コード例 #1
ファイル: triggers.c プロジェクト: Wuzzy2/cdogs-sdl
static int ConditionsMet(CArray *conditions)
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < (int)conditions->size; i++)
		Condition *c = CArrayGet(conditions, i);
		switch (c->condition)
			if (!TileIsClear(MapGetTile(&gMap, c->pos)))
				return 0;
	return 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Soldier Tile.c プロジェクト: lchsk/jaggedalliance2
BOOLEAN HandleNextTileWaiting( SOLDIERTYPE *pSoldier )
	// Buddy is waiting to continue his path
	INT8		bBlocked, bPathBlocked;
	INT16		sCost;
	INT16   sNewGridNo, sCheckGridNo;
	UINT8		ubDirection, bCauseDirection;
	UINT8		ubPerson;
	UINT8		fFlags = 0;

	if ( pSoldier->fDelayedMovement )
		if ( TIMECOUNTERDONE( pSoldier->NextTileCounter, NEXT_TILE_CHECK_DELAY ) )

			// Get direction from gridno...
			bCauseDirection = (INT8)GetDirectionToGridNoFromGridNo( pSoldier->sGridNo, pSoldier->sDelayedMovementCauseGridNo );

			bBlocked = TileIsClear( pSoldier, bCauseDirection, pSoldier->sDelayedMovementCauseGridNo, pSoldier->bLevel );

			// If we are waiting for a temp blockage.... continue to wait
			if ( pSoldier->fDelayedMovement >= 100 &&  bBlocked == MOVE_TILE_TEMP_BLOCKED )
				// ATE: Increment 1

				// Are we close enough to give up? ( and are a pc )
				if ( pSoldier->fDelayedMovement > 120 )
					// Quit...
					SetFinalTile( pSoldier, pSoldier->sGridNo, TRUE );
					pSoldier->fDelayedMovement = FALSE;
				return( TRUE );

			// Try new path if anything but temp blockage!
			if ( bBlocked != MOVE_TILE_TEMP_BLOCKED )
				// Set to normal delay
				if ( pSoldier->fDelayedMovement >= 100 && pSoldier->fDelayedMovement != 150 )
					pSoldier->fDelayedMovement = 1;

				// Default to pathing through people

				// Now, if we are in the state where we are desparently trying to get out...
				// Use other flag
				// CJC: path-through-people includes ignoring person at dest
				if ( pSoldier->fDelayedMovement >= 150 )

				// Check destination first!
				if ( pSoldier->sAbsoluteFinalDestination == pSoldier->sFinalDestination )
					// on last lap of scripted move, make sure we get to final dest
					sCheckGridNo = pSoldier->sAbsoluteFinalDestination;					
				else if (!NewOKDestination( pSoldier, pSoldier->sFinalDestination, TRUE, pSoldier->bLevel ))
					if ( pSoldier->fDelayedMovement >= 150 )
						// OK, look around dest for the first one!
						sCheckGridNo = FindGridNoFromSweetSpot( pSoldier, pSoldier->sFinalDestination, 6, &ubDirection );

						if ( sCheckGridNo == NOWHERE )
							// If this is nowhere, try harder!
							sCheckGridNo = FindGridNoFromSweetSpot( pSoldier, pSoldier->sFinalDestination, 16, &ubDirection );
						// OK, look around dest for the first one!
						sCheckGridNo = FindGridNoFromSweetSpotThroughPeople( pSoldier, pSoldier->sFinalDestination, 6, &ubDirection );

						if ( sCheckGridNo == NOWHERE )
							// If this is nowhere, try harder!
							sCheckGridNo = FindGridNoFromSweetSpotThroughPeople( pSoldier, pSoldier->sFinalDestination, 16, &ubDirection );
					sCheckGridNo = pSoldier->sFinalDestination;

