コード例 #1
ファイル: user_config.hpp プロジェクト: kmangame0/stk
namespace UserConfigParams

    // ---- Audio
    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam        m_audio_group
            PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("Audio", "Audio Settings") );

    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam         m_sfx
            PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "sfx_on", &m_audio_group,
            "Whether sound effects are enabled or not (true or false)") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam         m_music
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(true, "music_on",
            "Whether musics are enabled or not (true or false)") );
    PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam       m_sfx_volume
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  FloatUserConfigParam(1.0, "sfx_volume",
            &m_audio_group, "Volume for sound effects, see openal AL_GAIN "
                            "for interpretation") );
    PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam       m_music_volume
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  FloatUserConfigParam(0.7f, "music_volume",
            &m_audio_group, "Music volume from 0.0 to 1.0") );

    // ---- Race setup
    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam        m_race_setup_group
        PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("RaceSetup",
                                            "Race Setup Settings") );

    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam          m_num_karts
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(4, "numkarts",
                            "Default number of karts. -1 means use all") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam          m_num_laps
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(4, "numlaps",
            &m_race_setup_group, "Default number of laps.") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam          m_num_goals
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(3, "numgoals",
            &m_race_setup_group, "Default number of goals in soccer mode.") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam          m_soccer_time_limit
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(3, "soccer-time-limit",
            &m_race_setup_group, "Limit in soccer time mode.") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam          m_difficulty
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(0, "difficulty",
                        "Default race difficulty. 0=easy, 1=medium, 2=hard") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam          m_game_mode
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(0, "game_mode",
                            "Game mode. 0=standard, 1=time trial, 2=follow "
                            "the leader, 3=3 strikes") );
    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_default_kart
            PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("tux", "kart",
                           "Kart to select by default (the last used kart)") );
    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_last_used_kart_group
            PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("all", "last_kart_group",
                                                 "Last selected kart group") );

    // ---- Wiimote data
    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam        m_wiimote_group
        PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("WiiMote",
                                            "Settings for the wiimote") );
    PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam         m_wiimote_raw_max
            PARAM_DEFAULT( FloatUserConfigParam(20.0f, "wiimote-raw-max",
            "At what raw input value maximum steering is reached (between 1 and 25).") );

    PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam         m_wiimote_weight_linear
            PARAM_DEFAULT( FloatUserConfigParam(1.0f, "wiimote-weight-linear",
            "A weight applied to the linear component of mapping wiimote angle to steering angle"));

    PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam         m_wiimote_weight_square
            PARAM_DEFAULT( FloatUserConfigParam(0.0f, "wiimote-weight-square",
            "A weight applied to the square component of mapping wiimote angle to steering angle"));

    PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam         m_wiimote_weight_asin
            PARAM_DEFAULT( FloatUserConfigParam(0.0f, "wiimote-weight-asin",
            "A weight applied to the asin component of mapping wiimote angle to steering angle"));

    PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam         m_wiimote_weight_sin
            PARAM_DEFAULT( FloatUserConfigParam(0.0f, "wiimote-weight-sin",
            "A weight applied to the sin component of mapping wiimote angle to steering angle"));

    // ---- GP start order
    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam        m_gp_start_order
            PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("GpStartOrder",
                                                "Order karts start in GP") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam         m_gp_most_points_first
            PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "most_points_first",
            "Starting order from most to least points (true) or other "
            "way around (false)") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam         m_gp_player_last
            PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "player_last",
            "Always put the player at the back or not (Bully mode).") );
    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam       m_additional_gp_directory
        PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("", "additional_gp_directory",
                                            "Directory with additional GP's."));

    // ---- Video
    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam        m_video_group
        PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("Video", "Video Settings") );

    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_width
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(1024, "width", &m_video_group,
                                            "Screen/window width in pixels") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_height
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(768, "height", &m_video_group,
                                           "Screen/window height in pixels") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_fullscreen
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(false, "fullscreen",
                                                &m_video_group) );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_prev_width
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(1024, "prev_width",
                            &m_video_group, "Previous screen/window width") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_prev_height
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(768, "prev_height",
                            &m_video_group,"Previous screen/window height") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_prev_fullscreen
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(false, "prev_fullscreen",
                            &m_video_group) );

