コード例 #1
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: Chewnonobelix/mesh-manager
    QList<char> productionRules(QVector<double> params)
        case 0:
            return T1().symbol({0,0});
        case -1:
            return T2().symbol({0,0});

            return r3.productionRules({params[0] - 1, 0}) + productionRules({params[0]-2,0});

コード例 #2
ファイル: sensors.cpp プロジェクト: dhanhani/sspp
geometry_msgs::Pose Sensors::robot2sensorTransformation(geometry_msgs::Pose pose)

    Eigen::Matrix4d robotPoseMat, robot2sensorMat, sensorPoseMat;
    //Robot matrix pose
    Eigen::Matrix3d R; Eigen::Vector3d T1(pose.position.x,pose.position.y,pose.position.z);
    tf::Quaternion qt(pose.orientation.x,pose.orientation.y,pose.orientation.z,pose.orientation.w);
    tf::Matrix3x3 R1(qt);
    robotPoseMat.setZero ();
    robotPoseMat.block (0, 0, 3, 3) = R;
    robotPoseMat.block (0, 3, 3, 1) = T1;
    robotPoseMat (3, 3) = 1;

    //transformation matrix
    qt = tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(sensorRPY[0],sensorRPY[1],sensorRPY[2]);
    tf::Matrix3x3 R2(qt);Eigen::Vector3d T2(sensorPose[0], sensorPose[1], sensorPose[2]);
    robot2sensorMat.setZero ();
    robot2sensorMat.block (0, 0, 3, 3) = R;
    robot2sensorMat.block (0, 3, 3, 1) = T2;
    robot2sensorMat (3, 3) = 1;

    //preform the transformation
    sensorPoseMat = robotPoseMat * robot2sensorMat;

    Eigen::Matrix4d sensor2sensorMat; //the frustum culling sensor needs this
    //the transofrmation is rotation by +90 around x axis of the sensor
    sensor2sensorMat << 1, 0, 0, 0,
                        0, 0,-1, 0,
                        0, 1, 0, 0,
                        0, 0, 0, 1;
    Eigen::Matrix4d newSensorPoseMat = sensorPoseMat * sensor2sensorMat;
    geometry_msgs::Pose p;
    Eigen::Vector3d T3;Eigen::Matrix3d Rd; tf::Matrix3x3 R3;
    Rd = newSensorPoseMat.block (0, 0, 3, 3);
    T3 = newSensorPoseMat.block (0, 3, 3, 1);
    p.orientation.x = qt.getX(); p.orientation.y = qt.getY();p.orientation.z = qt.getZ();p.orientation.w = qt.getW();

    return p;

コード例 #3
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: ansonn/esl_systemc
int sc_main(int ac, char *av[])

// Signal Instantiation
  signal_bool_vector      prime	("prime");

// Clock Instantiation
  sc_clock 	clk ("CLK", 6, SC_NS, 0.5, 0, SC_NS);	// 167 Mhz

// Process Instantiation
  displayp	T2 ("T2", clk, prime);
// Simulation Run Control
  sc_start( 30, SC_NS, SC_EXIT_ON_STARVATION );
  cout << sc_time_stamp() << " : STOPPING SIM - start button" << endl;
   return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: rgp_prob1.cpp プロジェクト: luk036/rgp2
rgpprob1::rgpprob1() : rgp_base(NUM_VARS)
  // Objective function: h^-1 w^-1 d^-1 (inverse of volume)
  { monomial<aaf> obj(NUM_VARS);
    obj._a[h] = aaf(-1.0); obj._a[w] = aaf(-1.0); obj._a[d] = aaf(-1.0);
    rgp_base::_M.push_back( posynomial<aaf>(obj) ); }
  // (2/Awall)hw + (2/Awall)hd <= 1
  { monomial<aaf> T11(NUM_VARS);
    T11._a[h] = aaf(1.0); T11._a[w] = aaf(1.0);
    monomial<aaf> T12(NUM_VARS);
    T12._a[h] = aaf(1.0); T12._a[d] = aaf(1.0);
    posynomial<aaf> P1(T11);
    P1 += T12; 
    rgp_base::_M.push_back(P1); }
  { monomial<aaf> T2(NUM_VARS);
    T2._a[w] = aaf(1.0); T2._a[d] = aaf(1.0);
    rgp_base::_M.push_back( posynomial<aaf>(T2) ); }
  { monomial<aaf> T3(NUM_VARS);
    T3._a[h] = aaf(-1.0); T3._a[w] = aaf(1.0);
    rgp_base::_M.push_back( posynomial<aaf>(T3) ); }
  { monomial<aaf> T4(NUM_VARS);
    T4._a[h] = aaf(1.0); T4._a[w] = aaf(-1.0);
    rgp_base::_M.push_back( posynomial<aaf>(T4) ); }
  { monomial<aaf> T5(NUM_VARS);
    T5._a[w] = aaf(1.0); T5._a[d] = aaf(-1.0);
    rgp_base::_M.push_back( posynomial<aaf>(T5) ); }
  { monomial<aaf> T6(NUM_VARS);
    T6._a[w] = aaf(-1.0); T6._a[d] = aaf(1.0);
    rgp_base::_M.push_back( posynomial<aaf>(T6) ); }
コード例 #5
void generateRandomTransform_ccd(FCL_REAL extents[6], std::vector<Transform3f>& transforms, std::vector<Transform3f>& transforms2, FCL_REAL delta_trans[3], FCL_REAL delta_rot, std::size_t n,
                                 const std::vector<Vec3f>& vertices1, const std::vector<Triangle>& triangles1,
                                 const std::vector<Vec3f>& vertices2, const std::vector<Triangle>& triangles2)

  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < n;)
    FCL_REAL x = rand_interval(extents[0], extents[3]);
    FCL_REAL y = rand_interval(extents[1], extents[4]);
    FCL_REAL z = rand_interval(extents[2], extents[5]);

    const FCL_REAL pi = 3.1415926;
    FCL_REAL a = rand_interval(0, 2 * pi);
    FCL_REAL b = rand_interval(0, 2 * pi);
    FCL_REAL c = rand_interval(0, 2 * pi);

    Matrix3f R;
    eulerToMatrix(a, b, c, R);
    Vec3f T(x, y, z);    
    Transform3f tf(R, T);

    std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > results;
      transforms[i] = tf;

      FCL_REAL deltax = rand_interval(-delta_trans[0], delta_trans[0]);
      FCL_REAL deltay = rand_interval(-delta_trans[1], delta_trans[1]);
      FCL_REAL deltaz = rand_interval(-delta_trans[2], delta_trans[2]);

      FCL_REAL deltaa = rand_interval(-delta_rot, delta_rot);
      FCL_REAL deltab = rand_interval(-delta_rot, delta_rot);
      FCL_REAL deltac = rand_interval(-delta_rot, delta_rot);

      Matrix3f R2;
      eulerToMatrix(a + deltaa, b + deltab, c + deltac, R2);
      Vec3f T2(x + deltax, y + deltay, z + deltaz);
      transforms2[i].setTransform(R2, T2);
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_spinlock.cpp プロジェクト: fjtapia/HPX_sort
void start ( void)
{   //---------------------- begin ---------------------
    assert ( N ==0 );
    //std::cout<<"1.-Begin main function \n";
    N++ ;
    s.try_lock() ;
    N++ ;
    std::thread T1 ( function1);
    std::thread T2 ( function2);
    //std::cout<<"2.-Inside main function \n";
    std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::seconds(3) ) ;
    assert ( N == 4 );
    N++ ;
    s.unlock() ;
    T1.join() ;
    T2.join() ;
    assert ( N == 9);
    //std::cout<<"7.-End of main function \n";
コード例 #7
int main()
	std::mutex MX;
	std::condition_variable CV;

	auto F1 = [&] {
		std::cout << "Start F1" << std::endl;

			std::unique_lock<std::mutex> UL(MX);
			while (true)
				interruptible_wait(CV, UL);
		catch (thread_interrupted& e)
			std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;

		std::cout << "Endof F1" << std::endl;

	interruptible_thread T1(F1);

	std::thread T2([&] {
		std::cout << "Start F2" << std::endl;


		std::cout << "Endof F2" << std::endl;

	return 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: terms.hpp プロジェクト: iyer-arvind/gmsh
template<class T2> void LinearTermBase<T2>::get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, fullVector<T2> &vec) const
  std::vector<fullVector<T2> > vv;
  int nbFF=vv[0].size();
  double jac[3][3];
  for(int i = 0; i < npts; i++)
    const double u = GP[i].pt[0]; const double v = GP[i].pt[1]; const double w = GP[i].pt[2];
    const double weight = GP[i].weight; const double detJ = ele->getJacobian(u, v, w, jac);
    for(int j = 0; j < nbFF; j++)
      double contrib = weight * detJ;
      vec(j) += contrib*vv[i](j);
コード例 #9
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: Freedate/PythonTest
void main(){

	cout << "201211305 이현규" << endl;
	time T1;
	T1.reset(4, 50);

	time T2(1, 30);
	time T3 = T1.operator+(T2);
	time T4 = 2.5 * T2;
	//T1 = T2.operator*(T1);

	T4 << cout;
	cout << T4; // 연산자가 뒤에온다 해결방법은 friend 함수
コード例 #10
ファイル: sphere.C プロジェクト: giorgiobornia/libmesh
Sphere::Sphere(const Point & pa,
               const Point & pb,
               const Point & pc,
               const Point & pd)
  Point pad = pa - pd;
  Point pbd = pb - pd;
  Point pcd = pc - pd;

  TensorValue<Real> T(pad,pbd,pcd);

  Real D = T.det();

  // The points had better not be coplanar
  libmesh_assert_greater (std::abs(D), 1e-12);

  Real e = 0.5*(pa.norm_sq() - pd.norm_sq());
  Real f = 0.5*(pb.norm_sq() - pd.norm_sq());
  Real g = 0.5*(pc.norm_sq() - pd.norm_sq());

  TensorValue<Real> T1(e,pad(1),pad(2),
  Real sx = T1.det()/D;

  TensorValue<Real> T2(pad(0),e,pad(2),
  Real sy = T2.det()/D;

  TensorValue<Real> T3(pad(0),pad(1),e,
  Real sz = T3.det()/D;

  Point c(sx,sy,sz);
  Real r = (c-pa).norm();

コード例 #11
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: ansonn/esl_systemc
int sc_main(int ac, char *av[])

// Signal Instantiation
  sc_signal<bool>         reset		("reset");
  sc_signal<bool>         prime_ready	("prime_ready");
  signal_bool_vector      prime		("prime");

// Clock Instantiation
  sc_clock 	clk ("CLK", 6, SC_NS, 0.5, 10, SC_NS, false);	// 167 Mhz

