コード例 #1
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: DannyRL/SeniorDesign
int main (void)
	DDRA = 0b00000001; //set direction of PORTA, A0 is output for speaker

	sei();                    // turn on interrupts
while (1)
	if( signal == 2 )//Once signaled that we have enough samples, we calculate the frequency
		duration = total / sample; //Find average duration
		freq = (unsigned int)(99990ul / (unsigned long)duration); //calculate frequency
		//If hit was valid, take away health from player and go into method that plays appropriate sounds
		if(freq > 200 && freq < 260){ 
			health -= 30;
		signal = 0;
		total = 0;
		sample = 0;
	return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: sprite_eng.c プロジェクト: kubilus1/SGDK
void SPR_init(u16 cacheSize)
    u16 index;
    u16 size;

    // already initialized --> end it first
    if (SPR_isInitialized()) SPR_end();

    // alloc cache structure memory
    VDPSpriteCache = MEM_alloc(SPRITE_CACHE_SIZE * sizeof(VDPSprite));

    size = cacheSize?cacheSize:384;
    // get start tile index for sprite cache (reserve VRAM area just before system font)
    index = TILE_FONTINDEX - size;

    // init tile cache engine if needed
    // and create a tile cache for the sprite
    TC_createCache(&tcSprite, index, size);