コード例 #1
ファイル: procer.c プロジェクト: mattknox/Mongrel2
int Action_exec(Action *action, Profile *prof)
    int rc = 0;

    debug("ACTION: command=%s, pid_file=%s, restart=%d, depends=%s",
            bdata(prof->command), bdata(prof->pid_file), prof->restart,

    pid_t pid = fork();
    check(pid >= 0, "Fork failed, WTF.  How can fork fail?");

    if(pid == 0) {
        rc = Unixy_drop_priv(action->profile_dir);

        if(rc != 0) {
            log_err("Not fatal, but we couldn't drop priv for %s",


        rc = execle(bdata(prof->command), bdata(prof->command), NULL, environ);
        check(rc != -1, "Failed to exec command: %s", bdata(prof->command));
    } else {
        int status = 0;
        debug("WAITING FOR CHILD.");
        pid = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);

    debug("Command ran and exited successfully, now looking for the PID file.");
    return 0;
    return -1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: mongrel2.c プロジェクト: daogangtang/monserver
int attempt_chroot_drop(Server *srv)
    int rc = 0;

    if(Unixy_chroot(srv->chroot) == 0) {
        log_info("All loaded up, time to turn into a server.");
        log_info("-- Starting " VERSION ". Copyright (C) Zed A. Shaw. Licensed BSD.\n");
        log_info("-- Look in %s for startup messages and errors.", bdata(srv->error_log));

        check(access("/run", F_OK) == 0, "/run directory doesn't exist in %s or isn't owned right.", bdata(srv->chroot));
        check(access("/tmp", F_OK) == 0, "/tmp directory doesn't exist in %s or isn't owned right.", bdata(srv->chroot));

        rc = Unixy_daemonize();
        check(rc == 0, "Failed to daemonize, looks like you're hosed.");

        FILE *log = fopen(bdata(srv->error_log), "a+");
        check(log, "Couldn't open %s log file.", bdata(srv->error_log));
        setbuf(log, NULL);


        rc = Unixy_pid_file(srv->pid_file);
        check(rc == 0, "Failed to make the PID file %s", bdata(srv->pid_file));

        rc = Unixy_drop_priv(&PRIV_DIR);
        check(rc == 0, "Failed to drop priv to the owner of %s", bdata(&PRIV_DIR));

    } else {
        log_warn("Couldn't chroot too %s, assuming running in test mode.", bdata(srv->chroot));

        // rewrite the access log to be in the right location
        bstring temp = bformat("%s%s", bdata(srv->chroot), bdata(srv->access_log));
        bassign(srv->access_log, temp);

        temp = bformat(".%s", bdata(srv->pid_file));
        bassign(srv->pid_file, temp);

        rc = Unixy_pid_file(srv->pid_file);
        check(rc == 0, "Failed to make the PID file %s", bdata(srv->pid_file));

    return 0;

    return -1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: procer.c プロジェクト: 304471720/mongrel2
int Action_exec(Action *action, Profile *prof)
    int rc = 0;
    char *procer_run_log = NULL;

    bstring pidfile_env = bformat("PROCER_PIDFILE=%s", bdata(prof->pid_file)); 

    bstring action_env = bformat("PROCER_ACTION=%s", bdata(action->name)); 

    debug("ACTION: command=%s, pid_file=%s, restart=%d, depends=%s",
            bdata(prof->command), bdata(prof->pid_file), prof->restart,

    pid_t pid = fork();
    check(pid >= 0, "Fork failed, WTF.  How can fork fail?");

    if(pid == 0) {
        rc = Unixy_drop_priv(action->profile_dir);

        if(rc != 0) {
            log_err("Not fatal, but we couldn't drop priv for %s",

        if( (procer_run_log = getenv("PROCER_RUN_LOG")) == NULL)
            procer_run_log = "run.log";

        rc = execle(bdatae(prof->command, ""), bdatae(prof->command, ""), NULL, environ);
        check(rc != -1, "Failed to exec command: %s", bdata(prof->command));
    } else {
        int status = 0;
        debug("WAITING FOR CHILD.");
        pid = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);

    debug("Command ran and exited successfully, now looking for the PID file.");
    return 0;
    return -1;
コード例 #4
ファイル: mongrel2.c プロジェクト: Power-Lan/mongrel2
int attempt_chroot_drop(Server *srv)
    int rc = 0;

    log_info("All loaded up, time to turn into a server.");
    log_info("-- Starting " VERSION ". Copyright (C) Zed A. Shaw. Licensed BSD.\n");
    log_info("-- Look in %s for startup messages and errors.", bdata(srv->error_log));

    int testmode = 0;

    if(srv->chroot != NULL) {
        if(Unixy_chroot(srv->chroot) == 0) {
            if(Setting_get_int("server.daemonize", 1)) {
                rc = Unixy_daemonize(1); // 1 == chdir /
                check(rc == 0, "Failed to daemonize, looks like you're hosed.");
            else {
                rc = chdir("/");
                check(rc == 0, "Failed to change working directory to '/'.");
        } else {
            log_warn("Couldn't chroot to %s, assuming running in test mode.", bdata(srv->chroot));

            // rewrite the access log to be in the right location
            bstring temp = bformat("%s%s", bdata(srv->chroot), bdata(srv->access_log));
            bassign(srv->access_log, temp);

            temp = bformat(".%s", bdata(srv->pid_file));
            bassign(srv->pid_file, temp);

            testmode = 1;
    } else {
        if(Setting_get_int("server.daemonize", 1)) {
            rc = Unixy_daemonize(0); // 0 == don't chdir
            check(rc == 0, "Failed to daemonize, looks like you're hosed.");

    rc = Unixy_pid_file(srv->pid_file);
    check(rc == 0, "Failed to make the PID file %s", bdata(srv->pid_file));

    if(srv->chroot != NULL && ! testmode) {
        rc = Unixy_drop_priv(&PRIV_DIR);
        check(rc == 0, "Failed to drop priv to the owner of %s", bdata(&PRIV_DIR));
    } else {
        rc = Unixy_drop_priv(NULL);
        check(rc == 0, "Failed to drop priv");

    if(!testmode) {
        FILE *log = fopen(bdata(srv->error_log), "a+");
        check(log, "Couldn't open %s log file.", bdata(srv->error_log));
        setbuf(log, NULL);
        check(0==add_log_to_rotate_list(srv->error_log,log),"Unable to add error log to list of files to rotate.");


    return 0;

    return -1;