				// Try another path to destination
				// ATE: Allow path to exit grid!
				if ( pSoldier->ubWaitActionToDo == 1 && gubWaitingForAllMercsToExitCode == WAIT_FOR_MERCS_TO_WALK_TO_GRIDNO )
					gfPlotPathToExitGrid = TRUE;

				sCost = (INT16) FindBestPath( pSoldier, sCheckGridNo, pSoldier->bLevel, pSoldier->usUIMovementMode, NO_COPYROUTE, fFlags );
				gfPlotPathToExitGrid = FALSE;
				// Can we get there
				if ( sCost > 0 )
					// Is the next tile blocked too?
					sNewGridNo = NewGridNo( (UINT16)pSoldier->sGridNo, DirectionInc( (UINT8)guiPathingData[ 0 ] ) );

					bPathBlocked = TileIsClear( pSoldier, (UINT8)guiPathingData[ 0 ], sNewGridNo, pSoldier->bLevel );

					if ( bPathBlocked == MOVE_TILE_STATIONARY_BLOCKED )
						// Try to path around everyone except dest person

						if ( pSoldier->ubWaitActionToDo == 1 && gubWaitingForAllMercsToExitCode == WAIT_FOR_MERCS_TO_WALK_TO_GRIDNO )
							gfPlotPathToExitGrid = TRUE;

						sCost = (INT16) FindBestPath( pSoldier, sCheckGridNo, pSoldier->bLevel, pSoldier->usUIMovementMode, NO_COPYROUTE, PATH_IGNORE_PERSON_AT_DEST );

						gfPlotPathToExitGrid = FALSE;

						// Is the next tile in this new path blocked too?
						sNewGridNo = NewGridNo( (UINT16)pSoldier->sGridNo, DirectionInc( (UINT8)guiPathingData[ 0 ] ) );

						bPathBlocked = TileIsClear( pSoldier, (UINT8)guiPathingData[ 0 ], sNewGridNo, pSoldier->bLevel );

						// now working with a path which does not go through people				
						pSoldier->ubDelayedMovementFlags &= (~DELAYED_MOVEMENT_FLAG_PATH_THROUGH_PEOPLE);
						// path through people worked fine
						if ( pSoldier->fDelayedMovement < 150 )
							pSoldier->ubDelayedMovementFlags |= DELAYED_MOVEMENT_FLAG_PATH_THROUGH_PEOPLE;

					// Are we clear?
					if ( bPathBlocked == MOVE_TILE_CLEAR )
						// Go for it path!
						if ( pSoldier->ubWaitActionToDo == 1 && gubWaitingForAllMercsToExitCode == WAIT_FOR_MERCS_TO_WALK_TO_GRIDNO )
							gfPlotPathToExitGrid = TRUE;

						//pSoldier->fDelayedMovement = FALSE;
						// ATE: THis will get set in EENT_GetNewSoldierPath....
						pSoldier->usActionData = sCheckGridNo;

						pSoldier->bPathStored = FALSE;

						EVENT_GetNewSoldierPath( pSoldier, sCheckGridNo, pSoldier->usUIMovementMode );
						gfPlotPathToExitGrid = FALSE;

						return( TRUE );


				if ( pSoldier->fDelayedMovement == 99 )
					// Cap at 99
					pSoldier->fDelayedMovement = 99;

				// Do we want to force a swap?
				if (pSoldier->fDelayedMovement == 3 && (pSoldier->sAbsoluteFinalDestination != NOWHERE || gTacticalStatus.fAutoBandageMode) )
					// with person who is in the way?
					ubPerson = WhoIsThere2( pSoldier->sDelayedMovementCauseGridNo, pSoldier->bLevel );

					// if either on a mission from god, or two AI guys not on stationary...
					if ( ubPerson != NOBODY && ( pSoldier->ubQuoteRecord != 0 || ( pSoldier->bTeam != gbPlayerNum && pSoldier->bOrders != STATIONARY && MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->bTeam != gbPlayerNum && MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->bOrders != STATIONARY ) || (pSoldier->bTeam == gbPlayerNum && gTacticalStatus.fAutoBandageMode && !(MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->bTeam == CIV_TEAM && MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->bOrders == STATIONARY ) ) ) )
						// Swap now!
						//MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->fBlockedByAnotherMerc = FALSE;

						// Restore final dest....
						//MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->sFinalDestination = sTempDestGridNo;

						// Swap merc positions.....
						SwapMercPositions( pSoldier, MercPtrs[ ubPerson ] );
						// With these two guys swapped, we should try to continue on our way....				
						pSoldier->fDelayedMovement = FALSE;

