static int update(pkt_t *pkt, void *fh, int isnew) { FLOWDESC *x = F(fh); if (isnew) { x->nts = 0; x->proto = IP(proto); x->src_ip = IP(src_ip); x->dst_ip = IP(dst_ip); if (IP(proto) == IPPROTO_TCP) { x->src_port = TCP(src_port); x->dst_port = TCP(dst_port); } else if (IP(proto) == IPPROTO_UDP) { x->src_port = UDP(src_port); x->dst_port = UDP(dst_port); } else { N16(x->src_port) = N16(x->dst_port) = 0; } } x->ts[x->nts] = pkt->ts; x->nts++; if (x->nts == 10) return 1; else return 0; }
static uint32_t hash(void *self, pkt_t *pkt) { if (pkt->l3type != ETHERTYPE_IP) return 0; /* must be the same source ip, dest ip, source port, dest port */ return (H32(IP(src_ip)) ^ H32(IP(dst_ip)) ^ (H16(TCP(dst_port)) << 3) ^ (H16(TCP(dst_port)) << 3)); }
static int check(void *self, pkt_t *pkt) { CONFIGDESC *config = CONFIG(self); if (TCP(syn) == 0) { if (H16(IP(len)) == (IP(ihl)*4 + TCP(hlen)*4) || pkt->caplen == pkt->l7ofs) { /* captured length is equal to the data offset, so no data. */ return 0; } } return 1; }
int main(){ short int numberOfEdges; float cost[MAXI][MAXI], cable[MAXI][MAXI]; char marked[MAXI]; short int auxValueP1, auxValueP2; float auxCost; short int auxFor, auxFor2; scanf("%f %f",&cableCost,&trenchCost); scanf("%hd %hd",&numberOfPoints,&numberOfEdges); //zerando variaveis cm valor "infinito" for(auxFor=0;auxFor<numberOfPoints;auxFor++){ for(auxFor2=0;auxFor2<numberOfPoints;auxFor2++){ values[auxFor][auxFor2]=0; cost[auxFor][auxFor2]=0; cable[auxFor][auxFor2]=0; } marked[auxFor]='o'; } for(auxFor=0;auxFor<numberOfEdges;auxFor++){ scanf("%hd %hd %f",&auxValueP1,&auxValueP2,&auxCost); values[auxValueP1][auxValueP2]=auxCost; values[auxValueP2][auxValueP1]=auxCost; } marked[0]='x'; TCP(0, 0, 1, 0, cost, cable, marked); printf("\n%.3f \n\n",bestCostDBB); system("pause"); return 0; }
static uint32_t hash(pkt_t *pkt) { uint sport, dport; if (IP(proto) == IPPROTO_TCP) { sport = N16(TCP(src_port)); dport = N16(TCP(dst_port)); } else if (IP(proto) == IPPROTO_UDP) { sport = N16(UDP(src_port)); dport = N16(UDP(dst_port)); } else { sport = dport = 0; } /* The hash is a bitwise XOR of IP addresses and ports */ return (N32(IP(src_ip)) ^ N32(IP(dst_ip)) ^ (sport << 3) ^ (dport << 3)); }
static int ematch(void *self, void *efh, void *fh) { pkt_t* pkt; int ret = 0; FLOWDESC *x = F(fh); EFLOWDESC *ex = EF(efh); pkt = (pkt_t *)x->buf; if (ex->full_flow == 0) { /* if its full, go to next export record */ ret = ((ex->dst_port == H16(TCP(dst_port))) && (ex->src_port == H16(TCP(src_port))) && (ex->src_ip == H32(IP(src_ip))) && (ex->dst_ip == H32(IP(dst_ip)))); } return ret; }
static timestamp_t init(void *self, char *args[]) { CONFIGDESC *config; metadesc_t *inmd, *outmd; pkt_t * pkt; int i; inmd = metadesc_define_in(self, 0); pkt = metadesc_tpl_add(inmd, "any:any:~ip:~tcp"); N16(TCP(src_port)) = 0xffff; N16(TCP(dst_port)) = 0xffff; IP(proto) = 0xff; N16(IP(len)) = 0xff; N32(IP(src_ip)) = 0xffffffff; N32(IP(dst_ip)) = 0xffffffff; outmd = metadesc_define_out(self, 0); pkt = metadesc_tpl_add(outmd, "any:any:any:any"); config = (CONFIGDESC *)mem_mdl_malloc(self, sizeof(CONFIGDESC)); /* default values for config parameters */ config->flow_timeout = TIME2TS(60, 0); config->wait_fin = 60; for (i = 0; args && args[i]; i++) { if (strstr(args[i], "flow_timeout=")) { char * f_t = index(args[i], '=') + 1; config->flow_timeout = TIME2TS(atoi(f_t), 0); } if (strstr(args[i], "wait_fin=")) { char * w_f = index(args[i], '=') + 1; config->wait_fin = atoi(w_f); } } CONFIG(self) = config; return TIME2TS(1,0); }
