コード例 #1
ファイル: platform.c プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/elua-svn
int platform_uart_recv( unsigned id, unsigned timer_id, int timeout )
  AT91S_USART* base = id == 0 ? AT91C_BASE_US0 : AT91C_BASE_US1;  
  timer_data_type tmr_start, tmr_crt;
  int res;
  if( timeout == 0 )
    // Return data only if already available
    if( USART_IsDataAvailable( base ) )
      return USART_Read( base, 0 );
      return -1;
  else if( timeout == PLATFORM_UART_INFINITE_TIMEOUT )
    // Wait for data
    return USART_Read( base, 0 );
    // Receive char with the specified timeout
    tmr_start = platform_timer_op( timer_id, PLATFORM_TIMER_OP_START,0 );
    while( 1 )
      if( USART_IsDataAvailable( base ) )
        res = USART_Read( base, 0 );
        res = -1;
      tmr_crt = platform_timer_op( timer_id, PLATFORM_TIMER_OP_READ, 0 );
      if( platform_timer_get_diff_us( timer_id, tmr_crt, tmr_start ) >= timeout )
    return res;    
コード例 #2
ファイル: platform.c プロジェクト: Theemuts/eLuaBrain
int platform_s_uart_recv( unsigned id, s32 timeout )
  AT91S_USART* base = id == 0 ? AT91C_BASE_US0 : AT91C_BASE_US1;  
  if( timeout == 0 )
    // Return data only if already available
    if( USART_IsDataAvailable( base ) )
      return USART_Read( base, 0 );
      return -1;
  return USART_Read( base, 0 );
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: merrickheley/CSSE3010
/* Usart receive task */
void vUsartRx_Task( void ) {
    unsigned char pucFileName[30];          // File name
    unsigned char ucReceived;               // Received char
    short i;

    short sFlag = 0;                        // State flag

    FIL Fil;                                // File object
    FRESULT rc;                             // Result code
    DIR dir;                                // Directory object
    FILINFO fno;                            // File information object
    UINT bw, br;                            // File counters

    // Usart receive loop
    for (;;) {
        // Data is available
        if (USART_IsDataAvailable(AT91C_BASE_US0)) {
            USART_ReadBuffer(AT91C_BASE_US0, &ucReceived, 1);

            // Stage 0: receive file name
            if          (sFlag == 0 && ucReceived == '\x01') {
                i = 0;
                memset(pucFileName, 0, 30);
                sFlag = 1;

            // Stage 1: receiving file name
            } else if   (sFlag == 1 && ucReceived != '\x02') {
                //debug_printf("%c", ucReceived);
                pucFileName[i] = ucReceived;
            // Stage 1: end of file name
            } else if   (sFlag == 1 && ucReceived == '\x02') {
                //debug_printf("\r\nRec file: %s\r\n", pucFileName);
                sFlag = 2;

                // Create the file
                rc = f_open(&Fil, pucFileName, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);
                if (rc) {
                    sprintf(ucRemoteBuffer, "File creation failure.\r\n");
                    sFlag = 0;

            // Stage 2: receive file
            } else if   (sFlag == 2 && ucReceived != '\x03') {
                //debug_printf("%c", ucReceived);
                f_write(&Fil, &ucReceived, 1, &bw);

            // Stage 2: end of file
            } else if   (sFlag == 2 && ucReceived == '\x03') {
                sFlag = 3;

            // Stage 3: end of transmission
            } else if   (sFlag == 3 && ucReceived == '\x04') {
                sprintf(ucRemoteBuffer, "\r\nReceived file: %s\r\n", pucFileName);
                sFlag = 0;
        } else {