bool TextureCube::SetSize(int size, unsigned format, TextureUsage usage, int multiSample) { if (size <= 0) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Zero or negative cube texture size"); return false; } if (usage == TEXTURE_DEPTHSTENCIL) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Depth-stencil usage not supported for cube textures"); return false; } multiSample = Clamp(multiSample, 1, 16); if (multiSample > 1 && usage < TEXTURE_RENDERTARGET) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Multisampling is only supported for rendertarget cube textures"); return false; } // Delete the old rendersurfaces if any for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_CUBEMAP_FACES; ++i) { renderSurfaces_[i].Reset(); faceMemoryUse_[i] = 0; } usage_ = usage; if (usage == TEXTURE_RENDERTARGET) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_CUBEMAP_FACES; ++i) { renderSurfaces_[i] = new RenderSurface(this); #ifdef URHO3D_OPENGL renderSurfaces_[i]->target_ = GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i; #endif } // Nearest filtering by default filterMode_ = FILTER_NEAREST; } if (usage == TEXTURE_RENDERTARGET) SubscribeToEvent(E_RENDERSURFACEUPDATE, URHO3D_HANDLER(TextureCube, HandleRenderSurfaceUpdate)); else UnsubscribeFromEvent(E_RENDERSURFACEUPDATE); width_ = size; height_ = size; depth_ = 1; format_ = format; multiSample_ = multiSample; autoResolve_ = multiSample > 1; return Create(); }
bool TmxFile2D::BeginLoad(Deserializer& source) { if (GetName().Empty()) SetName(source.GetName()); loadXMLFile_ = new XMLFile(context_); if (!loadXMLFile_->Load(source)) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Load XML failed " + source.GetName()); loadXMLFile_.Reset(); return false; } XMLElement rootElem = loadXMLFile_->GetRoot("map"); if (!rootElem) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Invalid tmx file " + source.GetName()); loadXMLFile_.Reset(); return false; } // If we're async loading, request the texture now. Finish during EndLoad(). if (GetAsyncLoadState() == ASYNC_LOADING) { for (XMLElement tileSetElem = rootElem.GetChild("tileset"); tileSetElem; tileSetElem = tileSetElem.GetNext("tileset")) { // Tile set defined in TSX file if (tileSetElem.HasAttribute("source")) { String source = tileSetElem.GetAttribute("source"); SharedPtr<XMLFile> tsxXMLFile = LoadTSXFile(source); if (!tsxXMLFile) return false; tsxXMLFiles_[source] = tsxXMLFile; String textureFilePath = GetParentPath(GetName()) + tsxXMLFile->GetRoot("tileset").GetChild("image").GetAttribute("source"); GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>()->BackgroundLoadResource<Texture2D>(textureFilePath, true, this); } else { String textureFilePath = GetParentPath(GetName()) + tileSetElem.GetChild("image").GetAttribute("source"); GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>()->BackgroundLoadResource<Texture2D>(textureFilePath, true, this); } } for (XMLElement imageLayerElem = rootElem.GetChild("imagelayer"); imageLayerElem; imageLayerElem = imageLayerElem.GetNext("imagelayer")) { String textureFilePath = GetParentPath(GetName()) + imageLayerElem.GetChild("image").GetAttribute("source"); GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>()->BackgroundLoadResource<Texture2D>(textureFilePath, true, this); } } return true; }
bool TextureCube::SetSize(int size, uint32_t format, TextureUsage usage, int multiSample) { if (size <= 0) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Zero or negative cube texture size"); return false; } if (usage == TEXTURE_DEPTHSTENCIL) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Depth-stencil usage not supported for cube textures"); return false; } multiSample = Clamp(multiSample, 1, 16); if (multiSample > 1 && usage < TEXTURE_RENDERTARGET) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Multisampling is only supported for rendertarget cube textures"); return false; } // Delete the old rendersurfaces if any for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_CUBEMAP_FACES; ++i) { renderSurfaces_[i].Reset(); faceMemoryUse_[i] = 0; } usage_ = usage; if (usage == TEXTURE_RENDERTARGET) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_CUBEMAP_FACES; ++i) { renderSurfaces_[i] = new RenderSurface(this); renderSurfaces_[i]->target_ = GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i; } // Nearest filtering by default filterMode_ = FILTER_NEAREST; } if (usage == TEXTURE_RENDERTARGET) g_graphicsSignals.renderSurfaceUpdate.Connect(this,&TextureCube::HandleRenderSurfaceUpdate); else g_graphicsSignals.renderSurfaceUpdate.Disconnect(this,&TextureCube::HandleRenderSurfaceUpdate); width_ = size; height_ = size; format_ = format; depth_ = 1; multiSample_ = multiSample; autoResolve_ = multiSample > 1; return Create(); }