void capture(mdl_t *self, pkt_t *pkt, tuple_t *st, double srate) { config_t *config = mdl_get_config(self, config_t); int app, app1, app2; double b, p; if (! isTCP && ! isUDP) /* non-TCP, non-UDP traffic */ app = 1; else { /* TCP and UDP traffic */ if (isTCP) { app1 = config->tcp_port2app[H16(TCP(src_port))]; app2 = config->tcp_port2app[H16(TCP(dst_port))]; } else { app1 = config->udp_port2app[H16(UDP(src_port))]; app2 = config->tcp_port2app[H16(UDP(dst_port))]; } if (app1 == 0 || app2 == 0) /* at most 1 port matches a known app */ app = app1 + app2; else if (app1 == app2) /* both ports match the same app */ app = app1; else /* ports match different apps, unknown */ app = 0; } if (COMO(type) == COMOTYPE_NF) { b = H32(NF(pktcount)) * COMO(len) * H16(NF(sampling)); p = H32(NF(pktcount)) * (uint32_t) H16(NF(sampling)); } else if (COMO(type) == COMOTYPE_SFLOW) { b = (uint64_t) COMO(len) * (uint64_t) H32(SFLOW(sampling_rate)); p = H32(SFLOW(sampling_rate)); } else { b = COMO(len); p = 1; } /* scale with sampling rate */ st->bytes[app] += b / srate; st->pkts[app] += p / srate; }
static int match(pkt_t *pkt, void *fh) { FLOWDESC *x = F(fh); uint sport, dport; if (IP(proto) == IPPROTO_TCP) { sport = N16(TCP(src_port)); dport = N16(TCP(dst_port)); } else if (IP(proto) == IPPROTO_UDP) { sport = N16(UDP(src_port)); dport = N16(UDP(dst_port)); } else { sport = dport = 0; } return ( N32(IP(src_ip)) == N32(x->src_ip) && N32(IP(dst_ip)) == N32(x->dst_ip) && sport == N16(x->src_port) && dport == N16(x->dst_port) && IP(proto) == x->proto ); }
void TCP(short int source, short int target, short int numberOfMarkeds, float actualCost, float cost[MAXI][MAXI], float cable[MAXI][MAXI], char marked[MAXI]){ short int auxFor, auxFor2; float minValue=INFINITY; short int nextSource, nextTarget; float auxTempCost,auxTempValue; /*Cortes*/ if (numberOfMarkeds>numberOfPoints && actualCost>bestCostDBB) return; /*Atualiza melhor custo*/ if(numberOfMarkeds==numberOfPoints){ #if DEBUG if(bestCostDBB>actualCost) printf("Nova Melhor Resposta %f \n", actualCost); #endif bestCostDBB=MIN(bestCostDBB,actualCost); return; } /*Atualizando linha da matriz de valores do TCP Tabela principal de custos atuais. */ for(auxFor=0;auxFor<numberOfPoints;auxFor++){ if(values[target][auxFor]!=0 ){ cost[target][auxFor]=(values[target][auxFor]*(trenchCost+cableCost))+cable[source][target]; cable[target][auxFor]=(values[target][auxFor]*(cableCost))+cable[source][target]; } } /*Procura proximo elemento a ser visitado*/ for(auxFor=0;auxFor<numberOfPoints;auxFor++){ if(marked[auxFor]=='x'){ for(auxFor2=0;auxFor2<numberOfPoints;auxFor2++){ if(cost[auxFor][auxFor2]<minValue && marked[auxFor2]=='o' && cost[auxFor][auxFor2]>0 && cost[auxFor][auxFor2]!