コード例 #1
ファイル: outbask.c プロジェクト: cixonline/ameol
void FASTCALL CmdPrintOutbasket( HWND hwnd )
   HPRINT hPr;
   BOOL fOk = TRUE;
   LPSTR lpOBPrintBuf;

   /* Show and get the print terminal dialog box.
   if( !Adm_Dialog( hRscLib, hwnd, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDDLG_PRINTOUTBASKET), PrintOutbasketDlg, 0L ) )

   fNewMemory( &lpOBPrintBuf, LEN_TEMPBUF );
   GetWindowText( hwnd, lpOBPrintBuf, LEN_TEMPBUF );
   if(   NULL != ( hPr = BeginPrint( hwnd, lpOBPrintBuf, &lfFixedFont ) ) )
      register int cCount;

      for( cCount = 0; fOk && cCount < cCopies; ++cCount )

      int nCount;
      int c;
      HWND hwndList;

      ResetPageNumber( hPr );
      fOk = BeginPrintPage( hPr );

      hwndList = GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDD_LIST );

      nCount = ListBox_GetCount( hwndList );
      for( c = 0; c != nCount; c++ )
         OBINFO obinfo;
         LPOB lpob;

         lpob = (LPOB)ListBox_GetItemData( hwndList, c );
         Amob_GetObInfo( lpob, &obinfo );
         Amob_Describe( lpob, lpOBPrintBuf );
         if( TestF(obinfo.obHdr.wFlags, OBF_HOLD) )
            wsprintf( lpOBPrintBuf, "%s (H)", lpOBPrintBuf );
         if( TestF(obinfo.obHdr.wFlags, OBF_KEEP) )
            wsprintf( lpOBPrintBuf, "%s (K)", lpOBPrintBuf );
         if( fOk )
            fOk = PrintLine( hPr, lpOBPrintBuf );
      if( fOk )
         EndPrintPage( hPr );
   EndPrint( hPr );
   if( NULL != lpOBPrintBuf )
      FreeMemory( &lpOBPrintBuf );
コード例 #2
ファイル: outbask.c プロジェクト: cixonline/ameol
/* This function updates the out-basket status
void FASTCALL UpdateOutBasketStatus( void )
   if( hwndOutBasket )
      BOOL fIsEditable;
      BOOL fHasItem;
      BOOL fCanDelete;
      HWND hwndList;
      int nSelCount;

      hwndList = GetDlgItem( hwndOutBasket, IDD_LIST );
      fIsEditable = FALSE;
      fHasItem = ( ListBox_GetCount( hwndList ) > 0 );
      fCanDelete = FALSE;
      if( ( nSelCount = ListBox_GetSelCount( hwndList ) ) > 0 )
         OBINFO obinfo;
         LPOB lpob;
         int nSel;

         ListBox_GetSelItems( hwndList, 1, &nSel );
         lpob = (LPOB)ListBox_GetItemData( hwndList, nSel );
         Amob_GetObInfo( lpob, &obinfo );
         SetWindowText( GetDlgItem( hwndOutBasket, IDD_HOLD ), ( obinfo.obHdr.wFlags & OBF_HOLD ) ? GS(IDS_STR282) : GS(IDS_STR281) );
         SetWindowText( GetDlgItem( hwndOutBasket, IDD_KEEP ), ( obinfo.obHdr.wFlags & OBF_KEEP ) ? GS(IDS_STR318) : GS(IDS_STR319) );
         fIsEditable = !fInitiatingBlink && Amob_IsEditable( obinfo.obHdr.clsid ) && !TestF(obinfo.obHdr.wFlags, OBF_PENDING ) && !TestF(obinfo.obHdr.wFlags, OBF_ACTIVE );
         fCanDelete = !fInitiatingBlink && !TestF(obinfo.obHdr.wFlags, OBF_PENDING ) && !TestF(obinfo.obHdr.wFlags, OBF_ACTIVE );
      EnableControl( hwndOutBasket, IDOK, fIsEditable );
      EnableControl( hwndOutBasket, IDD_LIST, fHasItem );
      EnableControl( hwndOutBasket, IDD_DELETE, fCanDelete );
      EnableControl( hwndOutBasket, IDD_HOLD, fHasItem && fCanDelete );
      EnableControl( hwndOutBasket, IDD_KEEP, fHasItem && fCanDelete );
コード例 #3
ファイル: t_des.cpp プロジェクト: kuailexs/symbiandump-os1
GLDEF_C void TestTDes<T,S,L,R>::test_TBuf()
// Test the TBuf class special member functions

	test.Start(_L("TBuf default view, no params"));
	test.Next(_L("TBuf view with a length"));
	test.Next(_L("TBuf view over a string"));
	test.Next(_L("TBuf view over a descriptor"));
	test.Next(_L("TBuf view over a buffer"));
	test.Next(_L("String assignment"));
	test.Next(_L("Descriptor assignment"));
	test.Next(_L("Buffer assignment"));
コード例 #4
ファイル: outbask.c プロジェクト: cixonline/ameol
/* This function intercepts messages for the out-basket list box window
 * so that we can handle the right mouse button.
   switch( msg )
      case WM_ERASEBKGND: {
         RECT rc;

