コード例 #1
 *  ======== main ========
 *  Synchronizes all processors (in Ipc_start) and calls BIOS_start
Int main(Int argc, Char* argv[])
    Int status;

    nextProcId = (MultiProc_self() + 1) % MultiProc_getNumProcessors();

    System_printf("main: MultiProc id = %d\n", MultiProc_self());
    System_printf("main: MultiProc name = %s\n",

    /* Generate queue names based on own proc ID and total number of procs */
    System_sprintf(localQueueName, "%s", MultiProc_getName(MultiProc_self()));
    System_sprintf(nextQueueName, "%s",  MultiProc_getName(nextProcId));

     *  Ipc_start() calls Ipc_attach() to synchronize all remote processors
     *  because 'Ipc.procSync' is set to 'Ipc.ProcSync_ALL' in *.cfg
    status = Ipc_start();
    if (status < 0) {
        System_abort("Ipc_start failed\n");


    return (0);
コード例 #2
ファイル: messageq_multi.c プロジェクト: Hashcode/ipcdev
 *  ======== loopbackFxn========
 *  Receive and return messages.
 *  Run at priority lower than tsk1Fxn above.
 *  Inputs:
 *     - arg0: number of the thread, appended to MessageQ host and slave names.
Void loopbackFxn(UArg arg0, UArg arg1)
    MessageQ_Msg     getMsg;
    MessageQ_Handle  messageQ;
    MessageQ_QueueId remoteQueueId;
    Int              status;
    UInt16           msgId = 0;
    Char             localQueueName[64];
    Char             hostQueueName[64];

    System_printf("Thread loopbackFxn: %d\n", arg0);

    System_sprintf(localQueueName, "%s_%d", SLAVE_MESSAGEQNAME, arg0);
    System_sprintf(hostQueueName,  "%s_%d", HOST_MESSAGEQNAME,  arg0);

    /* Create a message queue. */
    messageQ = MessageQ_create(localQueueName, NULL);
    if (messageQ == NULL) {
        System_abort("MessageQ_create failed\n");

    System_printf("loopbackFxn: created MessageQ: %s; QueueID: 0x%x\n",
        localQueueName, MessageQ_getQueueId(messageQ));

    System_printf("Start the main loop: %d\n", arg0);
    while (msgId < NUMLOOPS) {
        /* Get a message */
        status = MessageQ_get(messageQ, &getMsg, MessageQ_FOREVER);
        if (status != MessageQ_S_SUCCESS) {
           System_abort("This should not happen since timeout is forever\n");
        remoteQueueId = MessageQ_getReplyQueue(getMsg);

        System_printf("%d: Received message #%d from core %d\n",
                arg0, MessageQ_getMsgId(getMsg),
        /* test id of message received */
        if (MessageQ_getMsgId(getMsg) != msgId) {
            System_abort("The id received is incorrect!\n");

        /* Send it back */
        System_printf("%d: Sending message Id #%d to core %d\n",
                      arg0, msgId, MessageQ_getProcId(remoteQueueId));
        status = MessageQ_put(remoteQueueId, getMsg);
        if (status != MessageQ_S_SUCCESS) {
           System_abort("MessageQ_put had a failure/error\n");

    numTests += NUMLOOPS;

    System_printf("Test thread %d complete!\n", arg0);
コード例 #3
 *  ======== main ========
Int main(Int argc, Char* argv[])
    selfId = MultiProc_self();
    System_printf("Core (\"%s\") starting\n", MultiProc_getName(selfId));
    if (numCores == 0) {
        numCores = MultiProc_getNumProcessors();
    System_sprintf(localQueueName, "CORE%d", selfId);
    System_sprintf(nextQueueName, "CORE%d", 
        ((selfId + 1) % numCores));
    System_sprintf(prevQueueName, "CORE%d", 
        (selfId - 1 + numCores)
            % numCores);
    /* Create a message queue. */
    messageQ = MessageQ_create(localQueueName, NULL);    
    if (messageQ == NULL) {
        System_abort("MessageQ_create failed\n" );

    return (0);
コード例 #4
ファイル: message_f28m35x.c プロジェクト: andreimironenko/ipc
 *  ======== main ========
 *  Synchronizes all processors (in Ipc_start) and calls BIOS_start
Int main(Int argc, Char* argv[])
    /* Generate queue names based on own proc ID and total number of procs */
    System_sprintf(localQueueName, "%s_queue", 
    System_sprintf(remoteQueueName, "%s_queue",  
            MultiProc_getName(1 - MultiProc_self()));

    return (0);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Ipc.c プロジェクト: Deepaksen/keystone-workshop
Int main(Int argc, Char* argv[]){


	selfId = CSL_chipReadReg(CSL_CHIP_DNUM);

	if (numCores == 0){
		numCores = MultiProc_getNumProcessors();