    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_remember_window_location
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(false, "remember_window_location",
                            &m_video_group) );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_window_x
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(-1, "window_x",
                            &m_video_group,"If remember_window_location is true") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_window_y
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(-1, "window_y",
                            &m_video_group,"If remember_window_location is true") );

    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_display_fps
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(false, "show_fps",
                            &m_video_group, "Display frame per seconds") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_max_fps
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(120, "max_fps",
                       &m_video_group, "Maximum fps, should be at least 60") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_force_legacy_device
        PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "force_legacy_device",
        &m_video_group, "Force OpenGL 2 context, even if OpenGL 3 is available."));

    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_texture_compression
        PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(true, "enable_texture_compression",
        &m_video_group, "Enable Texture Compression"));
    /** This is a bit flag: bit 0: enabled (1) or disabled(0). 
     *  Bit 1: setting done by default(0), or by user choice (2). This allows
     *  to e.g. disable h.d. textures on hd3000 as default, but still allow the
     *  user to enable it. */
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam        m_high_definition_textures
        PARAM_DEFAULT(IntUserConfigParam(1, "enable_high_definition_textures",
        &m_video_group, "Enable high definition textures. Bit flag: "
                        "bit 0 = enabled/disabled; bit 1 = set by user/set as default"));
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_glow
        PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "enable_glow",
        &m_video_group, "Enable Glow"));
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_bloom
        PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "enable_bloom",
        &m_video_group, "Enable Bloom"));
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_light_shaft
        PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "enable_light_shaft",
        &m_video_group, "Enable Light Shafts"));
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_dynamic_lights
        PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(true, "enable_dynamic_lights",
        &m_video_group, "Enable Dynamic Lights"));
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_dof
        PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "enable_dof",
        &m_video_group, "Enable Depth of Field"));
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_gi
        PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "enable_gi",
        &m_video_group, "Enable Global Illumination"));
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_azdo
        PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "enable_azdo",
        &m_video_group, "Enable 'Approaching Zero Driver Overhead' mode (very experimental !)"));
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_sdsm
        PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "enable_sdsm",
        &m_video_group, "Enable Sampled Distribued Shadow Map (buggy atm)"));
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_esm
        PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(false, "enable_esm",
        &m_video_group, "Enable Exponential Shadow Map (better but slower)"));
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_old_driver_popup
        PARAM_DEFAULT(BoolUserConfigParam(true, "old_driver_popup",
        &m_video_group, "Determines if popup message about too old drivers should be displayed."));

    // ---- Debug - not saved to config file
    /** If gamepad debugging is enabled. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_unit_testing PARAM_DEFAULT(false);

    /** If gamepad debugging is enabled. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_gamepad_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** If gamepad debugging is enabled. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_keyboard_debug PARAM_DEFAULT(false);

    /** Wiimote debugging. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_wiimote_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** Debug gamepads  by visualising their values. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_gamepad_visualisation PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** If material debugging (printing terrain specific slowdown)
     *  is enabled. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_material_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** If track debugging is enabled. */
    PARAM_PREFIX int m_track_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** True if check structures should be debugged. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_check_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** Special debug camera: 0: normal camera;   1: being high over the kart;
                              2: on ground level; 3: free first person camera; 
                              4: straight behind kart */
    PARAM_PREFIX int m_camera_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** True if physics debugging should be enabled. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_physics_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** True if fps should be printed each frame. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_fps_debug PARAM_DEFAULT(false);

    /** True if slipstream debugging is activated. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_slipstream_debug  PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** True if follow-the-leader debug information should be printed. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_ftl_debug    PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** True if currently developed tutorial debugging is enabled. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_tutorial_debug    PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** Verbosity level for debug messages. Note that error and
     *  important warnings must always be printed. */
    PARAM_PREFIX int  m_verbosity         PARAM_DEFAULT( 0 );