bool XMLFile::BeginLoad(Deserializer& source) { unsigned dataSize = source.GetSize(); if (!dataSize && !source.GetName().Empty()) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Zero sized XML data in " + source.GetName()); return false; } SharedArrayPtr<char> buffer(new char[dataSize]); if (source.Read(buffer.Get(), dataSize) != dataSize) return false; if (!document_->load_buffer(buffer.Get(), dataSize)) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Could not parse XML data from " + source.GetName()); document_->reset(); return false; } XMLElement rootElem = GetRoot(); String inherit = rootElem.GetAttribute("inherit"); if (!inherit.Empty()) { // The existence of this attribute indicates this is an RFC 5261 patch file ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>(); // If being async loaded, GetResource() is not safe, so use GetTempResource() instead XMLFile* inheritedXMLFile = GetAsyncLoadState() == ASYNC_DONE ? cache->GetResource<XMLFile>(inherit) : cache->GetTempResource<XMLFile>(inherit); if (!inheritedXMLFile) { URHO3D_LOGERRORF("Could not find inherited XML file: %s", inherit.CString()); return false; } // Patch this XMLFile and leave the original inherited XMLFile as it is pugi::xml_document* patchDocument = document_; document_ = new pugi::xml_document(); document_->reset(*inheritedXMLFile->document_); Patch(rootElem); delete patchDocument; // Store resource dependencies so we know when to reload/repatch when the inherited resource changes cache->StoreResourceDependency(this, inherit); // Approximate patched data size dataSize += inheritedXMLFile->GetMemoryUse(); } // Note: this probably does not reflect internal data structure size accurately SetMemoryUse(dataSize); return true; }
bool Texture3D::Create() { Release(); #ifdef GL_ES_VERSION_2_0 URHO3D_LOGERROR("Failed to create 3D texture, currently unsupported on OpenGL ES 2"); return false; #else if (!graphics_ || !width_ || !height_ || !depth_) return false; if (graphics_->IsDeviceLost()) { URHO3D_LOGWARNING("Texture creation while device is lost"); return true; } unsigned format = GetSRGB() ? GetSRGBFormat(format_) : format_; unsigned externalFormat = GetExternalFormat(format_); unsigned dataType = GetDataType(format_); glGenTextures(1, &object_.name_); // Ensure that our texture is bound to OpenGL texture unit 0 graphics_->SetTextureForUpdate(this); // If not compressed, create the initial level 0 texture with null data bool success = true; if (!IsCompressed()) { glGetError(); glTexImage3D(target_, 0, format, width_, height_, depth_, 0, externalFormat, dataType, 0); if (glGetError()) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Failed to create texture"); success = false; } } // Set mipmapping levels_ = CheckMaxLevels(width_, height_, depth_, requestedLevels_); glTexParameteri(target_, GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL, 0); glTexParameteri(target_, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, levels_ - 1); // Set initial parameters, then unbind the texture UpdateParameters(); graphics_->SetTexture(0, 0); return success; #endif }
bool Texture3D::Create() { Release(); #ifdef GL_ES_VERSION_2_0 URHO3D_LOGERROR("Failed to create 3D texture, currently unsupported on OpenGL ES 2"); return false; #else if (!graphics_ || !width_ || !height_ || !depth_) return false; if (graphics_->IsDeviceLost()) { URHO3D_LOGWARNING("Texture creation while device is lost"); return true; } unsigned format = GetSRGB() ? GetSRGBFormat(format_) : format_; unsigned externalFormat = GetExternalFormat(format_); unsigned dataType = GetDataType(format_); glGenTextures(1, &object_); // Ensure that our texture is bound to OpenGL texture unit 0 graphics_->SetTextureForUpdate(this); // If not compressed, create the initial level 0 texture with null data bool success = true; if (!IsCompressed()) { glGetError(); glTexImage3D(target_, 0, format, width_, height_, depth_, 0, externalFormat, dataType, 0); if (glGetError()) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Failed to create texture"); success = false; } } // Set mipmapping levels_ = requestedLevels_; if (!levels_) { unsigned maxSize = (unsigned)Max(Max((int)width_, (int)height_), (int)depth_); while (maxSize) { maxSize >>= 1; ++levels_; } }