// Process Instantiation
  prime_numgen	D1 ("D1", clk, reset, prime_ready, prime);

  resetp	T1 ("T1", clk, reset);
  displayp	T2 ("T2", clk, prime_ready, prime);
// Simulation Run Control
  return 0;
コード例 #12
ファイル: SM4.c プロジェクト: cathayandy/cryptography
int SM4_key_expansion(unsigned char* subkey, unsigned char* key) {
    unsigned CK[] = {   0x00070e15, 0x1c232a31, 0x383f464d, 0x545b6269,
                        0x70777e85, 0x8c939aa1, 0xa8afb6bd, 0xc4cbd2d9,
                        0xe0e7eef5, 0xfc030a11, 0x181f262d, 0x343b4249,
                        0x50575e65, 0x6c737a81, 0x888f969d, 0xa4abb2b9,
                        0xc0c7ced5, 0xdce3eaf1, 0xf8ff060d, 0x141b2229,
                        0x30373e45, 0x4c535a61, 0x686f767d, 0x848b9299,
                        0xa0a7aeb5, 0xbcc3cad1, 0xd8dfe6ed, 0xf4fb0209,
                        0x10171e25, 0x2c333a41, 0x484f565d, 0x646b7279};
    unsigned FK[] = {   0xa3b1bac6, 0x56aa3350, 0x677d9197, 0xb27022dc};
    unsigned K[36];
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
        K[i] = char_to_unsigned(key + i * 4);
        K[i] = key[i] ^ FK[i];
    for(i = 0; i < 32; i ++) {
        K[i + 4] = K[i] ^ T2(K[i + 1] ^ K[i + 2] ^ K[i + 3] ^ K[i]);
        unsigned_to_char(subkey + i * 4, K[i + 4]);
    return 1;
コード例 #13
int VSSubphantom::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)
    _id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a);
    if (_id < 0)
        return _id;
     if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) {
        void *_v = _a[0];
        switch (_id) {
        case 0: *reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v) = T1(); break;
        case 1: *reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v) = T2(); break;
        case 2: *reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v) = chemicalShift(); break;
        _id -= 3;
    } else if (_c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) {
        void *_v = _a[0];
        switch (_id) {
        case 0: setT1(*reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v)); break;
        case 1: setT2(*reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v)); break;
        case 2: setChemicalShift(*reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v)); break;
        _id -= 3;
    } else if (_c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty) {
        _id -= 3;
    } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyDesignable) {
        _id -= 3;
    } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyScriptable) {
        _id -= 3;
    } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyStored) {
        _id -= 3;
    } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyEditable) {
        _id -= 3;
    } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyUser) {
        _id -= 3;
    return _id;
コード例 #14
ファイル: optabgen.c プロジェクト: IgorStepanov/dmd
void dotytab()
    static tym_t _ptr[]      = { TYnptr };
    static tym_t _ptr_nflat[]= { TYsptr,TYcptr,TYf16ptr,TYfptr,TYhptr,TYvptr };
    static tym_t _real[]     = { TYfloat,TYdouble,TYdouble_alias,TYldouble,
    static tym_t _imaginary[] = {
    static tym_t _complex[] =  {
    static tym_t _integral[] = { TYbool,TYchar,TYschar,TYuchar,TYshort,
    static tym_t _ref[]      = { TYnref,TYref };
    static tym_t _func[]     = { TYnfunc,TYnpfunc,TYnsfunc,TYifunc,TYmfunc,TYjfunc,TYhfunc };
    static tym_t _ref_nflat[] = { TYfref };
    static tym_t _func_nflat[]= { TYffunc,TYfpfunc,TYf16func,TYfsfunc,TYnsysfunc,TYfsysfunc, };
    static tym_t _uns[]     = { TYuchar,TYushort,TYuint,TYulong,
                                TYdchar,TYullong,TYucent,TYchar16 };
    static tym_t _mptr[]    = { TYmemptr };
    static tym_t _nullptr[] = { TYnullptr };
    static tym_t _fv[]      = { TYfptr, TYvptr };
    static tym_t _farfunc[] = { TYffunc,TYfpfunc,TYfsfunc,TYfsysfunc };
    static tym_t _pasfunc[] = { TYnpfunc,TYnsfunc,TYmfunc,TYjfunc };
    static tym_t _pasfunc_nf[] = { TYfpfunc,TYf16func,TYfsfunc, };
    static tym_t _revfunc[] = { TYnpfunc,TYjfunc };
    static tym_t _revfunc_nf[] = { TYfpfunc,TYf16func, };
    static tym_t _short[]     = { TYbool,TYchar,TYschar,TYuchar,TYshort,
                                  TYwchar_t,TYushort,TYchar16 };
    static tym_t _aggregate[] = { TYstruct,TYarray };
    static tym_t _xmmreg[] = {
    static tym_t _simd[] = {

    static struct
        const char *string;     /* name of type                 */
        tym_t ty;       /* TYxxxx                       */
        tym_t unsty;    /* conversion to unsigned type  */
        tym_t relty;    /* type for relaxed type checking */
        int size;
        int debtyp;     /* Codeview 1 type in debugger record   */
        int debtyp4;    /* Codeview 4 type in debugger record   */
    } typetab[] =
/* Note that chars are signed, here     */
"bool",         TYbool,         TYbool,    TYchar,      1,      0x80,   0x30,
"char",         TYchar,         TYuchar,   TYchar,      1,      0x80,   0x70,
"signed char",  TYschar,        TYuchar,   TYchar,      1,      0x80,   0x10,
"unsigned char",TYuchar,        TYuchar,   TYchar,      1,      0x84,   0x20,
"char16_t",     TYchar16,       TYchar16,  TYint,       2,      0x85,   0x21,
"short",        TYshort,        TYushort,  TYint,       SHORTSIZE, 0x81,0x11,
"wchar_t",      TYwchar_t,      TYwchar_t, TYint,       SHORTSIZE, 0x85,0x71,
"unsigned short",TYushort,      TYushort,  TYint,       SHORTSIZE, 0x85,0x21,

// These values are adjusted for 32 bit ints in cv_init() and util_set32()
"enum",         TYenum,         TYuint,    TYint,       -1,        0x81,0x72,
"int",          TYint,          TYuint,    TYint,       2,         0x81,0x72,
"unsigned",     TYuint,         TYuint,    TYint,       2,         0x85,0x73,

"long",         TYlong,         TYulong,   TYlong,      LONGSIZE,  0x82,0x12,
"unsigned long",TYulong,        TYulong,   TYlong,      LONGSIZE,  0x86,0x22,
"dchar",        TYdchar,        TYdchar,   TYlong,      4,         0x86,0x22,
"long long",    TYllong,        TYullong,  TYllong,     LLONGSIZE, 0x82,0x13,
"uns long long",TYullong,       TYullong,  TYllong,     LLONGSIZE, 0x86,0x23,
"cent",         TYcent,         TYucent,   TYcent,      16,        0x82,0x603,
"ucent",        TYucent,        TYucent,   TYcent,      16,        0x86,0x603,
"float",        TYfloat,        TYfloat,   TYfloat,     FLOATSIZE, 0x88,0x40,
"double",       TYdouble,       TYdouble,  TYdouble,    DOUBLESIZE,0x89,0x41,
"double alias", TYdouble_alias, TYdouble_alias,  TYdouble_alias,8, 0x89,0x41,
"long double",  TYldouble,      TYldouble,  TYldouble,  -1, 0x89,0x42,

"imaginary float",      TYifloat,       TYifloat,   TYifloat,   FLOATSIZE, 0x88,0x40,
"imaginary double",     TYidouble,      TYidouble,  TYidouble,  DOUBLESIZE,0x89,0x41,
"imaginary long double",TYildouble,     TYildouble, TYildouble, -1,0x89,0x42,

"complex float",        TYcfloat,       TYcfloat,   TYcfloat,   2*FLOATSIZE, 0x88,0x50,
"complex double",       TYcdouble,      TYcdouble,  TYcdouble,  2*DOUBLESIZE,0x89,0x51,
"complex long double",  TYcldouble,     TYcldouble, TYcldouble, -1,0x89,0x52,

"float[4]",              TYfloat4,    TYfloat4,  TYfloat4,    16,     0,      0,
"double[2]",             TYdouble2,   TYdouble2, TYdouble2,   16,     0,      0,
"signed char[16]",       TYschar16,   TYuchar16, TYschar16,   16,     0,      0,
"unsigned char[16]",     TYuchar16,   TYuchar16, TYuchar16,   16,     0,      0,
"short[8]",              TYshort8,    TYushort8, TYshort8,    16,     0,      0,
"unsigned short[8]",     TYushort8,   TYushort8, TYushort8,   16,     0,      0,
"long[4]",               TYlong4,     TYulong4,  TYlong4,     16,     0,      0,
"unsigned long[4]",      TYulong4,    TYulong4,  TYulong4,    16,     0,      0,
"long long[2]",          TYllong2,    TYullong2, TYllong2,    16,     0,      0,
"unsigned long long[2]", TYullong2,   TYullong2, TYullong2,   16,     0,      0,

"float[8]",              TYfloat8,    TYfloat8,  TYfloat8,    32,     0,      0,
"double[4]",             TYdouble4,   TYdouble4, TYdouble4,   32,     0,      0,
"signed char[32]",       TYschar32,   TYuchar32, TYschar32,   32,     0,      0,
"unsigned char[32]",     TYuchar32,   TYuchar32, TYuchar32,   32,     0,      0,
"short[16]",             TYshort16,   TYushort16, TYshort16,  32,     0,      0,
"unsigned short[16]",    TYushort16,  TYushort16, TYushort16, 32,     0,      0,
"long[8]",               TYlong8,     TYulong8,  TYlong8,     32,     0,      0,
"unsigned long[8]",      TYulong8,    TYulong8,  TYulong8,    32,     0,      0,
"long long[4]",          TYllong4,    TYullong4, TYllong4,    32,     0,      0,
"unsigned long long[4]", TYullong4,   TYullong4, TYullong4,   32,     0,      0,

"float[16]",             TYfloat16,   TYfloat16, TYfloat16,   64,     0,      0,
"double[8]",             TYdouble8,   TYdouble8, TYdouble8,   64,     0,      0,
"signed char[64]",       TYschar64,   TYuchar64, TYschar64,   64,     0,      0,
"unsigned char[64]",     TYuchar64,   TYuchar64, TYuchar64,   64,     0,      0,
"short[32]",             TYshort32,   TYushort32, TYshort32,  64,     0,      0,
"unsigned short[32]",    TYushort32,  TYushort32, TYushort32, 64,     0,      0,
"long[16]",              TYlong16,    TYulong16, TYlong16,    64,     0,      0,
"unsigned long[16]",     TYulong16,   TYulong16, TYulong16,   64,     0,      0,
"long long[8]",          TYllong8,    TYullong8, TYllong8,    64,     0,      0,
"unsigned long long[8]", TYullong8,   TYullong8, TYullong8,   64,     0,      0,

"nullptr_t",    TYnullptr,      TYnullptr, TYptr,       2,  0x20,       0x100,
"*",            TYnptr,         TYnptr,    TYnptr,      2,  0x20,       0x100,
"&",            TYref,          TYref,     TYref,       -1,     0,      0,
"void",         TYvoid,         TYvoid,    TYvoid,      -1,     0x85,   3,
"struct",       TYstruct,       TYstruct,  TYstruct,    -1,     0,      0,
"array",        TYarray,        TYarray,   TYarray,     -1,     0x78,   0,
"C func",       TYnfunc,        TYnfunc,   TYnfunc,     -1,     0x63,   0,
"Pascal func",  TYnpfunc,       TYnpfunc,  TYnpfunc,    -1,     0x74,   0,
"std func",     TYnsfunc,       TYnsfunc,  TYnsfunc,    -1,     0x63,   0,
"*",            TYptr,          TYptr,     TYptr,       2,  0x20,       0x100,
"member func",  TYmfunc,        TYmfunc,   TYmfunc,     -1,     0x64,   0,
"D func",       TYjfunc,        TYjfunc,   TYjfunc,     -1,     0x74,   0,
"C func",       TYhfunc,        TYhfunc,   TYhfunc,     -1,     0,      0,
"__near &",     TYnref,         TYnref,    TYnref,      2,      0,      0,