						// We must calculate the path here so that we can give it the "through people" parameter
						if ( gTacticalStatus.fAutoBandageMode && pSoldier->sAbsoluteFinalDestination == NOWHERE )
							FindBestPath( pSoldier, pSoldier->sFinalDestination, pSoldier->bLevel, pSoldier->usUIMovementMode, COPYROUTE, PATH_THROUGH_PEOPLE );
						else if ( pSoldier->sAbsoluteFinalDestination != NOWHERE && !FindBestPath( pSoldier, pSoldier->sAbsoluteFinalDestination, pSoldier->bLevel, pSoldier->usUIMovementMode, COPYROUTE, PATH_THROUGH_PEOPLE ) )
							// check to see if we're there now!
							if ( pSoldier->sGridNo == pSoldier->sAbsoluteFinalDestination )
								NPCReachedDestination( pSoldier, FALSE );
								pSoldier->bNextAction = AI_ACTION_WAIT;
								pSoldier->usNextActionData = 500;
								return( TRUE );
						pSoldier->bPathStored = TRUE;

						EVENT_GetNewSoldierPath( pSoldier, pSoldier->sAbsoluteFinalDestination, pSoldier->usUIMovementMode );
						//EVENT_GetNewSoldierPath( MercPtrs[ ubPerson ], MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->sFinalDestination, MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->usUIMovementMode );					


				// Are we close enough to give up? ( and are a pc )
				if ( pSoldier->fDelayedMovement > 20 && pSoldier->fDelayedMovement != 150)
					if ( PythSpacesAway( pSoldier->sGridNo, pSoldier->sFinalDestination ) < 5 && pSoldier->bTeam == gbPlayerNum )
						// Quit...
						SetFinalTile( pSoldier, pSoldier->sGridNo, FALSE );
						pSoldier->fDelayedMovement = FALSE;

				// Are we close enough to give up? ( and are a pc )
				if ( pSoldier->fDelayedMovement > 170 )
					if ( PythSpacesAway( pSoldier->sGridNo, pSoldier->sFinalDestination ) < 5 && pSoldier->bTeam == gbPlayerNum )
						// Quit...
						SetFinalTile( pSoldier, pSoldier->sGridNo, FALSE );
						pSoldier->fDelayedMovement = FALSE;

	return( TRUE );
コード例 #3
ファイル: Soldier Tile.c プロジェクト: lchsk/jaggedalliance2
BOOLEAN HandleNextTile( SOLDIERTYPE *pSoldier, INT8 bDirection, INT16 sGridNo, INT16 sFinalDestTile )
	INT8 bBlocked;
	INT16	bOverTerrainType;

	// Check for blocking if in realtime 
	///if ( ( gTacticalStatus.uiFlags & REALTIME ) || !( gTacticalStatus.uiFlags & INCOMBAT ) )

	// ATE: If not on visible tile, return clear ( for path out of map )
	if ( !GridNoOnVisibleWorldTile( sGridNo ) )
		return( TRUE );

	// If animation state is crow, iall is clear
	if ( pSoldier->usAnimState == CROW_FLY )
		return( TRUE );

		bBlocked = TileIsClear( pSoldier, bDirection, sGridNo, pSoldier->bLevel );

		// Check if we are blocked...
		if ( bBlocked != MOVE_TILE_CLEAR )
			// Is the next gridno our destination?
			// OK: Let's check if we are NOT walking off screen
			if ( sGridNo == sFinalDestTile && pSoldier->ubWaitActionToDo == 0 && (pSoldier->bTeam == gbPlayerNum || pSoldier->sAbsoluteFinalDestination == NOWHERE) )
				// Yah, well too bad, stop here.
				SetFinalTile( pSoldier, pSoldier->sGridNo, FALSE );

				return( FALSE );
			// CHECK IF they are stationary
			else if ( bBlocked == MOVE_TILE_STATIONARY_BLOCKED )
				// Stationary, 
					INT16 sOldFinalDest;