=INFINITY ){ minValue=cost[auxFor][auxFor2]; nextSource=auxFor; nextTarget=auxFor2; } } } } /*Se o melhor caminho encontrado for um com custo infinito, portanto essa solução não é desejavel, logo valor descartado*/ if(minValue==INFINITY) return; /*Seleciona novo elemento*/ actualCost+=minValue; numberOfMarkeds++; marked[nextTarget]='x'; TCP(nextSource,nextTarget, numberOfMarkeds, actualCost,cost, cable, marked); /*Salva variaveis de custo e valores, para serem atualizados por pesos "infinitos"*/ auxTempCost=cost[nextSource][nextTarget]; auxTempValue=values[nextSource][nextTarget]; /*Deseleciona aresta e custo infinito*/ cost[nextSource][nextTarget]=INFINITY; cost[nextTarget][nextSource]=INFINITY; values[nextSource][nextTarget]=INFINITY; values[nextTarget][nextSource]=INFINITY; actualCost-=minValue; marked[nextTarget]='o'; numberOfMarkeds--; /*Verifica se proxima solução é viavel*/ /*Corte branch and bound*/ TCP(source,target, numberOfMarkeds, actualCost, cost, cable, marked); /*Retorna arestas ao valor original*/ cost[nextSource][nextTarget]=cost[nextTarget][nextSource]=auxTempCost; values[nextTarget][nextSource]=values[nextSource][nextTarget]=auxTempValue; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { char port[] = "27015"; char ip[] = ""; int numbytes; char buf[MAXDATASIZE]; // Get input parameters for(int a=0; a < argc; a++) { if( strcmp( argv[a], "--ip" ) == 0 ) { strcpy(ip, argv[a+1]); } if( strcmp( argv[a], "--port" ) == 0 ) { strcpy(port, argv[a+1]); } } TCP myClient = TCP(port, ip); ros::init(argc, argv, "joints"); ros::NodeHandle n; std::string receivedString; std::string attribute; std::stringstream ss; std::istringstream iss; tf::TransformBroadcaster br; tf::Transform transform; ros::Rate loop_rate(30); if( myClient.Connect() == 0 ) { // Receive data numbytes = recv(myClient.s,buf,MAXDATASIZE-1,0); while (numbytes != 0 && ros::ok()) { numbytes = recv(myClient.s,buf,MAXDATASIZE-1,0); buf[numbytes]='\0'; receivedString.assign(buf); // debug // std::cout << "Ahoy! Received " << numbytes << " bytes. " << receivedString << std::endl; std::istringstream iss(receivedString); std::vector<double> x (25, 0.0); std::vector<double> y (25, 0.0); std::vector<double> z (25, 0.0); std::vector<std::vector<double> > X (6, x); std::vector<std::vector<double> > Y (6, y); std::vector<std::vector<double> > Z (6, z); std::vector<double> qx (25, 0.0); std::vector<double> qy (25, 0.0); std::vector<double> qz (25, 0.0); std::vector<double> qw (25, 1.0); std::vector<std::vector<double> > QX (6, qx); std::vector<std::vector<double> > QY (6, qy); std::vector<std::vector<double> > QZ (6, qz); std::vector<std::vector<double> > QW (6, qw); int j; int count = 6; int id; std::vector<int> foundIdx; std::string frame; std::string joint; /* code */ while(!iss.eof()) { // joint = "joint_"; iss >> attribute; frame = "person_"; if( strcmp(attribute.c_str(), "count:") == 0 ) { iss >> count; // ROS_INFO("count %d",count); } else if( strcmp(attribute.c_str(), "id:") == 0 ) { iss >> id; foundIdx.push_back(id); frame.append(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(id)); // ROS_INFO("id %s",frame); // std::cout << id << " " << frame << " "; }