コード例 #1
ファイル: IoMP3Decoder.c プロジェクト: Akiyah/io
static enum mad_flow IoMP3Decoder_inputCallback(void *data, struct mad_stream *stream)
	IoMP3Decoder *self = data;
	struct mad_decoder *decoder = &(DATA(self)->decoder);
	IoMessage_locals_performOn_(DATA(self)->willProcessMessage, self, self);

	if (DATA(self)->isRunning)
		UArray *ba = IoSeq_rawUArray(DATA(self)->inputBuffer);
		UArray_removeRange(ba, 0, DATA(self)->lastInputPos);
			size_t size = UArray_size(ba);
			UArray_setSize_(ba, size + MAD_BUFFER_GUARD);
			memset(UArray_bytes(ba) + size, 0x0, MAD_BUFFER_GUARD);
			UArray_setSize_(ba, size);
		if (UArray_size(ba) == 0) 
		DATA(self)->lastInputPos = UArray_size(ba);
		mad_stream_buffer(stream, UArray_bytes(ba), UArray_size(ba));
	return DATA(self)->isRunning ? MAD_FLOW_CONTINUE : MAD_FLOW_STOP;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Image.c プロジェクト: iamaleksey/io
void Image_makeRGBA(Image *self)
	if (self->componentCount == 3)
		//printf("converted component count from 3 to 4\n");
	else if (self->componentCount == 1)
		UArray *outUArray = UArray_new();
		UArray_setSize_(outUArray, 4 * self->width * self->height);
		uint8_t *outData = (uint8_t *)UArray_bytes(outUArray);
		uint8_t *inData  = (uint8_t *)UArray_bytes(self->byteArray);
		size_t numPixels = self->width * self->height;
		size_t p1;
		size_t p2 = 0;
		for (p1 = 0; p1 < numPixels; p1 ++)
			outData[p2] = inData[p1]; p2 ++;
			outData[p2] = inData[p1]; p2 ++;
			outData[p2] = inData[p1]; p2 ++;
			outData[p2] = 255; p2 ++;
		UArray_copy_(self->byteArray, outUArray);

		self->componentCount = 4;
		//printf("converted component count from 1 to 4\n");
コード例 #3
ファイル: Date.c プロジェクト: stevedekorte/basekit
UArray *Date_asString(const Date *self, const char *format)
    UArray *u = UArray_new();
    time_t t = self->tv.tv_sec;
    struct tm *tm = localtime(&t);

    // what about unicode formats?
    UArray_setSize_(u, 1024 + strlen(format));
    strftime((char *)UArray_bytes(u), 1024, format, tm);
    UArray_setSize_(u, strlen((char *)UArray_bytes(u)));

    return u;
コード例 #4
ファイル: IoAsyncRequest.c プロジェクト: Akiyah/io
IoObject *IoAsyncRequest_write(IoAsyncRequest *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc AsyncRequest write(fileOffset, aSeq, bufferOffset, numberOfBytesToWrite)
	Submits an async write request. Returns nil on error, self otherwise. 
	int r;
	IoSeq *data;
	UArray *ba;
	int bufferOffset;
	int bytesToWrite;

	IOCB(self)->aio_offset = (size_t)CNUMBER(IoMessage_locals_numberArgAt_(m, locals, 0));

	data = IoMessage_locals_seqArgAt_(m, locals, 1);
	ba = IoSeq_rawUArray(data);

	bufferOffset = IoMessage_locals_intArgAt_(m, locals, 2);
	bytesToWrite = IoMessage_locals_intArgAt_(m, locals, 3);

	if (bytesToWrite > UArray_size(ba) - bufferOffset)
		bytesToWrite = UArray_size(ba) - bufferOffset;

	IOCB(self)->aio_nbytes = bytesToWrite;
	IOCB(self)->aio_buf = realloc(IOCB_BUFFER(self), bytesToWrite);
	memcpy(IOCB_BUFFER(self), UArray_bytes(ba), bytesToWrite);

	r = aio_write(IOCB(self));

	return r == 0 ? self : IONIL(self);
コード例 #5
ファイル: IoSeq_immutable.c プロジェクト: doublec/io
IO_METHOD(IoSeq, asBinaryNumber)
	/*doc Sequence asBinaryNumber
	Returns a Number containing the first 8 bytes of the
	receiver without casting them to a double. Endian is same as machine.

