コード例 #1
ファイル: CvPlayerAI.cpp プロジェクト: Be1eriand/Civ5-DLL
CvPlot* CvPlayerAI::FindBestMerchantTargetPlot(CvUnit* pGreatMerchant, bool bOnlySafePaths)
	CvAssertMsg(pGreatMerchant, "pGreatMerchant is null");
		return NULL;

	int iBestTurnsToReach = MAX_INT;
	CvPlot* pBestTargetPlot = NULL;
	int iPathTurns;
	UnitHandle pMerchant = UnitHandle(pGreatMerchant);
	CvTeam& kTeam = GET_TEAM(getTeam());

	// Loop through each city state
	for(int iI = 0; iI < MAX_PLAYERS; iI++)
		CvPlayer& kPlayer = GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)iI);
			CvPlot* pCSPlot = kPlayer.getStartingPlot();
					// Is this a minor we are friendly with?
					if(GetDiplomacyAI()->GetMinorCivApproach(kPlayer.GetID()) != MINOR_CIV_APPROACH_CONQUEST &&
					        !kTeam.isAtWar(kPlayer.getTeam()) && GetDiplomacyAI()->GetWarGoal(kPlayer.GetID()) == NO_WAR_GOAL_TYPE)
						// Search all the plots adjacent to this city (since can't enter the minor city plot itself)
						for(int jJ = 0; jJ < NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; jJ++)
							CvPlot* pAdjacentPlot = plotDirection(pCSPlot->getX(), pCSPlot->getY(), ((DirectionTypes)jJ));
							if(pAdjacentPlot != NULL)
								// Make sure this is still owned by the city state and is revealed to us and isn't a water tile
								if(pAdjacentPlot->getOwner() == (PlayerTypes)iI && pAdjacentPlot->isRevealed(getTeam())
								        && !pAdjacentPlot->isWater())
									iPathTurns = TurnsToReachTarget(pMerchant, pAdjacentPlot, true /*bReusePaths*/, !bOnlySafePaths/*bIgnoreUnits*/);
									if(iPathTurns < iBestTurnsToReach)
										iBestTurnsToReach = iPathTurns;
										pBestTargetPlot = pAdjacentPlot;

	return pBestTargetPlot;
コード例 #2
/// Recalculate when each unit will arrive on target
void CvArmyAI::UpdateCheckpointTurns()
	for(unsigned int iI = 0; iI < m_FormationEntries.size(); iI++)
		// No reestimate for units being built
		if(m_FormationEntries[iI].GetUnitID() != ARMY_NO_UNIT)
			CvUnit* pUnit = GET_PLAYER(m_eOwner).getUnit(m_FormationEntries[iI].GetUnitID());
			CvPlot* pMusterPlot = GC.getMap().plot(GetX(), GetY());
			if(pUnit && pMusterPlot)
				int iTurnsToReachCheckpoint = TurnsToReachTarget(pUnit, pMusterPlot, true /*bReusePaths*/, true, true);
				if(iTurnsToReachCheckpoint < MAX_INT)
					SetEstimatedTurn(iI, iTurnsToReachCheckpoint);
コード例 #3
/// Add a unit to our army (and we know which slot)
void CvArmyAI::AddUnit(int iUnitID, int iSlotNum)
	CvAssertMsg(iUnitID != ARMY_NO_UNIT,"Expect unit to be non-NULL");

	CvPlayer& thisPlayer = GET_PLAYER(m_eOwner);
	UnitHandle pThisUnit = thisPlayer.getUnit(iUnitID);

	// remove this unit from an army if it is already in one
	thisPlayer.removeFromArmy(pThisUnit->getArmyID(), GetID());


	// Finally, compute when we think this unit will arrive at the next checkpoint
	CvPlot* pMusterPlot = GC.getMap().plot(GetX(), GetY());
		int iTurnsToReachCheckpoint = TurnsToReachTarget(pThisUnit, pMusterPlot, true /*bReusePaths*/, true, true);
		if(iTurnsToReachCheckpoint < MAX_INT)
			SetEstimatedTurn(iSlotNum, iTurnsToReachCheckpoint);
コード例 #4
ファイル: CvPlayerAI.cpp プロジェクト: GrantSP/Civ5-DLL
CvPlot* CvPlayerAI::FindBestMusicianTargetPlot(CvUnit* pGreatMusician, bool bOnlySafePaths)
	CvAssertMsg(pGreatMusician, "pGreatMusician is null");
		return NULL;

	int iBestTurnsToReach = MAX_INT;
	CvPlot* pBestTargetPlot = NULL;
	CvCity* pBestTargetCity = NULL;
	int iPathTurns;
	UnitHandle pMusician = UnitHandle(pGreatMusician);

