int main(int argc, char **argv) { InitGLUTWindow(argc, argv, "Scene", 400, 400) ; InitDisplay(true, true, true) ; // initialize variables and display modes InitMouse () ; InitCamera() ; glEnable(GL_AUTO_NORMAL) ; glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE) ; InitVars() ; ToggleLighting(true) ; glutDisplayFunc(DisplayHandler) ; glutKeyboardFunc(KeyboardHandler) ; glutSpecialFunc(SpecialKeyHandler) ; glutTimerFunc(20, UpdatePosition, 0); glutMainLoop() ; return 0 ; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //this function is the editor. called when editor mode selected. runs until //game mode or exit selected void editor(void) { int w,h; grsBitmap * savedbitmap; editorView *new_cv; static int padnum=0; vmsMatrix MouseRotMat,tempm; //@@short camera_objnum; //a camera for viewing init_editor(); InitCurve(); RestoreEffectBitmapIcons(); if (!SetScreenMode(SCREEN_EDITOR)) { SetScreenMode(SCREEN_GAME);; //force back into game return; } GrSetCurrentCanvas( NULL ); GrSetCurFont(editor_font); //Editor renders into full (320x200) game screen SetWarnFunc(med_show_warning); gameStates.input.keys.bRepeat = 1; // Allow repeat in editor // _MARK_("start of editor");//Nuked to compile -KRB ui_mouse_hide(); ui_reset_idleSeconds(); gameData.objs.viewer = gameData.objs.console; slew_init(gameData.objs.console); UpdateFlags = UF_ALL; medlisp_update_screen(); //set the wire-frame window to be the current view currentView = &LargeView; if (faded_in==0) { faded_in = 1; //gr_pal_fade_in( grdCurScreen->pal ); } w = GameViewBox->canvas->cvBitmap.bmProps.w; h = GameViewBox->canvas->cvBitmap.bmProps.h; savedbitmap = GrCreateBitmap(w, h ); GrBmUBitBlt( w, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, &GameViewBox->canvas->cvBitmap, savedbitmap ); GrSetCurrentCanvas( GameViewBox->canvas ); GrSetCurFont(editor_font); //GrSetColor( CBLACK ); //gr_deaccent_canvas(); //gr_grey_canvas(); ui_mouse_show(); GrSetCurFont(editor_font); ui_pad_goto(padnum); gamestate_restore_check(); while ( == FMODE_EDITOR) { GrSetCurFont(editor_font); info_display_all(EditorWindow); ModeFlag = 0; // Update the windows // Only update if there is no key waiting and we're not in // fast play mode. if (!KeyPeekKey()) //-- && (MacroStatus != UI_STATUS_FASTPLAY)) medlisp_update_screen(); //do editor stuff GrSetCurFont(editor_font); ui_mega_process(); last_keypress &= ~KEYDBGGED; // mask off delete key bit which has no function in editor. ui_window_do_gadgets(EditorWindow); doRobot_window(); doObject_window(); do_wall_window(); do_trigger_window(); do_hostage_window(); do_centers_window(); check_wall_validity(); Assert(gameData.walls.nWalls>=0); if (Gameview_lockstep) { static tSegment *old_cursegp=NULL; static int old_curside=-1; if (old_cursegp!=Cursegp || old_curside!=Curside) { SetPlayerFromCursegMinusOne(); old_cursegp = Cursegp; old_curside = Curside; } } if ( ui_get_idleSeconds() > COMPRESS_INTERVAL ) { med_compress_mine(); ui_reset_idleSeconds(); } // Commented out because it occupies about 25% of time in twirling the mine. // Removes some Asserts.... // med_check_all_vertices(); clear_editor_status(); // if enough time elapsed, clear editor status message TimedAutosave(mine_filename); set_editorTime_of_day(); GrSetCurrentCanvas( GameViewBox->canvas ); // Remove keys used for slew switch(last_keypress) { case KEY_PAD9: case KEY_PAD7: case KEY_PADPLUS: case KEY_PADMINUS: case KEY_PAD8: case KEY_PAD2: case KEY_LBRACKET: case KEY_RBRACKET: case KEY_PAD1: case KEY_PAD3: case KEY_PAD6: case KEY_PAD4: last_keypress = 0; } if ((last_keypress&0xff)==KEY_LSHIFT) last_keypress=0; if ((last_keypress&0xff)==KEY_RSHIFT) last_keypress=0; if ((last_keypress&0xff)==KEY_LCTRL) last_keypress=0; if ((last_keypress&0xff)==KEY_RCTRL) last_keypress=0; // if ((last_keypress&0xff)==KEY_LALT) last_keypress=0; // if ((last_keypress&0xff)==KEY_RALT) last_keypress=0; GrSetCurFont(editor_font); menubar_do( last_keypress ); //=================== DO FUNCTIONS ==================== if ( KeyFunction[ last_keypress ] != NULL ) { KeyFunction[last_keypress](); last_keypress = 0; } switch (last_keypress) { case 0: case KEY_Z: case KEY_G: case KEY_LALT: case KEY_RALT: case KEY_LCTRL: case KEY_RCTRL: case KEY_LSHIFT: case KEY_RSHIFT: case KEY_LAPOSTRO: break; case KEY_SHIFTED + KEY_L: ToggleLighting(); break; case KEY_F1: render_3d_in_big_window = !render_3d_in_big_window; UpdateFlags |= UF_ALL; break; default: { char kdesc[100]; GetKeyDescription( kdesc, last_keypress ); editor_status("Error: %s isn't bound to anything.", kdesc ); } } //================================================================ if (ModeFlag==1) { close_editor_screen();; GrFreeBitmap( savedbitmap ); break; } if (ModeFlag==2) //-- && MacroStatus==UI_STATUS_NORMAL ) { ui_mouse_hide(); = FMODE_GAME; GrBmUBitBlt( w, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, savedbitmap, &GameViewBox->canvas->cvBitmap); GrFreeBitmap( savedbitmap ); break; } if (ModeFlag==3) //-- && MacroStatus==UI_STATUS_NORMAL ) { // med_compress_mine(); //will be called anyways before game. close_editor_screen();; //force back into game SetScreenMode(SCREEN_GAME); //put up game screen GrFreeBitmap( savedbitmap ); break; } // if (CurWindow->keyboard_focus_gadget == (UI_GADGET *)GameViewBox) currentView=NULL; // if (CurWindow->keyboard_focus_gadget == (UI_GADGET *)GroupViewBox) currentView=NULL; new_cv = currentView ; #if ORTHO_VIEWS if (CurWindow->keyboard_focus_gadget == (UI_GADGET *)LargeViewBox) new_cv=&LargeView; if (CurWindow->keyboard_focus_gadget == (UI_GADGET *)TopViewBox) new_cv=&TopView; if (CurWindow->keyboard_focus_gadget == (UI_GADGET *)FrontViewBox) new_cv=&FrontView; if (CurWindow->keyboard_focus_gadget == (UI_GADGET *)RightViewBox) new_cv=&RightView; #endif if (new_cv != currentView ) { currentView->ev_changed = 1; new_cv->ev_changed = 1; currentView = new_cv; } CalcFrameTime(); if (slew_frame(0)) { //do movement and check keys UpdateFlags |= UF_GAME_VIEW_CHANGED; if (Gameview_lockstep) { Cursegp = &gameData.segs.segments[gameData.objs.console->nSegment]; med_create_new_segment_from_cursegp(); UpdateFlags |= UF_ED_STATE_CHANGED; } } // DO TEXTURE STUFF texpage_do(); objpage_do(); // Process selection of Cursegp using mouse. if (LargeViewBox->mouse_onme && LargeViewBox->b1_clicked && !render_3d_in_big_window) { int xcrd,ycrd; xcrd = LargeViewBox->b1_drag_x1; ycrd = LargeViewBox->b1_drag_y1; find_segments(xcrd,ycrd,LargeViewBox->canvas,&LargeView,Cursegp,Big_depth); // Sets globals N_found_segs, Found_segs // If shift is down, then add tSegment to found list if (gameStates.input.keys.pressed[ KEY_LSHIFT ] || gameStates.input.keys.pressed[ KEY_RSHIFT ]) subtract_found_segments_from_selected_list(); else