	IoNumber *byteCount = IoMessage_locals_valueArgAt_(m, locals, 0);
	size_t max = UArray_size(DATA(self));
	int bc = sizeof(double);
	double d = 0;

	if (!ISNIL(byteCount))
		bc = IoNumber_asInt(byteCount);

	if (max < bc)
		IoState_error_(IOSTATE, m, "requested first %i bytes, but Sequence only contians %i bytes", bc, max);

	memcpy(&d, UArray_bytes(DATA(self)), bc);
	return IONUMBER(d);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Datum.c プロジェクト: IceAssassin/skipdbv2
Datum Datum_FromUArray_(UArray *ba)
	Datum d;
	d.data = (unsigned char *)UArray_bytes(ba);
	d.size = UArray_sizeInBytes(ba);
	return d;
コード例 #7
ファイル: IoSeq_immutable.c プロジェクト: doublec/io
IO_METHOD(IoSeq, asBinarySignedInteger)
	/*doc Sequence asBinarySignedInteger
	Returns a Number with the bytes of the receiver interpreted as a binary signed integer. Endian is same as machine.

	const void *bytes = UArray_bytes(DATA(self));
	size_t byteCount = UArray_size(DATA(self));

	if(byteCount == 1)
		return IONUMBER(*((const int8_t *)bytes));
	else if(byteCount == 2)
		return IONUMBER(*((const int16_t *)bytes));
	else if(byteCount == 4)
		return IONUMBER(*((const int32_t *)bytes));
		IoState_error_(IOSTATE, m, "Sequence is %i bytes but only conversion of 1, 2, or 4 bytes is supported", byteCount);

	return IONIL(self);
コード例 #8
ファイル: Image.c プロジェクト: pgregory/io
ImageBounds Image_bounds(Image *self, int cutoff)
	int componentCount = self->componentCount;
	uint8_t *d = (uint8_t *)UArray_bytes(self->byteArray);
	ImageBounds bounds;
	int x, y;
	bounds.xmin = self->width;
	bounds.xmax = 0;
	bounds.ymin = self->height;
	bounds.ymax = 0;

	for (y = 0; y < self->height; y ++)
		for (x = 0; x < self->width; x ++)
			int p = (x + (y * self->width)) * componentCount;
			int c;

			for (c = 0; c < componentCount; c ++)
				if (d[p + c] < cutoff)
					if(x < bounds.xmin) bounds.xmin = x;
					if(x > bounds.xmax) bounds.xmax = x;
					if(y < bounds.ymin) bounds.ymin = y;
					if(y > bounds.ymax) bounds.ymax = y;
	return bounds;
コード例 #9
ファイル: IoMP3Decoder.c プロジェクト: Akiyah/io
static enum mad_flow IoMP3Decoder_outputCallback(void *data,
									    struct mad_header const *header,
									    struct mad_pcm *pcm)
	IoMP3Decoder *self = data;
	UArray *ba = IoSeq_rawUArray(DATA(self)->outputBuffer);
	unsigned int oldSize = UArray_size(ba);
	unsigned int newSize = oldSize + (pcm->length * 2 * sizeof(float));

	UArray_setSize_(ba, newSize);

	if (!DATA(self)->isRunning) 
		return MAD_FLOW_STOP;
	// MAD data is in 4 byte signed ints 
	// and on separated (not interleaved channels) 
	// so we interleave them here 
		float *out = (float *)(UArray_bytes(ba) + oldSize);
		unsigned int nsamples  = pcm->length;
		mad_fixed_t const *left  = pcm->samples[0];
		mad_fixed_t const *right = pcm->samples[1];
		if (pcm->channels == 2)
			// this would be much faster as a vector op
			while (nsamples --) 
				*out = ((float)(*left)) / INT_MAX; 
				out ++; 
				*out = ((float)(*right)) / INT_MAX;
				out ++; 
				left ++;
				right ++;      
			while (nsamples --) 
				float f = ((float)(*left)) / INT_MAX; 
				*out = f; 
				out ++; 
				*out = f;
				out ++; 
				left ++;
	IoMessage_locals_performOn_(DATA(self)->didProcessMessage, self, self);
	return DATA(self)->isRunning ? MAD_FLOW_CONTINUE : MAD_FLOW_STOP;
コード例 #10
ファイル: IoZlibEncoder.c プロジェクト: ADTSH/io
IoObject *IoZlibEncoder_process(IoZlibEncoder *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc ZlibEncoder process
	Process the inputBuffer and appends the result to the outputBuffer.
	The processed inputBuffer is empties except for the spare bytes at 
	the end which don't fit into a cipher block.
	z_stream *strm = DATA(self)->strm;

