コード例 #1
ファイル: pipe.hpp プロジェクト: loic-yvonnet/triSYCL
  /** Reserve some part of the pipe for reading

      \param[in] s is the number of element to reserve

      \param[out] rid is an iterator to a description of the
      reservation that has been done if successful

      \param[in] blocking specify if the call wait for the operation
      to succeed

      \return true if the reservation was successful
  bool reserve_read(std::size_t s,
                    rid_iterator &rid,
                    bool blocking = false)  {
    // Lock the pipe to avoid being disturbed
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul { cb_mutex };

    TRISYCL_DUMP_T("Before read reservation cb.size() = " << cb.size()
                   << " size() = " << size());
    if (s == 0)
      // Empty reservation requested, so nothing to do
      return false;

    if (blocking)
      /* If in blocking mode, wait for enough elements to read in the
         pipe for the reservation. This condition can change when a
         write is done */
      write_done.wait(ul, [&] { return s <= size(); });
    else if (s > size())
      // Not enough elements to read in the pipe for the reservation
      return false;

    // Compute the location of the first element of the reservation
    auto first = cb.begin() + read_reserved_frozen;
    // Increment the number of frozen elements
    read_reserved_frozen += s;
    /* Add a description of the reservation at the end of the
       reservation queue */
    r_rid_q.emplace_back(first, s);
    // Return the iterator to the last reservation descriptor
    rid = r_rid_q.end() - 1;
    TRISYCL_DUMP_T("After reservation cb.size() = " << cb.size()
                   << " size() = " << size());
    return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: pipe.hpp プロジェクト: loic-yvonnet/triSYCL
  /** Try to read a value from the pipe

      \param[out] value is the reference to where to store what is

      \param[in] blocking specify if the call wait for the operation
      to succeed

      \return true on success
  bool read(T &value, bool blocking = false) {
    // Lock the pipe to avoid being disturbed
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul { cb_mutex };
    TRISYCL_DUMP_T("Read pipe empty = " << empty());

    if (blocking)
      /* If in blocking mode, wait for the not empty condition, that
         may be changed when a write is done */
      write_done.wait(ul, [&] { return !empty(); });
    else if (empty())
      return false;

    TRISYCL_DUMP_T("Read pipe front = " << cb.front()
                   << " back = " << cb.back()
                   << " reserved_for_reading() = " << reserved_for_reading());
    if (read_reserved_frozen)
      /** If there is a pending reservation, read the next element to
          be read and update the number of reserved elements */
      value = cb.begin()[read_reserved_frozen++];
    else {
      /* There is no pending read reservation, so pop the read value
         from the pipe */
      value = cb.front();

    TRISYCL_DUMP_T("Read pipe value = " << value);
    // Notify the clients waiting for some room to write in the pipe
    return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: pipe.hpp プロジェクト: loic-yvonnet/triSYCL
  /** Try to write a value to the pipe

      \param[in] value is what we want to write

      \param[in] blocking specify if the call wait for the operation
      to succeed

      \return true on success

      \todo provide a && version
  bool write(const T &value, bool blocking = false) {
    // Lock the pipe to avoid being disturbed
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul { cb_mutex };
    TRISYCL_DUMP_T("Write pipe full = " << full()
                   << " value = " << value);

    if (blocking)
      /* If in blocking mode, wait for the not full condition, that
         may be changed when a read is done */
      read_done.wait(ul, [&] { return !full(); });
    else if (full())
      return false;

    TRISYCL_DUMP_T("Write pipe front = " << cb.front()
                   << " back = " << cb.back()
                   << " cb.begin() = " << (void *)&*cb.begin()
                   << " cb.size() = " << cb.size()
                   << " cb.end() = " << (void *)&*cb.end()
                   << " reserved_for_reading() = " << reserved_for_reading()
                   << " reserved_for_writing() = " << reserved_for_writing());
    // Notify the clients waiting to read something from the pipe
    return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: buffer_customer.hpp プロジェクト: aonorin/triSYCL
 /** Wait for the release of the buffer generation before the host can
     use it
 void wait_released() {
   TRISYCL_DUMP_T("buffer_customer::wait_released() user_number = "
                  << user_number);
     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul { released_mutex };
     released_cv.wait(ul, [&] { return user_number == 0; });
コード例 #5
ファイル: buffer_customer.hpp プロジェクト: aonorin/triSYCL
 /// Notify the customer tasks this buffer generation is ready to use
 void notify_ready() {
     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul { ready_mutex };
     // \todo This lock can be avoided if ready_to_use is atomic
     ready_to_use = true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: pipe.hpp プロジェクト: loic-yvonnet/triSYCL
  /** Get the current number of elements in the pipe that can be read

      This is obviously a volatile value which is constrained by the
      theory of restricted relativity.

