SString SharedUtil::GetSystemSystemPath ( void ) { wchar_t szResult[MAX_PATH] = L""; SHGetFolderPathW( NULL, CSIDL_SYSTEM, NULL, 0, szResult ); if ( IsShortPathName( szResult ) ) return GetSystemLongPathName( ToUTF8( szResult ) ); return ToUTF8( szResult ); }
SString SharedUtil::GetSystemCommonAppDataPath ( void ) { wchar_t szResult[MAX_PATH] = L""; SHGetFolderPathW( NULL, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, NULL, 0, szResult ); if ( IsShortPathName( szResult ) ) return GetSystemLongPathName( ToUTF8( szResult ) ); return ToUTF8( szResult ); }
SString SharedUtil::GetSystemDllDirectory ( void ) { wchar_t szResult [ 1024 ] = L""; GetDllDirectoryW ( NUMELMS ( szResult ), szResult ); if ( IsShortPathName( szResult ) ) return GetSystemLongPathName( ToUTF8( szResult ) ); return ToUTF8( szResult ); }
SString SharedUtil::GetSystemTempPath ( void ) { wchar_t szResult[4030] = L""; GetTempPathW( 4000, szResult ); if ( IsShortPathName( szResult ) ) return GetSystemLongPathName( ToUTF8( szResult ) ); return ToUTF8( szResult ); }
void CExampleDlg::OnBnClickedConnectButton() { WCHAR awcTempBuf[100]; const int kTempBufSize = sizeof(awcTempBuf) / sizeof(awcTempBuf[0]); // Pull user input into our member variables UpdateData(TRUE); // Clear out the results list, in case this isn't the first time // we've come in here. ResultsList.ResetContent(); // Translate the Unicode text we get from the UI into the UTF-8 form // that MySQL wants. const int kInputBufSize = 100; char acServerAddress[kInputBufSize]; char acUserName[kInputBufSize]; char acPassword[kInputBufSize]; ToUTF8(acServerAddress, kInputBufSize, sServerAddress); ToUTF8(acUserName, kInputBufSize, sUserName); ToUTF8(acPassword, kInputBufSize, sPassword); // Connect to the sample database. mysqlpp::Connection con(false); if (!con.connect("mysql_cpp_data", acServerAddress, acUserName, acPassword)) { AddMessage(_T("Failed to connect to server:")); if (ToUCS2(awcTempBuf, kTempBufSize, con.error())) { AddMessage(awcTempBuf); } return; } // Retrieve a subset of the sample stock table set up by resetdb mysqlpp::Query query = con.query(); query << "select item from stock"; mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res =; if (res) { // Display the result set for (size_t i = 0; i < res.num_rows(); ++i) { if (ToUCS2(awcTempBuf, kTempBufSize, res[i][0])) { AddMessage(awcTempBuf); } } // Retreive was successful, so save user inputs now SaveInputs(); } else { // Retreive failed AddMessage(_T("Failed to get item list:")); if (ToUCS2(awcTempBuf, kTempBufSize, query.error())) { AddMessage(awcTempBuf); } } }
EPUB3_BEGIN_NAMESPACE static string GetTempFilePath(const string& ext) { #if EPUB_PLATFORM(WIN) TCHAR tmpPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR tmpFile[MAX_PATH]; DWORD pathLen = ::GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, tmpPath); if ( pathLen == 0 || pathLen > MAX_PATH ) throw std::system_error(static_cast<int>(::GetLastError()), std::system_category()); UINT fileLen = ::GetTempFileName(tmpPath, TEXT("ZIP"), 0, tmpFile); if ( fileLen == 0 ) throw std::system_error(static_cast<int>(::GetLastError()), std::system_category()); string r(tmpFile); return r; #elif EPUB_PLATFORM(WINRT) using ToUTF8 = std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>>; auto tempFolder = ::Windows::Storage::ApplicationData::Current->TemporaryFolder; std::wstring tempFolderPath(tempFolder->Path->Data(), tempFolder->Path->Length()); std::wstringstream ss; ss << tempFolderPath; ss << TEXT("\\epub3."); ss << Windows::Security::Cryptography::CryptographicBuffer::GenerateRandomNumber(); ss << TEXT("."); ss << ToUTF8().from_bytes(ext.stl_str()); return ToUTF8().to_bytes(ss.str()); #else std::stringstream ss; #if EPUB_OS(ANDROID) ss << gAndroidCacheDir << "epub3.XXXXXX"; #else ss << "/tmp/epub3.XXXXXX." << ext; #endif string path(ss.str()); char *buf = new char[path.length()]; std::char_traits<char>::copy(buf, ss.str().c_str(), sizeof(buf)); #if EPUB_OS(ANDROID) int fd = ::mkstemp(buf); #else int fd = ::mkstemps(buf, static_cast<int>(ext.size()+1)); #endif if ( fd == -1 ) throw std::runtime_error(std::string("mkstemp() failed: ") + strerror(errno)); ::close(fd); return string(buf); #endif }
