コード例 #1
wxClientDC::wxClientDC(wxWindow *window)
    m_window = window ;
    wxTopLevelWindowMac* rootwindow = window->MacGetTopLevelWindow() ;
    if (!rootwindow)
    WindowRef windowref = (WindowRef) rootwindow->MacGetWindowRef() ;
    wxPoint origin = window->GetClientAreaOrigin() ;
    wxSize size = window->GetClientSize() ;
    int x , y ;
    x = origin.x ;
    y = origin.y ;
    window->MacWindowToRootWindow( &x , &y ) ;
    m_macLocalOrigin.x = x ;
    m_macLocalOrigin.y = y ;
    SetRectRgn( (RgnHandle) m_macBoundaryClipRgn , origin.x , origin.y , origin.x + size.x , origin.y + size.y ) ;
    SectRgn( (RgnHandle) m_macBoundaryClipRgn , (RgnHandle) window->MacGetVisibleRegion().GetWXHRGN() , (RgnHandle) m_macBoundaryClipRgn ) ;
    OffsetRgn( (RgnHandle) m_macBoundaryClipRgn , -origin.x , -origin.y ) ;
    OffsetRgn( (RgnHandle) m_macBoundaryClipRgn , m_macLocalOrigin.x , m_macLocalOrigin.y ) ;
    CopyRgn( (RgnHandle) m_macBoundaryClipRgn ,(RgnHandle)  m_macCurrentClipRgn ) ;
    m_macPort = UMAGetWindowPort( windowref ) ;

    m_ok = TRUE ;
    SetFont( window->GetFont() ) ;
コード例 #2
ファイル: glcanvas.cpp プロジェクト: EdgarTx/wx
                         AGLPixelFormat fmt, wxGLCanvas *win,
                         const wxPalette& palette,
                         const wxGLContext *other        /* for sharing display lists */
    m_window = win;
#ifndef __LP64__
    m_drawable = (AGLDrawable) UMAGetWindowPort(MAC_WXHWND(win->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()));

    m_glContext = aglCreateContext(fmt, other ? other->m_glContext : NULL);
    wxCHECK_RET( m_glContext, wxT("Couldn't create OpenGl context") );

    GLboolean b;
#ifndef __LP64__
    b = aglSetDrawable(m_glContext, m_drawable);
    aglEnable(m_glContext , AGL_BUFFER_RECT ) ;
    b = aglSetHIViewRef(m_glContext, (HIViewRef) win->GetHandle());
    wxCHECK_RET( b, wxT("Couldn't bind OpenGl context") );
    b = aglSetCurrentContext(m_glContext);
    wxCHECK_RET( b, wxT("Couldn't activate OpenGl context") );
コード例 #3
ファイル: listbox.cpp プロジェクト: gitrider/wxsj2
wxSize wxListBox::DoGetBestSize() const
    int lbWidth = 100;  // some defaults
    int lbHeight = 110;
    int wLine;

        wxMacPortStateHelper st( UMAGetWindowPort( (WindowRef) MacGetTopLevelWindowRef() ) ) ;

        if ( m_font.Ok() )
            ::TextFont( m_font.MacGetFontNum() ) ;
            ::TextSize( m_font.MacGetFontSize() ) ;
            ::TextFace( m_font.MacGetFontStyle() ) ;
            ::TextFont( kFontIDMonaco ) ;
            ::TextSize( 9  );
            ::TextFace( 0 ) ;

        // Find the widest line
        for(int i = 0; i < GetCount(); i++) {
            wxString str(GetString(i));
        #if wxUSE_UNICODE
            Point bounds={0,0} ;
            SInt16 baseline ;
            ::GetThemeTextDimensions( wxMacCFStringHolder( str , m_font.GetEncoding() ) ,
                &baseline );
            wLine = bounds.h ;
            wLine = ::TextWidth( str.c_str() , 0 , str.Length() ) ;
            lbWidth = wxMax(lbWidth, wLine);

        // Add room for the scrollbar
        lbWidth += wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_VSCROLL_X);

        // And just a bit more
        int cy = 12 ;
        int cx = ::TextWidth( "X" , 0 , 1 ) ;
        lbWidth += cx ;

        // don't make the listbox too tall (limit height to around 10 items) but don't
        // make it too small neither
        lbHeight = (cy+4) * wxMin(wxMax(GetCount(), 3), 10);

    return wxSize(lbWidth, lbHeight);
コード例 #4
ファイル: choice.cpp プロジェクト: Duion/Torsion
wxSize wxChoice::DoGetBestSize() const
    int lbWidth = GetCount() > 0 ? 20 : 100;  // some defaults
    int lbHeight = 20;
    int wLine;
    long metric ;
    GetThemeMetric(kThemeMetricPopupButtonHeight , &metric );
    lbHeight = metric ;
        wxMacPortStateHelper st( UMAGetWindowPort( (WindowRef) MacGetTopLevelWindowRef() ) ) ;
        if ( m_font.Ok() )
            ::TextFont( m_font.MacGetFontNum() ) ;
            ::TextSize( m_font.MacGetFontSize() ) ;
            ::TextFace( m_font.MacGetFontStyle() ) ;
            ::TextFont( kFontIDMonaco ) ;
            ::TextSize( 9  );
            ::TextFace( 0 ) ;
        // Find the widest line
        for(int i = 0; i < GetCount(); i++) {
            wxString str(GetString(i));
        #if wxUSE_UNICODE
            Point bounds={0,0} ;
            SInt16 baseline ;
            ::GetThemeTextDimensions( wxMacCFStringHolder( str , m_font.GetEncoding() ) ,
                &baseline );
            wLine = bounds.h ;
            wLine = ::TextWidth( str.c_str() , 0 , str.Length() ) ;
            lbWidth = wxMax(lbWidth, wLine);
        // Add room for the popup arrow
        lbWidth += 2 * lbHeight ;
        // And just a bit more
        int cx = ::TextWidth( "X" , 0 , 1 ) ;
        lbWidth += cx ;