	// Find target civ
	PlayerTypes eTargetPlayer = GetCulture()->GetCivLowestInfluence(true /*bCheckOpenBorders*/);
	if (eTargetPlayer == NO_PLAYER)
		return NULL;

	CvPlayer &kTargetPlayer = GET_PLAYER(eTargetPlayer);

	// Loop through each of that player's cities
	int iLoop;
	CvCity *pLoopCity;
	for(pLoopCity = kTargetPlayer.firstCity(&iLoop); pLoopCity != NULL; pLoopCity = kTargetPlayer.nextCity(&iLoop))
		// Search all the plots adjacent to this city
		for(int jJ = 0; jJ < NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; jJ++)
			CvPlot* pAdjacentPlot = plotDirection(pLoopCity->getX(), pLoopCity->getY(), ((DirectionTypes)jJ));
			if(pAdjacentPlot != NULL)
				// Make sure this is still owned by target and is revealed to us
				bool bRightOwner = (pAdjacentPlot->getOwner() == eTargetPlayer);
				bool bIsRevealed = pAdjacentPlot->isRevealed(getTeam());
				if(bRightOwner && bIsRevealed)
					iPathTurns = TurnsToReachTarget(pMusician, pAdjacentPlot, true /*bReusePaths*/, !bOnlySafePaths/*bIgnoreUnits*/);
					if(iPathTurns < iBestTurnsToReach)
						iBestTurnsToReach = iPathTurns;
						pBestTargetCity = pLoopCity;

	// Found a city now look at ALL the plots owned by that player near that city
	if (pBestTargetCity)
		iBestTurnsToReach = MAX_INT;
		CvPlot *pLoopPlot;
		for(int iJ = 0; iJ < NUM_CITY_PLOTS; iJ++)
			pLoopPlot = plotCity(pBestTargetCity->getX(), pBestTargetCity->getY(), iJ);
			if(pLoopPlot != NULL)
				// Make sure this is still owned by target and is revealed to us
				bool bRightOwner = (pLoopPlot->getOwner() == eTargetPlayer);
				bool bIsRevealed = pLoopPlot->isRevealed(getTeam());
				if(bRightOwner && bIsRevealed)
					iPathTurns = TurnsToReachTarget(pMusician, pLoopPlot, true /*bReusePaths*/, !bOnlySafePaths/*bIgnoreUnits*/);
					if(iPathTurns < iBestTurnsToReach)
						iBestTurnsToReach = iPathTurns;
						pBestTargetPlot = pLoopPlot;

	return pBestTargetPlot;
コード例 #5
ファイル: CvPlayerAI.cpp プロジェクト: GrantSP/Civ5-DLL
CvPlot* CvPlayerAI::FindBestMerchantTargetPlot(CvUnit* pGreatMerchant, bool bOnlySafePaths)
	CvAssertMsg(pGreatMerchant, "pGreatMerchant is null");
		return NULL;

	int iBestTurnsToReach = MAX_INT;
	CvPlot* pBestTargetPlot = NULL;
	int iPathTurns;
	UnitHandle pMerchant = UnitHandle(pGreatMerchant);
	CvTeam& kTeam = GET_TEAM(getTeam());

	//bool bIsVenice = GetPlayerTraits()->IsNoAnnexing();
	//bool bWantsCash = GreatMerchantWantsCash();

	// Loop through each city state
	for(int iI = 0; iI < MAX_PLAYERS; iI++)
		CvPlayer& kPlayer = GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)iI);
		if (!kPlayer.isMinorCiv())

		// if I'm Venice, I don't want to send a Merchant of Venice to a buy a city that I have trade routes 
		// with because it's probably more valuable as a trade partner than as an owned entity
		//if (!bWantsCash)
		//	if (bIsVenice)
		//	{
		//		if (GetTrade()->IsConnectedToPlayer(kPlayer.GetID()))
		//		{
		//			continue;
		//		}
		//	}

