static void assert_print_object(const char * const expected, const char * const input) { unsigned char printed_unformatted[1024]; unsigned char printed_formatted[1024]; const unsigned char *error_pointer; cJSON item[1]; printbuffer formatted_buffer; printbuffer unformatted_buffer; /* buffer for formatted printing */ formatted_buffer.buffer = printed_formatted; formatted_buffer.length = sizeof(printed_formatted); formatted_buffer.offset = 0; formatted_buffer.noalloc = true; /* buffer for unformatted printing */ unformatted_buffer.buffer = printed_unformatted; unformatted_buffer.length = sizeof(printed_unformatted); unformatted_buffer.offset = 0; unformatted_buffer.noalloc = true; memset(item, 0, sizeof(item)); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL_MESSAGE(parse_object(item, (const unsigned char*)input, &error_pointer, &global_hooks), "Failed to parse object."); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE_MESSAGE(print_object(item, 0, false, &unformatted_buffer, &global_hooks), "Failed to print unformatted string."); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_MESSAGE(input, printed_unformatted, "Unformatted object is not correct."); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE_MESSAGE(print_object(item, 0, true, &formatted_buffer, &global_hooks), "Failed to print formatted string."); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_MESSAGE(expected, printed_formatted, "Formatted ojbect is not correct."); reset(item); }
static void assert_print_object(const char * const expected, const char * const input) { unsigned char printed_unformatted[1024]; unsigned char printed_formatted[1024]; cJSON item[1]; printbuffer formatted_buffer = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } }; printbuffer unformatted_buffer = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } }; parse_buffer parsebuffer = { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } }; /* buffer for parsing */ parsebuffer.content = (const unsigned char*)input; parsebuffer.length = strlen(input) + sizeof(""); parsebuffer.hooks = global_hooks; /* buffer for formatted printing */ formatted_buffer.buffer = printed_formatted; formatted_buffer.length = sizeof(printed_formatted); formatted_buffer.offset = 0; formatted_buffer.noalloc = true; formatted_buffer.hooks = global_hooks; /* buffer for unformatted printing */ unformatted_buffer.buffer = printed_unformatted; unformatted_buffer.length = sizeof(printed_unformatted); unformatted_buffer.offset = 0; unformatted_buffer.noalloc = true; unformatted_buffer.hooks = global_hooks; memset(item, 0, sizeof(item)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE_MESSAGE(parse_object(item, &parsebuffer), "Failed to parse object."); unformatted_buffer.format = false; TEST_ASSERT_TRUE_MESSAGE(print_object(item, &unformatted_buffer), "Failed to print unformatted string."); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_MESSAGE(input, printed_unformatted, "Unformatted object is not correct."); formatted_buffer.format = true; TEST_ASSERT_TRUE_MESSAGE(print_object(item, &formatted_buffer), "Failed to print formatted string."); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_MESSAGE(expected, printed_formatted, "Formatted ojbect is not correct."); reset(item); }
static void assert_parse_string(const char *string, const char *expected) { parse_buffer buffer = { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } }; buffer.content = (const unsigned char*)string; buffer.length = strlen(string) + sizeof(""); buffer.hooks = global_hooks; TEST_ASSERT_TRUE_MESSAGE(parse_string(item, &buffer), "Couldn't parse string."); assert_is_string(item); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_MESSAGE(expected, item->valuestring, "The parsed result isn't as expected."); global_hooks.deallocate(item->valuestring); item->valuestring = NULL; }
static void assert_print_number(const char *expected, double input) { unsigned char printed[1024]; cJSON item[1]; printbuffer buffer = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } }; buffer.buffer = printed; buffer.length = sizeof(printed); buffer.offset = 0; buffer.noalloc = true; buffer.hooks = global_hooks; memset(item, 0, sizeof(item)); cJSON_SetNumberValue(item, input); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE_MESSAGE(print_number(item, &buffer), "Failed to print number."); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_MESSAGE(expected, buffer.buffer, "Printed number is not as expected."); }
void test_BulkUploadRequestLineIsCorrect() { char msg[32]; sprintf(msg, "Request line %d", s_testLine+1); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_MESSAGE(expectedResponseLines[s_testLine], requestStrings[s_testLine].c_str(), msg); }