BOOL InitializeSystem ( void ) { int value; value = SYSTEMConfigWaitStatesAndPB( GetSystemClock() ); // Enable the cache for the best performance CheKseg0CacheOn(); INTEnableSystemMultiVectoredInt(); value = OSCCON; while (!(value & 0x00000020)) { value = OSCCON; // Wait for PLL lock to stabilize } // Init UART UART2Init(); // Set Default demo state DemoState = DEMO_INITIALIZE; if(USBHostIsochronousBuffersCreate(&isocData,2,1024)){ UART2PrintString( "CreateIsochronousBuffers\r\n" ); }else{ UART2PrintString( "Fail:CreateIsochronousBuffers\r\n" ); } return TRUE; } // InitializeSystem
int main() { ADB_FILE_HANDLE f; iPPSInput(IN_FN_PPS_U2RX,IN_PIN_PPS_RP2); //Assign U2RX to pin RP2 (42) iPPSOutput(OUT_PIN_PPS_RP4,OUT_FN_PPS_U2TX); //Assign U2TX to pin RP4 (43) UART2Init(); UART2PrintString("***** Hello from app! *******\r\n"); f = ADBFileRead("/data/data/ioio.manager/files/image.ioio", &FileCallback); UART2PrintString("***** file handle: "); UART2PutHexWord(f); UART2PrintString("*****\r\n"); state = STATE_READ_FILE; while (state == STATE_READ_FILE) { BootloaderTasks(); } // blink LED TRISFbits.TRISF3 = 0; while (1) { long i = 1000L; LATFbits.LATF3 = 0; while (i--); i = 1000000L; LATFbits.LATF3 = 1; while (i--); BootloaderTasks(); } }
/********************************************************************************************************* ** 函数名称: InitAllSP ** 函数功能: 对所有串口进行初始化 ** 入口参数: p_u32U2,p_u32U3,p_u32U5 串口2、3、5波特率 ** 出口参数: 无 ** 函数说明: 初始化网口 *********************************************************************************************************/ void InitAllSP(uint32 p_u32U2, uint32 p_u32U3, uint32 p_u32U5) { UART2Init(p_u32U2); //串口2 UART3Init(p_u32U3); //串口3 UART5Init(p_u32U5); //串口5 UART1_Init(); //串口1波特率为57600 memcpy(&g_sniLocal, (uint8 *)&SETUPALIAS.u32LocalIPAddress, sizeof(NetInfo)-2); InitializeW5100(&g_sniLocal);// }
/****************************************************************************** * Function: void InitializeUSART(void) * * PreCondition: None * * Input: None * * Output: None * * Side Effects: None * * Overview: This routine initializes the UART to 19200 * * Note: * *****************************************************************************/ void InitializeUSART(void) { #if defined(__18CXX) unsigned char c; #if defined(__18F14K50) ANSELHbits.ANS11 = 0; // Make RB5 digital so USART can use pin for Rx #endif UART_TRISRx=1; // RX UART_TRISTx=0; // TX TXSTA = 0x24; // TX enable BRGH=1 RCSTA = 0x90; // Single Character RX SPBRG = 0x71; SPBRGH = 0x02; // 0x0271 for 48MHz -> 19200 baud BAUDCON = 0x08; // BRG16 = 1 c = RCREG; // read #endif #if defined(__C30__) || defined __XC16__ #if defined( __PIC24FJ256GB110__ ) // PPS - Configure U2RX - put on pin 49 (RP10) RPINR19bits.U2RXR = 10; // PPS - Configure U2TX - put on pin 50 (RP17) RPOR8bits.RP17R = 5; #else #error Verify that any required PPPS is done here. #endif UART2Init(); #endif #if defined(__C32__) UART2Init(); #endif }//end InitializeUSART
/** * roombaの通信の初期化 */ void roomba_init (void) { // UARTのポートの割り付け InitUartPort (); // UARTモジュールの初期化 UART2Init (); /* 受信割り込みの許可 */ IEC1bits.U2RXIE=1; /* 送信割り込みの許可 */ IEC1bits.U2TXIE=0; /* 受信割り込みレベルの設定 */ IPC7bits.U2RXIP = 7; /* タイマの初期化 */ timer1_init (); }
/********************************************************************* * Function: void SYSTEM_Initialize( SYSTEM_STATE state ) * * Overview: Initializes the system. * * PreCondition: None * * Input: SYSTEM_STATE - the state to initialize the system into * * Output: None * ********************************************************************/ void SYSTEM_Initialize( SYSTEM_STATE state ) { switch(state) { case SYSTEM_STATE_USB_HOST: //PRINT_SetConfiguration(PRINT_CONFIGURATION_UART); //UART2Init(); //?timijk for DEBUGGING break; case SYSTEM_STATE_USB_HOST_HID_PICKIT: LED_Enable(LED_USB_HOST_HID_PICKIT_DEVICE_READY); //also setup UART here //PRINT_SetConfiguration(PRINT_CONFIGURATION_UART); //timijk 2015.04.11 LCD_CursorEnable(true); UART2Init(); IEC1bits.U2RXIE= 1; //enable RXIE TIMER_SetConfiguration(TIMER_CONFIGURATION_1MS); break; } }
