コード例 #1
 * @brief Handle get status request.
 * This function is used to handle get status request.
 * @param handle          The device handle. It equals the value returned from USB_DeviceInit.
 * @param setup           The pointer of the setup packet.
 * @param buffer          It is an out parameter, is used to save the buffer address to response the host's request.
 * @param length          It is an out parameter, the data length.
 * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              The requst is handled successfully.
 * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidRequest       The request can not be handle in current device state,
 *                                          or, the request is unsupported.
static usb_status_t USB_DeviceCh9GetStatus(usb_device_common_class_struct_t *classHandle,
                                           usb_setup_struct_t *setup,
                                           uint8_t **buffer,
                                           uint32_t *length)
    usb_status_t error = kStatus_USB_InvalidRequest;
    uint8_t state;

    USB_DeviceGetStatus(classHandle->handle, kUSB_DeviceStatusDeviceState, &state);

    if ((kUSB_DeviceStateAddress != state) && (kUSB_DeviceStateConfigured != state))
        return error;

        /* Get the device status */
        error =
            USB_DeviceGetStatus(classHandle->handle, kUSB_DeviceStatusDevice, &classHandle->standardTranscationBuffer);
        classHandle->standardTranscationBuffer = classHandle->standardTranscationBuffer & USB_GET_STATUS_DEVICE_MASK;
        classHandle->standardTranscationBuffer = USB_SHORT_TO_LITTLE_ENDIAN(classHandle->standardTranscationBuffer);
        /* The device status length must be USB_DEVICE_STATUS_SIZE. */
        *length = USB_DEVICE_STATUS_SIZE;
        /* Get the interface status */
        error = kStatus_USB_Success;
        classHandle->standardTranscationBuffer = 0U;
        /* The interface status length must be USB_INTERFACE_STATUS_SIZE. */
        *length = USB_INTERFACE_STATUS_SIZE;
        /* Get the endpoint status */
        usb_device_endpoint_status_struct_t endpointStatus;
        endpointStatus.endpointAddress = (uint8_t)setup->wIndex;
        endpointStatus.endpointStatus = kUSB_DeviceEndpointStateIdle;
        error = USB_DeviceGetStatus(classHandle->handle, kUSB_DeviceStatusEndpoint, &endpointStatus);
        classHandle->standardTranscationBuffer = endpointStatus.endpointStatus & USB_GET_STATUS_ENDPOINT_MASK;
        classHandle->standardTranscationBuffer = USB_SHORT_TO_LITTLE_ENDIAN(classHandle->standardTranscationBuffer);
        /* The endpoint status length must be USB_INTERFACE_STATUS_SIZE. */
        *length = USB_ENDPOINT_STATUS_SIZE;
    *buffer = (uint8_t *)&classHandle->standardTranscationBuffer;

    return error;
コード例 #2
 * @brief cdc send control transfer common code.
 * @param classHandle    the class handle.
 * @param request_type   setup packet request type.
 * @param request        setup packet request value.
 * @param wvalue_l       setup packet wvalue low byte.
 * @param wvalue_h       setup packet wvalue high byte.
 * @param wlength        setup packet wlength value.
 * @param data           data buffer pointer
 * @param callbackFn     this callback is called after this function completes.
 * @param callbackParam  the first parameter in the callback function.
 * @return An error code or kStatus_USB_Success.
usb_status_t USB_HostCdcControl(usb_host_class_handle classHandle,
                                uint8_t request_type,
                                uint8_t request,
                                uint8_t wvalue_l,
                                uint8_t wvalue_h,
                                uint16_t wlength,
                                uint8_t *data,
                                transfer_callback_t callbackFn,
                                void *callbackParam)
    usb_host_cdc_instance_struct_t *cdcInstance = (usb_host_cdc_instance_struct_t *)classHandle;
    usb_host_transfer_t *transfer;

    if (classHandle == NULL)
        return kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle;

    if (USB_HostMallocTransfer(cdcInstance->hostHandle, &transfer) != kStatus_USB_Success)
#ifdef HOST_ECHO
        usb_echo("error to get transfer\r\n");
        return kStatus_USB_Error;
    cdcInstance->controlCallbackFn = callbackFn;
    cdcInstance->controlCallbackParam = callbackParam;