add_found_segments_to_selected_list(); Found_seg_index = 0; if (N_found_segs > 0) { sort_seg_list(N_found_segs,Found_segs,&gameData.objs.console->position.vPos); Cursegp = &gameData.segs.segments[Found_segs[0]]; med_create_new_segment_from_cursegp(); if (LockView_to_cursegp) setView_target_from_segment(Cursegp); } UpdateFlags |= UF_ED_STATE_CHANGED | UF_VIEWPOINT_MOVED; } if (GameViewBox->mouse_onme && GameViewBox->b1_dragging) { int x, y; x = GameViewBox->b1_drag_x2; y = GameViewBox->b1_drag_y2; ui_mouse_hide(); GrSetCurrentCanvas( GameViewBox->canvas ); GrSetColor( 15 ); GrRect( x-1, y-1, x+1, y+1 ); ui_mouse_show(); } // Set current tSegment and tSide by clicking on a polygon in game window. // If ctrl pressed, also assign current texture map to that tSide. //if (GameViewBox->mouse_onme && (GameViewBox->b1_done_dragging || GameViewBox->b1_clicked)) { if ((GameViewBox->mouse_onme && GameViewBox->b1_clicked && !render_3d_in_big_window) || (LargeViewBox->mouse_onme && LargeViewBox->b1_clicked && render_3d_in_big_window)) { int xcrd,ycrd; int seg,tSide,face,poly,tmap; if (render_3d_in_big_window) { xcrd = LargeViewBox->b1_drag_x1; ycrd = LargeViewBox->b1_drag_y1; } else { xcrd = GameViewBox->b1_drag_x1; ycrd = GameViewBox->b1_drag_y1; } //Int3(); if (FindSegSideFace(xcrd,ycrd,&seg,&tSide,&face,&poly)) { if (seg<0) { //found an tObject CurObject_index = -seg-1; editor_status("Object %d selected.",CurObject_index); UpdateFlags |= UF_ED_STATE_CHANGED; } else { // See if either shift key is down and, if so, assign texture map if (gameStates.input.keys.pressed[KEY_LSHIFT] || gameStates.input.keys.pressed[KEY_RSHIFT]) { Cursegp = &gameData.segs.segments[seg]; Curside = tSide; AssignTexture(); med_create_new_segment_from_cursegp(); editor_status("Texture assigned"); } else if (gameStates.input.keys.pressed[KEY_G]) { tmap = gameData.segs.segments[seg].sides[tSide].nBaseTex; texpage_grab_current(tmap); editor_status( "Texture grabbed." ); } else if (gameStates.input.keys.pressed[ KEY_LAPOSTRO] ) { ui_mouse_hide(); moveObject_to_mouse_click(); } else { Cursegp = &gameData.segs.segments[seg]; Curside = tSide; med_create_new_segment_from_cursegp(); editor_status("Curseg and curside selected"); } } UpdateFlags |= UF_ED_STATE_CHANGED; } else editor_status("Click on non-texture ingored"); } // Allow specification of LargeView using mouse if (gameStates.input.keys.pressed[ KEY_LCTRL ] || gameStates.input.keys.pressed[ KEY_RCTRL ]) { ui_mouse_hide(); if ( (Mouse.dx!=0) && (Mouse.dy!=0) ) { GetMouseRotation( Mouse.dx, Mouse.dy, &MouseRotMat ); VmMatMul(&tempm,&LargeView.ev_matrix,&MouseRotMat); LargeView.ev_matrix = tempm; LargeView.ev_changed = 1; LargeView_index = -1; // say not one of the orthogonal views } } else { ui_mouse_show(); } if ( gameStates.input.keys.pressed[ KEY_Z ] ) { ui_mouse_hide(); if ( Mouse.dy!=0 ) { currentView->evDist += Mouse.dy*10000; currentView->ev_changed = 1; } } else { ui_mouse_show(); } } // _MARK_("end of editor");//Nuked to compile -KRB ClearWarnFunc(med_show_warning); //kill our camera tObject gameData.objs.viewer = gameData.objs.console; //reset viewer //@@ReleaseObject(camera_objnum); padnum = ui_pad_get_current(); close_editor(); ui_close(); }