"__ss *",       TYsptr,         TYsptr,    TYsptr,      2,  0x20,       0x100,
"__cs *",       TYcptr,         TYcptr,    TYcptr,      2,  0x20,       0x100,
"__far16 *",    TYf16ptr,       TYf16ptr,  TYf16ptr,    4,  0x40,       0x200,
"__far *",      TYfptr,         TYfptr,    TYfptr,      4,  0x40,       0x200,
"__huge *",     TYhptr,         TYhptr,    TYhptr,      4,  0x40,       0x300,
"__handle *",   TYvptr,         TYvptr,    TYvptr,      4,  0x40,       0x200,
"far C func",   TYffunc,        TYffunc,   TYffunc,     -1,     0x64,   0,
"far Pascal func", TYfpfunc,    TYfpfunc,  TYfpfunc,    -1,     0x73,   0,
"far std func", TYfsfunc,       TYfsfunc,  TYfsfunc,    -1,     0x64,   0,
"_far16 Pascal func", TYf16func, TYf16func, TYf16func,  -1,     0x63,   0,
"sys func",     TYnsysfunc,     TYnsysfunc,TYnsysfunc,  -1,     0x63,   0,
"far sys func", TYfsysfunc,     TYfsysfunc,TYfsysfunc,  -1,     0x64,   0,
"__far &",      TYfref,         TYfref,    TYfref,      4,      0,      0,

"interrupt func", TYifunc,      TYifunc,   TYifunc,     -1,     0x64,   0,
"memptr",       TYmemptr,       TYmemptr,  TYmemptr,    -1,     0,      0,
"ident",        TYident,        TYident,   TYident,     -1,     0,      0,
"template",     TYtemplate,     TYtemplate, TYtemplate, -1,     0,      0,
"vtshape",      TYvtshape,      TYvtshape,  TYvtshape,  -1,     0,      0,

    FILE *f;
    static unsigned tytab[64 * 4];
    static tym_t tytouns[64 * 4];
    static tym_t _tyrelax[TYMAX];
    static tym_t _tyequiv[TYMAX];
    static signed char _tysize[64 * 4];
    static const char *tystring[TYMAX];
    static unsigned char dttab[TYMAX];
    static unsigned short dttab4[TYMAX];
    int i;

#define T1(arr,mask) for (i=0; i<arraysize(arr); i++) \
                     {  tytab[arr[i]] |= mask; \
#define T2(arr,mask) for (i=0; i<arraysize(arr); i++) \
                     {  tytab[arr[i]] |= mask; \

    T1(_ptr,      TYFLptr);
    T1(_real,     TYFLreal);
    T1(_integral, TYFLintegral);
    T1(_complex,  TYFLcomplex);
    T1(_uns,      TYFLuns);
    T1(_mptr,     TYFLmptr);

    T1(_fv,       TYFLfv);
    T2(_farfunc,  TYFLfarfunc);
    T2(_pasfunc,  TYFLpascal);
    T2(_revfunc,  TYFLrevparam);
    T2(_short,    TYFLshort);
    T2(_ref,      TYFLref);
    T2(_func,     TYFLfunc);
    T2(_nullptr,  TYFLnullptr);
    T2(_pasfunc_nf, TYFLpascal);
    T2(_revfunc_nf, TYFLrevparam);
    T2(_ref_nflat,  TYFLref);
    T2(_func_nflat, TYFLfunc);
    T1(_xmmreg,    TYFLxmmreg);
    T1(_simd,      TYFLsimd);
#undef T1
#undef T2

    f = fopen("tytab.c","w");

    fprintf(f,"unsigned tytab[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(tytab); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"0x%02x,",tytab[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(tytab) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");

#if 0
    fprintf(f,"unsigned char tytab2[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(tytab2); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"0x%02x,",tytab2[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(tytab2) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");

    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(typetab); i++)
    {   tytouns[typetab[i].ty] = typetab[i].unsty;
    fprintf(f,"tym_t tytouns[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(tytouns); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"0x%02x,",tytouns[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(tytouns) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");

    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(typetab); i++)
    {   _tysize[typetab[i].ty | 0x00] = typetab[i].size;
        /*printf("_tysize[%d] = %d\n",typetab[i].ty,typetab[i].size);*/
    fprintf(f,"signed char _tysize[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(_tysize); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"%d,",_tysize[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(_tysize) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");

    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(_tysize); i++)
        _tysize[i] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(typetab); i++)
    {   signed char sz = typetab[i].size;
        switch (typetab[i].ty)
            case TYldouble:
            case TYildouble:
            case TYcldouble:
                sz = 16;
                sz = 4;
                sz = 2;
#error "fix this"

            case TYcent:
            case TYucent:
                sz = 8;
        _tysize[typetab[i].ty | 0x00] = sz;
        /*printf("_tyalignsize[%d] = %d\n",typetab[i].ty,typetab[i].size);*/
    fprintf(f,"signed char _tyalignsize[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(_tysize); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"%d,",_tysize[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(_tysize) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");

    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(typetab); i++)
    {   _tyrelax[typetab[i].ty] = typetab[i].relty;
        /*printf("_tyrelax[%d] = %d\n",typetab[i].ty,typetab[i].relty);*/
    fprintf(f,"unsigned char _tyrelax[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(_tyrelax); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"0x%02x,",_tyrelax[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(_tyrelax) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");

    /********** tyequiv[] ************/
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(_tyequiv); i++)
        _tyequiv[i] = i;
    _tyequiv[TYchar] = TYschar;         /* chars are signed by default  */

    // These values are adjusted in util_set32() for 32 bit ints
    _tyequiv[TYint] = TYshort;
    _tyequiv[TYuint] = TYushort;

    fprintf(f,"unsigned char tyequiv[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(_tyequiv); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"0x%02x,",_tyequiv[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(_tyequiv) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");

    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(typetab); i++)
        tystring[typetab[i].ty] = typetab[i].string;
    fprintf(f,"extern \"C\" { const char *tystring[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(tystring); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"\"%s\",",tystring[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(tystring) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");
    fprintf(f,"\n}; }\n");

    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(typetab); i++)
        dttab[typetab[i].ty] = typetab[i].debtyp;
    fprintf(f,"unsigned char dttab[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(dttab); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"0x%02x,",dttab[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(dttab) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");

    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(typetab); i++)
        dttab4[typetab[i].ty] = typetab[i].debtyp4;
    fprintf(f,"unsigned short dttab4[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(dttab4); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"0x%02x,",dttab4[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(dttab4) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");

コード例 #15
inline void check_result(T2)
    T1 a = T1();
    T2 b = T2();
    return check_result_imp(a, b);
コード例 #16
ファイル: pcunmqrrh.c プロジェクト: joao-lima/plasma-kaapi
 *  Parallel application of Q using tile V - QR factorization (reduction Householder)
 *  - dynamic scheduling
void plasma_pcunmqrrh_quark(PLASMA_enum side, PLASMA_enum trans,
        PLASMA_desc A, PLASMA_desc B, PLASMA_desc T, int BS,
        PLASMA_sequence *sequence, PLASMA_request *request)
    plasma_context_t *plasma;
    Quark_Task_Flags task_flags = Quark_Task_Flags_Initializer;

    int k, m, n;
    int K, M, RD, lastRD;
    int ldaM, ldam, ldan, ldaMRD;
    int ldbM, ldbm, ldbMRD;
    int tempMm, tempkn, tempnn, tempmm, tempMRDm, tempkmin;
    int ib;

    plasma = plasma_context_self();
    if (sequence->status != PLASMA_SUCCESS)
    QUARK_Task_Flag_Set(&task_flags, TASK_SEQUENCE, (intptr_t)sequence->quark_sequence);

    ib = PLASMA_IB;
    K = min(A.mt, A.nt);