      Note that on some devices it may be costly to implement (for
      example on FPGA).
  std::size_t size() const {
    TRISYCL_DUMP_T("size() cb.size() = " << cb.size()
                   << " cb.end() = " << (void *)&*cb.end()
                   << " reserved_for_reading() = " << reserved_for_reading()
                   << " reserved_for_writing() = " << reserved_for_writing());
    /* The actual number of available elements depends from the
       elements blocked by some reservations.
       This prevents a consumer to read into reserved area. */
    return cb.size() - reserved_for_reading() - reserved_for_writing();
コード例 #7
ファイル: accessor.hpp プロジェクト: ahonorat/triSYCL
  /** Construct a device accessor from an existing buffer

      \todo fix the specification to rename target that shadows
      template parm
  accessor(std::shared_ptr<detail::buffer<T, Dimensions>> target_buffer,
           handler &command_group_handler) :
    buf { target_buffer }, array { target_buffer->access } {
    TRISYCL_DUMP_T("Create a kernel accessor write = " << is_write_access());
    static_assert(Target == access::target::global_buffer
                  || Target == access::target::constant_buffer,
                  "access target should be global_buffer or constant_buffer "
                  "when a handler is used");
    // Register the buffer to the task dependencies
    task = buffer_add_to_task(buf, &command_group_handler, is_write_access());
コード例 #8
ファイル: pipe.hpp プロジェクト: loic-yvonnet/triSYCL
  /** Reserve some part of the pipe for writing

      \param[in] s is the number of element to reserve

      \param[out] rid is an iterator to a description of the
      reservation that has been done if successful

      \param[in] blocking specify if the call wait for the operation
      to succeed

      \return true if the reservation was successful
  bool reserve_write(std::size_t s,
                     rid_iterator &rid,
                     bool blocking = false)  {
    // Lock the pipe to avoid being disturbed
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul { cb_mutex };

    TRISYCL_DUMP_T("Before write reservation cb.size() = " << cb.size()
                   << " size() = " << size());
    if (s == 0)
      // Empty reservation requested, so nothing to do
      return false;

    if (blocking)
      /* If in blocking mode, wait for enough room in the pipe, that
         may be changed when a read is done. Do not use a difference
         here because it is only about unsigned values */
      read_done.wait(ul, [&] { return cb.size() + s <= capacity(); });
    else if (cb.size() + s > capacity())
      // Not enough room in the pipe for the reservation
      return false;

    /* If there is enough room in the pipe, just create default values
         in it to do the reservation */
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i != s; ++i)
    /* Compute the location of the first element a posteriori since it
         may not exist a priori if cb was empty before */
    auto first = cb.end() - s;
    /* Add a description of the reservation at the end of the
       reservation queue */
    w_rid_q.emplace_back(first, s);
    // Return the iterator to the last reservation descriptor
    rid = w_rid_q.end() - 1;
    TRISYCL_DUMP_T("After reservation cb.size() = " << cb.size()
                   << " size() = " << size());
    return true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: buffer_customer.hpp プロジェクト: aonorin/triSYCL
  /// Release the buffer generation usage by a kernel task
  void release() {
    TRISYCL_DUMP_T("buffer_customer::release() now user_number = "
                   << user_number);
    if (user_number == 0) {
      /* If there is no task using this generation of the buffer, first
         notify the host accessors waiting for it, if any */

      /* And then make the next generation ready if any. Note that if the
         SYCL program is race condition-free, there should be no host
         accessor waiting for a generation which is not the last one...

         \todo: add some SYCL semantics runtime verification
      if (next_generation)
    // \todo Can we have UserNumber increasing again?
コード例 #10
ファイル: buffer_customer.hpp プロジェクト: aonorin/triSYCL
 /// Add a new task as a customer of the buffer generation
 void add(std::shared_ptr<task> task, bool is_write_access) {
   write_access = is_write_access;
   TRISYCL_DUMP_T("buffer_customer::add() now user_number = " << user_number);
コード例 #11
ファイル: pipe.hpp プロジェクト: loic-yvonnet/triSYCL
  /** Test if the pipe is empty

      This is obviously a volatile value which is constrained by
      restricted relativity.

      Note that on some devices it may be costly to implement on the
      write side (for example on FPGA).
  bool empty() const {
    TRISYCL_DUMP_T("empty() cb.size() = " << cb.size()
                   << " size() = " << size());
    // It is empty when the size is zero, taking into account reservations
    return size() ==  0;