コード例 #1
ファイル: PostgresqlConnection.c プロジェクト: aipoyun/libzdb
static int _doConnect(T C, char **error) {
#define ERROR(e) do {*error = Str_dup(e); goto error;} while (0)
        /* User */
        if (URL_getUser(C->url))
                StringBuffer_append(C->sb, "user='******' ", URL_getUser(C->url));
        else if (URL_getParameter(C->url, "user"))
                StringBuffer_append(C->sb, "user='******' ", URL_getParameter(C->url, "user"));
                ERROR("no username specified in URL");
        /* Password */
        if (URL_getPassword(C->url))
                StringBuffer_append(C->sb, "password='******' ", URL_getPassword(C->url));
        else if (URL_getParameter(C->url, "password"))
                StringBuffer_append(C->sb, "password='******' ", URL_getParameter(C->url, "password"));
                ERROR("no password specified in URL");
        /* Host */
        if (URL_getParameter(C->url, "unix-socket")) {
                if (URL_getParameter(C->url, "unix-socket")[0] != '/')
                        ERROR("invalid unix-socket directory");
                StringBuffer_append(C->sb, "host='%s' ", URL_getParameter(C->url, "unix-socket"));
        } else if (URL_getHost(C->url)) {
                StringBuffer_append(C->sb, "host='%s' ", URL_getHost(C->url));
                /* Port */
                if (URL_getPort(C->url) > 0)
                        StringBuffer_append(C->sb, "port=%d ", URL_getPort(C->url));
                        ERROR("no port specified in URL");
        } else
                ERROR("no host specified in URL");
        /* Database name */
        if (URL_getPath(C->url))
                StringBuffer_append(C->sb, "dbname='%s' ", URL_getPath(C->url) + 1);
                ERROR("no database specified in URL");
        /* Options */
        StringBuffer_append(C->sb, "sslmode='%s' ", IS(URL_getParameter(C->url, "use-ssl"), "true") ? "require" : "disable");
        if (URL_getParameter(C->url, "connect-timeout")) {
                        StringBuffer_append(C->sb, "connect_timeout=%d ", Str_parseInt(URL_getParameter(C->url, "connect-timeout")));
                        ERROR("invalid connect timeout value");
        } else
                StringBuffer_append(C->sb, "connect_timeout=%d ", SQL_DEFAULT_TCP_TIMEOUT);
        if (URL_getParameter(C->url, "application-name"))
                StringBuffer_append(C->sb, "application_name='%s' ", URL_getParameter(C->url, "application-name"));
        /* Connect */
        C->db = PQconnectdb(StringBuffer_toString(C->sb));
        if (PQstatus(C->db) == CONNECTION_OK)
                return true;
        *error = Str_dup(PQerrorMessage(C->db));
        return false;
コード例 #2
static int _doConnect(T C, URL_T url, char**  error) {
#undef ERROR
#define ERROR(e) do {*error = Str_dup(e); return false;} while (0)
#define ORAERROR(e) do{ *error = Str_dup(OracleConnection_getLastError(e)); return false;} while(0)
        const char *database, *username, *password;
        const char *host = URL_getHost(url);
        int port = URL_getPort(url);
        if (! (username = URL_getUser(url)))
                if (! (username = URL_getParameter(url, "user")))
                        ERROR("no username specified in URL");
        if (! (password = URL_getPassword(url)))
                if (! (password = URL_getParameter(url, "password")))
                        ERROR("no password specified in URL");
        if (! (database = URL_getPath(url)))
                ERROR("no database specified in URL");
        /* Create a thread-safe OCI environment with N' substitution turned on. */
        if (OCIEnvCreate(&C->env, OCI_THREADED | OCI_OBJECT | OCI_NCHAR_LITERAL_REPLACE_ON, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
                ERROR("Create a OCI environment failed");
        /* allocate an error handle */
        if (OCI_SUCCESS != OCIHandleAlloc(C->env, (dvoid**)&C->err, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, 0, 0))
                ERROR("Allocating error handler failed");
        /* server contexts */
        if (OCI_SUCCESS != OCIHandleAlloc(C->env, (dvoid**)&C->srv, OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, 0, 0))
                ERROR("Allocating server context failed");
        /* allocate a service handle */
        if (OCI_SUCCESS != OCIHandleAlloc(C->env, (dvoid**)&C->svc, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, 0, 0))
                ERROR("Allocating service handle failed");
        /* Oracle connect string is on the form: //host[:port]/service name */
        if (host) {
                StringBuffer_append(C->sb, "//%s", host);
                if (port > 0)