	UArray *input  = IoObject_rawGetMutableUArraySlot(self, locals, m, IOSYMBOL("inputBuffer"));
	UArray *output = IoObject_rawGetMutableUArraySlot(self, locals, m, IOSYMBOL("outputBuffer"));

	uint8_t *inputBytes = (uint8_t *)UArray_bytes(input);
	size_t inputSize = UArray_sizeInBytes(input);

	if (inputSize)
		int ret;
		size_t oldOutputSize = UArray_size(output);
		size_t outputRoom = (inputSize * 2);
		uint8_t *outputBytes;

		UArray_setSize_(output, oldOutputSize + outputRoom);
		outputBytes = (uint8_t *)UArray_bytes(output) + oldOutputSize;

		strm->next_in   = inputBytes;
		strm->avail_in  = inputSize;

		strm->next_out  = outputBytes;
		strm->avail_out = outputRoom;

		ret = deflate(strm, Z_NO_FLUSH);
		//assert(ret != Z_STREAM_ERROR);
		size_t outputSize = outputRoom - strm->avail_out;
		UArray_setSize_(output, oldOutputSize + outputSize);

		UArray_setSize_(input, 0);

	return self;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Image.c プロジェクト: iamaleksey/io
ColorStruct Image_averageColor(Image *self)
	int componentCount = self->componentCount;
	uint8_t *d = (uint8_t *)UArray_bytes(self->byteArray);
	int x, y, c;
	long cs[4];
	ColorStruct s;
	cs[0] = 0;
	cs[1] = 0;
	cs[2] = 0;
	cs[3] = 0;
	for (y = 0; y < self->height; y ++)
		for (x = 0; x < self->width; x ++)
			int p = (x + (y * self->width))*componentCount;
			int c;
			for (c = 0; c < componentCount; c ++)
				cs[c] += d[p + c];

	//printf("color %i %i %i\n", (int)cs[0], (int)cs[1], (int)cs[2]);

	for (c = 0; c < componentCount; c ++)
		cs[c] /= (self->width * self->height);
	//printf("color %i %i %i\n", (int)cs[0], (int)cs[1], (int)cs[2]);
	if (componentCount == 1)
		s.r = cs[0];
		s.g = cs[0];
		s.b = cs[0];
		s.a = cs[0];
		s.r = cs[0];
		s.g = cs[1];
		s.b = cs[2];
		s.a = cs[3];
	//printf("color struct %i %i %i\n", s.r, s.g, s.b);
	return s;
コード例 #12
ファイル: BStream.c プロジェクト: IceAssassin/skipdbv2
uint8_t BStream_readUint8(BStream *self)
	if (self->index < UArray_size(self->ba))
		unsigned char b = UArray_bytes(self->ba)[self->index];
		self->index ++;
		return b;

	return 0;
コード例 #13
ファイル: BStream.c プロジェクト: IceAssassin/skipdbv2
unsigned char *BStream_readDataOfLength_(BStream *self, size_t length)
	if (self->index + length <= UArray_size(self->ba))
		unsigned char *b = (unsigned char *)UArray_bytes(self->ba) + self->index;
		self->index += length;
		return b;

	return NULL;
コード例 #14
ファイル: IoSeq.c プロジェクト: asymmetric/io
int IoSeq_rawIsNotAlphaNumeric(IoSeq *self)
	char *s = (char *)UArray_bytes(DATA(self));

	while (!isalnum((int)*s) && *s != 0)
		s ++;

	return (*s == 0);
コード例 #15
ファイル: IoLZOEncoder.c プロジェクト: BMeph/io
IoObject *IoLZOEncoder_process(IoLZOEncoder *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc LZOEncoder process
	Process the inputBuffer and appends the result to the outputBuffer.
	The processed inputBuffer is emptied except for the spare bytes at 
	the end which don't fit into a cipher block.
	lzo_align_t __LZO_MMODEL *wrkmem = DATA(self)->wrkmem;

	UArray *input  = IoObject_rawGetMutableUArraySlot(self, locals, m, IOSYMBOL("inputBuffer"));
	UArray *output = IoObject_rawGetMutableUArraySlot(self, locals, m, IOSYMBOL("outputBuffer"));

	unsigned char *inputBytes  = (uint8_t *)UArray_bytes(input);
	size_t inputSize           = UArray_sizeInBytes(input);

	if (inputSize)
		int r;
		size_t oldOutputSize   = UArray_size(output);
		lzo_uint outputRoom    = (inputSize + inputSize / 64 + 16 + 3);
		unsigned char *outputBytes;

