double * getAllSTD(double * doubleSeries, const unsigned int arraySize, const unsigned int size, double dev) { int outNbElement = 0; int outBeg = 0; double optInNbDev = dev; double * stddevDataOut = new double[arraySize]; memset(stddevDataOut,0,arraySize * sizeof(double)); TA_RetCode stddevRet = TA_STDDEV( 0, arraySize - 1, doubleSeries, size, optInNbDev, &outBeg, &outNbElement, stddevDataOut); double * ret = new double[arraySize + outBeg]; memset(ret,0,(arraySize + outBeg) * sizeof(double)); memcpy(&ret[outBeg],stddevDataOut,arraySize*sizeof(double)); delete [] stddevDataOut; return ret; }
double getSTD(const unsigned int size, CandleData * data, long numSticks) { double stddev = 0.0; double * csData = CandleData::getData(data, CandleData::CLOSE, numSticks); int outNbElement = 0; int outBeg = 0; double optInNbDev = 1.0; double * stddevDataOut = new double[numSticks + size]; TA_RetCode stddevRet = TA_STDDEV( 0, numSticks - 1, csData, size, optInNbDev, &outBeg, &outNbElement, stddevDataOut); if(outNbElement == 0) { stddev = 0.0; } else { stddev = stddevDataOut[outNbElement - 1]; } delete [] csData; delete [] stddevDataOut; return stddev; }
double getSTD(double * doubleSeries, const unsigned int size) { double stddev = 0.0; int outNbElement = 0; int outBeg = 0; double optInNbDev = 1.0; double * stddevDataOut = new double[1]; TA_RetCode stddevRet = TA_STDDEV( 0, size - 1, doubleSeries, size, optInNbDev, &outBeg, &outNbElement, stddevDataOut); if(outNbElement == 0) { stddev = 0.0; } else { stddev = stddevDataOut[outNbElement - 1]; } delete [] stddevDataOut; return stddev; }
double * getAllSTD(const unsigned int size, CandleData * data, long numSticks) { double * closeData = CandleData::getData(data, CandleData::CLOSE, numSticks); int outNbElement = 0; int outBeg = 0; double optInNbDev = 1.0; int arraySize = numSticks + size; double * stddevDataOut = new double[arraySize]; memset(stddevDataOut,0,arraySize * sizeof(double)); TA_RetCode stddevRet = TA_STDDEV( 0, numSticks - 1, closeData, size, optInNbDev, &outBeg, &outNbElement, stddevDataOut); double * ret = new double[arraySize + outBeg]; memset(ret,0,(arraySize + outBeg) * sizeof(double)); memcpy(&ret[outBeg],stddevDataOut,arraySize*sizeof(double)); delete [] closeData; delete [] stddevDataOut; return ret; }
double getRegressionSTD(const unsigned int size, double optInNbDev, CandleData * data, long numSticks) { double stddev = 0.0; double * slopeVal = getAllSlopeVal(size,data,numSticks); double * closeVals = CandleData::getData(data, CandleData::CLOSE, numSticks); int outNbElement = 0; int outBeg = 0; double * temp = new double[numSticks]; memset(temp,0,numSticks * sizeof(double)); TA_RetCode subret = TA_SUB(0, numSticks -1, slopeVal, closeVals, &outBeg, &outNbElement, temp); double * deviation_ = new double[outNbElement + outBeg]; memset(deviation_,0,(outNbElement + outBeg) * sizeof(double)); memcpy(&deviation_[outBeg],temp,outNbElement*sizeof(double)); delete [] closeVals; delete [] slopeVal; delete [] temp; temp = new double[numSticks]; memset(temp,0,numSticks * sizeof(double)); TA_RetCode stddevRet = TA_STDDEV( 0, numSticks - 1, deviation_, size, optInNbDev, &outBeg, &outNbElement, temp); if(outNbElement == 0) { stddev = 0.0; } else { stddev = temp[outNbElement - 1]; } delete [] temp; delete [] deviation_; return stddev; }
/**** Local functions definitions. ****/ static TA_RetCode rangeTestFunction( TA_Integer startIdx, TA_Integer endIdx, TA_Real *outputBuffer, TA_Integer *outputBufferInt, TA_Integer *outBegIdx, TA_Integer *outNbElement, TA_Integer *lookback, void *opaqueData, unsigned int outputNb, unsigned int *isOutputInteger ) { TA_RetCode retCode; TA_RangeTestParam *testParam; (void)outputNb; (void)outputBufferInt; *isOutputInteger = 0; testParam = (TA_RangeTestParam *)opaqueData; retCode = TA_STDDEV( startIdx, endIdx, testParam->close, testParam->test->optInTimePeriod, testParam->test->optInNbDeviation_1, outBegIdx, outNbElement, outputBuffer ); *lookback = TA_STDDEV_Lookback( testParam->test->optInTimePeriod, testParam->test->optInNbDeviation_1 ); return retCode; }