    if (side == PlasmaLeft ) {
        if (trans == PlasmaConjTrans) {
             *  PlasmaLeft / PlasmaConjTrans
            for (k = 0; k < K; k++) {
                tempkn = k == A.nt-1 ? A.n-k*A.nb : A.nb;
                for (M = k;
                        M < A.mt-1 || M == k;  /*  No bottom single-row subdomain */
                        M += BS) {
                    tempMm   = M == A.mt-1 ? A.m-M*A.mb : A.mb;
                    tempkmin = min(tempMm, tempkn);
                    ldaM = BLKLDD(A, M);
                    ldbM = BLKLDD(B, M);
                    for (n = 0; n < B.nt; n++) {
                        tempnn = n == B.nt-1 ? B.n-n*B.nb : B.nb;
                                plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                side, trans,
                                tempMm, tempnn,
                                tempkmin, ib, T.nb,
                                A(M, k), ldaM,
                                T(M, k), T.mb,
                                B(M, n), ldbM);
                    for (m = M+1;
                            (m < M+BS && m < A.mt) || m == A.mt-1; /*  Suck in bottom single-row domain */
                            m++) {
                        tempmm = m == A.mt-1 ? A.m-m*A.mb : A.mb;
                        ldbm = BLKLDD(B, m);
                        ldam = BLKLDD(A, m);
                        for (n = 0; n < B.nt; n++) {
                            tempnn = n == B.nt-1 ? B.n-n*B.nb : B.nb;
                                    plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                    side, trans,
                                    A.nb, tempnn, tempmm, tempnn,
                                    tempkn, ib, T.nb,
                                    B(M, n), ldbM,
                                    B(m, n), ldbm,
                                    A(m, k), ldam,
                                    T(m, k), T.mb);
                for (RD = BS; RD < A.mt-k; RD *= 2) {
                    for (M = k;
                            M+RD < A.mt-1; /*  No reduction with bottom single-row subdomain */
                            M += 2*RD) {
                        tempMRDm = M+RD == A.mt-1 ? A.m-(M+RD)*A.mb : A.mb;
                        ldbM   = BLKLDD(B, M   );
                        ldbMRD = BLKLDD(B, M+RD);
                        ldaMRD = BLKLDD(A, M+RD);
                        for (n = 0; n < B.nt; n++) {
                            tempnn = n == B.nt-1 ? B.n-n*B.nb : B.nb;
                                    plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                    side, trans,
                                    A.nb, tempnn, tempMRDm, tempnn,
                                    tempkn, ib, T.nb,
                                    B (M,    n), ldbM,
                                    B (M+RD, n), ldbMRD,
                                    A (M+RD, k), ldaMRD,
                                    T2(M+RD, k), T.mb);
        } else {
             *  PlasmaLeft / PlasmaNoTrans
            for (k = K-1; k >= 0; k--) {
                tempkn = k == A.nt-1 ? A.n-k*A.nb : A.nb;
                lastRD = 0;
                for (RD = BS; RD < A.mt-k; RD *= 2)
                    lastRD = RD;
                for (RD = lastRD; RD >= BS; RD /= 2) {
                    for (M = k;
                            M+RD < A.mt-1; /*  No reduction with bottom single-row subdomain */
                            M += 2*RD) {
                        tempMRDm = M+RD == A.mt-1 ? A.m-(M+RD)*A.mb : A.mb;
                        ldbM   = BLKLDD(B, M   );
                        ldbMRD = BLKLDD(B, M+RD);
                        ldaMRD = BLKLDD(A, M+RD);
                        for (n = 0; n < B.nt; n++) {
                            tempnn = n == B.nt-1 ? B.n-n*B.nb : B.nb;
                                    plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                    side, trans,
                                    A.nb, tempnn, tempMRDm, tempnn,
                                    tempkn, ib, T.nb,
                                    B (M,    n), ldbM,
                                    B (M+RD, n), ldbMRD,
                                    A (M+RD, k), ldaMRD,
                                    T2(M+RD, k), T.mb);
                for (M = k;
                        M < A.mt-1 || M == k;  /*  No bottom single-row subdomain */
                        M += BS) {
                    tempMm   = M == A.mt-1 ? A.m-M*A.mb : A.mb;
                    tempkmin = min(tempMm, tempkn);
                    ldaM = BLKLDD(A, M);
                    ldbM = BLKLDD(B, M);
                    for (m = M+BS-1 == A.mt-2 ? A.mt-1 : min(M+BS-1, A.mt-1); /*  Suck in bottom single-row domain */
                            m >= M+1;
                            m--) {
                        tempmm = m == A.mt-1 ? A.m-m*A.mb : A.mb;
                        ldbm = BLKLDD(B, m);
                        ldam = BLKLDD(A, m);
                        for (n = 0; n < B.nt; n++) {
                            tempnn = n == B.nt-1 ? B.n-n*B.nb : B.nb;
                                    plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                    side, trans,
                                    A.nb, tempnn, tempmm, tempnn,
                                    tempkn, ib, T.nb,
                                    B(M, n), ldbM,
                                    B(m, n), ldbm,
                                    A(m, k), ldam,
                                    T(m, k), T.mb);
                    for (n = 0; n < B.nt; n++) {
                        tempnn = n == B.nt-1 ? B.n-n*B.nb : B.nb;
                                plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                side, trans,
                                tempMm, tempnn,
                                tempkmin, ib, T.nb,
                                A(M, k), ldaM,
                                T(M, k), T.mb,
                                B(M, n), ldbM);
    } else {
        if (trans == PlasmaConjTrans) {
             *  PlasmaRight / PlasmaConjTrans
              for (k = K-1; k >= 0; k--) {
                  tempkn = k == A.nt-1 ? A.n-k*A.nb : A.nb;
                  lastRD = 0;
                  for (RD = BS; RD < A.mt-k; RD *= 2)
                      lastRD = RD;
                  for (RD = lastRD; RD >= BS; RD /= 2) {
                      for (M = k;
                              M+RD < A.mt-1; /*  No reduction with bottom single-row subdomain */
                              M += 2*RD) {
                          tempMRDm = M+RD == A.mt-1 ? A.m-(M+RD)*A.mb : A.mb;
                          ldaMRD = BLKLDD(A, M+RD);
                          for (m = 0; m < B.mt; m++) {
                              ldbm   = BLKLDD(B, m);
                              tempmm = m == B.mt-1 ? B.m-m*B.mb : B.mb;
                                      plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                      side, trans,
                                      tempmm, B.nb, tempmm, tempMRDm,
                                      tempkn, ib, T.nb,
                                      B (m, M), ldbm,
                                      B (m, M+RD), ldbm,
                                      A (M+RD, k), ldaMRD,
                                      T2(M+RD, k), T.mb);
                  for (M = k;
                          M < A.mt-1 || M == k;  /*  No bottom single-row subdomain */
                          M += BS) {
                      tempMm   = M == A.mt-1 ? A.m-M*A.mb : A.mb;
                      tempkmin = min(tempMm, tempkn);
                      ldaM = BLKLDD(A, M);
                      ldbM = BLKLDD(B, M);
                      for (n = M+BS-1 == A.mt-2 ? A.mt-1 : min(M+BS-1, A.mt-1); /*  Suck in bottom single-row domain */
                              n >= M+1;
                              n--) {
                          ldan = BLKLDD(A, n);
                          tempnn = n == B.nt-1 ? B.n-n*B.nb : B.nb;
                          for (m = 0; m < B.mt; m++) {
                              ldbm = BLKLDD(B, m);
                              tempmm = m == B.mt-1 ? B.m-m*B.mb : B.mb;
                                      plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                      side, trans,
                                      tempmm, tempMm, tempmm, tempnn,
                                      tempkn, ib, T.nb,
                                      B(m, M), ldbm,
                                      B(m, n), ldbm,
                                      A(n, k), ldan,
                                      T(n, k), T.mb);
                      for (m = 0; m < B.mt; m++) {
                          ldbm = BLKLDD(B, m);
                          tempmm = m == B.mt-1 ? B.m-m*B.mb : B.mb;
                                  plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                  side, trans,
                                  tempmm, tempMm,
                                  tempkmin, ib, T.nb,
                                  A(M, k), ldaM,
                                  T(M, k), T.mb,
                                  B(m, M), ldbm);
        } else {
             *  PlasmaRight / PlasmaNoTrans
            for (k = 0; k < K; k++) {
                tempkn = k == A.nt-1 ? A.n-k*A.nb : A.nb;
                for (M = k;
                        M < A.mt-1 || M == k;  /*  No bottom single-row subdomain */
                        M += BS) {
                    tempMm   = M == A.mt-1 ? A.m-M*A.mb : A.mb;
                    tempkmin = min(tempMm, tempkn);
                    ldaM = BLKLDD(A, M);
                    for (m = 0; m < B.mt; m++) {
                        ldbm = BLKLDD(B, m);
                        tempmm = m == B.mt-1 ? B.m-m*B.mb : B.mb;
                                plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                side, trans,
                                tempmm, tempMm,
                                tempkmin, ib, T.nb,
                                A(M, k), ldaM,
                                T(M, k), T.mb,
                                B(m, M), ldbm);
                    for (n = M+1;
                            (n < M+BS && n < A.mt) || n == A.mt-1; /*  Suck in bottom single-row domain */
                            n++) {
                        tempnn = n == B.nt-1 ? B.n-n*B.nb : B.nb;
                        ldan = BLKLDD(A, n);
                        for (m = 0; m < B.mt; m++) {
                            tempmm = m == B.mt-1 ? B.m-m*B.mb : B.mb;
                            ldbm = BLKLDD(B, m);
                                    plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                    side, trans,
                                    tempmm, tempMm, tempmm, tempnn,
                                    tempkn, ib, T.nb,
                                    B(m, M), ldbm,
                                    B(m, n), ldbm,
                                    A(n, k), ldan,
                                    T(n, k), T.mb);
                for (RD = BS; RD < A.mt-k; RD *= 2) {
                    for (M = k;
                            M+RD < A.mt-1; /*  No reduction with bottom single-row subdomain */
                            M += 2*RD) {
                        tempMRDm = M+RD == A.mt-1 ? A.m-(M+RD)*A.mb : A.mb;
                        ldaMRD = BLKLDD(A, M+RD);
                        for (m = 0; m < B.mt; m++) {
                            tempmm = m == B.mt-1 ? B.m-m*B.mb : B.mb;
                            ldbm   = BLKLDD(B, m);
                                    plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                    side, trans,
                                    tempmm, B.nb, tempmm, tempMRDm,
                                    tempkn, ib, T.nb,
                                    B (m, M   ), ldbm,
                                    B (m, M+RD), ldbm,
                                    A (M+RD, k), ldaMRD,
                                    T2(M+RD, k), T.mb);
コード例 #17
	Pair() : first(T1()),second(T2()) {}
コード例 #18
ファイル: rijndael.c プロジェクト: Anachid/mozilla-central
static SECStatus 
rijndael_encryptBlock128(AESContext *cx, 
                         unsigned char *output,
                         const unsigned char *input)
    unsigned int r;
    PRUint32 *roundkeyw;
    rijndael_state state;
    PRUint32 C0, C1, C2, C3;
#if defined(NSS_X86_OR_X64)
#define pIn input
#define pOut output
    unsigned char *pIn, *pOut;
    PRUint32 inBuf[4], outBuf[4];

    if ((ptrdiff_t)input & 0x3) {
	memcpy(inBuf, input, sizeof inBuf);
	pIn = (unsigned char *)inBuf;
    } else {
	pIn = (unsigned char *)input;
    if ((ptrdiff_t)output & 0x3) {
	pOut = (unsigned char *)outBuf;
    } else {
	pOut = (unsigned char *)output;
    roundkeyw = cx->expandedKey;
    /* Step 1: Add Round Key 0 to initial state */
    COLUMN_0(state) = *((PRUint32 *)(pIn     )) ^ *roundkeyw++;
    COLUMN_1(state) = *((PRUint32 *)(pIn + 4 )) ^ *roundkeyw++;
    COLUMN_2(state) = *((PRUint32 *)(pIn + 8 )) ^ *roundkeyw++;
    COLUMN_3(state) = *((PRUint32 *)(pIn + 12)) ^ *roundkeyw++;
    /* Step 2: Loop over rounds [1..NR-1] */
    for (r=1; r<cx->Nr; ++r) {
        /* Do ShiftRow, ByteSub, and MixColumn all at once */
	C0 = T0(STATE_BYTE(0))  ^
	     T1(STATE_BYTE(5))  ^
	     T2(STATE_BYTE(10)) ^
	C1 = T0(STATE_BYTE(4))  ^
	     T1(STATE_BYTE(9))  ^
	     T2(STATE_BYTE(14)) ^
	C2 = T0(STATE_BYTE(8))  ^
	     T1(STATE_BYTE(13)) ^
	     T2(STATE_BYTE(2))  ^
	C3 = T0(STATE_BYTE(12)) ^
	     T1(STATE_BYTE(1))  ^
	     T2(STATE_BYTE(6))  ^
	/* Round key addition */
	COLUMN_0(state) = C0 ^ *roundkeyw++;
	COLUMN_1(state) = C1 ^ *roundkeyw++;
	COLUMN_2(state) = C2 ^ *roundkeyw++;
	COLUMN_3(state) = C3 ^ *roundkeyw++;
    /* Step 3: Do the last round */
    /* Final round does not employ MixColumn */
    C0 = ((BYTE0WORD(T2(STATE_BYTE(0))))   |
          (BYTE1WORD(T3(STATE_BYTE(5))))   |
          (BYTE2WORD(T0(STATE_BYTE(10))))  |
          (BYTE3WORD(T1(STATE_BYTE(15)))))  ^
    C1 = ((BYTE0WORD(T2(STATE_BYTE(4))))   |
          (BYTE1WORD(T3(STATE_BYTE(9))))   |
          (BYTE2WORD(T0(STATE_BYTE(14))))  |
          (BYTE3WORD(T1(STATE_BYTE(3)))))   ^
    C2 = ((BYTE0WORD(T2(STATE_BYTE(8))))   |
          (BYTE1WORD(T3(STATE_BYTE(13))))  |
          (BYTE2WORD(T0(STATE_BYTE(2))))   |
          (BYTE3WORD(T1(STATE_BYTE(7)))))   ^
    C3 = ((BYTE0WORD(T2(STATE_BYTE(12))))  |
          (BYTE1WORD(T3(STATE_BYTE(1))))   |
          (BYTE2WORD(T0(STATE_BYTE(6))))   |
          (BYTE3WORD(T1(STATE_BYTE(11)))))  ^
    *((PRUint32 *) pOut     )  = C0;
    *((PRUint32 *)(pOut + 4))  = C1;
    *((PRUint32 *)(pOut + 8))  = C2;
    *((PRUint32 *)(pOut + 12)) = C3;
#if defined(NSS_X86_OR_X64)
#undef pIn
#undef pOut
    if ((ptrdiff_t)output & 0x3) {
	memcpy(output, outBuf, sizeof outBuf);
    return SECSuccess;
コード例 #19
ファイル: StGLScrollArea.cpp プロジェクト: angelstudio/sview
inline bool haveSameSign(const T1 theVal1, const T2 theVal2) {
    return (theVal1 >= T1(0) && theVal2 > T2(0))
        || (theVal1 <= T1(0) && theVal2 < T2(0));
コード例 #20
ファイル: pzunmlqrh.c プロジェクト: gpichon/eigenproblems
 *  Parallel application of Q using tile V - LQ factorization (reduction
 *  Householder) - dynamic scheduling
void plasma_pzunmlqrh_quark(PLASMA_enum side, PLASMA_enum trans,
        PLASMA_desc A, PLASMA_desc B, PLASMA_desc T, int BS,
        PLASMA_sequence *sequence, PLASMA_request *request)
    plasma_context_t *plasma;
    Quark_Task_Flags task_flags = Quark_Task_Flags_Initializer;

    int k, m, n;
    int K, N, RD, lastRD;
    int ldaN, ldak;
    int ldbN, ldbm, ldbNRD;
    int tempNn, tempkm, tempnn, tempmm, tempNRDn, tempkmin;
    int ib;

    plasma = plasma_context_self();
    if (sequence->status != PLASMA_SUCCESS)
    QUARK_Task_Flag_Set(&task_flags, TASK_SEQUENCE, (intptr_t)sequence->quark_sequence);