int main (void) { FSFILE * pointer=NULL; DWORD first_sector; BYTE test_array[512]; SearchRec rec; pointer=NULL; unsigned char attributes; unsigned char size = 0, i; PLLFBD =38; CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST=0; CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE=0; __builtin_write_OSCCONH(0b011); __builtin_write_OSCCONL(0b01); while (OSCCONbits.COSC != 0b011); // Wait for Clock switch to occur while(OSCCONbits.LOCK != 1) {}; UART2Init(); printf("starting Integration test\r\n"); //DataEEInit(); int id=0; id=Get_ID_Code(); printf("ID: %u\r\n",id); OFB_init(id); Increment_ID_Code(); #ifdef __DEBUG printf("Clock Switch Complete, Waiting For Media\r\n"); #endif //waits for a card to be inserted while (!MDD_MediaDetect()); #ifdef __DEBUG printf("Media Found, Waiting for FSinit\r\n"); #endif // Initialize the library while (!FSInit()); char filename[9]; sprintf(filename,"%05d.bin",id); // Create a file printf("filename will be: %s\r\n",filename); while(pointer==NULL) { pointer = FSfopen (filename, "w"); } #ifdef __DEBUG printf("File Has been opened\r\n"); #endif while(1) { Service_Spi(pointer); } //printf("stuipd thing"); //TRISD=0x0FF; //setting up pins to show on usb debugger TRISDbits.TRISD6=1; TRISAbits.TRISA7=0; TRISAbits.TRISA6=0; TRISAbits.TRISA5=0; TRISAbits.TRISA4=0; TRISGbits.TRISG0=0; AD1PCFGLbits.PCFG0=1; //LATA=1; //_LATA4=1; //_RA7=1; //_LATA6=1; //_LATA5=1; //_LATA7=1; //printf("they should be on now"); //while(1); //LATAbits.LATA7=0; //TRISB=0xFFFF; //AD1PCFGLbits.PCFG1=1; //Service_Spi(); /*#ifdef __DEBUG printf("Clock Switch Complete, Waiting For Media\r\n"); #endif //waits for a card to be inserted while (!MDD_MediaDetect()); #ifdef __DEBUG printf("Media Found, Waiting for FSinit\r\n"); #endif // Initialize the library while (!FSInit()); char temp; int character_count,remove_success; character_count=0; // Create a file printf("starting up\r\n"); remove_success=FSremove("WRITE.TXT"); printf("Removal of prev: %d\r\n",remove_success); pointer = FSfopen ("WRITE.TXT", "w"); if (pointer == NULL) { #ifdef __DEBUG printf("File open failed\r\n"); #endif while(1); } printf("waiting for operation\r\n"); printf("in file resize_test\r\n"); DWORD sizeinbytes; //need to convert from number of sectors to number of bytes and allocate that much space sizeinbytes=(DWORD)FILESIZE*(DWORD)512; printf("Chew Fat: %lu\r\nChew Fat Sectors: %d\r\n",CHEW_FAT_SIZE,CHEW_FAT_SIZE_IN_SECTORS); //sizeinbytes=3774873*(DWORD)512; //allocate_size(sizeinbytes,pointer,FALSE); //FSfclose(pointer);*/ /*FILEallocate_multiple_clusters(pointer,24); FAT_print_cluster_chain(pointer->cluster, pointer->dsk); FILEallocate_multiple_clusters(pointer,24); FAT_print_cluster_chain(pointer->cluster, pointer->dsk); int numclus,numcount; //DWORD clusttemp; printf("First CLuster in main: %lu\r\n",get_First_Sector(pointer)); for (numclus=0;numclus<48;numclus++) { for(numcount=0;numcount<512;numcount++) { test_array[numcount]=numclus+48; } MDD_SDSPI_SectorWrite(get_First_Sector(pointer)+numclus,test_array,FALSE); }*/ //FILEallocate_multiple_clusters(pointer,24); //FILEallocate_multiple_clusters(pointer,24); //FILEallocate_multiple_clusters(pointer,CHEW_FAT_SIZE_IN_SECTORS); //FSfclose(pointer); //FILEallocate_multiple_clusters(pointer,4096); //FSfclose(pointer); //FILEallocate_multiple_clusters(pointer,1024); //FILEallocate_multiple_clusters(pointer,1024); //FSfseek(pointer,0,SEEK_SET); first_sector=get_First_Sector(pointer); set_First_Sector(first_sector); DWORD erasure; OFB_init(0x1f1f); //FSfclose(pointer); //MDD_ShutdownMedia(); printf("done with file allocation\r\n"); #ifdef DMAON #else #endif //while(UART2IsEmpty()); //temp=UART2GetChar(); //write_array[character_count]=temp; //character_count++; while(1) { Service_Spi(pointer); } }
void log_init() { iPPSOutput(OUT_PIN_PPS_RP28,OUT_FN_PPS_U2TX); // U2TX to pin 32 UART2Init(); }
/****************************************************************************** * Function: void InitializeUSART(void) * * PreCondition: None * * Input: None * * Output: None * * Side Effects: None * * Overview: This routine initializes the UART to 19200 * * Note: * *****************************************************************************/ void InitializeUSART(void) { UART2Init(); }//end InitializeUSART
BOOL InitializeSystem ( void ) { #if defined(__dsPIC33EP512MU810__)||defined(__PIC24EP512GU810__) // Configure the device PLL to obtain 60 MIPS operation. The crystal // frequency is 8MHz. Divide 8MHz by 2, multiply by 60 and divide by // 2. This results in Fosc of 120MHz. The CPU clock frequency is // Fcy = Fosc/2 = 60MHz. Wait for the Primary PLL to lock and then // configure the auxilliary PLL to provide 48MHz needed for USB // Operation. PLLFBD = 38; /* M = 60 */ CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST = 0; /* N1 = 2 */ CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE = 0; /* N2 = 2 */ OSCTUN = 0; /* Initiate Clock Switch to Primary * Oscillator with PLL (NOSC= 0x3)*/ __builtin_write_OSCCONH(0x03); __builtin_write_OSCCONL(0x01); while (OSCCONbits.COSC != 0x3); // Configuring the auxiliary PLL, since the primary // oscillator provides the