RESULT cConnection::PostRequest(const std::string& sRelativeURI, const string_t& sUserName, const string_t& sPassword, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& _mValues) { std::map<std::string, std::string> mValues(_mValues); mValues["version"] = "1"; mValues["user"] = ToUTF8(sUserName); mValues["pass"] = ToUTF8(sPassword); return _PostRequest(sRelativeURI, mValues); }
// C:\Program Files\gta_sa.exe SString SharedUtil::GetLaunchPathFilename( void ) { static SString strLaunchPathFilename; if ( strLaunchPathFilename.empty() ) { wchar_t szBuffer[2048]; GetModuleFileNameW( NULL, szBuffer, NUMELMS(szBuffer) - 1 ); if ( IsShortPathName( szBuffer ) ) return GetSystemLongPathName( ToUTF8( szBuffer ) ); strLaunchPathFilename = ToUTF8( szBuffer ); } return strLaunchPathFilename; }
SString SharedUtil::GetSystemCurrentDirectory ( void ) { #ifdef WIN32 wchar_t szResult [ 1024 ] = L""; GetCurrentDirectoryW ( NUMELMS ( szResult ), szResult ); if ( IsShortPathName( szResult ) ) return GetSystemLongPathName( ToUTF8( szResult ) ); return ToUTF8( szResult ); #else char szBuffer[ MAX_PATH ]; getcwd ( szBuffer, MAX_PATH - 1 ); return szBuffer; #endif }
RESULT cConnection::WatchingMovie(const string_t& sTitle, const cDuration& durationThroughMovie, const cDuration& durationOfMovie) { assert(IsOpen()); std::map<std::string, std::string> mValues; mValues["action"] = "watching"; mValues["title"] = ToUTF8(sTitle); mValues["position_seconds"] = ToUTF8(durationThroughMovie); mValues["length_seconds"] = ToUTF8(durationOfMovie); RESULT result = PostRequest("submit.php", sUserName, sPassword, mValues); return result; }
NS_IMETHODIMP nsUTF8ConverterService::ConvertURISpecToUTF8(const nsACString &aSpec, const char *aCharset, nsACString &aUTF8Spec) { // assume UTF-8 if the spec contains unescaped non-ASCII characters. // No valid spec in Mozilla would break this assumption. if (!IsASCII(aSpec)) { aUTF8Spec = aSpec; return NS_OK; } aUTF8Spec.Truncate(); nsAutoCString unescapedSpec; // NS_UnescapeURL does not fill up unescapedSpec unless there's at least // one character to unescape. bool written = NS_UnescapeURL(PromiseFlatCString(aSpec).get(), aSpec.Length(), esc_OnlyNonASCII, unescapedSpec); if (!written) { aUTF8Spec = aSpec; return NS_OK; } // return if ASCII only or escaped UTF-8 if (IsASCII(unescapedSpec) || IsUTF8(unescapedSpec)) { aUTF8Spec = unescapedSpec; return NS_OK; } return ToUTF8(unescapedSpec, aCharset, true, aUTF8Spec); }
wstring MediaPlayers::GetTitleFromWinampAPI(HWND hwnd, bool use_unicode) { if (IsWindow(hwnd)) { if (SendMessage(hwnd, WM_USER, 0, IPC_ISPLAYING)) { int list_index = SendMessage(hwnd, WM_USER, 0, IPC_GETLISTPOS); int base_address = SendMessage(hwnd, WM_USER, list_index, use_unicode ? IPC_GETPLAYLISTFILEW : IPC_GETPLAYLISTFILE); if (base_address) { DWORD process_id; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &process_id); HANDLE hwnd_winamp = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, process_id); if (hwnd_winamp) { if (use_unicode) { wchar_t file_name[MAX_PATH]; ReadProcessMemory(hwnd_winamp, reinterpret_cast<LPCVOID>(base_address), file_name, MAX_PATH, NULL); CloseHandle(hwnd_winamp); return file_name; } else { char file_name[MAX_PATH]; ReadProcessMemory(hwnd_winamp, reinterpret_cast<LPCVOID>(base_address), file_name, MAX_PATH, NULL); CloseHandle(hwnd_winamp); return ToUTF8(file_name); } } } } } return L""; }