bool Texture2D::SetSize(int width, int height, unsigned format, TextureUsage usage, int multiSample, bool autoResolve) { if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Zero or negative texture dimensions"); return false; } multiSample = Clamp(multiSample, 1, 16); if (multiSample == 1) autoResolve = false; else if (multiSample > 1 && usage < TEXTURE_RENDERTARGET) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Multisampling is only supported for rendertarget or depth-stencil textures"); return false; } // Disable mipmaps if multisample & custom resolve if (multiSample > 1 && autoResolve == false) requestedLevels_ = 1; // Delete the old rendersurface if any renderSurface_.Reset(); usage_ = usage; if (usage >= TEXTURE_RENDERTARGET) { renderSurface_ = new RenderSurface(this); // Clamp mode addressing by default and nearest filtering addressModes_[COORD_U] = ADDRESS_CLAMP; addressModes_[COORD_V] = ADDRESS_CLAMP; filterMode_ = FILTER_NEAREST; } if (usage == TEXTURE_RENDERTARGET) SubscribeToEvent(E_RENDERSURFACEUPDATE, URHO3D_HANDLER(Texture2D, HandleRenderSurfaceUpdate)); else UnsubscribeFromEvent(E_RENDERSURFACEUPDATE); width_ = width; height_ = height; format_ = format; depth_ = 1; multiSample_ = multiSample; autoResolve_ = autoResolve; return Create(); }
bool VertexBuffer::SetDataRange(const void* data, unsigned start, unsigned count, bool discard) { if (start == 0 && count == vertexCount_) return SetData(data); if (!data) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Null pointer for vertex buffer data"); return false; } if (!vertexSize_) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Vertex elements not defined, can not set vertex buffer data"); return false; } if (start + count > vertexCount_) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Illegal range for setting new vertex buffer data"); return false; } if (!count) return true; if (shadowData_ && shadowData_.Get() + start * vertexSize_ != data) memcpy(shadowData_.Get() + start * vertexSize_, data, count * vertexSize_); if (object_) { if (graphics_->IsDeviceLost()) { URHO3D_LOGWARNING("Vertex buffer data assignment while device is lost"); dataPending_ = true; return true; } void* hwData = MapBuffer(start, count, discard); if (hwData) { memcpy(hwData, data, count * vertexSize_); UnmapBuffer(); } else return false; } return true; }
void RaycastVehicle::SetWheelDataAttr(const VariantVector& value) { if (!vehicleData_) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("RaycastVehicle: vehicleData doesn't exist"); return; } if (value.Size() < 2) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("RaycastVehicle: Incorrect vehicleData"); return; } loadedWheelData_ = value; }
bool VertexBuffer::SetDataRange(const void* data, unsigned start, unsigned count, bool discard) { if (start == 0 && count == vertexCount_) return SetData(data); if (!data) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Null pointer for vertex buffer data"); return false; } if (!vertexSize_) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Vertex elements not defined, can not set vertex buffer data"); return false; } if (start + count > vertexCount_) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Illegal range for setting new vertex buffer data"); return false; } if (!count) return true; if (shadowData_ && shadowData_.Get() + start * vertexSize_ != data) memcpy(shadowData_.Get() + start * vertexSize_, data, count * vertexSize_); if (object_) { if (!graphics_->IsDeviceLost()) { graphics_->SetVBO(object_); if (!discard || start != 0) glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, start * vertexSize_, count * vertexSize_, data); else glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, count * vertexSize_, data, dynamic_ ? GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW : GL_STATIC_DRAW); } else { URHO3D_LOGWARNING("Vertex buffer data assignment while device is lost"); dataPending_ = true; } } return true; }
bool TmxImageLayer2D::Load(const XMLElement& element, const TileMapInfo2D& info) { LoadInfo(element); XMLElement imageElem = element.GetChild("image"); if (!imageElem) return false; position_ = Vector2(0.0f, info.GetMapHeight()); source_ = imageElem.GetAttribute("source"); String textureFilePath = GetParentPath(tmxFile_->GetName()) + source_; ResourceCache* cache = tmxFile_->GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>(); SharedPtr<Texture2D> texture(cache->GetResource<Texture2D>(textureFilePath)); if (!texture) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Could not load texture " + textureFilePath); return false; } sprite_ = new Sprite2D(tmxFile_->GetContext()); sprite_->SetTexture(texture); sprite_->SetRectangle(IntRect(0, 0, texture->GetWidth(), texture->GetHeight())); // Set image hot spot at left top sprite_->SetHotSpot(Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f)); if (element.HasChild("properties")) LoadPropertySet(element.GetChild("properties")); return true; }