source clock to the auxiliary // PLL, the auxiliary oscillator is disabled. Note that // the AUX PLL is enabled. The input 8MHz clock is divided // by 2, multiplied by 24 and then divided by 2. Wait till // the AUX PLL locks. ACLKCON3 = 0x24C1; ACLKDIV3 = 0x7; ACLKCON3bits.ENAPLL = 1; while(ACLKCON3bits.APLLCK != 1); ANSELA = 0x0000; ANSELB = 0x0000; ANSELC = 0x0000; ANSELD = 0x0000; ANSELE = 0x0000; ANSELG = 0x0000; // The dsPIC33EP512MU810 features Peripheral Pin // select. The following statements map UART2 to // device pins which would connect to the the // RX232 transciever on the Explorer 16 board. RPINR19 = 0; RPINR19 = 0x64; RPOR9bits.RP101R = 0x3; #endif #if defined( __PIC24FJ256GB110__ ) // Configure U2RX - put on pin 49 (RP10) RPINR19bits.U2RXR = 10; // Configure U2TX - put on pin 50 (RP17) RPOR8bits.RP17R = 5; OSCCON = 0x3302; // Enable secondary oscillator CLKDIV = 0x0000; // Set PLL prescaler (1:1) TRISA = 0x0000; TRISD = 0x00C0; #elif defined(__PIC24FJ64GB004__) //On the PIC24FJ64GB004 Family of USB microcontrollers, the PLL will not power up and be enabled //by default, even if a PLL enabled oscillator configuration is selected (such as HS+PLL). //This allows the device to power up at a lower initial operating frequency, which can be //advantageous when powered from a source which is not gauranteed to be adequate for 32MHz //operation. On these devices, user firmware needs to manually set the CLKDIV<PLLEN> bit to //power up the PLL. { unsigned int pll_startup_counter = 600; CLKDIVbits.PLLEN = 1; while(pll_startup_counter--); } #elif defined(__PIC32MX__) { int value; value = SYSTEMConfigWaitStatesAndPB( GetSystemClock() ); // Enable the cache for the best performance CheKseg0CacheOn(); INTEnableSystemMultiVectoredInt(); value = OSCCON; while (!(value & 0x00000020)) { value = OSCCON; // Wait for PLL lock to stabilize } } #endif // Init LCD LCDInit(); // Init LEDs mInitAllLEDs(); mLED_9_Off(); mLED_10_Off(); // Init Switches //mInitAllSwitches(); SwitchState = IOPORT_BIT_6|IOPORT_BIT_7; // Init UART UART2Init(); // Set Default demo state DemoState = DEMO_INITIALIZE; return TRUE; } // InitializeSystem
// main int main ( void ) { // Initialize the processor and peripherals. // Init Clock // CPU 32MHz // Peripheral 8MHz CLKDIV = 0x0000; unsigned int pll_startup_counter = 600; CLKDIVbits.PLLEN = 1; while(pll_startup_counter--); // Configure U2RX - put on pin 17 (RP8) RPINR19bits.U2RXR = 8; // Configure U2TX - put on pin 16 (RP7) RPOR3bits.RP7R = 5; // Analog IN Disable AD1PCFG = 0xffff; EnablePullUpCN12; // Port output setup mPORTBOutputConfig(0x8000); // Init UART UART2Init(); // Init USB if ( USBHostInit(0) != TRUE ) { UART2PrintString( "ERR USBHostInit\r\n" ); while (1); } /// GET STARTED with BTstack /// btstack_memory_init(); run_loop_init(RUN_LOOP_EMBEDDED); // init HCI hci_transport_t * transport = hci_transport_usb_instance(); bt_control_t * control = NULL; hci_uart_config_t * config = NULL; remote_device_db_t * remote_db = NULL;//(remote_device_db_t *) &remote_device_db_memory; hci_init(transport, config, control, remote_db); // init L2CAP l2cap_init(); l2cap_register_packet_handler(bt_packet_handler); // init RFCOMM rfcomm_init(); rfcomm_register_packet_handler(bt_packet_handler); rfcomm_register_service_internal(NULL, rfcomm_channel_nr, 100); // reserved channel, mtu=100 // init SDP, create record for SPP and register with SDP sdp_init(); memset(spp_service_buffer, 0, sizeof(spp_service_buffer)); service_record_item_t * service_record_item = (service_record_item_t *) spp_service_buffer; sdp_create_spp_service( (uint8_t*) &service_record_item->service_record, 1, "SPP"); // printf("SDP service buffer size: %u\n\r", (uint16_t) (sizeof(service_record_item_t) + de_get_len((uint8_t*) &service_record_item->service_record))); sdp_register_service_internal(NULL, service_record_item); // usbhost data_source_t usbhost; usbhost.process = &usbhost_process; run_loop_add_data_source(&usbhost); data_source_t swtask; swtask.process = &sw_process; run_loop_add_data_source(&swtask); // go! run_loop_execute(); return 0; } // main