    ib = PLASMA_IB;
    K = min(A.mt, A.nt);

    if (side == PlasmaLeft ) {
        if (trans == PlasmaNoTrans) {
             *  PlasmaLeft / PlasmaNoTrans
            for (k = 0; k < K; k++) {
                tempkm = k == A.mt-1 ? A.m-k*A.mb : A.mb;
                ldak = BLKLDD(A, k);
                for (N = k; N < A.nt; N += BS) {
                    tempNn   = N == A.nt-1 ? A.n-N*A.nb : A.nb;
                    tempkmin = min(tempkm,tempNn);
                    ldaN = BLKLDD(A, N);
                    ldbN = BLKLDD(B, N);
                    for (n = 0; n < B.nt; n++) {
                        tempnn = n == B.nt-1 ? B.n-n*B.nb : B.nb;
                                plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                side, trans,
                                tempNn, tempnn,
                                tempkmin, ib, T.nb,
                                A(k, N), ldak,
                                T(k, N), T.mb,
                                B(N, n), ldbN);
                    for (m = N+1; m < min(N+BS, A.nt); m++) {
                        tempmm = m == B.mt-1 ? B.m-m*B.mb : B.mb;
                        ldbm = BLKLDD(B, m);
                        for (n = 0; n < B.nt; n++) {
                            tempnn = n == B.nt-1 ? B.n-n*B.nb : B.nb;
                                    plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                    side, trans,
                                    B.nb, tempnn, tempmm, tempnn,
                                    tempkm, ib, T.nb,
                                    B(N, n), ldbN,
                                    B(m, n), ldbm,
                                    A(k, m), ldak,
                                    T(k, m), T.mb);
                for (RD = BS; RD < A.nt-k; RD *= 2) {
                    for (N = k; N+RD < A.nt; N += 2*RD) {
                        tempNRDn = N+RD == A.nt-1 ? A.n-(N+RD)*A.nb : A.nb;
                        ldbN   = BLKLDD(B, N   );
                        ldbNRD = BLKLDD(B, N+RD);
                        for (n = 0; n < B.nt; n++) {
                            tempnn = n == B.nt-1 ? B.n-n*B.nb : B.nb;
                                    plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                    side, trans,
                                    B.mb, tempnn, tempNRDn, tempnn,
                                    tempkm, ib, T.nb,
                                    B (N,    n), ldbN,
                                    B (N+RD, n), ldbNRD,
                                    A (k, N+RD), ldak,
                                    T2(k, N+RD), T.mb);
        } else {
             *  PlasmaLeft / PlasmaConjTrans
            for (k = K-1; k >= 0; k--) {
                tempkm = k == A.mt-1 ? A.m-k*A.mb : A.mb;
                ldak = BLKLDD(A, k);
                lastRD = 0;
                for (RD = BS; RD < A.nt-k; RD *= 2)
                    lastRD = RD;
                for (RD = lastRD; RD >= BS; RD /= 2) {
                    for (N = k; N+RD < A.nt; N += 2*RD) {
                        tempNRDn = N+RD == A.nt-1 ? A.n-(N+RD)*A.nb : A.nb;
                        ldbN   = BLKLDD(B, N   );
                        ldbNRD = BLKLDD(B, N+RD);
                        for (n = 0; n < B.nt; n++) {
                            tempnn = n == B.nt-1 ? B.n-n*B.nb : B.nb;
                                    plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                    side, trans,
                                    B.nb, tempnn, tempNRDn, tempnn,
                                    tempkm, ib, T.nb,
                                    B (N,    n), ldbN,
                                    B (N+RD, n), ldbNRD,
                                    A (k, N+RD), ldak,
                                    T2(k, N+RD), T.mb);
                for (N = k; N < A.nt; N += BS) {
                    tempNn   = N == A.nt-1 ? A.n-N*A.nb : A.nb;
                    tempkmin = min(tempkm,tempNn);
                    ldaN = BLKLDD(A, N);
                    ldbN = BLKLDD(B, N);
                    for (m = min(N+BS, A.nt)-1; m > N; m--) {
                        tempmm = m == B.mt-1 ? B.m-m*B.mb : B.mb;
                        ldbm = BLKLDD(B, m);
                        for (n = 0; n < B.nt; n++) {
                            tempnn = n == B.nt-1 ? B.n-n*B.nb : B.nb;
                                    plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                    side, trans,
                                    B.mb, tempnn, tempmm, tempnn,
                                    tempkm, ib, T.nb,
                                    B(N, n), ldbN,
                                    B(m, n), ldbm,
                                    A(k, m), ldak,
                                    T(k, m), T.mb);
                    for (n = 0; n < B.nt; n++) {
                        tempnn = n == B.nt-1 ? B.n-n*B.nb : B.nb;
                                plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                side, trans,
                                tempNn, tempnn,
                                tempkmin, ib, T.nb,
                                A(k, N), ldak,
                                T(k, N), T.mb,
                                B(N, n), ldbN);

    } else {
        if (trans == PlasmaNoTrans) {
             *  PlasmaRight / PlasmaNoTrans
              for (k = K-1; k >= 0; k--) {
                  tempkm = k == A.mt-1 ? A.m-k*A.mb : A.mb;
                  ldak = BLKLDD(A, k);
                  lastRD = 0;
                  for (RD = BS; RD < A.nt-k; RD *= 2)
                      lastRD = RD;
                  for (RD = lastRD; RD >= BS; RD /= 2) {
                      for (N = k; N+RD < A.nt; N += 2*RD) {
                          tempNRDn = N+RD == A.nt-1 ? A.n-(N+RD)*A.nb : A.nb;
                          for (m = 0; m < B.mt; m++) {
                              ldbm   = BLKLDD(B, m);
                              tempmm = m == B.mt-1 ? B.m-m*B.mb : B.mb;
                                      plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                      side, trans,
                                      tempmm, B.nb, tempmm, tempNRDn,
                                      tempkm, ib, T.nb,
                                      B (m, N   ), ldbm,
                                      B (m, N+RD), ldbm,
                                      A (k, N+RD), ldak,
                                      T2(k, N+RD), T.mb);
                  for (N = k; N < A.nt; N += BS) {
                      tempNn   = N == A.nt-1 ? A.n-N*A.nb : A.nb;
                      tempkmin = min(tempkm,tempNn);
                      for (n = min(N+BS, A.nt)-1; n > N; n--) {
                          tempnn = n == B.nt-1 ? B.n-n*B.nb : B.nb;
                          for (m = 0; m < B.mt; m++) {
                              tempmm = m == B.mt-1 ? B.m-m*B.mb : B.mb;
                              ldbm = BLKLDD(B, m);
                                      plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                      side, trans,
                                      tempmm, B.nb, tempmm, tempnn,
                                      tempkm, ib, T.nb,
                                      B(m, N), ldbm,
                                      B(m, n), ldbm,
                                      A(k, n), ldak,
                                      T(k, n), T.mb);
                      for (m = 0; m < B.mt; m++) {
                          tempmm = m == B.mt-1 ? B.m-m*B.mb : B.mb;
                          ldbm = BLKLDD(B, m);
                                  plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                  side, trans,
                                  tempmm, tempNn,
                                  tempkmin, ib, T.nb,
                                  A(k, N), ldak,
                                  T(k, N), T.mb,
                                  B(m, N), ldbm);
        } else {
             *  PlasmaRight / PlasmaConjTrans
            for (k = 0; k < K; k++) {
                tempkm = k == A.mt-1 ? A.m-k*A.mb : A.mb;
                ldak = BLKLDD(A, k);
                for (N = k; N < A.nt; N += BS) {
                    tempNn = N == A.nt-1 ? A.n-N*A.nb : A.nb;
                    tempkmin = min(tempkm,tempNn);
                    ldaN = BLKLDD(A, N);
                    for (m = 0; m < B.mt; m++) {
                        ldbm = BLKLDD(B, m);
                        tempmm = m == B.mt-1 ? B.m-m*B.mb : B.mb;
                                plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                side, trans,
                                tempmm, tempNn,
                                tempkmin, ib, T.nb,
                                A(k, N), ldaN,
                                T(k, N), T.mb,
                                B(m, N), ldbm);
                    for (n = N+1; n < min(N+BS, A.nt); n++) {
                        tempnn = n == B.nt-1 ? B.n-n*B.nb : B.nb;
                        for (m = 0; m < B.mt; m++) {
                            tempmm = m == B.mt-1 ? B.m-m*B.mb : B.mb;
                            ldbm = BLKLDD(B, m);
                                    plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                    side, trans,
                                    tempmm, tempNn, tempmm, tempnn,
                                    tempkm, ib, T.nb,
                                    B(m, N), ldbm,
                                    B(m, n), ldbm,
                                    A(k, n), ldak,
                                    T(k, n), T.mb);
                for (RD = BS; RD < A.nt-k; RD *= 2) {
                    for (N = k; N+RD < A.nt; N += 2*RD) {
                        tempNRDn = N+RD == A.nt-1 ? A.n-(N+RD)*A.nb : A.nb;
                        for (m = 0; m < B.mt; m++) {
                            tempmm = m == B.mt-1 ? B.m-m*B.mb : B.mb;
                            ldbm   = BLKLDD(B, m);
                                    plasma->quark, &task_flags,
                                    side, trans,
                                    tempmm, B.nb, tempmm, tempNRDn,
                                    tempkm, ib, T.nb,
                                    B (m, N   ), ldbm,
                                    B (m, N+RD), ldbm,
                                    A (k, N+RD), ldak,
                                    T2(k, N+RD), T.mb);
コード例 #21
ファイル: camerashot_test.cpp プロジェクト: NadineAB/VCGLIB
int main()
  vcg::Point3d p1(20.0, 25.0, 10.0);
  vcg::Point3d p2(-6.0, 25.0, 50.0);
  vcg::Shotd shot1;
  vcg::Shotd shot2;

  // Initialize camera 1 (C1)
  shot1.Intrinsics.cameraType = vcg::Camera<double>::PERSPECTIVE;
  shot1.Intrinsics.FocalMm = 30.0;
  shot1.Intrinsics.CenterPx[0] = 600.0; shot1.Intrinsics.CenterPx[1] = 400.0;
  shot1.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[0] = 1200; shot1.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[1] = 800;
  shot1.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[0] = 0.029166; shot1.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[1] = 0.029166;

  // no distorion is assumed (!)
  shot1.Intrinsics.DistorCenterPx[0] = shot1.Intrinsics.DistorCenterPx[1] = 0.0;
  shot1.Intrinsics.k[0] = 0.0; shot1.Intrinsics.k[1] = 0.0; shot1.Intrinsics.k[2] = 0.0; shot1.Intrinsics.k[3] = 0.0;

  vcg::Matrix44d R1; // -10 degree around Y axis
  double deg2rad = 0.01745329251994329576923690768489;
  R1.ElementAt(0,0) = vcg::math::Cos(-10.0*deg2rad);
  R1.ElementAt(0,1) = 0.0;
  R1.ElementAt(0,2) = vcg::math::Sin(-10.0*deg2rad);
  R1.ElementAt(0,3) = 0.0;
  R1.ElementAt(1,0) = 0.0;
  R1.ElementAt(1,1) = 1.0;
  R1.ElementAt(1,2) = 0.0;
  R1.ElementAt(1,3) = 0.0;
  R1.ElementAt(2,0) = -vcg::math::Sin(-10.0*deg2rad);
  R1.ElementAt(2,1) = 0.0;
  R1.ElementAt(2,2) = vcg::math::Cos(-10.0*deg2rad);
  R1.ElementAt(2,3) = 0.0;
  R1.ElementAt(3,0) = 0.0;
  R1.ElementAt(3,1) = 0.0;
  R1.ElementAt(3,2) = 0.0;
  R1.ElementAt(3,3) = 1.0;

  vcg::Point3d T1(30.0, 30.0, 80.0);