    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_no_start_screen   PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_race_now          PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** True to test funky ambient/diffuse/specularity in RGB &
     *  all anisotropic */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_rendering_debug   PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** True if graphical profiler should be displayed */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_profiler_enabled  PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** True if hardware skinning should be enabled */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_hw_skinning_enabled  PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    // not saved to file

    // ---- Networking

    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_server_max_players
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(16, "server_max_players",
                                       "Maximum number of players on the server.") );

    PARAM_PREFIX StringListUserConfigParam         m_stun_servers
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  StringListUserConfigParam("Stun_servers", "The stun servers"
                            " that will be used to know the public address.",
                            "stun.xten.com") );

    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_packets_log_filename
            PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("packets_log.txt", "packets_log_filename",
                                                 "Where to log received and sent packets.") );

    // ---- Graphic Quality
    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam        m_graphics_quality
            PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("GFX",
                                                "Graphics Quality Settings") );

    // On OSX 10.4 and before there may be driver issues with FBOs, so to be
    // safe disable them by default
#ifdef __APPLE__
    #define FBO_DEFAULT false
    #define FBO_DEFAULT true
#define FBO_DEFAULT true

    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_graphical_effects
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(true, "anim_gfx",
                            &m_graphics_quality, "Scenery animations") );

    // This saves the actual user preference.
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam        m_xmas_mode
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(0, "christmas-mode",
                            &m_graphics_quality, "Christmas hats: 0 use current date, 1 always on, 2 always off") );

    // This saves the actual user preference.
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam        m_easter_ear_mode
        PARAM_DEFAULT(IntUserConfigParam(0, "easter-ear-mode",
        &m_graphics_quality, "Easter Bunny Ears: 0 use current date, 1 always on, 2 always off"));

    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_weather_effects
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(true, "weather_gfx",
                                     &m_graphics_quality, "Weather effects") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam        m_show_steering_animations
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(ANIMS_ALL,
                            "steering_animations", &m_graphics_quality,
                "Whether to display kart animations (0=disabled for all; "
                "1=enabled for humans, disabled for AIs; 2=enabled for all") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_anisotropic
            PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(8, "anisotropic",
                           "Quality of anisotropic filtering (usual values include 2-4-8-16; 0 to disable)") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam         m_trilinear
            PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "trilinear",
                           "Whether trilinear filtering is allowed to be "
                           "used (true or false)") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam          m_antialiasing
            PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0,
                           "antialiasing", &m_graphics_quality,
                           "Whether antialiasing is enabled (0 = disabled, 1 = 2x, 2 = 4x, 3 = 8x") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam         m_vsync
            PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "vsync",
                           "Whether vertical sync is enabled") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam         m_motionblur
            PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false,
                           "motionblur_enabled", &m_graphics_quality,
                           "Whether motion blur should be enabled") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam         m_mlaa
            PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false,
                           "mlaa", &m_graphics_quality,
                           "Whether MLAA anti-aliasing should be enabled") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam          m_ssao
                           "ssao", &m_graphics_quality,
                           "Enable Screen Space Ambient Occlusion") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam          m_shadows_resolution
            PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0,
                           "shadows_resoltion", &m_graphics_quality,
                           "Shadow resolution (0 = disabled") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam          m_degraded_IBL
        "Degraded_IBL", &m_graphics_quality,
        "Disable specular IBL"));

    // ---- Misc
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_cache_overworld
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(true, "cache-overworld") );

    // TODO : is this used with new code? does it still work?
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_crashed
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(false, "crashed") );

#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
    // No console on windows
#  define CONSOLE_DEFAULT false
#  define CONSOLE_DEFAULT true
    // No console on windows
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_log_errors_to_console
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(
            CONSOLE_DEFAULT, "log_errors", "Enable logging to console.") );

    // ---- Camera
    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam        m_camera
            PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("camera",
                                                "(Debug) camera settings.") );