					// Maintain sFinalDest....
					sOldFinalDest = pSoldier->sFinalDestination;				
					#ifdef JA2BETAVERSION
						if ( gTacticalStatus.uiFlags & INCOMBAT )
							OutputDebugInfoForTurnBasedNextTileWaiting( pSoldier );
					EVENT_StopMerc( pSoldier, pSoldier->sGridNo, pSoldier->bDirection );
					// Restore...
					pSoldier->sFinalDestination = sOldFinalDest;

					SetDelayedTileWaiting( pSoldier, sGridNo, 1 );

					return( FALSE );
					INT16 sOldFinalDest;

					// Maintain sFinalDest....
					sOldFinalDest = pSoldier->sFinalDestination;				
					#ifdef JA2BETAVERSION
						if ( gTacticalStatus.uiFlags & INCOMBAT )
							OutputDebugInfoForTurnBasedNextTileWaiting( pSoldier );
					EVENT_StopMerc( pSoldier, pSoldier->sGridNo, pSoldier->bDirection );
					// Restore...
					pSoldier->sFinalDestination = sOldFinalDest;
					// Setting to two means: try and wait until this tile becomes free....
					SetDelayedTileWaiting( pSoldier, sGridNo, 100 );

				return( FALSE );
			// Mark this tile as reserverd ( until we get there! )
			if ( !( (gTacticalStatus.uiFlags & TURNBASED) && (gTacticalStatus.uiFlags & INCOMBAT) ) )
				MarkMovementReserved( pSoldier, sGridNo );

			bOverTerrainType = GetTerrainType( sGridNo );

			// Check if we are going into water!
			if ( bOverTerrainType == LOW_WATER || bOverTerrainType == MED_WATER || bOverTerrainType == DEEP_WATER )
				// Check if we are of prone or crawl height and change stance accordingly....
				switch( gAnimControl[ pSoldier->usAnimState ].ubHeight )
					case ANIM_PRONE:
					case ANIM_CROUCH:

						// Change height to stand
						pSoldier->fContinueMoveAfterStanceChange = TRUE;
						SendChangeSoldierStanceEvent( pSoldier, ANIM_STAND );

				// Check animation
				// Change to walking
				if ( pSoldier->usAnimState == RUNNING )
					ChangeSoldierState( pSoldier, WALKING, 0 , FALSE );
	return( TRUE );
コード例 #4
ファイル: Soldier Tile.c プロジェクト: lchsk/jaggedalliance2
INT8 TileIsClear( SOLDIERTYPE *pSoldier, INT8 bDirection,  INT16 sGridNo, INT8 bLevel )
	UINT8		ubPerson;
	INT16		sTempDestGridNo;
	INT16		sNewGridNo;

	if ( sGridNo == NOWHERE )
		return( MOVE_TILE_CLEAR );

	ubPerson = WhoIsThere2( sGridNo, bLevel );

	if ( ubPerson != NO_SOLDIER )
		// If this us?
		if ( ubPerson != pSoldier->ubID )
			// OK, set flag indicating we are blocked by a merc....
			if ( pSoldier->bTeam != gbPlayerNum ) // CJC: shouldn't this be in all cases???
		//if ( 0 )
				pSoldier->fBlockedByAnotherMerc = TRUE;
				// Set direction we were trying to goto
				pSoldier->bBlockedByAnotherMercDirection = bDirection;

				// Are we only temporarily blocked?
				// Check if our final destination is = our gridno
				if ( ( MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->sFinalDestination == MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->sGridNo )  )
					// OK, if buddy who is blocking us is trying to move too...
					// And we are in opposite directions...
					if ( MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->fBlockedByAnotherMerc && MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->bBlockedByAnotherMercDirection == gOppositeDirection[ bDirection ] )
						// OK, try and get a path around buddy....
						// We have to temporarily make buddy stopped...
						sTempDestGridNo = MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->sFinalDestination;
						MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->sFinalDestination = MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->sGridNo;

						if ( PlotPath( pSoldier, pSoldier->sFinalDestination, NO_COPYROUTE, NO_PLOT, TEMPORARY, pSoldier->usUIMovementMode, NOT_STEALTH, FORWARD, pSoldier->bActionPoints ) )
							pSoldier->bPathStored = FALSE;
							// OK, make guy go here...
							EVENT_GetNewSoldierPath( pSoldier, pSoldier->sFinalDestination, pSoldier->usUIMovementMode );
							// Restore final dest....
							MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->sFinalDestination = sTempDestGridNo;
							pSoldier->fBlockedByAnotherMerc = FALSE;