BOOL InitializeSystem ( void ) { #if defined( __PIC24FJ256GB110__ ) // Configure U2RX - put on pin 49 (RP10) RPINR19bits.U2RXR = 10; // Configure U2TX - put on pin 50 (RP17) RPOR8bits.RP17R = 5; OSCCON = 0x3302; // Enable secondary oscillator CLKDIV = 0x0000; // Set PLL prescaler (1:1) TRISA = 0x0000; TRISD = 0x00C0; #elif defined( __PIC24FJ256GB106__ ) // Configure U2RX - put on pin 17 (RP8) RPINR19bits.U2RXR = 8; // Configure U2TX - put on pin 16 (RP7) RPOR3bits.RP7R = 5; // OSCCON = 0x3302; // Enable secondary oscillator CLKDIV = 0x0000; // Set PLL prescaler (1:1) #elif defined(__PIC24FJ64GB004__) //On the PIC24FJ64GB004 Family of USB microcontrollers, the PLL will not power up and be enabled //by default, even if a PLL enabled oscillator configuration is selected (such as HS+PLL). //This allows the device to power up at a lower initial operating frequency, which can be //advantageous when powered from a source which is not gauranteed to be adequate for 32MHz //operation. On these devices, user firmware needs to manually set the CLKDIV<PLLEN> bit to //power up the PLL. { unsigned int pll_startup_counter = 600; CLKDIVbits.PLLEN = 1; while(pll_startup_counter--); } #elif defined(__PIC24FJ64GB002__) //On the PIC24FJ64GB004 Family of USB microcontrollers, the PLL will not power up and be enabled //by default, even if a PLL enabled oscillator configuration is selected (such as HS+PLL). //This allows the device to power up at a lower initial operating frequency, which can be //advantageous when powered from a source which is not gauranteed to be adequate for 32MHz //operation. On these devices, user firmware needs to manually set the CLKDIV<PLLEN> bit to //power up the PLL. { unsigned int pll_startup_counter = 600; CLKDIVbits.PLLEN = 1; while(pll_startup_counter--); } AD1PCFG = 0xffff; CLKDIV = 0x0000; // Set PLL prescaler (1:1) // Configure U2RX - put on pin 17 (RP8) RPINR19bits.U2RXR = 8; // Configure U2TX - put on pin 16 (RP7) RPOR3bits.RP7R = 5; #elif defined(__PIC32MX__) { int value; value = SYSTEMConfigWaitStatesAndPB( GetSystemClock() ); // Enable the cache for the best performance CheKseg0CacheOn(); INTEnableSystemMultiVectoredInt(); value = OSCCON; while (!(value & 0x00000020)) { value = OSCCON; // Wait for PLL lock to stabilize } } #endif // Init UART UART2Init(); return TRUE; } // InitializeSystem
int main (void) { FSFILE * pointer; char path[30]; char count = 30; char * pointer2; int gh; BYTE write_array[512]; for(gh=0; gh<512; gh++) if(gh%8) write_array[gh]='a'; else write_array[gh]='b'; DWORD first_sector; BYTE test_array[512]; /* OFB_init(); OFB_push(write_array); calc_checksum(write_array); while(1);*/ SearchRec rec; pointer=NULL; unsigned char attributes; unsigned char size = 0, i; PLLFBD =38; CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST=0; CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE=0; __builtin_write_OSCCONH(0b011); __builtin_write_OSCCONL(0b01); while (OSCCONbits.COSC != 0b011); // Wait for Clock switch to occur while(OSCCONbits.LOCK != 1) {}; UART2Init(); //printf("stuipd thing"); //TRISD=0x0FF; //setting up pins to show on usb debugger TRISDbits.TRISD6=1; TRISAbits.TRISA7=0; TRISAbits.TRISA6=0; TRISAbits.TRISA5=0; TRISAbits.TRISA4=0; //LATA=1; //_LATA4=1; //_RA7=1; //_LATA6=1; //_LATA5=1; //_LATA7=1; //printf("they should be on now"); //while(1); //LATAbits.LATA7=0; //TRISB=0xFFFF; //AD1PCFGLbits.PCFG1=1; #ifdef TESTOVERFLOWBUFFER #ifdef __DEBUG printf("Starting test of overflow buffer"); unsigned char ofbtestin[SECTORSIZE]; unsigned char ofbtestout[SECTORSIZE]; OFB_init(); int ofbi,ofbj,ofbk,result; char num=0; printf("Starting insertion test\r\n"); for(ofbj=0; ofbj<=OVERFLOWBUFFERDEPTH; ofbj++) { for(ofbi=0; ofbi<SECTORSIZE; ofbi++) ofbtestin[ofbi]=num+48; printf("Size of Buffer: %d\r\n",OFB_getSize()); printf("Result of Insertion: %d\r\n",OFB_push(ofbtestin)); printf("New Size: %d\r\n",OFB_getSize()); num++; } printf("Starting retrieval test\r\n"); for(ofbj=0; ofbj<=OVERFLOWBUFFERDEPTH; ofbj++) { printf("Size of Buffer: %d\r\n",OFB_getSize()); result=OFB_read_tail(ofbtestout); printf("result of read: %d\r\n",result); printf("343rd entry in array: %c\r\n",ofbtestout[342]); /*for(i=0;i<SECTORSIZE;i++) { printf("%d",ofbtestout[i]); while(UART2IsEmpty()); }*/ //printf("\r\n"); result=OFB_pop(); printf("Result of Pop: %d\r\n",result); } while(1); #endif #endif //Service_Spi(); #ifdef __DEBUG printf("Clock Switch Complete, Waiting For Media\r\n"); #endif //waits for a card to be inserted while (!MDD_MediaDetect()); #ifdef __DEBUG printf("Media Found, Waiting for FSinit\r\n"); #endif // Initialize the library while (!FSInit()); char temp; int character_count,remove_success; character_count=0; // Create a file printf("starting up\r\n"); remove_success=FSremove("WRITE.TXT"); printf("Removal of prev: %d\r\n",remove_success); pointer = FSfopen ("WRITE.TXT", "w"); if (pointer == NULL) { #ifdef __DEBUG printf("File open failed\r\n"); #endif while(1); } //FSfseek(pointer,0,SEEK_SET); //set_First_Sector(first_sector); //FSfwrite("greetings",1,9,pointer); printf("waiting for