void Skeleton::SetRootBoneIndex(unsigned index) { if (index < bones_.Size()) rootBoneIndex_ = index; else URHO3D_LOGERROR("Root bone index out of bounds"); }
bool Sound::LoadOggVorbis(Deserializer& source) { unsigned dataSize = source.GetSize(); SharedArrayPtr<signed char> data(new signed char[dataSize]); source.Read(data.Get(), dataSize); // Check for validity of data int error; stb_vorbis* vorbis = stb_vorbis_open_memory((unsigned char*)data.Get(), dataSize, &error, nullptr); if (!vorbis) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Could not read Ogg Vorbis data from " + source.GetName()); return false; } // Store length, frequency and stereo flag stb_vorbis_info info = stb_vorbis_get_info(vorbis); compressedLength_ = stb_vorbis_stream_length_in_seconds(vorbis); frequency_ = info.sample_rate; stereo_ = info.channels > 1; stb_vorbis_close(vorbis); data_ = data; dataSize_ = dataSize; sixteenBit_ = true; compressed_ = true; SetMemoryUse(dataSize); return true; }
bool File::Open(PackageFile* package, const String& fileName) { if (!package) return false; const PackageEntry* entry = package->GetEntry(fileName); if (!entry) return false; bool success = OpenInternal(package->GetName(), FILE_READ, true); if (!success) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Could not open package file " + fileName); return false; } fileName_ = fileName; offset_ = entry->offset_; checksum_ = entry->checksum_; size_ = entry->size_; compressed_ = package->IsCompressed(); // Seek to beginning of package entry's file data SeekInternal(offset_); return true; }
void Graphics::SetExternalWindow(void* window) { if (!window_) externalWindow_ = window; else URHO3D_LOGERROR("Window already opened, can not set external window"); }
Variant ValueAnimation::SubstractAndMultiply(const Variant& value1, const Variant& value2, float t) const { switch (valueType_) { case VAR_FLOAT: return (value1.GetFloat() - value2.GetFloat()) * t; case VAR_VECTOR2: return (value1.GetVector2() - value2.GetVector2()) * t; case VAR_VECTOR3: return (value1.GetVector3() - value2.GetVector3()) * t; case VAR_VECTOR4: return (value1.GetVector4() - value2.GetVector4()) * t; case VAR_QUATERNION: return (value1.GetQuaternion() - value2.GetQuaternion()) * t; case VAR_COLOR: return (value1.GetColor() - value2.GetColor()) * t; case VAR_DOUBLE: return (value1.GetDouble() - value2.GetDouble()) * t; default: URHO3D_LOGERROR("Invalid value type for spline interpolation's substract and multiply operation"); return Variant::EMPTY; } }
bool ConstantBuffer::SetSize(unsigned size) { if (!size) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Can not create zero-sized constant buffer"); return false; } // Round up to next 16 bytes size += 15; size &= 0xfffffff0; size_ = size; dirty_ = false; shadowData_ = new unsigned char[size_]; memset(shadowData_.Get(), 0, size_); if (graphics_) { #ifndef GL_ES_VERSION_2_0 if (!object_) glGenBuffers(1, &object_); graphics_->SetUBO(object_); glBufferData(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, size_, shadowData_.Get(), GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); #endif } return true; }
bool VertexBuffer::Create() { Release(); if (!vertexCount_ || !elementMask_) return true; if (graphics_) { D3D11_BUFFER_DESC bufferDesc; memset(&bufferDesc, 0, sizeof bufferDesc); bufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER; bufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = dynamic_ ? D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE : 0; bufferDesc.Usage = dynamic_ ? D3D11_USAGE_DYNAMIC : D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; bufferDesc.ByteWidth = (UINT)(vertexCount_ * vertexSize_); graphics_->GetImpl()->GetDevice()->CreateBuffer(&bufferDesc, 0, (ID3D11Buffer**)&object_); if (!object_) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Failed to create vertex buffer"); return false; } } return true; }
bool Model::SetGeometry(unsigned index, unsigned lodLevel, Geometry* geometry) { if (index >= geometries_.Size()) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Geometry index out of bounds"); return false; } if (lodLevel >= geometries_[index].Size()) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("LOD level index out of bounds"); return false; } geometries_[index][lodLevel] = geometry; return true; }
