コード例 #1
bool FJsonObjectConverter::UStructToJsonObject(const UStruct* StructDefinition, const void* Struct, TSharedRef<FJsonObject> OutJsonObject, int64 CheckFlags, int64 SkipFlags)
	for(TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(StructDefinition); It; ++It)
		UProperty* Property = *It;

		// Check to see if we should ignore this property
		if (CheckFlags != 0 && !Property->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CheckFlags))
		if (Property->HasAnyPropertyFlags(SkipFlags))

		FString VariableName = StandardizeCase(Property->GetName());
		const void* Value = Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8>(Struct);

		// convert the property to a FJsonValue
		TSharedPtr<FJsonValue> JsonValue = UPropertyToJsonValue(Property, Value, CheckFlags, SkipFlags);
		if (!JsonValue.IsValid())
			UClass* PropClass = Property->GetClass();
			UE_LOG(LogJson, Error, TEXT("UStructToJsonObject - Unhandled property type '%s': %s"), *PropClass->GetName(), *Property->GetPathName());
			return false;

		// set the value on the output object
		OutJsonObject->SetField(VariableName, JsonValue);

	return true;
コード例 #2
bool FJsonObjectConverter::UStructToJsonAttributes(const UStruct* StructDefinition, const void* Struct, TMap< FString, TSharedPtr<FJsonValue> >& OutJsonAttributes, int64 CheckFlags, int64 SkipFlags, const CustomExportCallback* ExportCb)
	if (SkipFlags == 0)
		// If we have no specified skip flags, skip deprecated by default when writing
		SkipFlags |= CPF_Deprecated;

	if (StructDefinition == FJsonObjectWrapper::StaticStruct())
		// Just copy it into the object
		const FJsonObjectWrapper* ProxyObject = (const FJsonObjectWrapper *)Struct;

		if (ProxyObject->JsonObject.IsValid())
			OutJsonAttributes = ProxyObject->JsonObject->Values;
		return true;

	for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(StructDefinition); It; ++It)
		UProperty* Property = *It;

		// Check to see if we should ignore this property
		if (CheckFlags != 0 && !Property->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CheckFlags))
		if (Property->HasAnyPropertyFlags(SkipFlags))

		FString VariableName = StandardizeCase(Property->GetName());
		const void* Value = Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8>(Struct);

		// convert the property to a FJsonValue
		TSharedPtr<FJsonValue> JsonValue = UPropertyToJsonValue(Property, Value, CheckFlags, SkipFlags, ExportCb);
		if (!JsonValue.IsValid())
			UClass* PropClass = Property->GetClass();
			UE_LOG(LogJson, Error, TEXT("UStructToJsonObject - Unhandled property type '%s': %s"), *PropClass->GetName(), *Property->GetPathName());
			return false;

		// set the value on the output object
		OutJsonAttributes.Add(VariableName, JsonValue);

	return true;