static ErrorNumber do_test( const TA_History *history, const TA_Test *test ) { TA_RetCode retCode; ErrorNumber errNb; TA_Integer outBegIdx; TA_Integer outNbElement; TA_RangeTestParam testParam; /* Set to NAN all the elements of the gBuffers. */ clearAllBuffers(); /* Build the input. */ setInputBuffer( 0, history->close, history->nbBars ); setInputBuffer( 1, history->close, history->nbBars ); /* Make a simple first call. */ retCode = TA_STDDEV( test->startIdx, test->endIdx, gBuffer[0].in, test->optInTimePeriod, test->optInNbDeviation_1, &outBegIdx, &outNbElement, gBuffer[0].out0 ); errNb = checkDataSame( gBuffer[0].in, history->close,history->nbBars ); if( errNb != TA_TEST_PASS ) return errNb; CHECK_EXPECTED_VALUE( gBuffer[0].out0, 0 ); outBegIdx = outNbElement = 0; /* Make another call where the input and the output are the * same buffer. */ retCode = TA_STDDEV( test->startIdx, test->endIdx, gBuffer[1].in, test->optInTimePeriod, test->optInNbDeviation_1, &outBegIdx, &outNbElement, gBuffer[1].in ); /* The previous call should have the same output as this call. * * checkSameContent verify that all value different than NAN in * the first parameter is identical in the second parameter. */ errNb = checkSameContent( gBuffer[0].out0, gBuffer[1].in ); if( errNb != TA_TEST_PASS ) return errNb; CHECK_EXPECTED_VALUE( gBuffer[1].in, 0 ); if( errNb != TA_TEST_PASS ) return errNb; /* Do a systematic test of most of the * possible startIdx/endIdx range. */ testParam.test = test; testParam.close = history->close; if( test->doRangeTestFlag ) { errNb = doRangeTest( rangeTestFunction, TA_FUNC_UNST_NONE, (void *)&testParam, 1, 0 ); if( errNb != TA_TEST_PASS ) return errNb; } return TA_TEST_PASS; }
/* The gateway routine */ void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { /* ----------------- Variables ----------------- */ /* input variables */ /* mandatory input */ int startIdx; int endIdx; double * inReal; /* optional input */ int optInTimePeriod; double optInDeviations; /* output variables */ int outBegIdx; int outNbElement; double* outReal; /* input dimentions */ int inSeriesRows; int inSeriesCols; /* error handling */ TA_RetCode retCode; /* ----------------- input/output count ----------------- */ /* Check for proper number of arguments. */ if (nrhs < 1 || nrhs > 3) mexErrMsgTxt("#3 inputs possible #2 optional."); if (nlhs != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("#1 output required."); /* ----------------- INPUT ----------------- */ /* Create a pointer to the input matrix inReal. */ inReal = mxGetPr(prhs[0]); /* Get the dimensions of the matrix input inReal. */ inSeriesCols = mxGetN(prhs[0]); if (inSeriesCols != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("inReal only vector alowed."); inSeriesRows = mxGetM(prhs[0]); endIdx = inSeriesRows - 1; startIdx = 0; /* Process optional arguments */ if (nrhs >= 1+1) { if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[1]) || mxIsComplex(prhs[1]) || mxGetN(prhs[1])*mxGetM(prhs[1]) != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("Input optInTimePeriod must be a scalar."); /* Get the scalar input optInTimePeriod. */ optInTimePeriod = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[1]); } else { optInTimePeriod = 5; } if (nrhs >= 2+1) { if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[2]) || mxIsComplex(prhs[2]) || mxGetN(prhs[2])*mxGetM(prhs[2]) != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("Input optInDeviations must be a scalar."); /* Get the scalar input optInTimePeriod. */ optInDeviations = mxGetScalar(prhs[2]); } else { optInDeviations = 1.000000e+0; } /* ----------------- OUTPUT ----------------- */ outReal = mxCalloc(inSeriesRows, sizeof(double)); /* -------------- Invocation ---------------- */ retCode = TA_STDDEV( startIdx, endIdx, inReal, optInTimePeriod, optInDeviations, &outBegIdx, &outNbElement, outReal); /* -------------- Errors ---------------- */ if (retCode) { mxFree(outReal); mexPrintf("%s%i","Return code=",retCode); mexErrMsgTxt(" Error!"); } // Populate Output plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(outBegIdx+outNbElement,1, mxREAL); memcpy(((double *) mxGetData(plhs[0]))+outBegIdx, outReal, outNbElement*mxGetElementSize(plhs[0])); mxFree(outReal); } /* END mexFunction */