bool CLocalizeStrings::LoadXML(const CStdString &filename, CStdString &encoding, uint32_t offset /* = 0 */) { TiXmlDocument xmlDoc; if (!xmlDoc.LoadFile(CSpecialProtocol::TranslatePathConvertCase(filename))) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "unable to load %s: %s at line %d", filename.c_str(), xmlDoc.ErrorDesc(), xmlDoc.ErrorRow()); return false; } XMLUtils::GetEncoding(&xmlDoc, encoding); TiXmlElement* pRootElement = xmlDoc.RootElement(); if (!pRootElement || pRootElement->NoChildren() || pRootElement->ValueStr()!=CStdString("strings")) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s Doesn't contain <strings>", filename.c_str()); return false; } const TiXmlElement *pChild = pRootElement->FirstChildElement("string"); while (pChild) { // Load new style language file with id as attribute const char* attrId=pChild->Attribute("id"); if (attrId && !pChild->NoChildren()) { int id = atoi(attrId) + offset; if (m_strings.find(id) == m_strings.end()) m_strings[id] = ToUTF8(encoding, pChild->FirstChild()->Value()); } pChild = pChild->NextSiblingElement("string"); } return true; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ wxString wxSQLBook::GetSQLStatementAt(long start, long& end) { wxString Str, temp; bool first = true; long count = m_SQLEdit->GetLineCount(); end = -1; for (long i = start; i < count; i++) { if (!first) Str += ("\n"); else first = false; temp = m_SQLEdit->GetLine(i).Trim(); if ((temp.Last() == (';')) && !m_SQLEdit->EndLineIsComment(i)) // Arrêt au point virgule de fin de commande // if (temp.IsEmpty()) // Arrêt à la première ligne vide { end = i; Str += temp; break; } Str += temp; } return ToUTF8(Str); }
// we write str lines into the file void WriteStrLine(std::string prefix, std::string linkedString, std::string encoding) { linkedString = ToUTF8(encoding, linkedString); fprintf (pPOTFile, "%s", prefix.c_str()); fprintf (pPOTFile, "\"%s\"\n", linkedString.c_str()); return; }
SString SharedUtil::GetSystemLongPathName( const SString& strPath ) { wchar_t szBuffer[32000]; szBuffer[0] = 0; GetLongPathNameW( FromUTF8( strPath ), szBuffer, NUMELMS( szBuffer ) - 1 ); return ToUTF8( szBuffer ); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void wxBackupRestoreDbDlg::SetDatabase(wxSQLite3Database* db, const wxString& base) { wxSQLite3ResultSet dbQRY; wxString alias; m_Db = db; if (!m_Db||!m_Db->IsOpen()) m_Db = NULL; else { try { dbQRY = m_Db->ExecuteQuery(ToUTF8(("PRAGMA database_list;"))); while (dbQRY.NextRow()) { alias = dbQRY.GetString(1); m_Database->Append(alias); } m_Database->SetStringSelection(base); } catch(wxSQLite3Exception& ex) { wxGetApp().ShowError(("SetDatabase"), ex); } dbQRY.Finalize(); } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void wxCreateTriggerDialog::PopulateColumns() { wxString tablename, sql, basename; wxSQLite3ResultSet clmnQRY; if (m_Db == NULL) return; tablename = m_ObjName->GetStringSelection(); if (m_Base != wxEmptyString) basename = m_Base; else basename = _T("main"); sql = wxString::Format(_T("PRAGMA %s.table_info(\"%s\");"), basename.c_str(), tablename.c_str()); m_AvailableColumns->Clear(); m_SelectedColumns->Clear(); try { clmnQRY = m_Db->ExecuteQuery(ToUTF8(sql)); while (clmnQRY.NextRow()) m_AvailableColumns->Append(clmnQRY.GetString(1)); } catch(wxSQLite3Exception& ex) { wxGetApp().ShowError(_T("PopulateColumns"), ex); } clmnQRY.Finalize(); }
NS_IMETHODIMP nsUTF8ConverterService::ConvertStringToUTF8(const nsACString &aString, const char *aCharset, bool aSkipCheck, bool aAllowSubstitution, uint8_t aOptionalArgc, nsACString &aUTF8String) { bool allowSubstitution = (aOptionalArgc == 1) ? aAllowSubstitution : true; // return if ASCII only or valid UTF-8 providing that the ASCII/UTF-8 // check is requested. It may not be asked for if a caller suspects // that the input is in non-ASCII 7bit charset (ISO-2022-xx, HZ) or // it's in a charset other than UTF-8 that can be mistaken for UTF-8. if (!aSkipCheck && (IsASCII(aString) || IsUTF8(aString))) { aUTF8String = aString; return NS_OK; } aUTF8String.Truncate(); nsresult rv = ToUTF8(aString, aCharset, allowSubstitution, aUTF8String); // additional protection for cases where check is skipped and the input // is actually in UTF-8 as opposed to aCharset. (i.e. caller's hunch // was wrong.) We don't check ASCIIness assuming there's no charset // incompatible with ASCII (we don't support EBCDIC). if (aSkipCheck && NS_FAILED(rv) && IsUTF8(aString)) { aUTF8String = aString; return NS_OK; } return rv; }