		UArray_setSize_(output, oldOutputSize + outputRoom);
		outputBytes = (uint8_t *)UArray_bytes(output) + oldOutputSize;

		r = lzo1x_1_compress(inputBytes, inputSize, outputBytes, &outputRoom, wrkmem);
		//	r = lzo1x_decompress(in, in_len, out, &out_len, wrkmem);

		if (r != LZO_E_OK)
			IoState_error_(IOSTATE,  m, "LZO compression failed: %d", r);

		UArray_setSize_(output, oldOutputSize + outputRoom);
		UArray_setSize_(input, 0);

	return self;
コード例 #16
ファイル: Image.c プロジェクト: iamaleksey/io
inline unsigned char *Image_pixelAt(Image *self, int x, int y)
	int bps = 8;
	int spp = Image_componentCount(self);
	int w = self->width;
	int h = self->height;
	uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)UArray_bytes(self->byteArray);

	if (x < 0) { x = 0; } else if (x > w - 1) { x = w - 1; }
	if (y < 0) { y = 0; } else if (y > h - 1) { y = h - 1; }
	return p + (((x + (y * w)) * (spp * bps)) / 8);
コード例 #17
ファイル: IoBlowfish.c プロジェクト: anthem/io
IoObject *IoBlowfish_beginProcessing(IoObject *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc Blowfish beginProcessing
	Sets the key from the key slot and initializes the cipher.

	UArray *key = IoObject_rawGetUArraySlot(self, locals, m, IOSYMBOL("key"));
	blowfish_ctx *context = &(DATA(self)->context);

	blowfish_init(context, (uint8_t *)UArray_bytes(key), UArray_sizeInBytes(key));

	return self;
コード例 #18
int UArray_isMultibyte(const UArray *self)
    if (self->encoding == CENCODING_UTF8)
        size_t i, max = UArray_sizeInBytes(self);
        const uint8_t *bytes = UArray_bytes(self);
        for (i = 0; i < max; i ++)
            if (UArray_SizeOfUTF8Char(bytes + i) > 1) return 1;
        //UARRAY_INTFOREACH(self, i, v, if (ismbchar((int)v)) return 1; );

    return 0;
コード例 #19
ファイル: IoMP3Encoder.c プロジェクト: Akiyah/io
IoObject *IoMP3Encoder_encode(IoMP3Encoder *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
    UArray *inBa = IoBuffer_rawUArray(IoMessage_locals_bufferArgAt_(m, locals, 0));
    /*UArray *outBa = IoBuffer_rawUArray(DATA(self)->outBuffer);*/
    int start = 0;
    int end = UArray_length(inBa);
    if (IoMessage_argCount(m) > 1) start = IoMessage_locals_intArgAt_(m, locals, 1);
    if (IoMessage_argCount(m) > 2) end = IoMessage_locals_intArgAt_(m, locals, 2);
    if (start > end)
    { IoState_error_description_(IOSTATE, m, "MP3Encoder", "range error: start > end"); }
    if (end > UArray_length(inBa))
    { IoState_error_description_(IOSTATE, m, "MP3Encoder", "range error: end > length of input buffer"); }
    MP3Encoder_encode(DATA(self)->encoder, UArray_bytes(inBa) + start, end);
    return IoMP3Encoder_checkError(self, locals, m);
コード例 #20
ファイル: Image.c プロジェクト: iamaleksey/io
void Image_resizeTo(Image *self, int w, int h, Image *outImage)
	int componentCount = self->componentCount;

	int inStride = self->width * componentCount;
	uint8_t *inPtr = Image_data(self);

	int outStride = w * componentCount;
	uint8_t *outPtr;
	int y;
	UArray *outUArray = UArray_new();
	UArray_setSize_(outUArray, h * outStride);
	outPtr = (uint8_t *)UArray_bytes(outUArray);

	for (y=0; y < self->height; y++, inPtr += inStride, outPtr += outStride)
		memcpy(outPtr, inPtr, inStride);

	Image_setData_width_height_componentCount_(outImage, outUArray, w, h, componentCount);
コード例 #21
ファイル: IoTokyoCabinetPrefixCursor.c プロジェクト: ADTSH/io
IoObject *IoTokyoCabinetPrefixCursor_last(IoObject *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc TokyoCabinetPrefixCursor last
	Move cursor to last record. Returns self