    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_reverse_look_threshold
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(0, "reverse_look_threshold",
            "If the kart is driving backwards faster than this value,\n"
            "switch automatically to reverse camera (set to 0 to disable).") );

    PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam       m_fpscam_direction_speed
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  FloatUserConfigParam(0.003f, "fpscam_rotation_speed",
            "How fast the first person camera's direction speed changes when\n"
            "moving the mouse (means acceleration).") );

    PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam       m_fpscam_smooth_direction_max_speed
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  FloatUserConfigParam(0.04f, "fpscam_smooth_rotation_max_speed",
            "How fast the first person camera's direction can change.") );

    PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam       m_fpscam_angular_velocity
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  FloatUserConfigParam(0.02f, "fpscam_angular_velocity",
            "How fast the first person camera's rotation speed changes.") );

    PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam       m_fpscam_max_angular_velocity
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  FloatUserConfigParam(1.0f, "fpscam_max_angular_velocity",
            "How fast the first person camera can rotate.") );

    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam      m_item_style
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  StringUserConfigParam("items", "item_style",
                            "Name of the .items file to use.") );

    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam      m_last_track
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  StringUserConfigParam("olivermath", "last_track",
                            "Name of the last track used.") );
    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_last_used_track_group
            PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("all", "last_track_group",
                           "Last selected track group") );

    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam      m_skin_file
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  StringUserConfigParam("Peach.stkskin", "skin_file",
                                                  "Name of the skin to use") );

    // ---- Handicap
    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam       m_handicap
            PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("Handicap",
                                          "Everything related to handicaps.") );

    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_per_player_difficulty
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(false, "per_player_difficulty",
                            "If handicapped users can be selected") );

    // ---- Internet related

    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam        m_internet_status
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(0, "enable_internet",
                                               "Status of internet: 0 user "
                                               "wasn't asked, 1: allowed, 2: "
                                               "not allowed") );

    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam       m_hw_report_group
            PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("HWReport",
                                          "Everything related to hardware configuration.") );

    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam        m_last_hw_report_version
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(0, "report-version", &m_hw_report_group,
                                                  "Version of hardware report "
                                                  "that was reported last") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam        m_random_identifier
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(0, "random-identifier", &m_hw_report_group,
                                                  "A random number to avoid duplicated reports.") );

    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam      m_server_hw_report
            PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam(   "http://addons.supertuxkart.net:8080",
                                                    "The server used for reporting statistics to."));

    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam      m_hw_report_enable
            PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(   true,
                                                    "If HW reports are enabled."));

    // ---- User management

    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_always_show_login_screen
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(false, "always_show_login_screen",
          "Always show the login screen even if last player's session was saved."));

    // ---- Online gameplay related
    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam       m_online_group
            PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("OnlineServer",
                                          "Everything related to online play.") );

    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam      m_server_multiplayer
            PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam(   "https://addons.supertuxkart.net/api/",
                                                    "The server used for online multiplayer."));

    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam        m_server_version
            PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(   2,
                                                    "Version of the server API to use."));

    // ---- Addon server related entries
    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam       m_addon_group
            PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("AddonServer",
                                          "Addon and news related settings") );

    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam      m_server_addons
            PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("http://addons.supertuxkart.net/dl/xml",
                                                "The server used for addon."));

    PARAM_PREFIX TimeUserConfigParam        m_news_last_updated
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  TimeUserConfigParam(0, "news_last_updated",
                                              "Time news was updated last.") );

    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_news_frequency
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(0, "news_frequency",
                                        "How often news should be updated.") );

    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam      m_display_count
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  StringUserConfigParam("", "news_display_count",
                                               "How often all news messages "
                                               "have been displayed") );

    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_last_important_message_id
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(-1, "last_important_message_id",
                                               "Don't show important message "
                                               "with this or a lower id again") );

    PARAM_PREFIX TimeUserConfigParam        m_addons_last_updated
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  TimeUserConfigParam(0, "addon_last_updated",
                                        "Time addon-list was updated last.") );

