namespace UserConfigParams { // ---- Audio PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam m_audio_group PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("Audio", "Audio Settings") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_sfx PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "sfx_on", &m_audio_group, "Whether sound effects are enabled or not (true or false)") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_music PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "music_on", &m_audio_group, "Whether musics are enabled or not (true or false)") ); PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam m_sfx_volume PARAM_DEFAULT( FloatUserConfigParam(1.0, "sfx_volume", &m_audio_group, "Volume for sound effects, see openal AL_GAIN " "for interpretation") ); PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam m_music_volume PARAM_DEFAULT( FloatUserConfigParam(0.7f, "music_volume", &m_audio_group, "Music volume from 0.0 to 1.0") ); // ---- Race setup PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam m_race_setup_group PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("RaceSetup", "Race Setup Settings") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_num_karts PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(4, "numkarts", &m_race_setup_group, "Default number of karts. -1 means use all") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_num_laps PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(4, "numlaps", &m_race_setup_group, "Default number of laps.") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_num_goals PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(3, "numgoals", &m_race_setup_group, "Default number of goals in soccer mode.") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_soccer_time_limit PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(3, "soccer-time-limit", &m_race_setup_group, "Limit in soccer time mode.") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_difficulty PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, "difficulty", &m_race_setup_group, "Default race difficulty. 0=easy, 1=medium, 2=hard") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_game_mode PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, "game_mode", &m_race_setup_group, "Game mode. 0=standard, 1=time trial, 2=follow " "the leader, 3=3 strikes") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_default_kart PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("tux", "kart", "Kart to select by default (the last used kart)") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_last_used_kart_group PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("all", "last_kart_group", "Last selected kart group") ); // ---- Wiimote data PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam m_wiimote_group PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("WiiMote", "Settings for the wiimote") ); PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam m_wiimote_raw_max PARAM_DEFAULT( FloatUserConfigParam(20.0f, "wiimote-raw-max", &m_wiimote_group, "At what raw input value maximum steering is reached (between 1 and 25).") ); PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam m_wiimote_weight_linear PARAM_DEFAULT( FloatUserConfigParam(1.0f, "wiimote-weight-linear", &m_wiimote_group, "A weight applied to the linear component of mapping wiimote angle to steering angle")); PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam m_wiimote_weight_square PARAM_DEFAULT( FloatUserConfigParam(0.0f, "wiimote-weight-square", &m_wiimote_group, "A weight applied to the square component of mapping wiimote angle to steering angle")); PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam m_wiimote_weight_asin PARAM_DEFAULT( FloatUserConfigParam(0.0f, "wiimote-weight-asin", &m_wiimote_group, "A weight applied to the asin component of mapping wiimote angle to steering angle")); PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam m_wiimote_weight_sin PARAM_DEFAULT( FloatUserConfigParam(0.0f, "wiimote-weight-sin", &m_wiimote_group, "A weight applied to the sin component of mapping wiimote angle to steering angle")); // ---- GP start order PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam m_gp_start_order PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("GpStartOrder", "Order karts start in GP") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_gp_most_points_first PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "most_points_first", &m_gp_start_order, "Starting order from most to least points (true) or other " "way around (false)") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_gp_player_last PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "player_last", &m_gp_start_order, "Always put the player at the back or not (Bully mode).") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_additional_gp_directory PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("", "additional_gp_directory", "Directory with additional GP's.")); // ---- Video PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam m_video_group PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("Video", "Video Settings") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_width PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(1024, "width", &m_video_group, "Screen/window width in pixels") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_height PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(768, "height", &m_video_group, "Screen/window height in pixels") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_fullscreen PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "fullscreen", &m_video_group) ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_prev_width PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(1024, "prev_width", &m_video_group, "Previous screen/window width") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_prev_height PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(768, "prev_height", &m_video_group,"Previous screen/window height") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_prev_fullscreen PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "prev_fullscreen", &m_video_group) ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_remember_window_location PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "remember_window_location", &m_video_group) ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_window_x PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(-1, "window_x", &m_video_group,"If remember_window_location is true") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_window_y PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(-1, "window_y", &m_video_group,"If remember_window_location is true") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_display_fps PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "show_fps", &m_video_group, "Display frame per seconds") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_max_fps PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(120, "max_fps", &m_video_group, "Maximum fps, should be at least 60") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_force_legacy_device PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "force_legacy_device", &m_video_group, "Force OpenGL 2 context, even if OpenGL 3 is available.")); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_texture_compression PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(true, "enable_texture_compression", &m_video_group, "Enable Texture Compression")); /** This is a bit flag: bit 0: enabled (1) or disabled(0). * Bit 1: setting done by default(0), or by user choice (2). This allows * to e.g. disable h.d. textures on hd3000 as default, but still allow the * user to enable it. */ PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_high_definition_textures PARAM_DEFAULT(IntUserConfigParam(1, "enable_high_definition_textures", &m_video_group, "Enable high definition textures. Bit flag: " "bit 0 = enabled/disabled; bit 1 = set by user/set as default")); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_glow PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "enable_glow", &m_video_group, "Enable Glow")); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_bloom PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "enable_bloom", &m_video_group, "Enable Bloom")); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_light_shaft PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "enable_light_shaft", &m_video_group, "Enable Light Shafts")); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_dynamic_lights PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(true, "enable_dynamic_lights", &m_video_group, "Enable Dynamic Lights")); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_dof PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "enable_dof", &m_video_group, "Enable Depth of Field")); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_gi PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "enable_gi", &m_video_group, "Enable Global Illumination")); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_azdo PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "enable_azdo", &m_video_group, "Enable 'Approaching Zero Driver Overhead' mode (very experimental !)")); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_sdsm PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "enable_sdsm", &m_video_group, "Enable Sampled Distribued Shadow Map (buggy atm)")); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_esm PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "enable_esm", &m_video_group, "Enable Exponential Shadow Map (better but slower)")); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_old_driver_popup PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(true, "old_driver_popup", &m_video_group, "Determines if popup message about too old drivers should be displayed.")); // ---- Debug - not saved to config file /** If gamepad debugging is enabled. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_unit_testing PARAM_DEFAULT(false); /** If gamepad debugging is enabled. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_gamepad_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** If gamepad debugging is enabled. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_keyboard_debug PARAM_DEFAULT(false); /** Wiimote debugging. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_wiimote_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** Debug gamepads by visualising their values. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_gamepad_visualisation PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** If material debugging (printing terrain specific slowdown) * is enabled. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_material_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** If track debugging is enabled. */ PARAM_PREFIX int m_track_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** True if check structures should be debugged. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_check_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** Special debug camera: 0: normal camera; 1: being high over the kart; 2: on ground level; 3: free first person camera; 4: straight behind kart */ PARAM_PREFIX int m_camera_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** True if physics debugging should be enabled. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_physics_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** True if fps should be printed each frame. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_fps_debug PARAM_DEFAULT(false); /** True if slipstream debugging is activated. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_slipstream_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** True if follow-the-leader debug information should be printed. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_ftl_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** True if currently developed tutorial debugging is enabled. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_tutorial_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** Verbosity level for debug messages. Note that error and * important warnings must always be printed. */ PARAM_PREFIX int m_verbosity PARAM_DEFAULT( 0 ); PARAM_PREFIX bool m_no_start_screen PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); PARAM_PREFIX bool m_race_now PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** True to test funky ambient/diffuse/specularity in RGB & * all anisotropic */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_rendering_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** True if graphical profiler should be displayed */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_profiler_enabled PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** True if hardware skinning should be enabled */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_hw_skinning_enabled PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); // not saved to file // ---- Networking PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_server_max_players PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(16, "server_max_players", "Maximum number of players on the server.") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringListUserConfigParam m_stun_servers PARAM_DEFAULT( StringListUserConfigParam("Stun_servers", "The stun servers" " that will be used to know the public address.", 24, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_packets_log_filename PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("packets_log.txt", "packets_log_filename", "Where to log received and sent packets.") ); // ---- Graphic Quality PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam m_graphics_quality PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("GFX", "Graphics Quality Settings") ); // On OSX 10.4 and before there may be driver issues with FBOs, so to be // safe disable them by default #ifdef __APPLE__ #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 #define FBO_DEFAULT false #else #define FBO_DEFAULT true #endif #else #define FBO_DEFAULT true #endif PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_graphical_effects PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "anim_gfx", &m_graphics_quality, "Scenery animations") ); // This saves the actual user preference. PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_xmas_mode PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, "christmas-mode", &m_graphics_quality, "Christmas hats: 0 use current date, 1 always on, 2 always off") ); // This saves the actual user preference. PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_easter_ear_mode PARAM_DEFAULT(IntUserConfigParam(0, "easter-ear-mode", &m_graphics_quality, "Easter Bunny Ears: 0 use current date, 1 always on, 2 always off")); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_weather_effects PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "weather_gfx", &m_graphics_quality, "Weather effects") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_show_steering_animations PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(ANIMS_ALL, "steering_animations", &m_graphics_quality, "Whether to display kart animations (0=disabled for all; " "1=enabled for humans, disabled for AIs; 2=enabled for all") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_anisotropic PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(8, "anisotropic", &m_graphics_quality, "Quality of anisotropic filtering (usual values include 2-4-8-16; 0 to disable)") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_trilinear PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "trilinear", &m_graphics_quality, "Whether trilinear filtering is allowed to be " "used (true or false)") ); /* PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_antialiasing PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, "antialiasing", &m_graphics_quality, "Whether antialiasing is enabled (0 = disabled, 1 = 2x, 2 = 4x, 3 = 8x") ); */ PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_vsync PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "vsync", &m_graphics_quality, "Whether vertical sync is enabled") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_motionblur PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "motionblur_enabled", &m_graphics_quality, "Whether motion blur should be enabled") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_mlaa PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "mlaa", &m_graphics_quality, "Whether MLAA anti-aliasing should be enabled") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_ssao PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "ssao", &m_graphics_quality, "Enable Screen Space Ambient Occlusion") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_shadows_resolution PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, "shadows_resoltion", &m_graphics_quality, "Shadow resolution (0 = disabled") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_degraded_IBL PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "Degraded_IBL", &m_graphics_quality, "Disable specular IBL")); // ---- Misc PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_cache_overworld PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "cache-overworld") ); // TODO : is this used with new code? does it still work? PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_crashed PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "crashed") ); #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) // No console on windows # define CONSOLE_DEFAULT false #else # define CONSOLE_DEFAULT true #endif // No console on windows PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_log_errors_to_console PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam( CONSOLE_DEFAULT, "log_errors", "Enable logging to console.") ); // ---- Camera PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam m_camera PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("camera", "(Debug) camera settings.") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_reverse_look_threshold PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, "reverse_look_threshold", &m_camera, "If the kart is driving backwards faster than this value,\n" "switch automatically to reverse camera (set to 0 to disable).") ); PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam m_fpscam_direction_speed PARAM_DEFAULT( FloatUserConfigParam(0.003f, "fpscam_rotation_speed", &m_camera, "How fast the first person camera's direction speed changes when\n" "moving the mouse (means acceleration).") ); PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam m_fpscam_smooth_direction_max_speed PARAM_DEFAULT( FloatUserConfigParam(0.04f, "fpscam_smooth_rotation_max_speed", &m_camera, "How fast the first person camera's direction can change.") ); PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam m_fpscam_angular_velocity PARAM_DEFAULT( FloatUserConfigParam(0.02f, "fpscam_angular_velocity", &m_camera, "How fast the first person camera's rotation speed changes.") ); PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam m_fpscam_max_angular_velocity PARAM_DEFAULT( FloatUserConfigParam(1.0f, "fpscam_max_angular_velocity", &m_camera, "How fast the first person camera can rotate.") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_item_style PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("items", "item_style", "Name of the .items file to use.") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_last_track PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("olivermath", "last_track", "Name of the last track used.") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_last_used_track_group PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("all", "last_track_group", "Last selected track group") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_skin_file PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("Peach.stkskin", "skin_file", "Name of the skin to use") ); // ---- Handicap PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam m_handicap PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("Handicap", "Everything related to handicaps.") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_per_player_difficulty PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "per_player_difficulty", &m_handicap, "If handicapped users can be selected") ); // ---- Internet related PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_internet_status PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, "enable_internet", "Status of internet: 0 user " "wasn't asked, 1: allowed, 2: " "not allowed") ); PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam m_hw_report_group PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("HWReport", "Everything related to hardware configuration.") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_last_hw_report_version PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, "report-version", &m_hw_report_group, "Version of hardware report " "that was reported last") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_random_identifier PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, "random-identifier", &m_hw_report_group, "A random number to avoid duplicated reports.") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_server_hw_report PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam( "", "hw-report-server", &m_hw_report_group, "The server used for reporting statistics to.")); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_hw_report_enable PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam( true, "hw-report-enabled", &m_hw_report_group, "If HW reports are enabled.")); // ---- User management PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_always_show_login_screen PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "always_show_login_screen", "Always show the login screen even if last player's session was saved.")); // ---- Online gameplay related PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam m_online_group PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("OnlineServer", "Everything related to online play.") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_server_multiplayer PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam( "", "server_multiplayer", &m_online_group, "The server used for online multiplayer.")); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_server_version PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam( 2, "server-version", &m_online_group, "Version of the server API to use.")); // ---- Addon server related entries PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam m_addon_group PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("AddonServer", "Addon and news related settings") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_server_addons PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("", "server_addons", &m_addon_group, "The server used for addon.")); PARAM_PREFIX TimeUserConfigParam m_news_last_updated PARAM_DEFAULT( TimeUserConfigParam(0, "news_last_updated", &m_addon_group, "Time news was updated last.") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_news_frequency PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, "news_frequency", &m_addon_group, "How often news should be updated.") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_display_count PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("", "news_display_count", &m_addon_group, "How often all news messages " "have been displayed") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_last_important_message_id PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(-1, "last_important_message_id", &m_addon_group, "Don't show important message " "with this or a lower id again") ); PARAM_PREFIX TimeUserConfigParam m_addons_last_updated PARAM_DEFAULT( TimeUserConfigParam(0, "addon_last_updated", &m_addon_group, "Time addon-list was updated last.") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_language PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("system", "language", "Which language to use (language code or 'system')") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_artist_debug_mode PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "artist_debug_mode", "Whether to enable track debugging features") ); // TODO? implement blacklist for new irrlicht device and GUI PARAM_PREFIX std::vector<std::string> m_blacklist_res; /** List of all saved GPs. */ PARAM_PREFIX PtrVector<SavedGrandPrix> m_saved_grand_prix_list; /** Some constants to bitmask to enable various messages to be printed. */ enum { LOG_MEMORY = 0x0001, LOG_GUI = 0x0002, LOG_ADDONS = 0x0004, LOG_MISC = 0x0008, LOG_FLYABLE = 0x0010, LOG_ALL = 0xffff }; /** Returns true if the user want additional messages for memory usage. */ bool logMemory(); /** Returns true if the user want additional messages related to GUI. */ bool logGUI (); /** Returns true if the user want additional messages related to addons. */ bool logAddons(); /** Returns true if the user want additional debug info for flyables */ bool logFlyable(); /** Returns true if the user want additional messages for general items. */ bool logMisc (); }
namespace UserConfigParams { // ---- Audio PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam m_audio_group PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("Audio", "Audio Settings") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_sfx PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "sfx_on", &m_audio_group, "Whether sound effects are enabled or not (true or false)") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_music PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "music_on", &m_audio_group, "Whether musics are enabled or not (true or false)") ); PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam m_sfx_volume PARAM_DEFAULT( FloatUserConfigParam(1.0, "sfx_volume", &m_audio_group, "Volume for sound effects, see openal AL_GAIN " "for interpretation") ); PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam m_music_volume PARAM_DEFAULT( FloatUserConfigParam(0.7f, "music_volume", &m_audio_group, "Music volume from 0.0 to 1.0") ); // ---- Race setup PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam m_race_setup_group PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("RaceSetup", "Race Setup Settings") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_num_karts PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(4, "numkarts", &m_race_setup_group, "Default number of karts. -1 means use all") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_num_laps PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(4, "numlaps", &m_race_setup_group, "Default number of laps.") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_difficulty PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, "difficulty", &m_race_setup_group, "Default race difficulty. 