operation\r\n"); //FSfwrite("greetings",1,9,pointer); //allocate_size(38769,pointer); DWORD sizeinbytes; //need to convert from number of sectors to number of bytes and allocate that much space sizeinbytes=(DWORD)FILESIZE*(DWORD)512; //sizeinbytes=3774873*(DWORD)512; allocate_size(sizeinbytes,pointer,FALSE); FSfseek(pointer,0,SEEK_SET); first_sector=get_First_Sector(pointer); set_First_Sector(first_sector); DWORD erasure; OFB_init(); for(erasure=0; erasure<FILESIZE; erasure++) { MDD_SDSPI_SectorWrite(first_sector, write_array,FALSE); first_sector++; if(erasure%100==0) printf("%lu\r",erasure); } int bleh; FSfclose(pointer); //MDD_ShutdownMedia(); printf("done with file allocation\r\n"); #ifdef DMAON #else #endif //while(UART2IsEmpty()); //temp=UART2GetChar(); //write_array[character_count]=temp; //character_count++; while(1) { Service_Spi(); } /*while(temp!='+') { if(character_count<512) { if(!UART2IsEmpty()) { temp=UART2GetChar(); write_array[character_count]=temp; character_count++; //printf("%08d\r",character_count); } } else { FSfwrite(write_array,1,character_count, pointer); character_count=0; } }*/ //FSfwrite(write_array,1,character_count, pointer); //FSfwrite(sendBuffer,1,21, pointer); unsigned int buffer[512]; char buffersign; //bufferreturn(buffer); while(1) { /*buffersign=bufferreturn(buffer); if(buffersign==1) { //FSfwrite(buffer,1,512,pointer); }*/ if(!PORTDbits.RD6) { DMA0CONbits.CHEN=0; //FSfclose(pointer); DMA0CONbits.CHEN=0; printf("done with operations\r\n"); MDD_ShutdownMedia(); while(1) {} } } while(1); }
int main (void) { #if defined (__C30__) || defined __XC16__ #if defined( __PIC24FJ256GB110__ ) || defined(__PIC24FJ256GB210__) // Configure U2RX - put on pin 49 (RP10) RPINR19bits.U2RXR = 10; // Configure U2TX - put on pin 50 (RP17) RPOR8bits.RP17R = 5; // Configure SPI2 Data In - put on pin 11 (RP26) RPINR22bits.SDI2R = 26; // Configure SPI2 Clock Out - put on pin 10 (RP21) RPOR10bits.RP21R = 11; // Configure SPI2 Data Out - put on pin 12 (RP19) RPOR9bits.RP19R = 10; OSCCON = 0x3302; // Enable secondary oscillator CLKDIV = 0x0000; // Set PLL prescaler (1:1) #elif defined(__PIC24FJ64GB004__) //On the PIC24FJ64GB004 Family of USB microcontrollers, the PLL will not power up and be enabled //by default, even if a PLL enabled oscillator configuration is selected (such as HS+PLL). //This allows the device to power up at a lower initial operating frequency, which can be //advantageous when powered from a source which is not gauranteed to be adequate for 32MHz //operation. On these devices, user firmware needs to manually set the CLKDIV<PLLEN> bit to //power up the PLL. { unsigned int pll_startup_counter = 600; CLKDIVbits.PLLEN = 1; while(pll_startup_counter--); } //Device switches over automatically to PLL output after PLL is locked and ready. #elif defined(__PIC24FJ256DA210__) //TX RF3 RP16 //RX RD0 RP11 // Configure U2RX - put on RP11 RPINR19bits.U2RXR = 11; // Configure U2TX - put on RP16 RPOR8bits.RP16R = 5; #endif #elif defined(__PIC32MX__) { int value; value = SYSTEMConfigWaitStatesAndPB( GetSystemClock() ); // Enable the cache for the best performance CheKseg0CacheOn(); INTEnableSystemMultiVectoredInt(); value = OSCCON; while (!(value & 0x00000020)) { value = OSCCON; // Wait for PLL lock to stabilize } } AD1PCFG = 0xFFFF; // Set analog pins to digital. TRISF = 0x00; #else #error Cannot initialize. #endif UART2Init(); UART2PrintString( "\r\n\r\nUSB Embedded Host Simple Full Sheet Printer Demo\r\n" ); // Initialize USB Embedded Host USBInitialize(0); // Turn on the A/D converter to monitor Vbus. InitializeVbusMonitor(); while(1) { MonitorVBUS(); USBTasks(); if (status.printerAttached) { if(status.printerStatusDone == 0) { if(status.printerStatusSent == 0) { if(USBHostPrinterGetStatus( printerInfo.deviceAddress, &status.printer ) == USB_SUCCESS) { status.printerStatusSent = 1; } } } else { if(status.printer != 0x18) { //if there was an error in the printer status then setup to // check the status again status.printerStatusSent = 0; status.printerStatusDone = 0; } else { if (!status.pagePrinted) { status.pagePrinted = 1; UART2PrintString( "Printing to full sheet printer...\r\n" ); // Initialize USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_JOB_START, USB_NULL, 0, 0 ); if (! { // In the demo's initial configuration, this section executes for the HP Deskjet 460. UART2PrintString( "Vector graphics are not supported.