wstring MediaPlayers::GetTitleFromSpecialMessage(HWND hwnd, const wstring& class_name) { // BS.Player if (class_name == BSP_CLASS) { if (IsWindow(hwnd)) { COPYDATASTRUCT cds; char file_name[MAX_PATH]; void* data = &file_name; cds.dwData = BSP_GETFILENAME; cds.lpData = &data; cds.cbData = 4; SendMessage(hwnd, WM_COPYDATA, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(g_hMain), reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&cds)); return ToUTF8(file_name); } // JetAudio } else if (class_name == JETAUDIO_MAINCLASS) { HWND hwnd_remote = FindWindow(JETAUDIO_REMOTECLASS, JETAUDIO_WINDOW); if (IsWindow(hwnd_remote)) { if (SendMessage(hwnd_remote, WM_REMOCON_GETSTATUS, 0, GET_STATUS_STATUS) != MCI_MODE_STOP) { if (SendMessage(hwnd_remote, WM_REMOCON_GETSTATUS, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(g_hMain), GET_STATUS_TRACK_FILENAME)) { return new_title; } } } } return L""; }
SString SharedUtil::GetSystemShortPathName(const SString& strPath) { wchar_t szBuffer[32000]; szBuffer[0] = 0; if (!GetShortPathNameW(FromUTF8(strPath), szBuffer, NUMELMS(szBuffer) - 1)) return strPath; return ToUTF8(szBuffer); }
// Get drive root from path SString SharedUtil::GetPathDriveName( const SString& strPath ) { wchar_t szDrive[4] = L""; int iDriveNumber = PathGetDriveNumberW( FromUTF8( strPath ) ); if ( iDriveNumber > -1 ) PathBuildRootW( szDrive, iDriveNumber ); return ToUTF8( szDrive ); }
LRESULT Skype::HandleMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (uMsg == WM_COPYDATA) { if (hwnd_skype == nullptr || hwnd_skype != reinterpret_cast<HWND>(wParam)) return FALSE; auto pCDS = reinterpret_cast<PCOPYDATASTRUCT>(lParam); wstring command = ToUTF8(reinterpret_cast<LPCSTR>(pCDS->lpData)); LOG(LevelDebug, L"Received WM_COPYDATA: " + command); wstring profile_command = L"PROFILE RICH_MOOD_TEXT "; if (StartsWith(command, profile_command)) { wstring mood = command.substr(profile_command.length()); if (mood != current_mood && mood != previous_mood) { LOG(LevelDebug, L"Saved previous mood message: " + mood); previous_mood = mood; } } return TRUE; } else if (uMsg == wm_attach) { hwnd_skype = nullptr; switch (lParam) { case SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_SUCCESS: LOG(LevelDebug, L"Attach succeeded."); hwnd_skype = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(wParam); GetMoodText(); if (!current_mood.empty()) SetMoodText(current_mood); break; case SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_PENDING_AUTHORIZATION: LOG(LevelDebug, L"Waiting for user confirmation..."); break; case SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_REFUSED: LOG(LevelError, L"User denied access to client."); break; case SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_NOT_AVAILABLE: LOG(LevelError, L"API is not available."); break; case SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_API_AVAILABLE: LOG(LevelDebug, L"API is now available."); Discover(); break; default: LOG(LevelDebug, L"Received unknown message."); break; } return TRUE; } else if (uMsg == wm_discover) { LOG(LevelDebug, L"Received SkypeControlAPIDiscover message."); } return FALSE; }