    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam      m_language
            PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("system", "language",
                        "Which language to use (language code or 'system')") );

    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_artist_debug_mode
            PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "artist_debug_mode",
                               "Whether to enable track debugging features") );

    // TODO? implement blacklist for new irrlicht device and GUI
    PARAM_PREFIX std::vector<std::string>   m_blacklist_res;

    /** List of all saved GPs. */
    PARAM_PREFIX PtrVector<SavedGrandPrix>   m_saved_grand_prix_list;

    /** Some constants to bitmask to enable various messages to be printed. */
    enum { LOG_MEMORY  = 0x0001,
           LOG_GUI     = 0x0002,
           LOG_ADDONS  = 0x0004,
           LOG_MISC    = 0x0008,
           LOG_FLYABLE = 0x0010,
           LOG_ALL     = 0xffff };

    /** Returns true if the user want additional messages for memory usage. */
    bool   logMemory();
    /** Returns true if the user want additional messages related to GUI. */
    bool   logGUI   ();
    /** Returns true if the user want additional messages related to addons. */
    bool   logAddons();
    /** Returns true if the user want additional debug info for flyables */
    bool   logFlyable();
    /** Returns true if the user want additional messages for general items. */
    bool   logMisc  ();

コード例 #2
ファイル: user_config.hpp プロジェクト: langresser/stk
namespace UserConfigParams

    // ---- Audio
    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam        m_audio_group
            PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("Audio", "Audio Settings") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam         m_sfx
            PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "sfx_on", &m_audio_group,
            "Whether sound effects are enabled or not (true or false)") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam         m_music
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(true, "music_on", 
            "Whether musics are enabled or not (true or false)") );
    PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam       m_sfx_volume
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  FloatUserConfigParam(1.0, "sfx_volume", 
            &m_audio_group, "Volume for sound effects, see openal AL_GAIN "
                            "for interpretation") );
    PARAM_PREFIX FloatUserConfigParam       m_music_volume
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  FloatUserConfigParam(0.7f, "music_volume", 
            &m_audio_group, "Music volume from 0.0 to 1.0") );
    // ---- Race setup
    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam        m_race_setup_group
        PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("RaceSetup", 
                                            "Race Setup Settings") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam          m_num_karts
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(4, "numkarts", 
                            "Default number of karts. -1 means use all") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam          m_num_laps
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(4, "numlaps", 
            &m_race_setup_group, "Default number of laps.") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam          m_difficulty
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(0, "difficulty", 
                        "Default race difficulty. 0=easy, 1=medium, 2=hard") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam          m_game_mode
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(0, "game_mode", 
                            "Game mode. 0=standard, 1=time trial, 2=follow "
                            "the leader, 3=3 strikes") );
    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_default_kart
            PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("tux", "kart", 
                           "Kart to select by default (the last used kart)") );
    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_last_used_kart_group
            PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("all", "last_kart_group", 
                                                 "Last selected kart group") );

    // ---- GP start order
    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam        m_gp_start_order
            PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("GpStartOrder",
                                                "Order karts start in GP") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam         m_gp_most_points_first
            PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "most_points_first",
            "Starting order from most to least points (true) or other "
            "way around (false)") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam         m_gp_player_last
            PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "player_last",
            "Always put the player at the back or not (Bully mode).") );
    // ---- Video
    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam        m_video_group
        PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("Video", "Video Settings") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_width
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(1024, "width", &m_video_group,
                                            "Screen/window width in pixels") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_height
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(768, "height", &m_video_group,
                                           "Screen/window height in pixels") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_fullscreen
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(false, "fullscreen", 
                                                &m_video_group) );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_prev_width
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(1024, "prev_width", 
                            &m_video_group, "Previous screen/window width") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_prev_height
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(768, "prev_height", 
                            &m_video_group,"Previous screen/window height") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_prev_fullscreen
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(false, "prev_fullscreen", 
                            &m_video_group) );