                        StringBuffer_append(C->sb, ":%d", port);
                StringBuffer_append(C->sb, "/%s", database);
        } else /* Or just service name */
                StringBuffer_append(C->sb, "%s", database);
        /* Create a server context */
        C->lastError = OCIServerAttach(C->srv, C->err, StringBuffer_toString(C->sb), StringBuffer_length(C->sb), 0);
        if (C->lastError != OCI_SUCCESS && C->lastError != OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
        /* Set attribute server context in the service context */
        C->lastError = OCIAttrSet(C->svc, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, C->srv, 0, OCI_ATTR_SERVER, C->err);
        if (C->lastError != OCI_SUCCESS && C->lastError != OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
        C->lastError = OCIHandleAlloc(C->env, (void**)&C->usr, OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, 0, NULL);
        if (C->lastError != OCI_SUCCESS && C->lastError != OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
        C->lastError = OCIAttrSet(C->usr, OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, (dvoid *)username, (int)strlen(username), OCI_ATTR_USERNAME, C->err);
        if (C->lastError != OCI_SUCCESS && C->lastError != OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
        C->lastError = OCIAttrSet(C->usr, OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, (dvoid *)password, (int)strlen(password), OCI_ATTR_PASSWORD, C->err);
        if (C->lastError != OCI_SUCCESS && C->lastError != OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
        C->lastError = OCISessionBegin(C->svc, C->err, C->usr, OCI_CRED_RDBMS, OCI_DEFAULT);
        if (C->lastError != OCI_SUCCESS && C->lastError != OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
        OCIAttrSet(C->svc, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, C->usr, 0, OCI_ATTR_SESSION, C->err);
        return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: MysqlConnection.c プロジェクト: HunterChen/libzdb
static MYSQL *doConnect(URL_T url, char **error) {
#define MYSQL_ERROR(e) do {*error = Str_dup(e); goto error;} while (0)
        int port;
        my_bool yes = 1;
        my_bool no = 0;
        volatile int connectTimeout = SQL_DEFAULT_TCP_TIMEOUT;
        unsigned long clientFlags = CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS;
        const char *user, *password, *host, *database, *charset, *timeout;
        const char *unix_socket = URL_getParameter(url, "unix-socket");
        MYSQL *db = mysql_init(NULL);
        if (! db) {
                *error = Str_dup("unable to allocate mysql handler");
                return NULL;
        if (! (user = URL_getUser(url)))
                if (! (user = URL_getParameter(url, "user")))
                        MYSQL_ERROR("no username specified in URL");
        if (! (password = URL_getPassword(url)))
                if (! (password = URL_getParameter(url, "password")))
                        MYSQL_ERROR("no password specified in URL");
        if (unix_socket) {
		host = "localhost"; // Make sure host is localhost if unix socket is to be used
        } else if (! (host = URL_getHost(url)))
                MYSQL_ERROR("no host specified in URL");
        if ((port = URL_getPort(url)) <= 0)
                MYSQL_ERROR("no port specified in URL");
        if (! (database = URL_getPath(url)))
                MYSQL_ERROR("no database specified in URL");
        /* Options */
        if (IS(URL_getParameter(url, "compress"), "true"))
                clientFlags |= CLIENT_COMPRESS;
        if (IS(URL_getParameter(url, "use-ssl"), "true"))
                mysql_ssl_set(db, 0,0,0,0,0);
        if (IS(URL_getParameter(url, "secure-auth"), "true"))
                mysql_options(db, MYSQL_SECURE_AUTH, (const char*)&yes);
                mysql_options(db, MYSQL_SECURE_AUTH, (const char*)&no);
        if ((timeout = URL_getParameter(url, "connect-timeout"))) {
                TRY connectTimeout = Str_parseInt(timeout); ELSE MYSQL_ERROR("invalid connect timeout value"); END_TRY;
        mysql_options(db, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, (const char*)&connectTimeout);
        if ((charset = URL_getParameter(url, "charset")))
                mysql_options(db, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, charset);
#if MYSQL_VERSION_ID >= 50013
        mysql_options(db, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, (const char*)&yes);
        /* Connect */
        if (mysql_real_connect(db, host, user, password, database, port, unix_socket, clientFlags))
                return db;
        *error = Str_dup(mysql_error(db));
        return NULL;