RESULT cConnection::WatchedMovie(const string_t& sTitle) { assert(IsOpen()); std::map<std::string, std::string> mValues; mValues["action"] = "watched"; mValues["title"] = ToUTF8(sTitle); RESULT result = PostRequest("submit.php", sUserName, sPassword, mValues); return result; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // FindFiles // // Find all files or directories at a path // If sorted by date, returns last modified last // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::vector < SString > SharedUtil::FindFiles ( const SString& strInMatch, bool bFiles, bool bDirectories, bool bSortByDate ) { std::vector < SString > strResult; std::multimap < uint64, SString > sortMap; SString strMatch = PathConform ( strInMatch ); if ( strMatch.Right ( 1 ) == PATH_SEPERATOR ) strMatch += "*"; WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFileW ( FromUTF8( strMatch ), &findData ); if( hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { do { if ( ( findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) ? bDirectories : bFiles ) if ( wcscmp ( findData.cFileName, L"." ) && wcscmp ( findData.cFileName, L".." ) ) { if ( bSortByDate ) MapInsert( sortMap, (uint64&)findData.ftLastWriteTime, ToUTF8( findData.cFileName ) ); else strResult.push_back ( ToUTF8( findData.cFileName ) ); } } while( FindNextFileW( hFind, &findData ) ); FindClose( hFind ); } // Resolve sorted map if required if ( !sortMap.empty() ) { for ( std::multimap < uint64, SString >::iterator iter = sortMap.begin() ; iter != sortMap.end() ; ++iter ) strResult.push_back ( iter->second ); } return strResult; }
// C:\Program Files\gta_sa.exe SString SharedUtil::GetLaunchPathFilename(void) { static SString strLaunchPathFilename; if (strLaunchPathFilename.empty()) { wchar_t szBuffer[2048]; GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, szBuffer, NUMELMS(szBuffer) - 1); wchar_t fullPath[MAX_PATH]; GetFullPathNameW(szBuffer, MAX_PATH, fullPath, nullptr); strLaunchPathFilename = ToUTF8(fullPath); } return strLaunchPathFilename; }
bool TerminateProcessFromPathFilename ( const SString& strPathFilename ) { DWORD dwProcessIDs[250]; DWORD pBytesReturned = 0; if ( EnumProcesses ( dwProcessIDs, 250 * sizeof(DWORD), &pBytesReturned ) ) { DWORD id1 = GetCurrentProcessId(); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < pBytesReturned / sizeof ( DWORD ); i++ ) { DWORD id2 = dwProcessIDs[i]; if ( id2 == id1 ) continue; // Skip 64 bit processes to avoid errors if ( !Is32bitProcess ( dwProcessIDs[i] ) ) continue; // Open the process HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, dwProcessIDs[i]); if ( hProcess ) { HMODULE pModule; DWORD cbNeeded; if ( EnumProcessModules ( hProcess, &pModule, sizeof ( HMODULE ), &cbNeeded ) ) { WCHAR szModuleName[MAX_PATH*2] = L""; if ( GetModuleFileNameExW( hProcess, pModule, szModuleName, NUMELMS(szModuleName) ) ) { SString strModuleName = ToUTF8( szModuleName ); if ( stricmp ( strModuleName, strPathFilename ) == 0 ) { TerminateProcess ( hProcess, 0 ); CloseHandle ( hProcess ); return true; } } } // Close the process CloseHandle ( hProcess ); } } } return false; }
static void UTF16_to_UTF8 ( const UTF16Unit * utf16Ptr, size_t utf16Len, bool bigEndian, std::string * outStr ) { UTF16_to_UTF8_Proc ToUTF8 = 0; if ( bigEndian ) { ToUTF8 = UTF16BE_to_UTF8; } else { ToUTF8 = UTF16LE_to_UTF8; } UTF8Unit buffer [1000]; size_t inCount, outCount; outStr->erase(); outStr->reserve ( utf16Len * 2 ); // As good a guess as any. while ( utf16Len > 0 ) { ToUTF8 ( utf16Ptr, utf16Len, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &inCount, &outCount ); outStr->append ( (XMP_StringPtr)buffer, outCount ); utf16Ptr += inCount; utf16Len -= inCount; } } // UTF16_to_UTF8