    transfer->transferBuffer = data;
    transfer->transferLength = wlength;
    transfer->callbackFn = USB_HostCdcControlPipeCallback;
    transfer->callbackParam = cdcInstance;
    transfer->setupPacket.bmRequestType = request_type;
    transfer->setupPacket.bRequest = request;
    transfer->setupPacket.wValue = (wvalue_l | (uint16_t)((uint16_t)wvalue_h << 8));
    transfer->setupPacket.wIndex = USB_SHORT_TO_LITTLE_ENDIAN(
        ((usb_host_interface_t *)cdcInstance->controlInterfaceHandle)->interfaceDesc->bInterfaceNumber);
    transfer->setupPacket.wLength = USB_SHORT_TO_LITTLE_ENDIAN(wlength);

    if (USB_HostSendSetup(cdcInstance->hostHandle, cdcInstance->controlPipe, transfer) != kStatus_USB_Success)
#ifdef HOST_ECHO
        usb_echo("failt for USB_HostSendSetup\r\n");
        USB_HostFreeTransfer(cdcInstance->hostHandle, transfer);
        return kStatus_USB_Error;
    cdcInstance->controlTransfer = transfer;

    return kStatus_USB_Success;
コード例 #3
static usb_status_t USB_HostCdcClearHalt(usb_host_cdc_instance_struct_t *cdcInstance,
                                         usb_host_transfer_t *stallTransfer,
                                         host_inner_transfer_callback_t callbackFn,
                                         uint8_t endpoint)
    usb_status_t status;
    usb_host_transfer_t *transfer;

    /* malloc one transfer */
    status = USB_HostMallocTransfer(cdcInstance->hostHandle, &transfer);
    if (status != kStatus_USB_Success)
#ifdef HOST_ECHO
        usb_echo("allocate transfer error\r\n");
        return status;
    cdcInstance->stallDataBuffer = stallTransfer->transferBuffer;
    cdcInstance->stallDataLength = stallTransfer->transferSofar;
    /* save the application callback function */
    cdcInstance->controlCallbackFn = NULL;
    cdcInstance->controlCallbackParam = NULL;
    /* initialize transfer */
    transfer->callbackFn = callbackFn;
    transfer->callbackParam = cdcInstance;
    transfer->transferBuffer = NULL;
    transfer->transferLength = 0;
    transfer->setupPacket.bRequest = USB_REQUEST_STANDARD_CLEAR_FEATURE;
    transfer->setupPacket.bmRequestType = USB_REQUEST_TYPE_RECIPIENT_ENDPOINT;
    transfer->setupPacket.wIndex = USB_SHORT_TO_LITTLE_ENDIAN(endpoint);
    transfer->setupPacket.wLength = 0;
    status = USB_HostSendSetup(cdcInstance->hostHandle, cdcInstance->controlPipe, transfer);

    if (status != kStatus_USB_Success)
        USB_HostFreeTransfer(cdcInstance->hostHandle, transfer);
    cdcInstance->controlTransfer = transfer;

    return status;
コード例 #4
 * @brief Handle get the alternate setting of a interface request.
 * This function is used to handle get the alternate setting of a interface request.
 * @param handle          The device handle. It equals the value returned from USB_DeviceInit.
 * @param setup           The pointer of the setup packet.
 * @param buffer          It is an out parameter, is used to save the buffer address to response the host's request.
 * @param length          It is an out parameter, the data length.
 * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              The requst is handled successfully.
 * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidRequest       The request can not be handle in current device state,
 *                                          or, the request is unsupported.
static usb_status_t USB_DeviceCh9GetInterface(usb_device_common_class_struct_t *classHandle,
                                              usb_setup_struct_t *setup,
                                              uint8_t **buffer,
                                              uint32_t *length)
    usb_status_t error = kStatus_USB_InvalidRequest;
    uint8_t state;