bool VertexBuffer::Create() { if (!vertexCount_ || !elementMask_) { Release(); return true; } if (graphics_) { if (graphics_->IsDeviceLost()) { URHO3D_LOGWARNING("Vertex buffer creation while device is lost"); return true; } if (!object_) glGenBuffers(1, &object_); if (!object_) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Failed to create vertex buffer"); return false; } graphics_->SetVBO(object_); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexCount_ * vertexSize_, 0, dynamic_ ? GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW : GL_STATIC_DRAW); } return true; }
bool IndexBuffer::Create() { if (!indexCount_) { Release(); return true; } if (graphics_) { if (graphics_->IsDeviceLost()) { URHO3D_LOGWARNING("Index buffer creation while device is lost"); return true; } if (!object_) glGenBuffers(1, &object_); if (!object_) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Failed to create index buffer"); return false; } graphics_->SetIndexBuffer(this); glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexCount_ * indexSize_, 0, dynamic_ ? GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW : GL_STATIC_DRAW); } return true; }
bool Model::SetNumGeometryLodLevels(unsigned index, unsigned num) { if (index >= geometries_.Size()) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Geometry index out of bounds"); return false; } if (!num) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Zero LOD levels not allowed"); return false; } geometries_[index].Resize(num); return true; }
void CustomGeometry::DefineGeometry(unsigned index, PrimitiveType type, unsigned numVertices, bool hasNormals, bool hasColors, bool hasTexCoords, bool hasTangents) { if (index > geometries_.Size()) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Geometry index out of bounds"); return; } geometryIndex_ = index; primitiveTypes_[index] = type; vertices_[index].Resize(numVertices); // If defining the first geometry, reset the element mask if (!index) elementMask_ = MASK_POSITION; if (hasNormals) elementMask_ |= MASK_NORMAL; if (hasColors) elementMask_ |= MASK_COLOR; if (hasTexCoords) elementMask_ |= MASK_TEXCOORD1; if (hasTangents) elementMask_ |= MASK_TANGENT; }
bool Texture2D::SetSize(int width, int height, unsigned format, TextureUsage usage) { if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Zero or negative texture dimensions"); return false; } // Delete the old rendersurface if any renderSurface_.Reset(); usage_ = usage; if (usage >= TEXTURE_RENDERTARGET) { renderSurface_ = new RenderSurface(this); // Clamp mode addressing by default, nearest filtering, and mipmaps disabled addressMode_[COORD_U] = ADDRESS_CLAMP; addressMode_[COORD_V] = ADDRESS_CLAMP; filterMode_ = FILTER_NEAREST; requestedLevels_ = 1; } if (usage == TEXTURE_RENDERTARGET) SubscribeToEvent(E_RENDERSURFACEUPDATE, URHO3D_HANDLER(Texture2D, HandleRenderSurfaceUpdate)); else UnsubscribeFromEvent(E_RENDERSURFACEUPDATE); width_ = width; height_ = height; format_ = format; return Create(); }
bool PListFile::LoadValue(PListValue& value, const XMLElement& valueElem) { String valueType = valueElem.GetName(); if (valueType == "string") value.SetString(valueElem.GetValue()); else if (valueType == "real") value.SetFloat(ToFloat(valueElem.GetValue())); else if (valueType == "integer") value.SetInt(ToInt(valueElem.GetValue())); else if (valueType == "true") value.SetBool(true); else if (valueType == "false") value.SetBool(false); else if (valueType == "dict") { if (!LoadDict(value.ConvertToValueMap(), valueElem)) return false; } else if (valueType == "array") { if (!LoadArray(value.ConvertToValueVector(), valueElem)) return false; } else { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Supported value type"); return false; } return true; }
bool Texture2DArray::GetData(unsigned layer, unsigned level, void* dest) const { #ifndef GL_ES_VERSION_2_0 if (!object_.name_ || !graphics_) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Texture array not created, can not get data"); return false; } if (!dest) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Null destination for getting data"); return false; } if (layer != 0) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Only the full download of the array is supported, set layer=0"); return false; } if (level >= levels_) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Illegal mip level for getting data"); return false; } if (graphics_->IsDeviceLost()) { URHO3D_LOGWARNING("Getting texture data while device is lost"); return false; } graphics_->SetTextureForUpdate(const_cast<Texture2DArray*>(this)); if (!IsCompressed()) glGetTexImage(target_, level, GetExternalFormat(format_), GetDataType(format_), dest); else glGetCompressedTexImage(target_, level, dest); graphics_->SetTexture(0, 0); return true; #else URHO3D_LOGERROR("Getting texture data not supported"); return false; #endif }