							// Is the next tile blocked too?
							sNewGridNo = NewGridNo( (UINT16)pSoldier->sGridNo, DirectionInc( (UINT8)guiPathingData[ 0 ] ) );

							return( TileIsClear( pSoldier, (UINT8)guiPathingData[ 0 ], sNewGridNo, pSoldier->bLevel ) );

								// Not for multi-tiled things...
								if ( !( pSoldier->uiStatusFlags & SOLDIER_MULTITILE ) )
									// Is the next movement cost for a door?
									if ( DoorTravelCost( pSoldier, sGridNo, gubWorldMovementCosts[ sGridNo ][ bDirection ][ pSoldier->bLevel ], (BOOLEAN)( pSoldier->bTeam == gbPlayerNum ), NULL ) == TRAVELCOST_DOOR )
										fSwapInDoor = TRUE;

									// If we are to swap and we're near a door, open door first and then close it...?

									// Swap now!
									MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->fBlockedByAnotherMerc = FALSE;

									// Restore final dest....
									MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->sFinalDestination = sTempDestGridNo;
									// Swap merc positions.....
									SwapMercPositions( pSoldier, MercPtrs[ ubPerson ] );
									// With these two guys swapped, they should try and continue on their way....
									// Start them both again along their way...
									EVENT_GetNewSoldierPath( pSoldier, pSoldier->sFinalDestination, pSoldier->usUIMovementMode );
									EVENT_GetNewSoldierPath( MercPtrs[ ubPerson ], MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->sFinalDestination, MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->usUIMovementMode );					
					return( MOVE_TILE_TEMP_BLOCKED );
				// ATE: OK, put some smartshere...
				// If we are waiting for more than a few times, change to stationary...
				if ( MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->fDelayedMovement >= 105 )
					// Set to special 'I want to walk through people' value
					pSoldier->fDelayedMovement = 150;

				if ( MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->sGridNo == MercPtrs[ ubPerson ]->sFinalDestination )

	if ( ( gpWorldLevelData[ sGridNo ].uiFlags & MAPELEMENT_MOVEMENT_RESERVED ) )
		if ( gpWorldLevelData[ sGridNo ].ubReservedSoldierID != pSoldier->ubID )

	// Are we clear of structs?
	if ( !NewOKDestination( pSoldier, sGridNo, FALSE, pSoldier->bLevel ) )
			// ATE: Fence cost is an exclusiuon here....
			if ( gubWorldMovementCosts[ sGridNo ][ bDirection ][ pSoldier->bLevel ] != TRAVELCOST_FENCE )
				// ATE: HIdden structs - we do something here... reveal it!
				if ( gubWorldMovementCosts[ sGridNo ][ bDirection ][ pSoldier->bLevel ] == TRAVELCOST_HIDDENOBSTACLE )
					gpWorldLevelData[ sGridNo ].uiFlags|=MAPELEMENT_REVEALED;
					gpWorldLevelData[ sGridNo ].uiFlags|=MAPELEMENT_REDRAW;
					RecompileLocalMovementCosts( (UINT16)sGridNo );

				// Unset flag for blocked by soldier...
				pSoldier->fBlockedByAnotherMerc = FALSE;
#if 0
				// Check if there is a reserved marker here at least....
				sNewGridNo = NewGridNo( sGridNo, DirectionInc( bDirection ) );

				if ( ( gpWorldLevelData[ sNewGridNo ].uiFlags & MAPELEMENT_MOVEMENT_RESERVED ) )
					if ( gpWorldLevelData[ sNewGridNo ].ubReservedSoldierID != pSoldier->ubID )
						return( MOVE_TILE_TEMP_BLOCKED );

	// Unset flag for blocked by soldier...
	pSoldier->fBlockedByAnotherMerc = FALSE;

	return( MOVE_TILE_CLEAR );