\r\n" ); imageInfo.resolution = 75; imageInfo.scale = 1.0; imageInfo.positionX = (PRINTER_PAGE_PORTRAIT_WIDTH - 0x120)/2; imageInfo.positionY = 100; #if defined( __C30__ ) || defined __XC16__ PrintImageFullSheet( (BYTE __prog__ *)(logoMCHP.address), &imageInfo ); #elif defined( __PIC32MX__ ) PrintImageFullSheet( (const BYTE *)(logoMCHP.address), &imageInfo ); #endif USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_NAME, USB_NULL, USB_PRINTER_FONT_COURIER, 0 ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_SIZE, USB_NULL, (DWORD)24, 0 ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_BOLD, USB_NULL, 0, 0 ); WriteLine( 200, 325, &(businessCard[0][0]) ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_MEDIUM, USB_NULL, 0, 0 ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_SIZE, USB_NULL, (DWORD)20, 0 ); WriteLine( 200, 350, &(businessCard[1][0]) ); WriteLine( 200, 375, &(businessCard[2][0]) ); WriteLine( 200, 400, &(businessCard[3][0]) ); WriteLine( 200, 425, &(businessCard[4][0]) ); WriteLine( 200, 450, &(businessCard[5][0]) ); WriteLine( 200, 475, &(businessCard[6][0]) ); WriteLine( 200, 500, &(businessCard[7][0]) ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_NAME, USB_NULL, USB_PRINTER_FONT_TIMES_NEW_ROMAN, 0 ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_SIZE, USB_NULL, (DWORD)18, 0 ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_BOLD, USB_NULL, 0, 0 ); WriteLine( 50, PRINTER_PAGE_PORTRAIT_HEIGHT - 145, &(adddressMicrochip[0][0]) ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_MEDIUM, USB_NULL, 0, 0 ); WriteLine( 50, PRINTER_PAGE_PORTRAIT_HEIGHT - 120, &(adddressMicrochip[1][0]) ); WriteLine( 50, PRINTER_PAGE_PORTRAIT_HEIGHT - 95, &(adddressMicrochip[2][0]) ); WriteLine( 50, PRINTER_PAGE_PORTRAIT_HEIGHT - 70, &(adddressMicrochip[3][0]) ); } else { // In the demo's initial configuration, this section executes for the Lexmark E250dn. USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE, USB_NULL, 0, 0 ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_LINE_WIDTH, USB_NULL, PRINTER_LINE_WIDTH_THICK, 0 ); params.sBevel.xL = 50; // X-axis position of the left side of the bevel. params.sBevel.yT = 50; // Y-axis position of the top of the bevel. params.sBevel.xR = PRINTER_PAGE_LANDSCAPE_WIDTH - 50; // X-axis position of the right side of the bevel. params.sBevel.yB = PRINTER_PAGE_LANDSCAPE_HEIGHT - 50; // Y-axis position of the bottom of the bevel. params.sBevel.r = 20; // The radius of the cicle that defines the rounded corner USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_BEVEL, USB_DATA_POINTER_RAM(¶ms), sizeof(params.sBevel), 0 ); imageInfo.resolution = 75; imageInfo.scale = 1.0; imageInfo.positionX = 100; imageInfo.positionY = 100; #if defined( __C30__ ) || defined __XC16__ PrintImageFullSheet( (BYTE __prog__ *)(logoMCHP.address), &imageInfo ); #elif defined( __PIC32MX__ ) PrintImageFullSheet( (const BYTE *)(logoMCHP.address), &imageInfo ); #endif USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_NAME, USB_NULL, USB_PRINTER_FONT_HELVETICA, 0 ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_SIZE, USB_NULL, (DWORD)18, 0 ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_BOLD, USB_NULL, 0, 0 ); WriteLine( 100, PRINTER_PAGE_LANDSCAPE_HEIGHT - 145, &(adddressMicrochip[0][0]) ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_MEDIUM, USB_NULL, 0, 0 ); WriteLine( 100, PRINTER_PAGE_LANDSCAPE_HEIGHT - 120, &(adddressMicrochip[1][0]) ); WriteLine( 100, PRINTER_PAGE_LANDSCAPE_HEIGHT - 95, &(adddressMicrochip[2][0]) ); WriteLine( 100, PRINTER_PAGE_LANDSCAPE_HEIGHT - 70, &(adddressMicrochip[3][0]) ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_NAME, USB_NULL, USB_PRINTER_FONT_AVANT_GARDE, 0 ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_SIZE, USB_NULL, (DWORD)24, 0 ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_BOLD, USB_NULL, 0, 0 ); WriteLine( 450, 125, &(businessCard[0][0]) ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_MEDIUM, USB_NULL, 0, 0 ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_SIZE, USB_NULL, (DWORD)20, 0 ); WriteLine( 450, 150, &(businessCard[1][0]) ); WriteLine( 450, 175, &(businessCard[2][0]) ); WriteLine( 450, 200, &(businessCard[3][0]) ); WriteLine( 450, 225, &(businessCard[4][0]) ); WriteLine( 450, 250, &(businessCard[5][0]) ); WriteLine( 450, 275, &(businessCard[6][0]) ); WriteLine( 450, 300, &(businessCard[7][0]) ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_NAME, USB_NULL, USB_PRINTER_FONT_PALATINO, 0 ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_SIZE, USB_NULL, (DWORD)16, 0 ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_FONT_ITALIC, USB_NULL, 0, 0 ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_LINE_WIDTH, USB_NULL, PRINTER_LINE_WIDTH_NORMAL, 0 ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_LINE_TYPE, USB_NULL, PRINTER_LINE_TYPE_DASHED, 