	/* Attach All Cores */

	/* Create a MessageQ */
	System_sprintf(localQueueName, "%s", MultiProc_getName(MultiProc_self()));
	messageQ = MessageQ_create(localQueueName, NULL);
	if (messageQ == NULL){
		System_abort("MessageQ_create failed\n");


	return (0);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Ipc.c プロジェクト: Deepaksen/keystone-workshop
void task_fxn(UArg arg0, UArg arg1){
	Int 				status;
	Int 				coreCount;
	Int 				nextCore;
	MessageQ_Msg 		msg;
	MessageQ_QueueId 	msgQueueIds[MAX_NUM_CORES];

	/* Register this heap with the Message Q */
	MessageQ_registerHeap((IHeap_Handle)SharedRegion_getHeap(0), HEAP_ID);

 * In order to send messages to other cores, we must know that core's Queue
 * ID.  So, we'll create an array on each core that associates the Queue ID
 * with the core number, and then we'll open each queue.  Again, we spin
 * here until the queue is open, sleeping for one tick after every attempt.
	for (coreCount = 0; coreCount < MAX_NUM_CORES; coreCount++){
		System_sprintf(remoteQueueName, "%s", MultiProc_getName(coreCount));
		do {
			status = MessageQ_open(remoteQueueName, &msgQueueIds[coreCount]);
			if (status < 0){
		}while (status < 0);

	 * At this point, our application is ready to begin sending messages using
	 * Message Queue.  The core with the number TOKEN_START_CORE has the
	 * responsibility of sending the first message.  So, we'll handle that in
	 * this block.
	if (selfId == TOKEN_START_CORE){

		 * Allocate the initial message.  If the message is not properly
		 * allocated, we must abort

		 * TODO: IPC #1 - Allocate Memory for Token Message
		 * Add core below that ALLOCATES the memory for the token message.
		 * We've already declared the variable msg to hold the pointer to
		 * this message.  The code to check if the pointer is NULL is
		 * already included.
		msg = MessageQ_alloc(HEAP_ID, sizeof(myMsg));

		if (msg == NULL){
			System_abort("MessageQ_alloc failed\n");

		 * Now randomly select the next processor to send the.  This function
		 * simply selects a random core number and ensures it's not the same as
		 * the current core number.
		nextCore = findNextCore(selfId);

		 * Set the Initial Token Count in the message, and specify that the
		 * message type is MSG_TOKEN
		((myMsg*)msg)->tokenCount = 1;
		((myMsg*)msg)->messageType = MSG_TOKEN;

		 * We can also set a reply queue so that the core can acknowledge this
		 * message without having to know which core it came from.
		MessageQ_setReplyQueue(messageQ, msg);

		 * Now we actually send the message to the next core that we've chosen.

		/* TODO: IPC #2 - Pass the token to the destination core
		 * Add the code to send the message to the destination core.  This is
		 * done by putting the message in the destination core's queue.  Don't
		 * forget that the ID of the destination core's queue is stored at
		 * element "nextCore" in the array msgQueueIds, and is NOT the same
		 * as the core number.
		status = MessageQ_put(msgQueueIds[nextCore], msg);


	while (TRUE){
		msgType messageType;
		MessageQ_Msg ack;
		MessageQ_QueueId ackQueueId;
		Int currentTokenCount;

		/* TODO: IPC #3 - Get a Message from the local queue.
		 * Take the message from the local queue and store it in the variable
		 * message.  The function call return value should be stored in the
		 * variable status.  Hint: The parameters passed to this function
		 * specify a time out size.  We want to configure this call to
		 * never time out, and block eternally until a message is received.
		status = MessageQ_get(messageQ, &msg, MessageQ_FOREVER);

		if (status < 0){
			System_abort("This should not occur since the timeout is forever\n");

		 * Read the Message Type from the received message, along with the current
		 * token count.
		messageType = ((myMsg*)msg)->messageType;
		currentTokenCount = ((myMsg*)msg)->tokenCount;

		 * Now, check what type of message it is and take action.  Here are the
		 * actions to be taken.
		 * 	- Acknowledge that token is received to sending core.
		 * 	- If token count is less than MAX_MESSAGES
		 * 		- Increment the token count.
		 * 		- Forward the token on to the next random core
		 *	- If token count is equal to MAX Messages
		 *		- Free the Token message.
		 *		- Send a Done Message to all other cores.
		 *		- Break out of the infinite loop.
		 * MSG_ACK
		 * 	- Free the Ack message
		 *  - Free the Done Message
		 *  - Break Out of infinite loop
		switch (messageType){
		case MSG_TOKEN:
			System_printf("Token Received - Count = %d\n", currentTokenCount);