// Handler for the main editor dialog int editor_handler(UI_DIALOG *dlg, d_event *event, void *data) { editor_view *new_cv; int keypress = 0; int rval = 0; if (event->type == EVENT_KEY_COMMAND) keypress = event_key_get(event); else if (event->type == EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE) { close_editor(); EditorWindow = NULL; return 0; } // Update the windows if (event->type == EVENT_UI_DIALOG_DRAW) { gr_set_curfont(editor_font); // Draw status box gr_set_current_canvas( NULL ); gr_setcolor( CGREY ); gr_rect(STATUS_X,STATUS_Y,STATUS_X+STATUS_W-1,STATUS_Y+STATUS_H-1); //0, 582, 799, 599 ); medlisp_update_screen(); calc_frame_time(); texpage_do(event); objpage_do(event); ui_pad_draw(EditorWindow, PAD_X, PAD_Y); print_status_bar(status_line); TimedAutosave(mine_filename); // shows the time, hence here set_editor_time_of_day(); return 1; } if ((selected_gadget == (UI_GADGET *)GameViewBox && !render_3d_in_big_window) || (selected_gadget == (UI_GADGET *)LargeViewBox && render_3d_in_big_window)) switch (event->type) { case EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP: case EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN: break; case EVENT_MOUSE_MOVED: if (!keyd_pressed[ KEY_LCTRL ] && !keyd_pressed[ KEY_RCTRL ]) break; case EVENT_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_UP: case EVENT_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_DOWN: case EVENT_JOYSTICK_MOVED: case EVENT_KEY_COMMAND: case EVENT_KEY_RELEASE: case EVENT_IDLE: kconfig_read_controls(event, 1); if (slew_frame(0)) { //do movement and check keys Update_flags |= UF_GAME_VIEW_CHANGED; if (Gameview_lockstep) { Cursegp = &Segments[ConsoleObject->segnum]; med_create_new_segment_from_cursegp(); Update_flags |= UF_ED_STATE_CHANGED; } rval = 1; } break; default: break; } //do non-essential stuff in idle event if (event->type == EVENT_IDLE) { check_wall_validity(); Assert(Num_walls>=0); if (Gameview_lockstep) { static segment *old_cursegp=NULL; static int old_curside=-1; if (old_cursegp!=Cursegp || old_curside!=Curside) { SetPlayerFromCursegMinusOne(); old_cursegp = Cursegp; old_curside = Curside; } } if ( event_get_idle_seconds() > COMPRESS_INTERVAL ) { med_compress_mine(); event_reset_idle_seconds(); } // Commented out because it occupies about 25% of time in twirling the mine. // Removes some Asserts.... // med_check_all_vertices(); clear_editor_status(); // if enough time elapsed, clear editor status message } gr_set_current_canvas( GameViewBox->canvas ); // Remove keys used for slew switch(keypress) { case KEY_PAD9: case KEY_PAD7: case KEY_PADPLUS: case KEY_PADMINUS: case KEY_PAD8: case KEY_PAD2: case KEY_LBRACKET: case KEY_RBRACKET: case KEY_PAD1: case KEY_PAD3: case KEY_PAD6: case KEY_PAD4: keypress = 0; } if ((keypress&0xff)==KEY_LSHIFT) keypress=0; if ((keypress&0xff)==KEY_RSHIFT) keypress=0; if ((keypress&0xff)==KEY_LCTRL) keypress=0; if ((keypress&0xff)==KEY_RCTRL) keypress=0; // if ((keypress&0xff)==KEY_LALT) keypress=0; // if ((keypress&0xff)==KEY_RALT) keypress=0; //=================== DO FUNCTIONS ==================== if ( KeyFunction[ keypress ] != NULL ) { KeyFunction[keypress](); keypress = 0; rval = 1; } switch (keypress) { case 0: case KEY_Z: case KEY_G: case KEY_LALT: case KEY_RALT: case KEY_LCTRL: case KEY_RCTRL: case KEY_LSHIFT: case KEY_RSHIFT: case KEY_LAPOSTRO: break; case KEY_SHIFTED + KEY_L: ToggleLighting(); rval = 1; break; case KEY_F1: render_3d_in_big_window = !render_3d_in_big_window; Update_flags |= UF_ALL; rval = 1; break; default: if (!rval) { char kdesc[100]; GetKeyDescription( kdesc, keypress ); editor_status_fmt("Error: %s isn't bound to anything.", kdesc ); } } //================================================================ if (ModeFlag) { ui_close_dialog(EditorWindow); return 0; } // if (EditorWindow->keyboard_focus_gadget == (UI_GADGET *)GameViewBox) current_view=NULL; // if (EditorWindow->keyboard_focus_gadget == (UI_GADGET *)GroupViewBox) current_view=NULL; new_cv = current_view; #if ORTHO_VIEWS if (EditorWindow->keyboard_focus_gadget == (UI_GADGET *)LargeViewBox) new_cv=&LargeView; if (EditorWindow->keyboard_focus_gadget == (UI_GADGET *)TopViewBox) new_cv=&TopView; if (EditorWindow->keyboard_focus_gadget == (UI_GADGET *)FrontViewBox) new_cv=&FrontView; if (EditorWindow->keyboard_focus_gadget == (UI_GADGET *)RightViewBox) new_cv=&RightView; #endif if (new_cv != current_view ) { current_view->ev_changed = 1; new_cv->ev_changed = 1; current_view = new_cv; } // DO TEXTURE STUFF if (texpage_do(event)) rval = 1; if (objpage_do(event)) rval = 1; // Process selection of Cursegp using mouse. if (GADGET_PRESSED(LargeViewBox) && !render_3d_in_big_window) { int xcrd,ycrd; xcrd = LargeViewBox->b1_drag_x1; ycrd = LargeViewBox->b1_drag_y1; find_segments(xcrd,ycrd,LargeViewBox->canvas,&LargeView,Cursegp,Big_depth); // Sets globals N_found_segs, Found_segs // If shift is down, then add segment to found list if (keyd_pressed[ KEY_LSHIFT ] || keyd_pressed[ KEY_RSHIFT ]) subtract_found_segments_from_selected_list(); else add_found_segments_to_selected_list(); Found_seg_index = 0; if (N_found_segs > 0) { sort_seg_list(N_found_segs,Found_segs,&ConsoleObject->pos); Cursegp = &Segments[Found_segs[0]]; med_create_new_segment_from_cursegp(); if (Lock_view_to_cursegp) set_view_target_from_segment(Cursegp); } Update_flags |= UF_ED_STATE_CHANGED | UF_VIEWPOINT_MOVED; } if ((event->type == EVENT_UI_USERBOX_DRAGGED) && (ui_event_get_gadget(event) == (UI_GADGET *)GameViewBox)) { int x, y; x = GameViewBox->b1_drag_x2; y = GameViewBox->b1_drag_y2; gr_set_current_canvas( GameViewBox->canvas ); gr_setcolor( 15 ); gr_rect( x-1, y-1, x+1, y+1 ); } // Set current segment and side by clicking on a polygon in game window. // If ctrl pressed, also assign current texture map to that side. //if (GameViewBox->mouse_onme && (GameViewBox->b1_done_dragging || GameViewBox->b1_clicked)) { if ((GADGET_PRESSED(GameViewBox) && !render_3d_in_big_window) || (GADGET_PRESSED(LargeViewBox) && render_3d_in_big_window)) { int xcrd,ycrd; int seg,side,face,poly,tmap; if (render_3d_in_big_window) { xcrd = LargeViewBox->b1_drag_x1; ycrd = LargeViewBox->b1_drag_y1; } else { xcrd = GameViewBox->b1_drag_x1; ycrd = GameViewBox->b1_drag_y1; } //Int3(); if (find_seg_side_face(xcrd,ycrd,&seg,&side,&face,&poly)) { if (seg<0) { //found an object Cur_object_index = -seg-1; editor_status_fmt("Object %d selected.",Cur_object_index); Update_flags |= UF_ED_STATE_CHANGED; } else { // See if either shift key is down and, if so, assign texture map if (keyd_pressed[KEY_LSHIFT] || keyd_pressed[KEY_RSHIFT]) { Cursegp = &Segments[seg]; Curside = side; AssignTexture(); med_create_new_segment_from_cursegp(); editor_status("Texture assigned"); } else if (keyd_pressed[KEY_G]) { tmap = Segments[seg].sides[side].tmap_num; texpage_grab_current(tmap); editor_status( "Texture grabbed." ); } else if (keyd_pressed[ KEY_LAPOSTRO] ) { move_object_to_mouse_click(); } else { Cursegp = &Segments[seg]; Curside = side; med_create_new_segment_from_cursegp(); editor_status("Curseg and curside selected"); } } Update_flags |= UF_ED_STATE_CHANGED; } else editor_status("Click on non-texture ingored"); } // Allow specification of LargeView using mouse if (event->type == EVENT_MOUSE_MOVED && (keyd_pressed[ KEY_LCTRL ] || keyd_pressed[ KEY_RCTRL ])) { int dx, dy, dz; event_mouse_get_delta(event, &dx, &dy, &dz); if ((dx != 0) && (dy != 0)) { vms_matrix MouseRotMat,tempm; GetMouseRotation( dx, dy, &MouseRotMat ); vm_matrix_x_matrix(&tempm,&LargeView.ev_matrix,&MouseRotMat); LargeView.ev_matrix = tempm; LargeView.ev_changed = 1; Large_view_index = -1; // say not one of the orthogonal views rval = 1; } } if (event->type == EVENT_MOUSE_MOVED) { int dx, dy, dz; event_mouse_get_delta(event, &dx, &dy, &dz); if (dz != 0) { current_view->ev_dist += dz*10000; current_view->ev_changed = 1; } } return rval; }
void KeyboardHandler (unsigned char cKey, int iX, int iY) // keyboard input handling function { switch (cKey) { case 'p' : case 'P' : bPause = !bPause ; break ; #ifdef _DEBUG case 'm' : // toggle filling case 'M' : ToggleFilling(!bFilling) ; break ; case 'n' : // toggle lighting case 'N' : ToggleLighting(!bLighting) ; break ; #endif case 'i' : case 'I' : InitCamera(10) ; break ; case 'a' : case 'A' : bAutofire = !bAutofire ; break ; case ' ' : if (!bExplode && !bPause) FireShot(&Player, pPlayerShots) ; break ; case 'w' : case 'W' : fCameraAngle[0] += 10 ; break ; case 'x' : case 'X' : fCameraAngle[0] -= 10 ; break ; case 's' : case 'S' : fCameraAngle[2] += 10 ; break ; case 'd' : case 'D' : fCameraAngle[2] -= 10 ; break ; case 'r' : case 'R' : iScore = 0 ; bExplode = !bExplode ; iCount = 0 ; break ; case 'c' : case 'C' : bRotate = !bRotate ; break ; case 'q' : // quit program case 'Q' : ClearEntitys(pPlayerShots) ; ClearEntitys(pEnemyShots) ; ClearEntitys(pStars) ; ClearEntitys(pPlanets) ; Particles.Clear(true) ; exit(0) ; break ; } }
void KeyboardHandler (unsigned char cKey, int iX, int iY) // keyboard input handling function { GLfloat fRadians ; switch (cKey) { case 'p' : // toggle pause case 'P' : bPause = !bPause ; break ; case '/' : // toggle filling case '?' : ToggleFilling(!bFilling) ; break ; case '.' : // toggle lighting case '>' : ToggleLighting(!bLighting) ; break ; case 'g' : // toggle fullscreen case 'G' : ToggleFullscreen(!bFullscreen) ; break ; case 'i' : // set initial position and velocity case 'I' : InitCamera() ; ptVelocity = 0.0 ; break ; case 'f' : // move forward case 'F' : ptVelocity = 0.0 ; fRadians = fPlaneOrientation[1] * 3.1415 / 180.0 ; fCameraX += sin(fRadians) ; fCameraZ += cos(fRadians) ; fRadians = fPlaneOrientation[0] * 3.1415 / 180.0 ; if (fCameraY + sin(fRadians) > 3) fCameraY += sin(fRadians) ; break ; case 'a' : // decrease velocity case 'A' : fPlaneOrientation[2] -= 10.0 ; break ; case 'd' : // increase velocity case 'D' : fPlaneOrientation[2] += 10.0 ; break ; case 'o' : // toggle time of day case 'O' : bTime = !bTime ; break ; case 'w' : // increase velocity case 'W' : ptVelocity.dVal[2] += 2 ; break ; case 's' : // decrease velocity case 'S' : ptVelocity.dVal[2] -= 2 ; break ; case 'c' : // toggle cockpit case 'C' : bCockpit = !bCockpit ; break ; case 'q' : // quit program case 'Q' : CleanObjects() ; exit(0) ; break ; } }