コード例 #1
* \brief CalculatePerformance controls when the performance of a bot is calculated and also helps with when the next levels should be used.
void PerformanceStats::CalculatePerformance()
	// if the test type and ranking make sense.
	if (!_unrecognisedData)
		if (_botID.compare("") == 0)
			// if the bot has no ID then put the folder name as today's date.
			auto time = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
			auto time_t = chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(time);
			stringstream dateString;

			dateString << put_time(std::localtime(&time_t), "%d-%m-%y");
			_botID = dateString.str();

		bool error = false;
		error = CheckFolderState();

		if (!error)
			if (_testType.compare("TESTMAPS") == 0)
			else if (_testType.compare("MARATHON") == 0)
		cout << "The test type or ranking you have chosen is unrecongnised. Please modify and restart Spelunky." << endl;
コード例 #2
int Komplex_LinearProblem::ProcessValues(double c0r, double c0i, const Epetra_RowMatrix & A0,
					 double c1r, double c1i, const Epetra_RowMatrix & A1,
					 const Epetra_MultiVector & Xr, const Epetra_MultiVector & Xi,
					 const Epetra_MultiVector & Br, const Epetra_MultiVector & Bi,
					 bool firstTime) {

  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(TestMaps(A0, A1, Xr, Xi, Br, Bi)!=0);
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(InitMatrixAccess(A0, A1)!=0);
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(ConstructKomplexMaps(A0.OperatorDomainMap(), A0.OperatorRangeMap(), A0.RowMatrixRowMap())!=0);

  if (firstTime) {
    KomplexMatrix_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy,*KomplexMatrixRowMap_,0));
    KomplexLHS_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_MultiVector(*KomplexMatrixDomainMap_, Xr.NumVectors()));
    KomplexRHS_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_MultiVector(*KomplexMatrixRangeMap_, Xr.NumVectors()));

  int NumMyRows = A0.NumMyRows();
  // Process X and B values
  for (int j=0; j<Xr.NumVectors(); j++) {
    double *localKX = &((*KomplexLHS_)[j][0]);
    double *localKB = &((*KomplexRHS_)[j][0]);
    for (int i=0; i< NumMyRows; i++) {
      localKX[2*i] = Xr[j][i];
      localKX[2*i+1] = Xi[j][i];
      localKB[2*i] = Br[j][i];
      localKB[2*i+1] = Bi[j][i];

  int NumIndices0;
  int NumIndices1;
  int * Indices0;
  int * Indices1;
  double * Values0;
  double * Values1;

  std::vector<int> KIndices0(MaxNumMyEntries0_);
  std::vector<double> KValues0(MaxNumMyEntries0_);
  std::vector<int> KIndices1(MaxNumMyEntries1_);
  std::vector<double> KValues1(MaxNumMyEntries1_);
  int * A0_ColGids = A0.RowMatrixColMap().MyGlobalElements();
  int * A1_ColGids = A1.RowMatrixColMap().MyGlobalElements();

  // For each row of A0 and A1 find the real and imag parts and place entries:
  // A_r -A_i
  // A_i  A_r

  for ( int i=0; i<NumMyRows; i++) {
    // Get ith row
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(GetRow(i, A0, A1, NumIndices0, Values0, Indices0, NumIndices1, Values1, Indices1)<0);
    int globalRow = A0.RowMatrixRowMap().GID(i);

    // Process real part due to c0r*A0
    if (c0r!=0.0) {
      // Upper Left
      for (int j=0; j<NumIndices0; j++) {
	KIndices0[j] = 2*A0_ColGids[Indices0[j]];
	KValues0[j] = c0r*Values0[j];
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(PutRow(2*globalRow, NumIndices0, &KValues0[0], &KIndices0[0], firstTime)<0);

      // Lower Right
      for (int j=0; j<NumIndices0; j++) {
	// KValues0[j] = c0r*Values0[j];
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(PutRow(2*globalRow+1, NumIndices0, &KValues0[0], &KIndices0[0], firstTime)<0);
    // Process imag part due to c0i*A0
    if (c0i!=0.0) {
      // Upper Right (negate values)
      for (int j=0; j<NumIndices0; j++) {
	KIndices0[j] = 2*A0_ColGids[Indices0[j]]+1;
	KValues0[j] = - c0i*Values0[j];
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(PutRow(2*globalRow, NumIndices0, &KValues0[0],  &KIndices0[0], firstTime)<0);
      // Lower Left
      for (int j=0; j<NumIndices0; j++) {
	KValues0[j] *= -1.0;
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(PutRow(2*globalRow+1, NumIndices0, &KValues0[0], &KIndices0[0], firstTime)<0);
    // Process real part due to c1r*A1
    if (c1r!=0.0) {
      // Upper Left
      for (int j=0; j<NumIndices1; j++) {
	KIndices1[j] = 2*A1_ColGids[Indices1[j]];
	KValues1[j] = c1r*Values1[j];
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(PutRow(2*globalRow, NumIndices1, &KValues1[0], &KIndices1[0], firstTime)<0);

      // Lower Right
      for (int j=0; j<NumIndices1; j++) {
	//KValues1[j] = c1r*Values1[j];
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(PutRow(2*globalRow+1, NumIndices1, &KValues1[0], &KIndices1[0], firstTime)<0);
    // Process imag part due to c1i*A1
    if (c1i!=0.0) {
      // Upper Right (negate values)
      for (int j=0; j<NumIndices1; j++) {
	KIndices1[j] = 2*A1_ColGids[Indices1[j]]+1;
	KValues1[j] = - c1i*Values1[j];
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(PutRow(2*globalRow, NumIndices1, &KValues1[0], &KIndices1[0], firstTime)<0);
      // Lower Left
      for (int j=0; j<NumIndices1; j++) {
	KValues1[j] *= -1.0;
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(PutRow(2*globalRow+1, NumIndices1, &KValues1[0], &KIndices1[0], firstTime)<0);