bool VertexBuffer::SetData(const void* data) { if (!data) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Null pointer for vertex buffer data"); return false; } if (!vertexSize_) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Vertex elements not defined, can not set vertex buffer data"); return false; } if (shadowData_ && data != shadowData_.Get()) memcpy(shadowData_.Get(), data, vertexCount_ * vertexSize_); if (object_) { if (dynamic_) { void* hwData = MapBuffer(0, vertexCount_, true); if (hwData) { memcpy(hwData, data, vertexCount_ * vertexSize_); UnmapBuffer(); } else return false; } else { D3D11_BOX destBox; destBox.left = 0; destBox.right = vertexCount_ * vertexSize_; = 0; destBox.bottom = 1; destBox.front = 0; destBox.back = 1; graphics_->GetImpl()->GetDeviceContext()->UpdateSubresource((ID3D11Buffer*)object_, 0, &destBox, data, 0, 0); } } return true; }
bool TmxTileLayer2D::Load(const XMLElement& element, const TileMapInfo2D& info) { LoadInfo(element); XMLElement dataElem = element.GetChild("data"); if (!dataElem) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Could not find data in layer"); return false; } if (dataElem.HasAttribute("encoding") && dataElem.GetAttribute("encoding") != "xml") { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Encoding not support now"); return false; } XMLElement tileElem = dataElem.GetChild("tile"); tiles_.Resize((unsigned)(width_ * height_)); for (int y = 0; y < height_; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < width_; ++x) { if (!tileElem) return false; int gid = tileElem.GetInt("gid"); if (gid > 0) { SharedPtr<Tile2D> tile(new Tile2D()); tile->gid_ = gid; tile->sprite_ = tmxFile_->GetTileSprite(gid); tile->propertySet_ = tmxFile_->GetTilePropertySet(gid); tiles_[y * width_ + x] = tile; } tileElem = tileElem.GetNext("tile"); } } if (element.HasChild("properties")) LoadPropertySet(element.GetChild("properties")); return true; }
bool IndexBuffer::GetUsedVertexRange(unsigned start, unsigned count, unsigned& minVertex, unsigned& vertexCount) { if (!shadowData_) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Used vertex range can only be queried from an index buffer with shadow data"); return false; } if (start + count > indexCount_) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Illegal index range for querying used vertices"); return false; } minVertex = M_MAX_UNSIGNED; unsigned maxVertex = 0; if (indexSize_ == sizeof(unsigned)) { unsigned* indices = ((unsigned*)shadowData_.Get()) + start; for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (indices[i] < minVertex) minVertex = indices[i]; if (indices[i] > maxVertex) maxVertex = indices[i]; } } else { unsigned short* indices = ((unsigned short*)shadowData_.Get()) + start; for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (indices[i] < minVertex) minVertex = indices[i]; if (indices[i] > maxVertex) maxVertex = indices[i]; } } vertexCount = maxVertex - minVertex + 1; return true; }
bool TextureCube::GetData(CubeMapFace face, unsigned level, void* dest) const { if (!object_ || !graphics_) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("No texture created, can not get data"); return false; } if (!dest) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Null destination for getting data"); return false; } if (level >= levels_) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Illegal mip level for getting data"); return false; } if (graphics_->IsDeviceLost()) { URHO3D_LOGWARNING("Getting texture data while device is lost"); return false; } if (multiSample_ > 1 && !autoResolve_) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Can not get data from multisampled texture without autoresolve"); return false; } if (resolveDirty_) graphics_->ResolveToTexture(const_cast<TextureCube*>(this)); graphics_->SetTextureForUpdate(const_cast<TextureCube*>(this)); if (!IsCompressed()) glGetTexImage(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + face, level, GetExternalFormat(format_), GetDataType(format_), dest); else glGetCompressedTexImage(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + face, level, dest); graphics_->SetTexture(0, nullptr); return true; }