  // Initialize camera 2 (C2)
  shot2.Intrinsics.cameraType = vcg::Camera<double>::PERSPECTIVE;
  shot2.Intrinsics.FocalMm = 30.0;
  shot2.Intrinsics.CenterPx[0] = 600.0; shot2.Intrinsics.CenterPx[1] = 400.0;
  shot2.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[0] = 1200; shot2.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[1] = 800;
  shot2.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[0] = 0.029166; shot2.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[1] = 0.029166;

  // no distortion is assumed (!)
  shot2.Intrinsics.DistorCenterPx[0] = shot2.Intrinsics.DistorCenterPx[1] = 0.0;
  shot2.Intrinsics.k[0] = 0.0; shot2.Intrinsics.k[1] = 0.0; shot2.Intrinsics.k[2] = 0.0; shot2.Intrinsics.k[3] = 0.0;

  vcg::Matrix44d R2; // 18 degree around Y axis (+ 180 degree for the correct orientation of the camera)
  R2.ElementAt(0,0) = vcg::math::Cos(-45.0*deg2rad);
  R2.ElementAt(0,1) = 0.0;
  R2.ElementAt(0,2) = vcg::math::Sin(-45.0*deg2rad);
  R2.ElementAt(0,3) = 0.0;
  R2.ElementAt(1,0) = 0.0;
  R2.ElementAt(1,1) = 1.0;
  R2.ElementAt(1,2) = 0.0;
  R2.ElementAt(1,3) = 0.0;
  R2.ElementAt(2,0) = -vcg::math::Sin(-45.0*deg2rad);
  R2.ElementAt(2,1) = 0.0;
  R2.ElementAt(2,2) = vcg::math::Cos(-45.0*deg2rad);
  R2.ElementAt(2,3) = 0.0;
  R2.ElementAt(3,0) = 0.0;
  R2.ElementAt(3,1) = 0.0;
  R2.ElementAt(3,2) = 0.0;
  R2.ElementAt(3,3) = 1.0;

  vcg::Point3d T2(50.0, 30.0, 80.0);

  // TEST 1 - project a 3D point in World coordinates on the image plane
  if (test1(shot1, shot2, p1, p2))
    std::cout << "TEST 1 (projection) - PASSED(!)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "TEST 1 (projection) - FAILED(!)" << std::endl;

  // TEST 2 - projection and unprojection
  if (test2(shot1, shot2, p1, p2))
    std::cout << "TEST 2 (unprojection) - PASSED(!)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "TEST 2 (unprojection) - FAILED(!)" << std::endl;

  if (test3(shot1, shot2, p1, p2))
    std::cout << "TEST 3 (depth computation) - PASSED(!)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "TEST 3 (depth computation) - FAILED(!)" << std::endl;

  if (test4(shot1, p1))
    std::cout << "TEST 4 (focal in px to focal in mm) - PASSED(!)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "TEST 4 (focal in px to focal in mm) - FAILED(!)" << std::endl;

  if (test5(shot1, p1, p2))
    std::cout << "TEST 5 (scaling the World) - PASSED(!)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "TEST 5 (scaling the World) - FAILED(!)" << std::endl;

  if (test6(shot1, shot2, p1, p2))
    std::cout << "TEST 6 (World-to-Extrinsics and Extrinsics-to-World) - PASSED(!)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "TEST 6 (World-to-Extrinsics and Extrinsics-to-World) - FAILE(!)" << std::endl;

  if (test7(shot1, p1, p2))
    std::cout << "TEST 7 (roto-translation of the Shot coordinates system) - PASSED(!)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "TEST 7 (roto-translation of the Shot coordinates system) - FAILED(!)" << std::endl;

  if (test8(shot1, shot2, p1, p2))
    std::cout << "TEST 8 (roto-translation of the Shot coordinates system) - PASSED(!)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "TEST 8 (roto-translation of the Shot coordinates system) - FAILED(!)" << std::endl;

  if (test9(shot1, shot2, p1, p2))
    std::cout << "TEST 9 (roto-translation of the Shot coordinates system) - PASSED(!)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "TEST 9 (roto-translation of the Shot coordinates system) - FAILED(!)" << std::endl;

  if (test10(shot1, shot2, p1, p2))
    std::cout << "TEST 10 (similarity transform of the Shot coordinates system) - PASSED(!)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "TEST 10 (similarity transform of the Shot coordinates system) - FAILED(!)" << std::endl;

  return 0;
コード例 #22
void  ZeroLengthContact3D::formResidAndTangent( int tang_flag ) 


	// trial displacement vectors

 	Vector DispTrialS(3); // trial disp for slave node

	Vector DispTrialM(3); // trial disp for master node

	// trial frictional force vectors (in local coordinate)

    Vector t_trial(2);

    double TtrNorm;

    // Coulomb friction law surface

	double Phi;     

    int i, j;

    //zero stiffness and residual 

    stiff.Zero( ) ;

    resid.Zero( ) ;


	// detect contact and set flag

    ContactFlag = contactDetect(); 

	//opserr<<this->getTag()<< " ZeroLengthContact3D::ContactFlag=" << ContactFlag<<endln;

	if (ContactFlag == 1) // contacted


       // contact presure;

		pressure = Kn*gap;   // Kn : normal penalty




       //nodal displacements 

        double ul[6];









		for (i=0; i<6; i++){

			xi(0) += T1(i)*ul[i];

			xi(1) += T2(i)*ul[i];


		// Compute trial shear force

		for (i=0; i<2; i++)  t_trial(i)=Kt * (xi(i)-stickPt(i));  //Kt: tangential penalty


        // Coulomb friction law, trial state

		Phi = TtrNorm - (fs * pressure + cohesion);   // add cohesion


		if (Phi <= 0 ) { // stick case

  		//opserr<< "stick ...." << endln;

 			if ( tang_flag == 1 ) {

		    // stiff

				for (i=0; i<6; i++) {

					for (j=0; j<6; j++) {

						stiff(i,j) = Kn*(N(i)*N(j)) + Kt*(T1(i)*T1(j)+T2(i)*T2(j));	



			} //endif tang_flag

			// force

			for (i=0; i<6; i++) 

				 resid(i)= (-1*pressure)*N(i) + t_trial(0)*T1(i) + t_trial(1)*T2(i) ;

			//	 resid(i)= (-1*pressure)*N(i) - t_trial(0)*T1(i) - t_trial(1)*T2(i) ;

		} // end if stick

		else {              // slide case, non-symmetric stiff

            ContactFlag=2;  // set the contactFlag for sliding

		//	opserr<< "sliding ...." << endln;

            if ( tang_flag == 1 ) {

				// stiff

				double Pt1, Pt2;



				double C1=fs*Kn;

				double C2=Kt*(fs*pressure+cohesion)/TtrNorm;  // add cohesion, sept. 7, 2005

				for (i=0; i<6; i++) {

					for (j=0; j<6; j++) {

						stiff(i,j) = Kn*(N(i)*N(j)) - C1*(Pt1*T1(i)*N(j)+Pt2*T2(i)*N(j))

							    + C2*( (1-Pt1*Pt1)*T1(i)*T1(j) -    Pt1*Pt2 *T1(i)*T2(j)

					            - Pt1*Pt2 *T2(i)*T1(j) + (1-Pt1*Pt2)*T2(i)*T2(j)  );

					} //endfor i

				} //endfor j

			} // endif tang_flag


			// force

			double t1, t2;

			t1 = (fs*pressure+cohesion) * t_trial(0)/TtrNorm;  // add cohesion

            t2 = (fs*pressure+cohesion) * t_trial(1)/TtrNorm;  // add cohesion

			//opserr<<"gap=" << gap <<endln;

			//opserr<<"pressure= "<<pressure <<endln;

			for (i=0; i<6; i++) {

				resid(i) = (-1*pressure)*N(i)+t1*T1(i)+t2*T2(i) ;

			//	resid(i) = (-1*pressure)*N(i)-t1*T1(i)-t2*T2(i) ;


		} //endif slide

	}  // endif ContactFlag

	// for NOT contact, do nothing, stiff and resid are zeroes

コード例 #23
ファイル: Crc.cpp プロジェクト: lcs2/carpg
inline T2 ModPowerOf2(const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
	return T2(a) & (b-1);
コード例 #24
// Private methods
// determine the slave/master pair in contact, and setup Vectors (N,T1,T2)
 int ZeroLengthContact3D::contactDetect(void)

	  int transientgap; 
	  transientgap = 1;   // 1: transient gap; 0: dynamic gap

	  Vector  slaveNd;
	  Vector  masterNd;

      // NOTES: some methods to get displacements from nodes
      // getDisp() :         get commit(k-1) disp, will be commit(k) after commit
      // getTrialDisp():     get Trial(k) disp
      // getIncrDisp():      get Trial(k)-Commit(k-1), will be 0 after commit
      // getIncrDeltaDisp(): get Trial(k)-Trial(k-1),  will be 0 after commit

	  if (transientgap) 
	  {  ///////////// for transient gap //////////////////////////

		   slaveNd = nodePointers[0]->getCrds() + nodePointers[0]->getTrialDisp();
           masterNd= nodePointers[1]->getCrds() + nodePointers[1]->getTrialDisp();
	  }  else {
         ///////////// for dynamic gap ////////////////////////////
    	  slaveNd = nodePointers[0]->getCrds() + nodePointers[0]->getIncrDisp();
          masterNd= nodePointers[1]->getCrds() + nodePointers[1]->getIncrDisp();
      double Xs=slaveNd(0)  - origin(0);
      double Ys=slaveNd(1)  - origin(1);
	  double Zs=slaveNd(2);
      double Rs=sqrt(Xs*Xs +Ys*Ys); 

      double Xm=masterNd(0) - origin(0);
	  double Ym=masterNd(1) - origin(1);
      double Zm=masterNd(2);

	  double Rm=sqrt(Xm*Xm +Ym*Ym);


	  switch (directionID) {

         case 0:  // circular contact plane


				if (transientgap) {

					gap = Rs-Rm;

				} else {

                   gap= gap_n + Rs - Rm; // dynamic gap


				if (gap< 0) 

				{  // Not in contact

					return 0;

				} else 	{ // contact occur, setup contact vectors


					N(0)   =  -Xm/Rm ;

					N(1)   =  -Ym/Rm ;

					N(2)   =   0 ;

					N(3)   =   Xm/Rm ;

					N(4)   =   Ym/Rm ;

					N(5)   =   0 ;

					T1(0)  =   0;

					T1(1)  =   0;

					T1(2)  =   1;

					T1(3)  =   0;

					T1(4)  =   0;

					T1(5)  =  -1;

					T2(0)  =  -Ym/Rm ;

					T2(1)  =   Xm/Rm ;

					T2(2)  =   0 ;

					T2(3)  =   Ym/Rm ;

					T2(4)  =  -Xm/Rm ;

					T2(5)  =   0 ;

					return 1; 



	 	case 1:   // normal of master plane pointing to +X direction

				if (transientgap) {

					gap= Xm -Xs;             // transient gap

				} else {

                    gap= gap_n + Xm - Xs;    // dynamic gap


				if (gap< 0)   

				{// Not in contact

					return 0;

				} else { 

				// contact occur, setup contact vectors


					N(0)   =   1;

					N(1)   =   0 ;

					N(2)   =   0 ;

					N(3)   =  -1 ;

					N(4)   =   0 ;

					N(5)   =   0 ;

					T1(0)  =   0;

					T1(1)  =   1;

					T1(2)  =   0;

					T1(3)  =   0;

					T1(4)  =  -1;

					T1(5)  =   0;

					T2(0)  =   0 ;

					T2(1)  =   0 ;

					T2(2)  =   1 ;

					T2(3)  =   0 ;

					T2(4)  =   0 ;

