int GUIAPI TabbedTextOutEx (HDC hdc, int x, int y, const char* spText, int nCount, int nTabs, int *pTabPos, int nTabOrig) { PDC pdc; int line_len, sub_len; int nr_tab = 0, tab_pos, def_tab; int x_orig = x, max_x = x; int line_height; int nr_delim_newline, nr_delim_tab; if (nCount == 0) return 0; if (nCount < 0) nCount = strlen (spText); pdc = dc_HDC2PDC(hdc); line_height = pdc->pLogFont->size + pdc->alExtra + pdc->blExtra; y += pdc->alExtra; if (nTabs == 0 || pTabPos == NULL) { int ave_width = (*pdc->pLogFont->sbc_devfont->font_ops->get_ave_width) (pdc->pLogFont, pdc->pLogFont->sbc_devfont); def_tab = ave_width * pdc->tabstop; } else def_tab = pTabPos [nTabs - 1]; while (nCount) { line_len = substrlen (spText, nCount, '\n', &nr_delim_newline); nCount -= line_len + nr_delim_newline; nr_tab = 0; x = x_orig; tab_pos = nTabOrig; while (line_len) { int i, width; sub_len = substrlen (spText, line_len, '\t', &nr_delim_tab); width = TextOutLen (hdc, x, y, spText, sub_len); x += width; if (x >= tab_pos) { while (x >= tab_pos) tab_pos += (nr_tab >= nTabs) ? def_tab : pTabPos [nr_tab++]; for (i = 0; i < nr_delim_tab - 1; i ++) tab_pos += (nr_tab >= nTabs) ? def_tab : pTabPos [nr_tab++]; } else { for (i = 0; i < nr_delim_tab; i ++) tab_pos += (nr_tab >= nTabs) ? def_tab : pTabPos [nr_tab++]; } x = tab_pos; line_len -= sub_len + nr_delim_tab; spText += sub_len + nr_delim_tab; } if (max_x < x) max_x = x; spText += nr_delim_newline; y += line_height * nr_delim_newline; } return max_x - x_orig; }
/* re-draw */ static void draw_propsheet (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, PCONTROL ctrl, PPROPSHEETDATA propsheet, PPROPPAGE page) { int x, ty, by, text_extent; RECT title_rc = {0, 0, 1, 0}; title_rc.bottom = propsheet->head_rc.bottom; if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) { = propsheet->; } /* Draw the content window */ #ifdef _FLAT_WINDOW_STYLE if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) { DrawFlatControlFrameEx (hdc, hwnd, 0, 0, propsheet->head_rc.right, ctrl->bottom - ctrl->top - (propsheet->head_rc.bottom - propsheet-> + 1 , 1, DF_3DBOX_NORMAL | DF_3DBOX_NOTFILL, 0); } else { DrawFlatControlFrameEx (hdc, hwnd, 0, propsheet->head_rc.bottom - 2, propsheet->head_rc.right, ctrl->bottom - ctrl->top, 1, DF_3DBOX_NORMAL | DF_3DBOX_NOTFILL, 0); } #else if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) { Draw3DThickFrameEx (hdc, hwnd, 0, 0, propsheet->head_rc.right, ctrl->bottom - ctrl->top - (propsheet->head_rc.bottom - propsheet-> + 2 , DF_3DBOX_NORMAL | DF_3DBOX_NOTFILL, 0); } else { Draw3DThickFrameEx (hdc, hwnd, 0, propsheet->head_rc.bottom - 2, propsheet->head_rc.right, ctrl->bottom - ctrl->top, DF_3DBOX_NORMAL | DF_3DBOX_NOTFILL, 0); } #endif SetBrushColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, BKC_CONTROL_DEF)); if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) { FillBox (hdc, 0, propsheet-> + 1, propsheet->head_rc.right, propsheet->head_rc.bottom ); }else { FillBox (hdc, 0, 0, propsheet->head_rc.right, propsheet->head_rc.bottom - 2); } /* Just for PSS_SCROLLABLE style if title is overload (too many titles for the propsheet) we should move-right the leftmot title some pixel and we should draw a small icon (left arrow) for the sheet */ if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0x0fL) == PSS_SCROLLABLE) { title_rc.right = (propsheet->overload == TRUE) ? title_rc.right + GetMainWinMetrics (MWM_SB_WIDTH) : title_rc.right; } while (page) { SIZE size; int eff_chars, eff_len; /* draw some box for title */ if (title_rc.right == 1) title_rc.left = title_rc.right - 1; else title_rc.left = title_rc.right; title_rc.right = title_rc.left + page->width; SelectClipRect (hdc, &title_rc); x = title_rc.left + _ICON_OFFSET; ty =; if (page != propsheet->active) { /* bottom tab or top tab */ if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) { ty -= 2; by = title_rc.bottom - 2; } else { ty += 2; by = title_rc.bottom; } } else { by = title_rc.bottom ; FillBox (hdc, title_rc.left+1, ty, title_rc.right - title_rc.left, by); } /* draw the title's edge */ /* pc3d style & flat & grap */ SetPenColor(hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, WEC_3DFRAME_LEFT_INNER)); if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) { MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.left, ty); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.left, by - 1); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right, by - 1); } else { MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.left, by - 1); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.left, ty); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right, ty); } SetPenColor(hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, WEC_3DFRAME_RIGHT_OUTER)); if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) { if (page != propsheet->active) { MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.left + 1, ty + 3); } else { MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.left + 1, ty - 2); } LineTo (hdc, title_rc.left + 1, by - 2); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 1, by - 2); } else { if (page != propsheet->active) { MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.left + 1, by - 2); } else { MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.left + 1, by); } LineTo (hdc, title_rc.left + 1, ty + 1); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 1, ty + 1); } SetPenColor(hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, WEC_3DFRAME_LEFT_INNER)); if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) { MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 1, by -1); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 1, ty); }else { if (!page->next && (title_rc.right == propsheet->head_rc.right)) { MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 2, ty ); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 2, by - 1); SetPenColor(hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, WEC_3DFRAME_LEFT_OUTER)); MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.right -1, ty ); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right -1, by - 1); } else { MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 1, ty ); LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 1, by - 1); } } /* draw the ICON */ ty += _ICON_OFFSET + 2; text_extent = RECTW (title_rc) - _ICON_OFFSET * 2; if (page->icon) { DrawIcon (hdc, x, ty, GetMainWinMetrics (MWM_ICONX), GetMainWinMetrics (MWM_ICONY), page->icon); x += GetMainWinMetrics (MWM_ICONX); x += _GAP_ICON_TEXT; text_extent -= GetMainWinMetrics (MWM_ICONX) + _GAP_ICON_TEXT; } /* draw the TEXT */ /* #if defined(_FLAT_WINDOW_STYLE) && !defined(_GRAY_SCREEN) */ #ifdef _FLAT_WINDOW_STYLE if (page != propsheet->active) { SetTextColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, FGC_CONTROL_DISABLED)); } else { SetTextColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, FGC_CONTROL_NORMAL)); } #else SetBkColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, BKC_CONTROL_DEF)); #endif text_extent -= 4; eff_len = GetTextExtentPoint (hdc, page->title, strlen(page->title), text_extent, &eff_chars, NULL, NULL, &size); TextOutLen (hdc, x + 2, ty, page->title, eff_len); page = page->next; } /* draw scroll button , just for PSS_SCROLLABLE style */ if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0x0fL) == PSS_SCROLLABLE && propsheet->overload == TRUE) { draw_scroll_button (hwnd, hdc, &title_rc, propsheet, ctrl->dwStyle); } }