    USB_DeviceGetStatus(classHandle->handle, kUSB_DeviceStatusDeviceState, &state);

    if (state != kUSB_DeviceStateConfigured)
        return error;
    *length = USB_INTERFACE_SIZE;
    *buffer = (uint8_t *)&classHandle->standardTranscationBuffer;
    classHandle->standardTranscationBuffer = (uint16_t)(((uint32_t)setup->wIndex & 0xFFU) << 8U);
    /* The Bit[15~8] is used to save the interface index, and the alternate setting will be saved in Bit[7~0] by
     * application. */
    error = USB_DeviceClassCallback(classHandle->handle, kUSB_DeviceEventGetInterface,
    classHandle->standardTranscationBuffer = USB_SHORT_TO_LITTLE_ENDIAN(classHandle->standardTranscationBuffer);
    return error;
コード例 #5
 * @brief set data interface.
 * This function bind the control interface with the cdc instance.
 * @param classHandle      the class handle.
 * @param interfaceHandle  the data interface handle.
 * @param alternateSetting the alternate setting value.
 * @param callbackFn       this callback is called after this function completes.
 * @param callbackParam    the first parameter in the callback function.
 * @retval kStatus_USB_Success        The device is initialized successfully.
 * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle  The classHandle is NULL pointer.
 * @retval kStatus_USB_Busy           There is no idle transfer.
 * @retval kStatus_USB_Error          send transfer fail, please reference to USB_HostSendSetup.
 * @retval kStatus_USB_Busy           callback return status, there is no idle pipe.
 * @retval kStatus_USB_TransferStall  callback return status, the transfer is stall by device.
 * @retval kStatus_USB_Error          callback return status, open pipe fail, please reference to USB_HostOpenPipe.
usb_status_t USB_HostCdcSetDataInterface(usb_host_class_handle classHandle,
                                         usb_host_interface_handle interfaceHandle,
                                         uint8_t alternateSetting,
                                         transfer_callback_t callbackFn,
                                         void *callbackParam)
    usb_status_t status;
    usb_host_cdc_instance_struct_t *cdcInstance = (usb_host_cdc_instance_struct_t *)classHandle;
    usb_host_transfer_t *transfer;

    status = kStatus_USB_Success;
    if (classHandle == NULL)
        return kStatus_USB_InvalidParameter;

    cdcInstance->dataInterfaceHandle = interfaceHandle;

    /* cancel transfers */
    if (cdcInstance->inPipe != NULL)
        status = USB_HostCancelTransfer(cdcInstance->hostHandle, cdcInstance->inPipe, NULL);

        if (status != kStatus_USB_Success)
#ifdef HOST_ECHO
            usb_echo("error when cancel pipe\r\n");

    if (cdcInstance->outPipe != NULL)
        status = USB_HostCancelTransfer(cdcInstance->hostHandle, cdcInstance->outPipe, NULL);

        if (status != kStatus_USB_Success)
#ifdef HOST_ECHO
            usb_echo("error when cancel pipe\r\n");

    if (alternateSetting == 0)
        if (callbackFn != NULL)
            status = USB_HostCdcOpenDataInterface(cdcInstance);
            callbackFn(callbackParam, NULL, 0, status);
        if (USB_HostMallocTransfer(cdcInstance->hostHandle, &transfer) != kStatus_USB_Success)
#ifdef HOST_ECHO
            usb_echo("error to get transfer\r\n");
            return kStatus_USB_Error;
        cdcInstance->controlCallbackFn = callbackFn;
        cdcInstance->controlCallbackParam = callbackParam;
        /* initialize transfer */
        transfer->callbackFn = USB_HostCdcSetDataInterfaceCallback;
        transfer->callbackParam = cdcInstance;
        transfer->setupPacket.bRequest = USB_REQUEST_STANDARD_SET_INTERFACE;
        transfer->setupPacket.bmRequestType = USB_REQUEST_TYPE_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE;
        transfer->setupPacket.wIndex = USB_SHORT_TO_LITTLE_ENDIAN(
            ((usb_host_interface_t *)cdcInstance->dataInterfaceHandle)->interfaceDesc->bInterfaceNumber);
        transfer->setupPacket.wValue = USB_SHORT_TO_LITTLE_ENDIAN(alternateSetting);
        transfer->setupPacket.wLength = 0;
        transfer->transferBuffer = NULL;
        transfer->transferLength = 0;
        status = USB_HostSendSetup(cdcInstance->hostHandle, cdcInstance->controlPipe, transfer);

        if (status == kStatus_USB_Success)
            cdcInstance->controlTransfer = transfer;
            USB_HostFreeTransfer(cdcInstance->hostHandle, transfer);

    return status;