	IoSeq *prefix = IoObject_getSlot_(self, IOSYMBOL("prefix"));
	IOASSERT(ISSEQ(prefix), "prefix must be a sequence");
	IOASSERT(TokyoCabinetPrefixCursor(self), "invalid TokyoCabinetPrefixCursor");
		UArray *p = UArray_clone(IoSeq_rawUArray(prefix));
		UArray_appendCString_(p, " "); // space preceeds .
		tcbdbcurjump(TokyoCabinetPrefixCursor(self), (const void *)UArray_bytes(p), (int)UArray_size(p));
	return IOBOOL(self, IoTokyoCabinetPrefixCursor_keyBeginsWithPrefix_(self, prefix));
コード例 #22
ファイル: IoBlowfish.c プロジェクト: anthem/io
IoObject *IoBlowfish_process(IoBlowfish *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc Blowfish process
	Process the inputBuffer and appends the result to the outputBuffer.
	The processed inputBuffer is empties except for the spare 
	bytes at the end which don't fit into a cipher block.
	blowfish_ctx *context = &(DATA(self)->context);
	int isEncrypting = DATA(self)->isEncrypting;

	UArray *input = IoObject_rawGetMutableUArraySlot(self, locals, m, IOSYMBOL("inputBuffer"));
	UArray *output = IoObject_rawGetMutableUArraySlot(self, locals, m, IOSYMBOL("outputBuffer"));

	const unsigned char *inputBytes  = (uint8_t *)UArray_bytes(input);
	size_t inputSize = UArray_sizeInBytes(input);

	unsigned long lr[2];
	size_t i, runs = inputSize / sizeof(lr);

	for (i = 0; i < runs; i ++)
		memcpy(lr, inputBytes, sizeof(lr));

		inputBytes += sizeof(lr);

		if (isEncrypting)
			blowfish_encrypt(context, &lr[0], &lr[1]);
			blowfish_decrypt(context, &lr[0], &lr[1]);

		UArray_appendBytes_size_(output, (unsigned char *)&lr, sizeof(lr));

	UArray_removeRange(input, 0, runs * sizeof(lr));
	return self;
コード例 #23
ファイル: BStream.c プロジェクト: IceAssassin/skipdbv2
void BStream_readNumber_size_(BStream *self, unsigned char *v, int size)
	if (self->index + size <= UArray_size(self->ba))
		const uint8_t *b = UArray_bytes(self->ba);
		memcpy(v, b + self->index, size);

		if (self->flipEndian)
			reverseBytes(v, size);

		self->index += size;

	while (size--)
		*v = 0;
		v ++;
コード例 #24
ファイル: TIFFImage.c プロジェクト: cdcarter/io
void TIFFImage_save(TIFFImage *self)
	TIFF *out = TIFFOpen(self->path, "w");

	if (out == NULL)
	{ TIFFImage_error_(self, "error opening tiff for writing"); }

	TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, (uint32) self->width);
	TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, (uint32) self->height); /* ????? */
	TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, (uint32) self->height); /* ????? */
	TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, (uint16) 8);
	TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, (uint16) self->components);
	 cpTag(in, out, TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE,		(uint16) -1, TIFF_ASCII);
	 cpTag(in, out, TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION,	(uint16) -1, TIFF_ASCII);
	 cpTag(in, out, TIFFTAG_DATETIME,		(uint16) -1, TIFF_ASCII);
	 cpTag(in, out, TIFFTAG_HOSTCOMPUTER,	(uint16) -1, TIFF_ASCII);
	uint32 diroff[1];
	diroff[0] = 0;
	TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_SUBIFD, 1, diroff);

	if (TIFFWriteEncodedStrip(out, 0, (tdata_t)(UArray_bytes(self->byteArray)), self->width*self->height*self->components) != -1)
	{ TIFFImage_error_(self, "error writing tiff"); }
	 if (TIFFWriteDirectory(out) != -1);
	 { TIFFImage_error_(self, "error writing tiff directory"); }

	(void) TIFFClose(out);
コード例 #25
ファイル: IoBlowfish.c プロジェクト: anthem/io
IoObject *IoBlowfish_endProcessing(IoBlowfish *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc Blowfish endProcessing
	Finish processing remaining bytes of inputBuffer.

	blowfish_ctx *context = &(DATA(self)->context);
	unsigned long lr[2];

	IoBlowfish_process(self, locals, m); // process the full blocks first

		int isEncrypting = DATA(self)->isEncrypting;