					T2(5)  =  -1 ;

					return 1; 



		case 2:  // normal of master plane pointing to +Y direction

				if (transientgap) {

					gap= Ym - Ys;            // transient gap

				} else {

					gap= gap_n + Ym - Ys;    // dynamic gap


				if (gap<=0)  { // Not in contact

					return 0;

				} else	{ // contact occur, setup contact vectors


					N(0)   =   0;

					N(1)   =   1 ;

					N(2)   =   0 ;

					N(3)   =   0 ;

					N(4)   =  -1 ;

					N(5)   =   0 ;

					T1(0)  =   0;

					T1(1)  =   0;

					T1(2)  =   1;

					T1(3)  =   0;

					T1(4)  =   0;

					T1(5)  =  -1;

					T2(0)  =   1 ;

					T2(1)  =   0 ;

					T2(2)  =   0 ;

					T2(3)  =  -1 ;

					T2(4)  =   0 ;

					T2(5)  =   0 ;

					return 1; 


		case 3:   // normal of master plane pointing to +Z direction

			//          ___________ 

            //         |           |

			//         |   slave   |  

			//         |___________| 

			//         |           |

			//         |   Master  |

            //         |           |

			//          -----------


				if (transientgap) {

					gap= Zm - Zs;         // transient gap

				} else {

					gap= gap_n + Zm - Zs; // dynamic gap


				if (gap < 0)   // Not in contact

					return 0;

				else {	

					N(0)   =   0 ;

					N(1)   =   0 ;

					N(2)   =   1 ;

					N(3)   =   0 ;

					N(4)   =   0 ;

					N(5)   =  -1 ;

					T1(0)  =   1;

					T1(1)  =   0;

					T1(2)  =   0;

					T1(3)  =  -1;

					T1(4)  =   0;

					T1(5)  =   0;

					T2(0)  =   0 ;

					T2(1)  =   1 ;

					T2(2)  =   0 ;

					T2(3)  =   0 ;

					T2(4)  =  -1 ;

					T2(5)  =   0 ;

 				return 1;



            opserr << "ERROR!!!! ZeroLengthContact3D::ZeroLengthContact3D - the only available contact directions are 0,1,2,3\n";

            return -1;

	}  // end switch directionID

コード例 #25
        /// @brief
        ///    Main evaluation routine.  Computes the inverse of the
        ///    matrix representation of the mimetic inner product in a
        ///    single cell with kown permeability @f$K@f$.  Adds a
        ///    regularization term in order to guarantee a positive
        ///    definite matrix.
        /// @tparam RockInterface
        ///    Type representing rock properties.  Assumed to
        ///    expose a method @code permeability(i) @endcode which
        ///    retrieves the static permeability tensor of cell @code
        ///    i @endcode.  The permeability tensor, @$K@$, is in
        ///    turn, assumed to expose a method @code operator()(int
        ///    i, int j) @endcode such that the call @code K(i,j)
        ///    @endcode retrieves the @f$ij@f$'th component of the
        ///    cell permeability @f$K@f$.
        /// @param [in] c
        ///    Cell for which to evaluate the inverse of the mimetic
        ///    inner product.
        /// @param [in] r
        ///    Specific reservoir properties.  Only the permeability
        ///    is used in method @code buildMatrix() @endcode.
        /// @param [in] nf
        ///    Number of faces (i.e., number of neighbours) of cell
        ///    @code *c @endcode.
        void buildStaticContrib(const CellIter& c,
                                const RockInterface& r,
                                const typename CellIter::Vector& grav,
                                const int nf)
            // Binv = (N*lambda*K*N'   +   t*diag(A)*(I - Q*Q')*diag(A))/vol
            //         ^                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
            //         precompute: n_        precompute: second_term_
            // t = 6/dim * trace(lambda*K)

            typedef typename CellIter::FaceIterator FI;
            typedef typename CellIter::Vector       CV;
            typedef typename FI      ::Vector       FV;

            // Now we need to remember the rocks, since we will need
            // the permeability for dynamic assembly.
            prock_ = &r;

            const int ci = c->index();

            static_assert (FV::dimension == int(dim), "");
            assert (int(t1_.size()) >= nf * dim);
            assert (int(t2_.size()) >= nf * dim);
            assert (int(fa_.size()) >= nf * nf);

            SharedFortranMatrix T2  (nf, dim, &t2_      [0]);
            SharedFortranMatrix fa  (nf, nf , &fa_      [0]);
            SharedFortranMatrix second_term(nf, nf, &second_term_[ci][0]);
            SharedFortranMatrix n(nf, dim, &n_[ci][0]);

            // Clear matrices of any residual data.
            zero(second_term);  zero(n);  zero(T2);  zero(fa);

            // Setup: second_term <- I, n <- N, T2 <- C
            const CV cc = c->centroid();
            int i = 0;
            for (FI f = c->facebegin(); f != c->faceend(); ++f, ++i) {
                second_term(i,i) = Scalar(1.0);
                fa(i,i)          = f->area();

                FV fc = f->centroid();  fc -= cc;  fc *= fa(i,i);
                FV fn = f->normal  ();             fn *= fa(i,i);

                for (int j = 0; j < dim; ++j) {
                    n (i,j) = fn[j];
                    T2(i,j) = fc[j];
            assert (i == nf);

            // T2 <- orth(T2)
            if (orthogonalizeColumns(T2) != 0) {
                assert (false);

            // second_term <- second_term - T2*T2' == I - Q*Q'
            symmetricUpdate(Scalar(-1.0), T2, Scalar(1.0), second_term);

            // second_term <- diag(A) * second_term * diag(A)
            symmetricUpdate(fa, second_term);

            // Gravity term: Kg_ = K * grav
            vecMulAdd_N(Scalar(1.0), r.permeability(ci), &grav[0],
                        Scalar(0.0), &Kg_[ci][0]);
コード例 #26
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: ssvlab/esbmc-gpu
 template <typename T2> int Baz ()
   return static_cast <int> (operator T2 ());
コード例 #27
ファイル: optabgen.c プロジェクト: DinrusGroup/DRC
void dotytab()
    static tym_t _ptr[]      = { TYjhandle,TYnptr,TYsptr,TYcptr,TYf16ptr,TYfptr,TYhptr,
    static tym_t _real[]     = { TYfloat,TYdouble,TYdouble_alias,TYldouble,
    static tym_t _imaginary[] = {
    static tym_t _complex[] =  {
    static tym_t _integral[] = { TYbool,TYchar,TYschar,TYuchar,TYshort,
                                 TYchar16, TYcent, TYucent
    static tym_t _ref[]      = { TYnref,TYfref,TYref };
    static tym_t _func[]     = { TYnfunc,TYffunc,TYnpfunc,TYfpfunc,TYpsfunc,
    static tym_t _func[]     = { TYnfunc,TYffunc,TYnpfunc,TYfpfunc,TYf16func,
                                 TYnsysfunc,TYfsysfunc, TYhfunc
    static tym_t _uns[]     = { TYuchar,TYushort,TYuint,TYulong,
#if MARS
    static tym_t _mptr[]    = { TYmemptr };
    static tym_t _nullptr[] = { TYnullptr };
    static tym_t _fv[]      = { TYfptr, TYvptr };
    static tym_t _farfunc[] = { TYffunc,TYfpfunc,TYfsfunc,TYfsysfunc };
    static tym_t _pasfunc[] = { TYnpfunc,TYfpfunc,TYpsfunc,TYnsfunc,TYfsfunc };
    static tym_t _revfunc[] = { TYnpfunc,TYfpfunc,TYpsfunc };
    static tym_t _pasfunc[] = { TYnpfunc,TYfpfunc,TYf16func,TYnsfunc,TYfsfunc,TYmfunc,TYjfunc };
    static tym_t _revfunc[] = { TYnpfunc,TYfpfunc,TYf16func,TYjfunc };
    static tym_t _short[]     = { TYbool,TYchar,TYschar,TYuchar,TYshort,
    static tym_t _aggregate[] = { TYstruct,TYarray };

    static struct
        const char *string;     /* name of type                 */
        tym_t ty;       /* TYxxxx                       */
        tym_t unsty;    /* conversion to unsigned type  */
        tym_t relty;    /* type for relaxed type checking */
        int size;
        int debtyp;     /* Codeview 1 type in debugger record   */
        int debtyp4;    /* Codeview 4 type in debugger record   */
    } typetab[] =
        /* Note that chars are signed, here     */
        "bool",         TYbool,         TYbool,    TYchar,      1,      0x80,   0x30,
        "char",         TYchar,         TYuchar,   TYchar,      1,      0x80,   0x70,
        "signed char",  TYschar,        TYuchar,   TYchar,      1,      0x80,   0x10,
        "unsigned char",TYuchar,        TYuchar,   TYchar,      1,      0x84,   0x20,
        "char16_t",     TYchar16,       TYchar16,  TYint,       2,      0x85,   0x21,
        "short",        TYshort,        TYushort,  TYint,       SHORTSIZE, 0x81,0x11,
        "wchar_t",      TYwchar_t,      TYwchar_t, TYint,       SHORTSIZE, 0x85,0x71,
        "unsigned short",TYushort,      TYushort,  TYint,       SHORTSIZE, 0x85,0x21,

// These values are adjusted for 32 bit ints in cv_init() and util_set386()
        "enum",         TYenum,         TYuint,    TYint,       -1,        0x81,0x72,
        "int",          TYint,          TYuint,    TYint,       2,         0x81,0x72,
        "unsigned",     TYuint,         TYuint,    TYint,       2,         0x85,0x73,

        "long",         TYlong,         TYulong,   TYlong,      LONGSIZE,  0x82,0x12,
        "unsigned long",TYulong,        TYulong,   TYlong,      LONGSIZE,  0x86,0x22,
        "dchar",        TYdchar,        TYdchar,   TYlong,      4,         0x86,0x78,
        "long long",    TYllong,        TYullong,  TYllong,     LLONGSIZE, 0x82,0x13,
        "uns long long",TYullong,       TYullong,  TYllong,     LLONGSIZE, 0x86,0x23,
        "cent",         TYcent,         TYucent,   TYcent,      16,        0x82,0x13,
        "ucent",        TYucent,        TYucent,   TYcent,      16,        0x86,0x23,
        "float",        TYfloat,        TYfloat,   TYfloat,     FLOATSIZE, 0x88,0x40,
        "double",       TYdouble,       TYdouble,  TYdouble,    DOUBLESIZE,0x89,0x41,
        "double alias", TYdouble_alias, TYdouble_alias,  TYdouble_alias,8, 0x89,0x41,
        "long double",  TYldouble,      TYldouble,  TYldouble,  LNGDBLSIZE, 0x89,0x42,

        "imaginary float",      TYifloat,       TYifloat,   TYifloat,   FLOATSIZE, 0x88,0x40,
        "imaginary double",     TYidouble,      TYidouble,  TYidouble,  DOUBLESIZE,0x89,0x41,
        "imaginary long double",TYildouble,     TYildouble, TYildouble, LNGDBLSIZE,0x89,0x42,

        "complex float",        TYcfloat,       TYcfloat,   TYcfloat,   2*FLOATSIZE, 0x88,0x50,
        "complex double",       TYcdouble,      TYcdouble,  TYcdouble,  2*DOUBLESIZE,0x89,0x51,
        "complex long double",  TYcldouble,     TYcldouble, TYcldouble, 2*LNGDBLSIZE,0x89,0x52,

