Panel *panel = new vgui::Panel(NULL, "TopPanel"); vgui::surface()->Init(panel->GetVPanel()); // load the scheme if (!vgui::scheme()->LoadSchemeFromFile("resource/TrackerScheme.res")) { return false; } // Start vgui vgui::ivgui()->Start(); // add our main window vgui::Panel *main = new CMainDialog(panel); // server list g_pServerList = new CServerList(main); // Run app frame loop while (vgui::ivgui()->IsRunning()) { vgui::ivgui()->RunFrame(); // networking g_pServerList->RunFrame(); } delete g_pServerList; // Shutdown vgui::surface()->Shutdown(); Sys_UnloadModule(vguiModule); Sys_UnloadModule(netModule); return 1; }