         GetClientRect( hwnd, &rc );
         FillRect( (HDC)wParam, &rc, hbrOutBaskWnd );
         return( TRUE );

      case WM_CONTEXTMENU: /*!!SM!!*/
      case WM_RBUTTONDOWN:
         POINT pt;
         LPOB lpob;
         HWND hwndOpen;
         HMENU hPopupMenu;
         int index;
         AEPOPUP aep;

         /* Make sure this window is active and select the item
          * at the cursor.
         if( hwndActive != GetParent( hwnd ) )
            SendMessage( hwndMDIClient, WM_MDIACTIVATE, (WPARAM)hwndOutBasket, 0L );

         /* Select the item under the cursor only if nothing is
          * currently selected.
         index = ItemFromPoint( hwnd, (short)LOWORD(lParam), (short)HIWORD(lParam) );
         if( ListBox_GetSel( hwnd, index ) == 0 )
            CallWindowProc( lpProcListCtl, hwnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, wParam, lParam );
            CallWindowProc( lpProcListCtl, hwnd, WM_LBUTTONUP, wParam, lParam );

         /* Get the out-basket menu.
         hPopupMenu = GetSubMenu( hPopupMenus, IPOP_OBASKWINDOW );
         hwndOpen = GetDlgItem( GetParent( hwnd ), IDOK );
         MenuEnable( hPopupMenu, IDOK, IsWindowEnabled( hwndOpen ) );

         /* If we have any selected items, use the attributes
          * of the first item to determine the menu items.
         if( ListBox_GetSelCount( hwnd ) > 0 )
            OBINFO obinfo;

            ListBox_GetSelItems( hwnd, 1, &index );
            lpob = (LPOB)ListBox_GetItemData( hwnd, index );
            Amob_GetObInfo( lpob, &obinfo );
            if( TestF(obinfo.obHdr.wFlags, OBF_HOLD) )
               MenuString( hPopupMenu, IDD_HOLD, GS(IDS_STR275) );
               MenuString( hPopupMenu, IDD_HOLD, GS(IDS_STR277) );
            if( TestF(obinfo.obHdr.wFlags, OBF_KEEP) )
               MenuString( hPopupMenu, IDD_KEEP, GS(IDS_STR440) );
               MenuString( hPopupMenu, IDD_KEEP, GS(IDS_STR439) );
            MenuEnable( hPopupMenu, IDOK, !fInitiatingBlink && Amob_IsEditable( obinfo.obHdr.clsid ) && !TestF(obinfo.obHdr.wFlags, OBF_PENDING) && !TestF(obinfo.obHdr.wFlags, OBF_ACTIVE ) );
            MenuEnable( hPopupMenu, IDD_DELETE, !fInitiatingBlink && !TestF(obinfo.obHdr.wFlags, OBF_PENDING ) && !TestF(obinfo.obHdr.wFlags, OBF_ACTIVE ) );
            MenuEnable( hPopupMenu, IDD_KEEP, !fInitiatingBlink && !TestF(obinfo.obHdr.wFlags, OBF_PENDING ) && !TestF(obinfo.obHdr.wFlags, OBF_ACTIVE ) );
            MenuEnable( hPopupMenu, IDD_HOLD, !fInitiatingBlink && !TestF(obinfo.obHdr.wFlags, OBF_PENDING ) && !TestF(obinfo.obHdr.wFlags, OBF_ACTIVE ) );
            MenuEnable( hPopupMenu, IDOK, FALSE );
            MenuEnable( hPopupMenu, IDD_KEEP, FALSE );
            MenuEnable( hPopupMenu, IDD_HOLD, FALSE );
            MenuEnable( hPopupMenu, IDD_DELETE, FALSE );
            /* Call the AE_POPUP event.
         aep.wType = WIN_OUTBASK;
         aep.pFolder = NULL;
         aep.pSelectedText = NULL;
         aep.cchSelectedText = 0;
         aep.hMenu = hPopupMenu;
         aep.nInsertPos = 2;
         Amuser_CallRegistered( AE_POPUP, (LPARAM)(LPSTR)&aep, 0L );

         GetCursorPos( &pt );
         TrackPopupMenu( hPopupMenu, TPM_LEFTALIGN|TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, pt.x, pt.y, 0, hwndFrame, NULL );
         return( 0 );

      case WM_KEYDOWN:
         /* Trap the Delete and Shift+Delete key in the outbasket
          * list box to handle the Delete command.
         if( wParam == VK_DELETE ) 
            PostDlgCommand( GetParent( hwnd ), IDD_DELETE, 0 );
            return( 0 );

         /* Trap the Pause and Shift+Pause key in the outbasket
          * list box to handle the Hold command.
         if( wParam == VK_PAUSE )
            PostDlgCommand( GetParent( hwnd ), IDD_HOLD, 1 );
            return( 0 );
   return( CallWindowProc( lpProcListCtl, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam ) );