        "*",            TYptr,          TYptr,     TYptr,       2,  0x20,       0x100,
        "__near *",     TYjhandle,      TYjhandle, TYjhandle,   2,  0x20,       0x100,
        "nullptr_t",    TYnullptr,      TYnullptr, TYptr,       2,  0x20,       0x100,
        "*",            TYnptr,         TYnptr,    TYnptr,      2,  0x20,       0x100,
        "__ss *",       TYsptr,         TYsptr,    TYsptr,      2,  0x20,       0x100,
        "__cs *",       TYcptr,         TYcptr,    TYcptr,      2,  0x20,       0x100,
        "__far16 *",    TYf16ptr,       TYf16ptr,  TYf16ptr,    4,  0x40,       0x200,
        "__far *",      TYfptr,         TYfptr,    TYfptr,      4,  0x40,       0x200,
        "__huge *",     TYhptr,         TYhptr,    TYhptr,      4,  0x40,       0x300,
        "__handle *",   TYvptr,         TYvptr,    TYvptr,      4,  0x40,       0x200,
        "struct",       TYstruct,       TYstruct,  TYstruct,    -1,     0,      0,
        "array",        TYarray,        TYarray,   TYarray,     -1,     0x78,   0,
        "&",            TYref,          TYref,     TYref,       -1,     0,      0,
        "__near &",     TYnref,         TYnref,    TYnref,      2,      0,      0,
        "__far &",      TYfref,         TYfref,    TYfref,      4,      0,      0,
        "C func",       TYnfunc,        TYnfunc,   TYnfunc,     -1,     0x63,   0,
        "C func",       TYhfunc,        TYhfunc,   TYhfunc,     -1,     0,      0,
        "far C func",   TYffunc,        TYffunc,   TYffunc,     -1,     0x64,   0,
        "std func",     TYnsfunc,       TYnsfunc,  TYnsfunc,    -1,     0x63,   0,
        "far std func", TYfsfunc,       TYfsfunc,  TYfsfunc,    -1,     0x64,   0,
        "sys func",     TYnsysfunc,     TYnsysfunc,TYnsysfunc,  -1,     0x63,   0,
        "far sys func", TYfsysfunc,     TYfsysfunc,TYfsysfunc,  -1,     0x64,   0,
        "member func",  TYmfunc,        TYmfunc,   TYmfunc,     -1,     0x64,   0,
        "D func",        TYjfunc,       TYjfunc,   TYjfunc,     -1,     0x74,   0,
        "interrupt func", TYifunc,      TYifunc,   TYifunc,     -1,     0x64,   0,
        "near Cpp func", TYnpfunc,      TYnpfunc,  TYnpfunc,    -1,     0x74,   0,
        "far Cpp func",  TYfpfunc,      TYfpfunc,  TYfpfunc,    -1,     0x73,   0,
        "far pascal func",  TYpsfunc,   TYpsfunc,  TYpsfunc,    -1,     0x75,   0,
        "_far16 Pascal func", TYf16func, TYf16func, TYf16func,  -1,     0x63,   0,
        "Pascal func",  TYnpfunc,       TYnpfunc,  TYnpfunc,    -1,     0x74,   0,
        "far Pascal func",  TYfpfunc,   TYfpfunc,  TYfpfunc,    -1,     0x73,   0,
        "void",         TYvoid,         TYvoid,    TYvoid,      -1,     0x85,   3,
        "memptr",       TYmemptr,       TYmemptr,  TYmemptr,    -1,     0,      0,
        "ident",        TYident,        TYident,   TYident,     -1,     0,      0,
        "template",     TYtemplate,     TYtemplate, TYtemplate, -1,     0,      0,
        "vtshape",      TYvtshape,      TYvtshape,  TYvtshape,  -1,     0,      0,

    FILE *f;
    static unsigned tytab[64 * 4];
    static tym_t tytouns[64 * 4];
    static tym_t _tyrelax[TYMAX];
    static tym_t _tyequiv[TYMAX];
    static signed char tysize[64 * 4];
    static const char *tystring[TYMAX];
    static unsigned char dttab[TYMAX];
    static unsigned short dttab4[TYMAX];
    int i;

    /* Repeat everything 4 times to account for the mTYconst and mTYvolatile bits */
#define T1(arr,mask) for (i=0; i<arraysize(arr); i++) \
                     {  tytab[arr[i]] |= mask; \
                        tytab[arr[i] + 64] |= mask; \
                        tytab[arr[i] + 128] |= mask; \
                        tytab[arr[i] + 192] |= mask; \
#define T2(arr,mask) for (i=0; i<arraysize(arr); i++) \
                     {  tytab[arr[i]] |= mask; \
                        tytab[arr[i] + 64] |= mask; \
                        tytab[arr[i] + 128] |= mask; \
                        tytab[arr[i] + 192] |= mask; \

    T1(_ptr,      TYFLptr);
    T1(_real,     TYFLreal);
    T1(_integral, TYFLintegral);
    T1(_complex,  TYFLcomplex);
    T1(_uns,      TYFLuns);
    T1(_mptr,     TYFLmptr);

    T1(_fv,       TYFLfv);
    T2(_farfunc,  TYFLfarfunc);
    T2(_pasfunc,  TYFLpascal);
    T2(_revfunc,  TYFLrevparam);
    T2(_short,    TYFLshort);
    T2(_ref,      TYFLref);
    T2(_func,     TYFLfunc);
    T2(_nullptr,  TYFLnullptr);

#undef T1
#undef T2

    f = fopen("tytab.c","w");

    fprintf(f,"unsigned tytab[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(tytab); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"0x%02x,",tytab[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(tytab) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");

#if 0
    fprintf(f,"unsigned char tytab2[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(tytab2); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"0x%02x,",tytab2[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(tytab2) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");

    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(typetab); i++)
    {   tytouns[typetab[i].ty] = typetab[i].unsty;
        tytouns[typetab[i].ty | mTYconst] = typetab[i].unsty | mTYconst;
        tytouns[typetab[i].ty | mTYvolatile] = typetab[i].unsty | mTYvolatile;
        tytouns[typetab[i].ty | mTYconst | mTYvolatile] =
            typetab[i].unsty | mTYconst | mTYvolatile;
    fprintf(f,"const tym_t tytouns[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(tytouns); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"0x%02x,",tytouns[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(tytouns) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");

    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(typetab); i++)
    {   tysize[typetab[i].ty | 0x00] = typetab[i].size;
        tysize[typetab[i].ty | 0x40] = typetab[i].size;
        tysize[typetab[i].ty | 0x80] = typetab[i].size;
        tysize[typetab[i].ty | 0xC0] = typetab[i].size;
        /*printf("tysize[%d] = %d\n",typetab[i].ty,typetab[i].size);*/
    fprintf(f,"signed char tysize[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(tysize); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"%d,",tysize[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(tysize) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");

    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(typetab); i++)
    {   _tyrelax[typetab[i].ty] = typetab[i].relty;
        /*printf("_tyrelax[%d] = %d\n",typetab[i].ty,typetab[i].relty);*/
    fprintf(f,"unsigned char _tyrelax[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(_tyrelax); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"0x%02x,",_tyrelax[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(_tyrelax) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");

    /********** tyequiv[] ************/
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(_tyequiv); i++)
        _tyequiv[i] = i;
    _tyequiv[TYchar] = TYschar;         /* chars are signed by default  */

    // These values are adjusted in util_set386() for 32 bit ints
    _tyequiv[TYint] = TYshort;
    _tyequiv[TYuint] = TYushort;

    fprintf(f,"unsigned char tyequiv[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(_tyequiv); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"0x%02x,",_tyequiv[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(_tyequiv) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");

    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(typetab); i++)
        tystring[typetab[i].ty] = typetab[i].string;
    fprintf(f,"const char *tystring[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(tystring); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"\"%s\",",tystring[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(tystring) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");

    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(typetab); i++)
        dttab[typetab[i].ty] = typetab[i].debtyp;
    fprintf(f,"unsigned char dttab[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(dttab); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"0x%02x,",dttab[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(dttab) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");

    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(typetab); i++)
        dttab4[typetab[i].ty] = typetab[i].debtyp4;
    fprintf(f,"unsigned short dttab4[] =\n{ ");
    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(dttab4); i++)
    {   fprintf(f,"0x%02x,",dttab4[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7 && i < arraysize(dttab4) - 1)
            fprintf(f,"\n  ");

コード例 #28
int main()

    Poly A(3, 3);
    Poly B(3, 2);
    Poly C(2, 1);
    Poly D(B);
    Poly Z;
    Poly A2, B2, Z1, Z2;

    cout << "A= " << A << endl;
    cout << "B= " << B << endl << endl;

    Poly Y (0, 0);
    Poly X (0, 0);
    cout << "X1= " << X << endl;

    Poly T1;
    Poly T2(2, 2);

    cout << "T1= " << T1 << endl;
    cout << "T2= " << T2 << endl;

    X = T1 - T2;
    cout << "X1= " << X << endl;
    X = T2 - T1;
    cout << "X2= " << X << endl;

    X = X + A;
    cout << "X2= " << X << endl;

    X = A;
    cout << "X3= " << X << endl;

    X = A + B;
    cout << "X4= " << X << endl;

    X = A;
    X += B;
    cout << "X5= " << X << endl;

    X = X - A;
    cout << "X6= " << X << endl;

    X = A;
    cout << "X7= " << X << endl;

    X = A - B;
    cout << "X8= " << X << endl;

    X = A;
    X -= B;
    cout << "X9= " << X << endl;

    X = Y;
    cout << "X10= " << X << endl;
    X = X * A;
    cout << "X11= " << X << endl;
    X = Y;
    X *= A;
    cout << "X12= " << X << endl;

    X = A * B;
    cout << "X13= " << X << endl;
    X = A;
    X *= B;
    cout << "X14= " << X << endl;

    X = A;
    X *= B;
    cout << "X= " << X << endl;
    X *= B;
    cout << "X= " << X << endl;

    cout << "X= " << X << endl;
    X = A * B;
    cout << "X= " << X << endl;
    X = A;
    X *= B;
    cout << "X= " << X << endl;
    //X *= C;
    //cout << "X= " << X << endl;
    //D = A * B * C;
    //cout << "D= " << D << endl;

    //X = Y;
    //cout << "X= " << X << endl;
    //X -= B;
    //cout << "X= " << X << endl;
    //X -= C;
    //cout << "X= " << X << endl;

    //cout << "C= " << C << endl;

    //cin >> A;
    //cout << endl;

    //A2 = A;
    //cout << "A=  " << A << endl;
    //cout << "A2= " << A2 << endl;

    return 0;
コード例 #29
ファイル: Triple.hpp プロジェクト: franklinsxx/Dissent
 Triple() : first(T1()), second(T2()), third(T3()) {}
コード例 #30
bool test_subtract(
    T1 v1,
    T2 v2,
    const char *av1,
    const char *av2,
    char expected_result
        << "testing  "
        << av1 << " - " << av2
        << std::endl;

    boost::numeric::safe<T1> t1 = v1;
    BOOST_TYPEOF_TPL(T1() - T2()) result;

        result = t1 - v2;
        if(expected_result == 'x'){
                << "failed to detect error in subtraction "
                << std::hex << result << "(" << std::dec << result << ")"
                << " ! = "<< av1 << " - " << av2
                << std::endl;
                result = t1 - v2;
            return false;
        if(expected_result == '.'){
                << "erroneously detected error in subtraction "
                << std::hex << result << "(" << std::dec << result << ")"
                << " == "<< av1 << " - " << av2
                << std::endl;
                result = t1 - v2;
            return false;
    boost::numeric::safe<T2> t2 = v2;
        result = t1 - t2;
        if(expected_result == 'x'){
                << "failed to detect error in subtraction "
                << std::hex << result << "(" << std::dec << result << ")"
                << " ! = "<< av1 << " - " << av2
                << std::endl;
                result = t1 - t2;
            return false;
        if(expected_result == '.'){
                << "erroneously detected error in subtraction "
                << std::hex << result << "(" << std::dec << result << ")"
                << " == "<< av1 << " - " << av2
                << std::endl;
                result = t1 - t2;
            return false;
    return true; // correct result