    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_remember_window_location
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(false, "remember_window_location", 
                            &m_video_group) );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_window_x
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(-1, "window_x", 
                            &m_video_group,"If remember_window_location is true") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_window_y
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(-1, "window_y", 
                            &m_video_group,"If remember_window_location is true") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_display_fps
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(false, "show_fps", 
                            &m_video_group, "Display frame per seconds") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_max_fps
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(120, "max_fps", 
                       &m_video_group, "Maximum fps, should be at least 60") );

    // Renderer type (OpenGL, Direct3D9, Direct3D8, Software, etc)
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_renderer
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(0, "renderer", &m_video_group,
                                               "Type of the renderer.") );

    // ---- Debug - not saved to config file
    /** If gamepad debugging is enabled. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_gamepad_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false );
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_gamepad_visualisation PARAM_DEFAULT( false );
    /** If material debugging (printing terrain specific slowdown) 
     *  is enabled. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_material_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** If track debugging is enabled. */
    PARAM_PREFIX int m_track_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** True if check structures should be debugged. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_check_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** Special debug camera being high over the kart. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_camera_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** True if physics debugging should be enabled. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_physics_debug PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** True if slipstream debugging is activated. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_slipstream_debug  PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** True if follow-the-leader debug information should be printed. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_ftl_debug    PARAM_DEFAULT( false );
    /** True if currently developed tutorial debugging is enabled. */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_tutorial_debug    PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** Verbosity level for debug messages. Note that error and 
     *  important warnings must always be printed. */
    PARAM_PREFIX int  m_verbosity         PARAM_DEFAULT( 0 );

    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_no_start_screen   PARAM_DEFAULT( false );
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_race_now          PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    /** True to test funky ambient/diffuse/specularity in RGB & 
     *  all anisotropic */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_rendering_debug   PARAM_DEFAULT( false );
    /** True if graphical profiler should be displayed */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_profiler_enabled  PARAM_DEFAULT( false );
    /** True if hardware skinning should be enabled */
    PARAM_PREFIX bool m_hw_skinning_enabled  PARAM_DEFAULT( false );

    // not saved to file

    // ---- Networking
    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam      m_server_address
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  StringUserConfigParam("localhost", "server_adress",
                                       "Information about last server used") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_server_port
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(2305, "server_port", 
                                       "Information about last server used") );
    // ---- Graphic Quality
    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam        m_graphics_quality
            PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("GFX", 
                                                "Graphics Quality Settings") );
    // On OSX 10.4 and before there may be driver issues with FBOs, so to be 
    // safe disable them by default
#ifdef __APPLE__
    #define FBO_DEFAULT false
    #define FBO_DEFAULT true
#define FBO_DEFAULT true
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_fbo
        PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(FBO_DEFAULT, "fbo", 
                     &m_graphics_quality, "Use frame buffer objects (FBOs)") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_graphical_effects
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(true, "anim_gfx", 
                            &m_graphics_quality, "Scenery animations") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_weather_effects
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(true, "weather_gfx", 
                                     &m_graphics_quality, "Weather effects") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam        m_show_steering_animations
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(ANIMS_ALL, 
                            "steering_animations", &m_graphics_quality,
                "Whether to display kart animations (0=disabled for all; "
                "1=enabled for humans, disabled for AIs; 2=enabled for all") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_anisotropic
            PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(8, "anisotropic", 
                           "Quality of anisotropic filtering (usual values include 2-4-8-16; 0 to disable)") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam         m_trilinear
            PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "trilinear", 
                           "Whether trilinear filtering is allowed to be "
                           "used (true or false)") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam          m_antialiasing
            PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, 
                           "antialiasing", &m_graphics_quality,
                           "Whether antialiasing is enabled (0 = disabled, 1 = 2x, 2 = 4x, 3 = 8x") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam         m_vsync
            PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "vsync", 
                           "Whether vertical sync is enabled") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam         m_pixel_shaders
    PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "pixel_shaders", 
                                       "Whether to enable pixel shaders (splatting, normal maps, ...)") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam         m_postprocess_enabled
            PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, 
                           "postprocess_enabled", &m_graphics_quality,
                           "Whether post-processing (motion blur...) should "
                           "be enabled") );
    // ---- Misc
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_cache_overworld
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(true, "cache-overworld") );