    return wxSize(lbWidth, lbHeight);
コード例 #5
wxWindowDC::wxWindowDC(wxWindow *window) 
    m_window = window ;
    wxTopLevelWindowMac* rootwindow = window->MacGetTopLevelWindow() ;
    WindowRef windowref = (WindowRef) rootwindow->MacGetWindowRef() ;
    int x , y ;
    x = y = 0 ;
    window->MacWindowToRootWindow( &x , &y ) ;
    m_macLocalOrigin.x = x ;
    m_macLocalOrigin.y = y ;
    CopyRgn( (RgnHandle) window->MacGetVisibleRegion().GetWXHRGN() , (RgnHandle) m_macBoundaryClipRgn ) ;
    OffsetRgn( (RgnHandle) m_macBoundaryClipRgn , m_macLocalOrigin.x , m_macLocalOrigin.y ) ;
    CopyRgn( (RgnHandle) m_macBoundaryClipRgn , (RgnHandle) m_macCurrentClipRgn ) ;
    m_macPort = UMAGetWindowPort( windowref ) ;
    m_ok = TRUE ;
コード例 #6
ファイル: glcanvas.cpp プロジェクト: HackLinux/chandler-1
                         AGLPixelFormat fmt, wxGLCanvas *win,
                         const wxPalette& palette,
                         const wxGLContext *other        /* for sharing display lists */
    m_window = win;
    m_drawable = (AGLDrawable) UMAGetWindowPort(MAC_WXHWND(win->MacGetRootWindow()));
    m_glContext = aglCreateContext(fmt, other ? other->m_glContext : NULL);
    wxCHECK_RET( m_glContext, wxT("Couldn't create OpenGl context") );
    GLboolean b;
    b = aglSetDrawable(m_glContext, m_drawable);
    wxCHECK_RET( b, wxT("Couldn't bind OpenGl context") );
    aglEnable(m_glContext , AGL_BUFFER_RECT ) ;
    b = aglSetCurrentContext(m_glContext);
    wxCHECK_RET( b, wxT("Couldn't activate OpenGl context") );
コード例 #7
ファイル: toplevel.cpp プロジェクト: Duion/Torsion
void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacFireMouseEvent(
    wxUint16 kind , wxInt32 x , wxInt32 y ,wxUint32 modifiers , long timestamp )
    wxMouseEvent event(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN);
    bool isDown = !(modifiers & btnState) ; // 1 is for up
    bool controlDown = modifiers & controlKey ; // for simulating right mouse

    event.m_leftDown = isDown && !controlDown;

    event.m_middleDown = FALSE;
    event.m_rightDown = isDown && controlDown;

    if ( kind == mouseDown )
        if ( controlDown )
            event.SetEventType(wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN ) ;
            event.SetEventType(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN ) ;
    else if ( kind == mouseUp )
        if ( controlDown )
            event.SetEventType(wxEVT_RIGHT_UP ) ;
            event.SetEventType(wxEVT_LEFT_UP ) ;
        event.SetEventType(wxEVT_MOTION ) ;

    event.m_shiftDown = modifiers & shiftKey;
    event.m_controlDown = modifiers & controlKey;
    event.m_altDown = modifiers & optionKey;
    event.m_metaDown = modifiers & cmdKey;

    Point       localwhere ;
    localwhere.h = x ;
    localwhere.v = y ;

    GrafPtr     port ;
    ::GetPort( &port ) ;
    ::SetPort( UMAGetWindowPort( (WindowRef)m_macWindow ) ) ;
    ::GlobalToLocal( &localwhere ) ;
    ::SetPort( port ) ;

    if ( kind == mouseDown )
        if ( timestamp - gs_lastWhen <= (long) GetDblTime() )
            if ( abs( localwhere.h - gs_lastWhere.h ) < 3 && abs( localwhere.v - gs_lastWhere.v ) < 3 )
                // This is not right if the second mouse down
                // event occurred in a different window. We
                // correct this in MacDispatchMouseEvent.
                if ( controlDown )
                    event.SetEventType(wxEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK ) ;
                    event.SetEventType(wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK ) ;
            gs_lastWhen = 0 ;
            gs_lastWhen = timestamp ;
        gs_lastWhere = localwhere ;

    event.m_x = localwhere.h;
    event.m_y = localwhere.v;
    event.m_x += m_x;
    event.m_y += m_y;

    if ( wxTheApp->s_captureWindow )
        int x = event.m_x ;
        int y = event.m_y ;
        wxTheApp->s_captureWindow->ScreenToClient( &x , &y ) ;
        event.m_x = x ;
        event.m_y = y ;
        event.SetEventObject( wxTheApp->s_captureWindow ) ;
        wxTheApp->s_captureWindow->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ) ;

        if ( kind == mouseUp )
            wxTheApp->s_captureWindow = NULL ;
            if ( !wxIsBusy() )
                m_cursor.MacInstall() ;
        MacDispatchMouseEvent( event ) ;