void Parser::Next() { doc_comment_.clear(); bool seen_newline = false; for (;;) { char c = *cursor_++; token_ = c; switch (c) { case '\0': cursor_--; token_ = kTokenEof; return; case ' ': case '\r': case '\t': break; case '\n': line_++; seen_newline = true; break; case '{': case '}': case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': return; case ',': case ':': case ';': case '=': return; case '.': if(!isdigit(*cursor_)) return; Error("floating point constant can\'t start with \".\""); break; case '\"': attribute_ = ""; while (*cursor_ != '\"') { #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wtype-limits" if (*cursor_ < ' ' && *cursor_ >= 0) Error("illegal character in string constant"); #pragma GCC diagnostic pop if (*cursor_ == '\\') { cursor_++; switch (*cursor_) { case 'n': attribute_ += '\n'; cursor_++; break; case 't': attribute_ += '\t'; cursor_++; break; case 'r': attribute_ += '\r'; cursor_++; break; case 'b': attribute_ += '\b'; cursor_++; break; case 'f': attribute_ += '\f'; cursor_++; break; case '\"': attribute_ += '\"'; cursor_++; break; case '\\': attribute_ += '\\'; cursor_++; break; case '/': attribute_ += '/'; cursor_++; break; case 'x': { // Not in the JSON standard cursor_++; attribute_ += static_cast<char>(ParseHexNum(2)); break; } case 'u': { cursor_++; ToUTF8(static_cast<int>(ParseHexNum(4)), &attribute_); break; } default: Error("unknown escape code in string constant"); break; } } else { // printable chars + UTF-8 bytes attribute_ += *cursor_++; } } cursor_++; token_ = kTokenStringConstant; return; case '/': if (*cursor_ == '/') { const char *start = ++cursor_; while (*cursor_ && *cursor_ != '\n') cursor_++; if (*start == '/') { // documentation comment if (cursor_ != source_ && !seen_newline) Error("a documentation comment should be on a line on its own"); doc_comment_.push_back(std::string(start + 1, cursor_)); } break; } // fall thru default: if (isalpha(static_cast<unsigned char>(c))) { // Collect all chars of an identifier: const char *start = cursor_ - 1; while (isalnum(static_cast<unsigned char>(*cursor_)) || *cursor_ == '_') cursor_++; attribute_.clear(); attribute_.append(start, cursor_); // First, see if it is a type keyword from the table of types: #define FLATBUFFERS_TD(ENUM, IDLTYPE, CTYPE, JTYPE, GTYPE, NTYPE) \ if (attribute_ == IDLTYPE) { \ token_ = kToken ## ENUM; \ return; \ } FLATBUFFERS_GEN_TYPES(FLATBUFFERS_TD) #undef FLATBUFFERS_TD // If it's a boolean constant keyword, turn those into integers, // which simplifies our logic downstream. if (attribute_ == "true" || attribute_ == "false") { attribute_ = NumToString(attribute_ == "true"); token_ = kTokenIntegerConstant; return; } // Check for declaration keywords: if (attribute_ == "table") { token_ = kTokenTable; return; } if (attribute_ == "struct") { token_ = kTokenStruct; return; } if (attribute_ == "enum") { token_ = kTokenEnum; return; } if (attribute_ == "union") { token_ = kTokenUnion; return; } if (attribute_ == "namespace") { token_ = kTokenNameSpace; return; } if (attribute_ == "root_type") { token_ = kTokenRootType; return; } if (attribute_ == "include") { token_ = kTokenInclude; return; } if (attribute_ == "attribute") { token_ = kTokenAttribute; return; } if (attribute_ == "file_identifier") { token_ = kTokenFileIdentifier; return; } if (attribute_ == "file_extension") { token_ = kTokenFileExtension; return; } // If not, it is a user-defined identifier: token_ = kTokenIdentifier; return; } else if (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)) || c == '-') { const char *start = cursor_ - 1; while (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(*cursor_))) cursor_++; if (*cursor_ == '.') { cursor_++; while (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(*cursor_))) cursor_++; // See if this float has a scientific notation suffix. Both JSON // and C++ (through strtod() we use) have the same format: if (*cursor_ == 'e' || *cursor_ == 'E') { cursor_++; if (*cursor_ == '+' || *cursor_ == '-') cursor_++; while (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(*cursor_))) cursor_++; } token_ = kTokenFloatConstant; } else { token_ = kTokenIntegerConstant; } attribute_.clear(); attribute_.append(start, cursor_); return; } std::string ch; ch = c; if (c < ' ' || c > '~') ch = "code: " + NumToString(c); Error("illegal character: " + ch); break; } }
double const ToDouble(std::wstring const &content) { return ToDouble(ToUTF8(content)); }