		UArray *input  = IoObject_rawGetMutableUArraySlot(self, locals, m, IOSYMBOL("inputBuffer"));
		UArray *output = IoObject_rawGetMutableUArraySlot(self, locals, m, IOSYMBOL("outputBuffer"));

		IOASSERT(UArray_sizeInBytes(input) < sizeof(lr), "internal error - too many bytes left in inputBuffer");

		memset(lr, 0, sizeof(lr));
		memcpy(lr, (uint8_t *)UArray_bytes(input), UArray_sizeInBytes(input));

		if (isEncrypting)
			blowfish_encrypt(context, &lr[0], &lr[1]);
			blowfish_decrypt(context, &lr[0], &lr[1]);

		UArray_appendBytes_size_(output, (unsigned char *)&lr, sizeof(lr));

		UArray_setSize_(input, 0);
	return self;
コード例 #26
ファイル: IoAVCodec.c プロジェクト: BMeph/io
int IoAVCodec_decodeAudioPacket(IoAVCodec *self, AVCodecContext *c, uint8_t *inbuf, size_t size)
	UArray  *outba  = IoSeq_rawUArray(DATA(self)->outputBuffer);
	uint8_t *outbuf = DATA(self)->audioOutBuffer;

	//UArray_setItemType_(outba, CTYPE_float32_t);

	while (size > 0)
		int outSize;
		int len = avcodec_decode_audio2(c, (int16_t *)outbuf, &outSize, inbuf, size);

		if (len < 0)
			printf("Error while decoding audio packet\n");
			return -1;

		if (outSize > 0)
			// if a frame has been decoded, output it
			// convert short ints to floats

			size_t sampleCount = outSize / c->channels;
			size_t oldSize = UArray_size(outba);
			//UArray_setSize_(outba, oldSize + sampleCount); // knows it's a float32 array
			UArray_setSize_(outba, oldSize + sampleCount * sizeof(float)); // knows it's a float32 array

			IoAVCodec_ConvertShortToFloat((short *)outbuf, (float *)(UArray_bytes(outba) + oldSize), sampleCount);

		size -= len;
		inbuf += len;

	return 0;
コード例 #27
ファイル: Image.c プロジェクト: iamaleksey/io
int Image_baselineHeight(Image *self)
	//size_t numPixels = self->width * self->height;
	printf("self->componentCount: %i\n", self->componentCount);
	printf("numPixels: %i\n", (int)numPixels);
	printf("height: %i\n", (int)self->height);
	printf("width: %i\n", (int)self->width);
	// optimize later
	int componentCount = self->componentCount;
	int base = 0;
	uint8_t *d = (uint8_t *)UArray_bytes(self->byteArray);
	int x, y;
	for (y = 0; y < self->height; y ++)
	//for (y = self->height; y > 0; y --)
		for (x = 0; x < self->width; x ++)
			int p = (x + (y * self->width))*componentCount;
			int c;
			for (c = 0; c < componentCount; c ++)
				if (d[p + c] < 200)
					base = y;
	//printf("base = %i\n", base);
	return self->height - base;
コード例 #28
ファイル: IoTokyoCabinetPrefixCursor.c プロジェクト: ADTSH/io
IoObject *IoTokyoCabinetPrefixCursor_jump(IoObject *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc TokyoCabinetPrefixCursor jump(key)
	Move cursor to record before key. Returns self
	IoSeq *key = IoMessage_locals_seqArgAt_(m, locals, 0);
	int result;
	UArray *p;
	IoSeq *prefix = IoObject_getSlot_(self, IOSYMBOL("prefix"));
	IOASSERT(ISSEQ(prefix), "prefix must be a sequence");

	p = UArray_clone(IoSeq_rawUArray(prefix));
	UArray_appendPath_(p, IoSeq_rawUArray(key));
	result = tcbdbcurjump(TokyoCabinetPrefixCursor(self), 
						  (const void *)UArray_bytes(p), 
	IOASSERT(TokyoCabinetPrefixCursor(self), "invalid TokyoCabinetPrefixCursor");
	return IOBOOL(self, result);
コード例 #29
ファイル: IoSeq.c プロジェクト: asymmetric/io
int IoSeq_rawEqualsCString_(IoSeq *self, const char *s)
	return (strcmp((char *)UArray_bytes(DATA(self)), s) == 0);
コード例 #30
ファイル: IoSeq.c プロジェクト: asymmetric/io
double IoSeq_asDouble(IoSeq *self)
	return strtod((char *)UArray_bytes(DATA(self)), NULL);