    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_minimal_race_gui
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(false, "minimal-race-gui") );
    // TODO : is this used with new code? does it still work?
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_crashed
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(false, "crashed") ); 
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_log_errors
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(false, "log_errors", 
                           "Enable logging of stdout and stderr to logfile") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_reverse_look_threshold
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(0, "reverse_look_threshold", 
            "If the kart is driving backwards faster than this value,\n"
            "switch automatically to reverse camera (set to 0 to disable).") );
    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_camera_style
            PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(Camera::CS_MODERN, 
                            "camera_style", "Camera Style") );

    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam      m_item_style
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  StringUserConfigParam("items", "item_style", 
                            "Name of the .items file to use.") );
    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam      m_last_track
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  StringUserConfigParam("olivermath", "last_track", 
                            "Name of the last track used.") ); 
    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam m_last_used_track_group
            PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("all", "last_track_group",
                           "Last selected track group") );
    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam      m_skin_file
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  StringUserConfigParam("Peach.stkskin", "skin_file",
                                                  "Name of the skin to use") );
    PARAM_PREFIX WStringUserConfigParam     m_default_player
        PARAM_DEFAULT( WStringUserConfigParam(L"", "default_player", 
                                              "Which player to use by default (if empty, will prompt)") );
    // ---- Addon server related entries
    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam       m_addon_group
        PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("AddonAndNews", 
                                          "Addon and news related settings") );

    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam      m_server_addons
            PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("http://stkaddons.net/dl/xml",
                                                "The server used for addon."));

    PARAM_PREFIX TimeUserConfigParam        m_news_last_updated
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  TimeUserConfigParam(0, "news_last_updated",
                                              "Time news was updated last.") );

    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_news_frequency
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(0, "news_frequency", 
                                        "How often news should be updated.") );

    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam      m_display_count
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  StringUserConfigParam("", "news_display_count", 
                                               "How often all news messages "
                                               "have been displayed") );

    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_ignore_message_id
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(-1, "ignore_message_id", 
                                               "Ignore all messages with this "
                                               "id and lower") );

    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam        m_internet_status
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(0, "enable_internet",
                                               "Status of internet: 0 user "
                                               "wasn't asked, 1: allowed, 2: "
                                               "not allowed") );

    PARAM_PREFIX TimeUserConfigParam        m_addons_last_updated
            PARAM_DEFAULT(  TimeUserConfigParam(0, "addon_last_updated",
                                        "Time addon-list was updated last.") );

    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam      m_language
            PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("system", "language", 
                        "Which language to use (language code or 'system')") );
    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_artist_debug_mode
            PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "artist_debug_mode",
                               "Whether to enable track debugging features") );
    // TODO? implement blacklist for new irrlicht device and GUI
    PARAM_PREFIX std::vector<std::string>   m_blacklist_res;
    PARAM_PREFIX PtrVector<PlayerProfile>   m_all_players;

    /** Some constants to bitmask to enable various messages to be printed. */
    enum { LOG_MEMORY  = 0x0001,
           LOG_GUI     = 0x0002,
           LOG_ADDONS  = 0x0004,
           LOG_MISC    = 0x0008,
           LOG_FLYABLE = 0x0010,
           LOG_ALL     = 0xffff };

    /** Returns true if the user want additional messages for memory usage. */
    bool   logMemory();
    /** Returns true if the user want additional messages related to GUI. */
    bool   logGUI   ();
    /** Returns true if the user want additional messages related to addons. */
    bool   logAddons();
    /** Returns true if the user want additional debug info for flyables */
    bool   logFlyable();
    /** Returns true if the user want additional messages for general items. */
    bool   logMisc  ();