0 ); WriteLine( 120, 310, &(notes[0][0]) ); params.sLine.x1 = 170; params.sLine.y1 = 290; params.sLine.x2 = 220; params.sLine.y2 = 260; USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_LINE, USB_DATA_POINTER_RAM(¶ms), sizeof(params.sLine), 0 ); WriteLine( 216, 396, &(notes[1][0]) ); params.sLine.x1 = 266; params.sLine.y1 = 400; params.sLine.x2 = 216; params.sLine.y2 = 445; USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_LINE, USB_DATA_POINTER_RAM(¶ms), sizeof(params.sLine), 0 ); WriteLine( 440, 330, &(notes[2][0]) ); params.sLine.x1 = 490; params.sLine.y1 = 310; params.sLine.x2 = 515; params.sLine.y2 = 280; USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_LINE, USB_DATA_POINTER_RAM(¶ms), sizeof(params.sLine), 0 ); WriteLine( 450, 410, &(notes[3][0]) ); params.sLine.x1 = 550; params.sLine.y1 = 415; params.sLine.x2 = 590; params.sLine.y2 = 430; USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_LINE, USB_DATA_POINTER_RAM(¶ms), sizeof(params.sLine), 0 ); params.sLine.x1 = 500; params.sLine.y1 = 415; params.sLine.x2 = 500; params.sLine.y2 = 540; USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_LINE, USB_DATA_POINTER_RAM(¶ms), sizeof(params.sLine), 0 ); #define TAO_UNIT 4 #define TAO_XL (PRINTER_PAGE_LANDSCAPE_WIDTH - 200) #define TAO_YT (PRINTER_PAGE_LANDSCAPE_HEIGHT - 200) #define TAO_XC (TAO_XL + TAU_UNIT * 12) #define TAO_YC (TAO_YL + TAU_UNIT * 12) USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_LINE_WIDTH, USB_NULL, PRINTER_LINE_WIDTH_NORMAL, 0 ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_LINE_TYPE, USB_NULL, PRINTER_LINE_TYPE_SOLID, 0 ); params.sArc.xL = TAO_XL; params.sArc.yT = TAO_YT; params.sArc.xR = TAO_XL + TAO_UNIT * 24; params.sArc.yB = TAO_YT + TAO_UNIT * 24; params.sArc.r1 = 0; params.sArc.r2 = TAO_UNIT * 12; params.sArc.octant = 0xF0; USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_ARC, USB_DATA_POINTER_RAM(¶ms), sizeof(params.sArc), 0 ); params.sCircle.x = TAO_XL + TAO_UNIT * 12; params.sCircle.y = TAO_YT + TAO_UNIT * 18; params.sCircle.r = TAO_UNIT * 6; USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_CIRCLE_FILLED, USB_DATA_POINTER_RAM(¶ms), sizeof(params.sCircle), 0 ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_COLOR, USB_NULL, PRINTER_COLOR_WHITE, 0 ); params.sCircle.x = TAO_XL + TAO_UNIT * 12; params.sCircle.y = TAO_YT + TAO_UNIT * 6; params.sCircle.r = TAO_UNIT * 6; USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_CIRCLE_FILLED, USB_DATA_POINTER_RAM(¶ms), sizeof(params.sCircle), 0 ); params.sCircle.x = TAO_XL + TAO_UNIT * 12; params.sCircle.y = TAO_YT + TAO_UNIT * 18; params.sCircle.r = TAO_UNIT; USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_CIRCLE_FILLED, USB_DATA_POINTER_RAM(¶ms), sizeof(params.sCircle), 0 ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_COLOR, USB_NULL, PRINTER_COLOR_BLACK, 0 ); params.sCircle.x = TAO_XL + TAO_UNIT * 12; params.sCircle.y = TAO_YT + TAO_UNIT * 6; params.sCircle.r = TAO_UNIT; USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_CIRCLE_FILLED, USB_DATA_POINTER_RAM(¶ms), sizeof(params.sCircle), 0 ); params.sCircle.x = TAO_XL + TAO_UNIT * 12; params.sCircle.y = TAO_YT + TAO_UNIT * 12; params.sCircle.r = TAO_UNIT * 12; USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_GRAPHICS_CIRCLE, USB_DATA_POINTER_RAM(¶ms), sizeof(params.sCircle), 0 ); } // Terminate UART2PrintString( "Demo complete.\r\n" ); USBHostPrinterCommandWithReadyWait( &returnCode, printerInfo.deviceAddress, USB_PRINTER_JOB_STOP, USB_NULL, 0, 0 ); } } } } } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int main(void) { VICConfig(); TimingInit(); LEDInit(); UART1Init(); UART2Init(); I2CInit(); SPISlaveInit(); Wait(100); UART1Printf("University of Tokyo NaviCtrl firmware V2"); ReadEEPROM(); UBloxInit(); LSM303DLInit(); FlightCtrlCommsInit(); SDCardInit(); NavigationInit(); ExternalButtonInit(); // Enable the "new data" interrupt. VIC_Config(EXTIT0_ITLine, VIC_IRQ, IRQ_PRIORITY_NEW_DATA); VIC_ITCmd(EXTIT0_ITLine, ENABLE); // Enable the 50Hz Interrupt. VIC_Config(EXTIT3_ITLine, VIC_IRQ, IRQ_PRIORITY_50HZ); VIC_ITCmd(EXTIT3_ITLine, ENABLE); // Main loop. uint32_t led_timer = GetTimestamp(); for (;;) { #ifndef VISION // Check for new data from the magnetometer. ProcessIncomingLSM303DL(); // Skip the rest of the main loop if mag calibration is ongoing. if (MagCalibration(mag_calibration_)) continue; // Check for new data on the GPS UART port. ProcessIncomingUBlox(); #endif // Check for new data from the FlightCtrl. if (NewDataFromFlightCtrl()) { ClearNewDataFromFlightCtrlFlag(); #ifdef VISION