			 * TODO: IPC #4 - Get the Reply Queue for the token
			 * Store the ID of the reply queue in the variable ackQueueId.
			 * This function allows us to not have to figure out which core
			 * sent this message.  This is the analogous function to the
			 * MessageQ_setReplyQueue() function that was set before the
			 * message was sent.  This data is stored in the MessageQ_MsgHeader
			 * element that's included with the message
			ackQueueId = MessageQ_getReplyQueue(msg);

			 * TODO: IPC #5 - Allocate the acknowledge message
			 * Allocate the acknowledge message and store the pointer to it
			 * in the variable ack.
			ack = MessageQ_alloc(HEAP_ID, sizeof(myMsg));

			// Set the Message Type of the new Message to MSG_ACK
			if (ack==NULL){
				System_abort("MessageQ Alloc Failed\n");

			// Set the Message Type of the new Message to MSG_ACK
			((myMsg*)ack)->messageType = MSG_ACK;

			 * TODO: IPC #6 - Send the Acknowledge message
			 * Don't forget that we've already stored the reply queue ID in
			 * ackQueueId above.
			status = MessageQ_put(ackQueueId, ack);

			 * Now handle the actions required by the status of the message. First
			 * we must check to see if we're at the Token Passing limit.  So we'll
			 * compare the current Token count with MAX_MESSAGES.

			 * If the current token count is the max, then we must free the current
			 * message and then allocate new DONE messages to be sent to the other
			 * cores.
			if (currentTokenCount == NUM_MESSAGES){
				 * TODO: IPC #7 - Free the memory used by the token message
				 * Don't forget that the pointer to this memory is in the
				 * variable msg.

				 * Now allocate and send ALL cores a DONE message.  We don't need to
				 * worry about special handling of the current core.  It will just
				 * send itself a DONE message and handle it just as the other cores
				 * do
				 * TODO: IPC #8 - Note that this core will send itself a message.
				 * There's nothing to be added here.  just note that this
				 * routine is blindly sending done messages to all of the cores
				 * and not taking into account it's own core number.  So, this
				 * core will send one of these messages to itself.
				for (coreCount =0; coreCount < MAX_NUM_CORES; coreCount++){
					msg = MessageQ_alloc(HEAP_ID, sizeof(myMsg));
					if (msg == NULL){
						System_abort("MessageQ Alloc Failed\n");

					// Set the Message Type to MSG_DONE
					((myMsg*)msg)->messageType = MSG_DONE;

					// Now send it to the selected core
					status = MessageQ_put(msgQueueIds[coreCount], msg);

			 * If we're not at the last message, then we must increment the
			 * tokenCount and pass the message on to a random core.  Don't
			 * forget to set the reply queue so we can get an acknowledge.
			nextCore = findNextCore(selfId);
			((myMsg*)msg)->tokenCount = currentTokenCount + 1;

			 * TODO: IPC #9- Set the reply queue for the token message.
			 * We need to be sure to set the reply queue each time.
			 * Otherwise, the wrong core will receive the acknowledge.
			MessageQ_setReplyQueue(messageQ, msg);

			// Put the message on the proper queue
			status = MessageQ_put(msgQueueIds[nextCore], msg);

		case MSG_ACK:
			System_printf("Ack Received\n");
			 * All we need to do in this case is free the Ack message
		case MSG_DONE:
			System_printf("Done Received\n");
			 * If we receive the Done message we just need to free the message, and
			 * then exit SYS/BIOS because the application is complete.
			System_printf("Invalid Message Type Received\n");

コード例 #7
Int SystemCfg_createLocalResources(Void)
    Error_Block eb;
    SemThread_Params semThreadP;
    HeapBufMP_Params heapBufMPP;
    Int count;
    Char heapName[32];
    Int status = 0;
    struct SystemCfg *stateObj = &SystemCfg_State;
    static Int heapId = 1;

    Log_print1(Diags_ENTRY, "--> %s: ()", (IArg)FXNN);


    /* create sync object used to wait on remote core startup */
    semThreadP.mode = SemThread_Mode_COUNTING;
    SemThread_construct(&stateObj->semObj, 0, &semThreadP, &eb);

    if (Error_check(&eb)) {
        /* Log_error() */
            "Error: %s, line %d: %s: SemThread_construct() failed",
            (IArg)__FILE__, (IArg)__LINE__, (IArg)FXNN);
        status = -1;
        goto leave;
    stateObj->semH = SemThread_handle(&stateObj->semObj);