0=easy, 1=medium, 2=hard") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_game_mode PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, "game_mode", &m_race_setup_group, "Game mode. 0=standard, 1=time trial, 2=follow " "the leader, 3=3 strikes") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_default_kart PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("tux", "kart", "Kart to select by default (the last used kart)") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_last_used_kart_group PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("all", "last_kart_group", "Last selected kart group") ); // ---- GP start order PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam m_gp_start_order PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("GpStartOrder", "Order karts start in GP") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_gp_most_points_first PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "most_points_first", &m_gp_start_order, "Starting order from most to least points (true) or other " "way around (false)") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_gp_player_last PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "player_last", &m_gp_start_order, "Always put the player at the back or not (Bully mode).") ); // ---- Video PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam m_video_group PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("Video", "Video Settings") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_width PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(1024, "width", &m_video_group, "Screen/window width in pixels") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_height PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(768, "height", &m_video_group, "Screen/window height in pixels") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_fullscreen PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "fullscreen", &m_video_group) ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_prev_width PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(1024, "prev_width", &m_video_group, "Previous screen/window width") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_prev_height PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(768, "prev_height", &m_video_group,"Previous screen/window height") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_prev_fullscreen PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "prev_fullscreen", &m_video_group) ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_remember_window_location PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "remember_window_location", &m_video_group) ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_window_x PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(-1, "window_x", &m_video_group,"If remember_window_location is true") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_window_y PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(-1, "window_y", &m_video_group,"If remember_window_location is true") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_display_fps PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "show_fps", &m_video_group, "Display frame per seconds") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_max_fps PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(120, "max_fps", &m_video_group, "Maximum fps, should be at least 60") ); // Renderer type (OpenGL, Direct3D9, Direct3D8, Software, etc) PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_renderer PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, "renderer", &m_video_group, "Type of the renderer.") ); // ---- Debug - not saved to config file /** If gamepad debugging is enabled. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_gamepad_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); PARAM_PREFIX bool m_gamepad_visualisation PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** If material debugging (printing terrain specific slowdown) * is enabled. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_material_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** If track debugging is enabled. */ PARAM_PREFIX int m_track_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** True if check structures should be debugged. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_check_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** Special debug camera being high over the kart. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_camera_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** True if physics debugging should be enabled. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_physics_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** True if slipstream debugging is activated. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_slipstream_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** True if follow-the-leader debug information should be printed. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_ftl_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** True if currently developed tutorial debugging is enabled. */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_tutorial_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** Verbosity level for debug messages. Note that error and * important warnings must always be printed. */ PARAM_PREFIX int m_verbosity PARAM_DEFAULT( 0 ); PARAM_PREFIX bool m_no_start_screen PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); PARAM_PREFIX bool m_race_now PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** True to test funky ambient/diffuse/specularity in RGB & * all anisotropic */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_rendering_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** True if graphical profiler should be displayed */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_profiler_enabled PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); /** True if hardware skinning should be enabled */ PARAM_PREFIX bool m_hw_skinning_enabled PARAM_DEFAULT( false ); // not saved to file // ---- Networking PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_server_address PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("localhost", "server_adress", "Information about last server used") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_server_port PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(2305, "server_port", "Information about last server used") ); // ---- Graphic Quality PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam m_graphics_quality PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("GFX", "Graphics Quality Settings") ); // On OSX 10.4 and before there may be driver issues with FBOs, so to be // safe disable them by default #ifdef __APPLE__ #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 #define FBO_DEFAULT false #else #define FBO_DEFAULT true #endif #else #define FBO_DEFAULT true #endif PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_fbo PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(FBO_DEFAULT, "fbo", &m_graphics_quality, "Use frame buffer objects (FBOs)") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_graphical_effects PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "anim_gfx", &m_graphics_quality, "Scenery animations") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_weather_effects PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "weather_gfx", &m_graphics_quality, "Weather effects") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_show_steering_animations PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(ANIMS_ALL, "steering_animations", &m_graphics_quality, "Whether to display kart animations (0=disabled for all; " "1=enabled for humans, disabled for AIs; 2=enabled for all") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_anisotropic PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(8, "anisotropic", &m_graphics_quality, "Quality of anisotropic filtering (usual values include 2-4-8-16; 0 to disable)") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_trilinear PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "trilinear", &m_graphics_quality, "Whether trilinear filtering is allowed to be " "used (true or false)") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_antialiasing PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, "antialiasing", &m_graphics_quality, "Whether antialiasing is enabled (0 = disabled, 1 = 2x, 2 = 4x, 3 = 8x") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_vsync PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "vsync", &m_graphics_quality, "Whether vertical sync is enabled") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_pixel_shaders PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "pixel_shaders", &m_graphics_quality, "Whether to enable pixel shaders (splatting, normal maps, ...)") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_postprocess_enabled PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "postprocess_enabled", &m_graphics_quality, "Whether post-processing (motion blur...) should " "be enabled") ); // ---- Misc PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_cache_overworld PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "cache-overworld") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_minimal_race_gui PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "minimal-race-gui") ); // TODO : is this used with new code? does it still work? PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_crashed PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "crashed") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_log_errors PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "log_errors", "Enable logging of stdout and stderr to logfile") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_reverse_look_threshold PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, "reverse_look_threshold", "If the kart is driving backwards faster than this value,\n" "switch automatically to reverse camera (set to 0 to disable).") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_camera_style PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(Camera::CS_MODERN, "camera_style", "Camera Style") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_item_style PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("items", "item_style", "Name of the .items file to use.") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_last_track PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("olivermath", "last_track", "Name of the last track used.") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_last_used_track_group PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("all", "last_track_group", "Last selected track group") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_skin_file PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("Peach.stkskin", "skin_file", "Name of the skin to use") ); PARAM_PREFIX WStringUserConfigParam m_default_player PARAM_DEFAULT( WStringUserConfigParam(L"", "default_player", "Which player to use by default (if empty, will prompt)") ); // ---- Addon server related entries PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam m_addon_group PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("AddonAndNews", "Addon and news related settings") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_server_addons PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("", "server_addons", &m_addon_group, "The server used for addon.")); PARAM_PREFIX TimeUserConfigParam m_news_last_updated PARAM_DEFAULT( TimeUserConfigParam(0, "news_last_updated", &m_addon_group, "Time news was updated last.") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_news_frequency PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, "news_frequency", &m_addon_group, "How often news should be updated.") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_display_count PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("", "news_display_count", &m_addon_group, "How often all news messages " "have been displayed") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_ignore_message_id PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(-1, "ignore_message_id", &m_addon_group, "Ignore all messages with this " "id and lower") ); PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_internet_status PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, "enable_internet", &m_addon_group, "Status of internet: 0 user " "wasn't asked, 1: allowed, 2: " "not allowed") ); PARAM_PREFIX TimeUserConfigParam m_addons_last_updated PARAM_DEFAULT( TimeUserConfigParam(0, "addon_last_updated", &m_addon_group, "Time addon-list was updated last.") ); PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_language PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("system", "language", "Which language to use (language code or 'system')") ); PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_artist_debug_mode PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "artist_debug_mode", "Whether to enable track debugging features") ); // TODO? implement blacklist for new irrlicht device and GUI PARAM_PREFIX std::vector<std::string> m_blacklist_res; PARAM_PREFIX PtrVector<PlayerProfile> m_all_players; /** Some constants to bitmask to enable various messages to be printed. */ enum { LOG_MEMORY = 0x0001, LOG_GUI = 0x0002, LOG_ADDONS = 0x0004, LOG_MISC = 0x0008, LOG_FLYABLE = 0x0010, LOG_ALL = 0xffff }; /** Returns true if the user want additional messages for memory usage. */ bool logMemory(); /** Returns true if the user want additional messages related to GUI. */ bool logGUI (); /** Returns true if the user want additional messages related to addons. */ bool logAddons(); /** Returns true if the user want additional debug info for flyables */ bool logFlyable(); /** Returns true if the user want additional messages for general items. */ bool logMisc (); }