KalmanAccelerometerUpdate(); #endif UpdateNavigation(); PrepareFlightCtrlDataExchange(); #ifndef VISION RequestLSM303DL(); #endif // Check if new data has come while processing the data. This indicates // that processing did not complete fast enough. if (NewDataFromFlightCtrl()) { overrun_counter_++; } } #ifndef VISION CheckUBXFreshness(); CheckLSM303DLFreshness(); // Normally the magnetometer is read every time new data comes from the // FlightCtrl. The following statement is a backup that ensures the // magnetometer is updated even if there is no connection to the FlightCtrl // and also deals with read errors. if (LSM303DLDataStale()) { if (MillisSinceTimestamp(LSM303DLLastRequestTimestamp()) > 20) RequestLSM303DL(); if (LSM303DLErrorBits() & LSM303DL_ERROR_BIT_I2C_BUSY) I2CReset(); } #else CheckVisionFreshness(); #endif // Check for incoming data on the "update & debug" UART port. ProcessIncomingUART1(); // Check for incoming data on the "FligthCtrl" UART port. ProcessIncomingUART2(); ProcessLogging(); if (TimestampInPast(led_timer)) { GreenLEDToggle(); while (TimestampInPast(led_timer)) led_timer += 100; // Debug output for GPS and magnetomter. Remove after testing is completed // UART1Printf("%+5.2f,%+5.2f,%+5.2f", // MagneticVector()[0], // MagneticVector()[1], // MagneticVector()[2]); // UART1Printf("%i,%i,%i", // MagnetometerVector()[0], // MagnetometerVector()[1], // MagnetometerVector()[2]); // UART1Printf("%i,%i,%i", // MagnetometerBiasVector()[0], // MagnetometerBiasVector()[1], // MagnetometerBiasVector()[2]); // UART1Printf("%f", CurrentHeading()); // UART1Printf("%f,%f,%f", // (float)(UBXPosLLH()->longitude * 1e-7), // (float)(UBXPosLLH()->latitude * 1e-7), // (float)(UBXPosLLH()->height_above_ellipsoid * 1e-3)); UART1PrintfSafe("%+5.2f,%+5.2f,%+5.2f,%+5.2f", PositionVector()[0], PositionVector()[1], PositionVector()[2], CurrentHeading()); } } }
int main(void) { // Start from displaying of PIC24 banners _display_state = DISP_HELLO; // Setup PortA IOs as digital AD1PCFG = 0xffff; //IO Mapping for PIC24FJ64GA004 #ifdef __PIC24FJ64GA004__ //Defined by MPLAB when using 24FJ64GA004 device ioMap(); lockIO(); #endif // Setup SPI to communicate to EEPROM SPIMPolInit(); // Setup EEPROM IOs EEPROMInit(); // Setup the UART UART2Init(); // Setup the timer TimerInit(); // Setup the LCD mLCDInit(); // Setup debounce processing BtnInit(); // Setup the ADC ADCInit(); // Setup the banner processing BannerStart(); // Setup the RTCC RTCCInit(); while (1) { LCDProcessEvents(); ADCProcessEvents(); if (TimerIsOverflowEvent()){ // Button debounce processing BtnProcessEvents(); // State dependent processing switch (_display_state) { // Show Microchip banners case DISP_HELLO: BannerProcessEvents(); break; // Show clock case DISP_CLOCK: TBannerProcessEvents(); break; // Show voltage and temperature case DISP_VOLTAGE: VBannerProcessEvents(); break; default: _display_state = DISP_HELLO; }// End of switch (_display_state)... // If S6 is pressed show the next example if (BtnIsPressed(4)) { // Change state and clear display if(!TBannerIsSetup()){ _display_state++; if(_display_state > DISP_MAX) _display_state = 0; // Initialize state switch (_display_state) { // Microchip banners case DISP_HELLO: BannerInit(); break; // Clock case DISP_CLOCK: TBannerInit(); break; // Voltage and temperature case DISP_VOLTAGE: VBannerInit(); break; default: _display_state = 0; }// End of switch (_display_state)... mLCDClear(); }else TBannerNext(); // wait for button released while (BtnIsPressed(4)){ BtnProcessEvents(); } }// End of if (BtnIsPressed(4)){... if(_display_state == DISP_CLOCK){ if (BtnIsPressed(1)){ TBannerSetup(); // wait for button released while (BtnIsPressed(1)) BtnProcessEvents(); }// End of if (BtnIsPressed(1 ... if(TBannerIsSetup()){ if (BtnIsPressed(2)) { TBannerChangeField(1); // wait for button released while (BtnIsPressed(2)) BtnProcessEvents(); }// End of if (BtnIsPressed(2)){... if (BtnIsPressed(3)) { // wait for button released TBannerChangeField(0); while (BtnIsPressed(3)) BtnProcessEvents(); }// End of if (BtnIsPressed(3)){... }// End of if(TBannerIsSetup( ... }// End of if(_display_state == DISP_SET_CLOCK ... if(_display_state == DISP_VOLTAGE){ if (BtnIsPressed(2)){ ADCSetFromMemory(); // wait for button released while (BtnIsPressed(2)){ BtnProcessEvents(); } }// End of if (BtnIsPressed(2 ... if (BtnIsPressed(3)){ ADCStoreTemperature(); // wait for button released while (BtnIsPressed(3)){ BtnProcessEvents(); } }// End of if (BtnIsPressed(3)){... }// End of if(_display_state ... }// End of if (TimerIsOverflowEvent()... }// End of while(1)... }// End of main()...