		CvPlot* pCSPlot = kPlayer.getStartingPlot();
		if (!pCSPlot)

		if (!pCSPlot->isRevealed(getTeam()))

		// Is this a minor we are friendly with?
		bool bMinorCivApproachIsCorrect = (GetDiplomacyAI()->GetMinorCivApproach(kPlayer.GetID()) != MINOR_CIV_APPROACH_CONQUEST);
		bool bNotAtWar = !kTeam.isAtWar(kPlayer.getTeam());
		bool bNotPlanningAWar = GetDiplomacyAI()->GetWarGoal(kPlayer.GetID()) == NO_WAR_GOAL_TYPE;

		if(bMinorCivApproachIsCorrect && bNotAtWar && bNotPlanningAWar)
			// Search all the plots adjacent to this city (since can't enter the minor city plot itself)
			for(int jJ = 0; jJ < NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; jJ++)
				CvPlot* pAdjacentPlot = plotDirection(pCSPlot->getX(), pCSPlot->getY(), ((DirectionTypes)jJ));
				if(pAdjacentPlot != NULL)
					// Make sure this is still owned by the city state and is revealed to us and isn't a water tile
					//if(pAdjacentPlot->getOwner() == (PlayerTypes)iI && pAdjacentPlot->isRevealed(getTeam()) && !pAdjacentPlot->isWater())
					bool bRightOwner = (pAdjacentPlot->getOwner() == (PlayerTypes)iI);
					bool bIsRevealed = pAdjacentPlot->isRevealed(getTeam());
					if(bRightOwner && bIsRevealed)
						iPathTurns = TurnsToReachTarget(pMerchant, pAdjacentPlot, true /*bReusePaths*/, !bOnlySafePaths/*bIgnoreUnits*/);
						if(iPathTurns < iBestTurnsToReach)
							iBestTurnsToReach = iPathTurns;
							pBestTargetPlot = pAdjacentPlot;

	return pBestTargetPlot;
コード例 #6
// Indicate the plots we might want to move to that the enemy can attack
void CvTacticalAnalysisMap::MarkCellsNearEnemy()
	int iDistance;

	// Look at every cell on the map
	for(int iI = 0; iI < GC.getMap().numPlots(); iI++)
		bool bMarkedIt = false;   // Set true once we've found one that enemy can move past (worst case)

		CvPlot* pPlot = GC.getMap().plotByIndexUnchecked(iI);
		if(m_pPlots[iI].IsRevealed() && !m_pPlots[iI].IsImpassableTerrain() && !m_pPlots[iI].IsImpassableTerritory())
			// Friendly cities always safe
					for(unsigned int iUnitIndex = 0;  iUnitIndex < m_EnemyUnits.size() && !bMarkedIt; iUnitIndex++)
						CvUnit* pUnit = m_EnemyUnits[iUnitIndex];
						if(pUnit->getArea() == pPlot->getArea())
							// Distance check before hitting pathfinder
							iDistance = plotDistance(pUnit->getX(), pUnit->getY(), pPlot->getX(), pPlot->getY());
							if(iDistance == 0)
								bMarkedIt = true;

							// TEMPORARY OPTIMIZATION: Assumes can't use roads or RR
							else if(iDistance <= pUnit->baseMoves())
								int iTurnsToReach;
								iTurnsToReach = TurnsToReachTarget(pUnit, pPlot, true /*bReusePaths*/, true /*bIgnoreUnits*/);	// Its ok to reuse paths because when ignoring units, we don't use the tactical analysis map (which we are building)
								if(iTurnsToReach <= 1)
								if(iTurnsToReach == 0)
									bMarkedIt = true;

					// Check adjacent plots for enemy citadels
						CvPlot* pAdjacentPlot;
						for(int jJ = 0; jJ < NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; jJ++)
							pAdjacentPlot = plotDirection(pPlot->getX(), pPlot->getY(), ((DirectionTypes)jJ));
							if(pAdjacentPlot != NULL && pAdjacentPlot->getOwner() != NO_PLAYER)
								if(atWar(m_pPlayer->getTeam(), GET_PLAYER(pAdjacentPlot->getOwner()).getTeam()))
									ImprovementTypes eImprovement = pAdjacentPlot->getImprovementType();
									if(eImprovement != NO_IMPROVEMENT && GC.getImprovementInfo(eImprovement)->GetNearbyEnemyDamage() > 0)