コード例 #1
bool FLocalTitleFile::ReadFile(const FString& DLName)
	const TArray< uint8 >* ExistingFileContents = DLNameToFileContents.Find(DLName);

	if (ExistingFileContents != nullptr)
		TriggerOnReadFileCompleteDelegates(true, DLName);

		return true;

	const FString FileName = GetFileNameFromDLName(DLName);

	TArray<uint8> FileContents;

	if (!FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(FileContents, *(RootDirectory + FileName)))
		TriggerOnReadFileCompleteDelegates(false, DLName);

		return false;

	DLNameToFileContents.Add(DLName, FileContents);
	TriggerOnReadFileCompleteDelegates(true, DLName);

	return true;
コード例 #2
void FSurveyTitleCdnStorage::ReadFile_HttpRequestComplete(FHttpRequestPtr HttpRequest, FHttpResponsePtr HttpResponse, bool bSucceeded)
	bool bResult = false;
	FString ResponseStr, ErrorStr;

	// should have a pending Http request
	FPendingFileRequest PendingRequest = FileRequests.FindChecked(HttpRequest.Get());

	// Cloud file being operated on
	FCloudFile* CloudFile = GetCloudFile(PendingRequest.FileName, true);
	CloudFile->AsyncState = EOnlineAsyncTaskState::Failed;
	if (bSucceeded && 
		if (EHttpResponseCodes::IsOk(HttpResponse->GetResponseCode()))

			UE_LOG(LogEpicSurvey, Verbose, TEXT("ReadFile request complete. url=%s code=%d"), 
				*HttpRequest->GetURL(), HttpResponse->GetResponseCode());

			// update the memory copy of the file with data that was just downloaded
			CloudFile = GetCloudFile(PendingRequest.FileName, true);
			CloudFile->AsyncState = EOnlineAsyncTaskState::Done;
			CloudFile->Data = HttpResponse->GetContent();

			// cache to disk on successful download

			bResult = true;
			ErrorStr = FString::Printf(TEXT("Invalid response. code=%d error=%s"),
				HttpResponse->GetResponseCode(), *HttpResponse->GetContentAsString());
		ErrorStr = TEXT("No response");
	if (!ErrorStr.IsEmpty())
		UE_LOG(LogEpicSurvey, Verbose, TEXT("ReadFile request failed. %s"), *ErrorStr);

	TriggerOnReadFileCompleteDelegates(bResult, PendingRequest.FileName);
コード例 #3
bool FCdnNewsFeedTitleFile::ReadFile(const FString& FileName) 
	FString ErrorStr;

	// Make sure valid filename was specified
	if (FileName.IsEmpty() || FileName.Contains(TEXT(" ")))
		ErrorStr = FString::Printf(TEXT("Invalid filename filename=%s"), *FileName);
	// Make sure a file request for this file is not currently pending
	for (TMap<IHttpRequest*, FPendingFileRequest>::TConstIterator It(FileRequests); It; ++It)
		if (It.Value() == FPendingFileRequest(FileName))
			ErrorStr = FString::Printf(TEXT("File request already pending for filename=%s"), *FileName);
	if (!ErrorStr.IsEmpty())
		UE_LOG(LogEpicStorage, Warning, TEXT("ReadFile request failed. %s"), *ErrorStr);
		TriggerOnReadFileCompleteDelegates(false, FileName);
		return false;

	// Mark file entry as in progress
	FCloudFile* CloudFile = GetCloudFile(FileName, true);
	CloudFile->AsyncState = EOnlineAsyncTaskState::InProgress;

	// load file from disk		
	FString LocalFilePath = GetLocalFilePath(FileName);
	bool bLoadedFile = FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(CloudFile->Data, *LocalFilePath, FILEREAD_Silent);
	if (bLoadedFile)
		UE_LOG(LogEpicStorage, Verbose, TEXT("ReadFile request. Local file read from cache =%s"), 

		//@todo samz - move reading/hashing of local file to async task

		// verify hash of file if it exists
		FCloudFileHeader* CloudFileHeader = GetCloudFileHeader( FileName);
		if (CloudFileHeader != NULL &&
			uint8 LocalHash[20];
			FSHA1::HashBuffer(CloudFile->Data.GetData(), CloudFile->Data.Num(), LocalHash);
			// concatenate 20 bye SHA1 hash to string
			FString LocalHashStr;
			for (int Idx=0; Idx < 20; Idx++)
				LocalHashStr += FString::Printf(TEXT("%02x"),LocalHash[Idx]);
			// if hash matches then just use the local file
			if (CloudFileHeader->Hash == LocalHashStr)
				UE_LOG(LogEpicStorage, Verbose, TEXT("Local file hash matches cloud header. No need to download for filename=%s"),  *FileName);

				CloudFile->AsyncState = EOnlineAsyncTaskState::Done;
				TriggerOnReadFileCompleteDelegates(true, FileName);
				return true;
		UE_LOG(LogEpicStorage, Verbose, TEXT("ReadFile request. Local file failed to read from cache =%s"), 
	// Empty local that was loaded

	// Create the Http request and add to pending request list
	TSharedRef<class IHttpRequest> HttpRequest = FHttpModule::Get().CreateRequest();
	FileRequests.Add(&HttpRequest.Get(), FPendingFileRequest(FileName));

	HttpRequest->OnProcessRequestComplete().BindThreadSafeSP(this, &FCdnNewsFeedTitleFile::ReadFile_HttpRequestComplete);
	HttpRequest->SetURL( FileName );

	return HttpRequest->ProcessRequest();