    /* register notify callback for ready event from remote core */
    status = Notify_registerEvent(stateObj->hostProcId, Global_NotifyLineId,
        Global_HostDspEvtNum, SystemCfg_notifyCB__P, (UArg)stateObj);

    if (status < 0) {
        /* Log_error() */
            "Error: %s, line %d: %s: "
            "Notify_registerEventSingle() returned error %d",
            (IArg)__FILE__, (IArg)__LINE__, (IArg)FXNN, (IArg)status);
        goto leave;

    /* create a heap for tiler usage */
    Log_print0(Diags_USER2, FXNN": HeapBufMP_create for tiler");

    heapBufMPP.regionId = 0;
    heapBufMPP.blockSize = 0x200;  /* 512 B */
    heapBufMPP.numBlocks = 8;

    /* hack: make a unique heap name */
    System_sprintf(heapName, "rcmHeap-%d", heapId);
    heapBufMPP.name = heapName;

    stateObj->heapH = HeapBufMP_create(&heapBufMPP);

    if (stateObj->heapH == NULL) {
        /* Log_error() */
            "Error: %s, line %d: %s: HeapBuf_create() failed",
            (IArg)FXNN, (IArg)__FILE__, (IArg)__LINE__);
        status = -1;
        goto leave;

    /* register this heap with MessageQ */
        FXNN": MessageQ_registerHeap: (heapH: 0x%x, heapId: %d)",
        (IArg)(stateObj->heapH), (IArg)Global_TilerHeapId);

    MessageQ_registerHeap((Ptr)(stateObj->heapH), Global_TilerHeapId);

    /*  Send create done event to remote core. Need to loop in case
     *  the remote core has not yet registered with notify to receive
     *  this event.
    Log_print0(Diags_USER1, FXNN": send EvtCreateDone to remote core");

    count = 0;
    do {
        status = Notify_sendEvent(stateObj->hostProcId, Global_NotifyLineId,
            Global_HostDspEvtNum, Global_EvtCreateDone, TRUE);

        if (status == Notify_E_EVTNOTREGISTERED) {
            Thread_sleep(500, &eb); /* 0.5 ms */
    } while ((++count < 10) && (status == Notify_E_EVTNOTREGISTERED));

    if (status < 0) {
        /* Log_error() */
            "Error: %s, line %d: %s: Notify_sendEvent() returned error %d,"
            "giving up after %d tries", (IArg)__FILE__, (IArg)__LINE__,
            (IArg)FXNN, (IArg)status, (IArg)count);
        goto leave;

    /* wait for create done event from remote core */
    Log_print0(Diags_USER1, FXNN": waiting for EvtCreateDone event...");

    SemThread_pend(stateObj->semH, SemThread_FOREVER, &eb);

    if (Error_check(&eb)) {
        /* Log_error() */
            "Error: %s, line %d: %s:  SemThread_pend() returned with error",
            (IArg)__FILE__, (IArg)__LINE__, (IArg)FXNN);
        status = -1;
        goto leave;
    Log_print0(Diags_USER1, FXNN": ...received EvtCreatDone event");

    Log_print2(Diags_EXIT, "<-- %s: %d", (IArg)FXNN, (IArg)status);
コード例 #8
 *  ======== Hello_exec ========
Int Hello_exec(Void)
    RcmClient_Params    rcmP;
    RcmClient_Handle    rcmH;
    RcmClient_Message * msg;
    UInt32              size;
    Int                 status;

    /* must initialize the module before using it */

    /* create an rcm client instance */
    rcmP.heapId = Global_RcmClientHeapId;

    /* retry in case the slave is still booting */
    do {
        status = RcmClient_create(Global_RcmServerName, &rcmP, &rcmH);
    } while (status == RcmClient_E_SERVERNOTFOUND);

    if (status < 0) {
        Log_error0("Hello_exec: RcmClient create failed");
        goto leave;

    /* allocate a remote command message */
    size = sizeof(RcmClient_Message) + sizeof(UInt32[32]);
    status = RcmClient_alloc(rcmH, size, &msg);

    if (status < 0) {
        msg = NULL;
        Log_error1("Hello_exec: RcmClient_alloc() returned error %d",
        goto leave;

    /* fill in the remote command message */
    msg->fxnIdx = Global_Hello_idx;
    msg->data[0] = (UInt32)0xFFFFFFFF;
    System_sprintf((Char *)(&msg->data[1]), "@@@@"); 

    /* execute the remote command message */
    status = RcmClient_exec(rcmH, msg, &msg);

    if (status < 0) {
        Log_error1("Hello_exec: RcmClient_exec() returned error %d",
        goto leave;

    /* unmarshal return value */
    System_printf("%s\n", (Char *)(&msg->data[1]));

    /* return message to the heap */
    if (msg != NULL) {
        RcmClient_free(rcmH, msg);
        msg = NULL;

    /* delete the rcm client instance */
    if (rcmH != NULL) {

    /* finalize the module to support clean shutdown */
