void ManchesterAnalyzerSettings::LoadSettings( const char* settings ) { SimpleArchive text_archive; text_archive.SetString( settings ); const char* name_string; //the first thing in the archive is the name of the protocol analyzer that the data belongs to. text_archive >> &name_string; if( strcmp( name_string, "SaleaeManchesterAnalyzer" ) != 0 ) AnalyzerHelpers::Assert( "SaleaeManchesterAnalyzer: Provided with a settings string that doesn't belong to us;" ); text_archive >> mInputChannel; text_archive >> *(U32*)&mMode; text_archive >> mBitRate; text_archive >> mInverted; text_archive >> mBitsPerTransfer; text_archive >> *(U32*)&mShiftOrder; text_archive >> mBitsToIgnore; ManchesterTolerance tolerance; if( text_archive >> *(U32*)&tolerance ) mTolerance = tolerance; ClearChannels(); AddChannel( mInputChannel, "Manchester", true ); UpdateInterfacesFromSettings(); }
void SpiAnalyzerSettings::LoadSettings( const char* settings ) { SimpleArchive text_archive; text_archive.SetString( settings ); const char* name_string; //the first thing in the archive is the name of the protocol analyzer that the data belongs to. text_archive >> &name_string; if( strcmp( name_string, "SaleaeSpiAnalyzer" ) != 0 ) AnalyzerHelpers::Assert( "SaleaeSpiAnalyzer: Provided with a settings string that doesn't belong to us;" ); text_archive >> mMosiChannel; text_archive >> mMisoChannel; text_archive >> mClockChannel; text_archive >> mEnableChannel; text_archive >> *(U32*)&mShiftOrder; text_archive >> mBitsPerTransfer; text_archive >> *(U32*)&mClockInactiveState; text_archive >> *(U32*)&mDataValidEdge; text_archive >> *(U32*)&mEnableActiveState; //bool success = text_archive >> mUsePackets; //new paramater added -- do this for backwards compatibility //if( success == false ) // mUsePackets = false; //if the archive fails, set the default value ClearChannels(); AddChannel( mMosiChannel, "MOSI", mMosiChannel != UNDEFINED_CHANNEL ); AddChannel( mMisoChannel, "MISO", mMisoChannel != UNDEFINED_CHANNEL ); AddChannel( mClockChannel, "CLOCK", mClockChannel != UNDEFINED_CHANNEL ); AddChannel( mEnableChannel, "ENABLE", mEnableChannel != UNDEFINED_CHANNEL ); UpdateInterfacesFromSettings(); }
void SerialAnalyzerSettings::LoadSettings( const char* settings ) { SimpleArchive text_archive; text_archive.SetString( settings ); const char* name_string; //the first thing in the archive is the name of the protocol analyzer that the data belongs to. text_archive >> &name_string; if( strcmp( name_string, "SaleaeAsyncSerialAnalyzer" ) != 0 ) AnalyzerHelpers::Assert( "SaleaeAsyncSerialAnalyzer: Provided with a settings string that doesn't belong to us;" ); text_archive >> mInputChannel; text_archive >> mBitRate; text_archive >> mBitsPerTransfer; text_archive >> mStopBits; text_archive >> *(U32*)&mParity; text_archive >> *(U32*)&mShiftOrder; text_archive >> mInverted; //check to make sure loading it actual works befor assigning the result -- do this when adding settings to an anylzer which has been previously released. bool use_autobaud; if( text_archive >> use_autobaud ) mUseAutobaud = use_autobaud; SerialAnalyzerEnums::Mode mode; if( text_archive >> *(U32*)&mode ) mSerialMode = mode; ClearChannels(); AddChannel( mInputChannel, "Serial", true ); UpdateInterfacesFromSettings(); }
void HdmiCecAnalyzerSettings::LoadSettings( const char* settings ) { SimpleArchive text_archive; text_archive.SetString( settings ); text_archive >> mCecChannel; ClearChannels(); AddChannel( mCecChannel, HdmiCec::GetProtocolName(), true ); UpdateInterfacesFromSettings(); }
void ISO14443AnalyzerSettings::LoadSettings( const char* settings ) { SimpleArchive text_archive; text_archive.SetString( settings ); text_archive >> mInputChannel; text_archive >> mBitRate; ClearChannels(); AddChannel( mInputChannel, "ISO14443", true ); UpdateInterfacesFromSettings(); }
void MDIOAnalyzerSettings::LoadSettings( const char* settings ) { SimpleArchive text_archive; text_archive.SetString( settings ); text_archive >> mMdioChannel; text_archive >> mMdcChannel; ClearChannels(); AddChannel( mMdioChannel, "MDIO", true ); AddChannel( mMdcChannel, "MDC", true ); UpdateInterfacesFromSettings(); }
void PWMAnalyzerSettings::LoadSettings(const char *settings) { SimpleArchive text_archive; text_archive.SetString(settings); text_archive >> mInputChannel; text_archive >> mMinChange; text_archive >> mAnalysisType; ClearChannels(); AddChannel(mInputChannel, "Simple PWM Analyzer", true); UpdateInterfacesFromSettings(); }
void SWDAnalyzerSettings::LoadSettings( const char* settings ) { SimpleArchive text_archive; text_archive.SetString( settings ); text_archive >> mSWDIOChannel; text_archive >> mSWCLKChannel; ClearChannels(); AddChannel( mSWDIOChannel, "SWDIO", true ); AddChannel( mSWCLKChannel, "SWCLK", true ); UpdateInterfacesFromSettings(); }
void Xlink2WAnalyzerSettings::LoadSettings( const char* settings ) { SimpleArchive text_archive; text_archive.SetString( settings ); text_archive >> chanW0; text_archive >> chanW1; ClearChannels(); AddChannel( chanW0, "XLINK Wire 0", true ); AddChannel( chanW1, "XLINK Wire 1", true ); UpdateInterfacesFromSettings(); }
void PS2KeyboardAnalyzerSettings::LoadSettings( const char* settings ) { SimpleArchive text_archive; text_archive.SetString( settings ); text_archive >> mClockChannel; text_archive >> mDataChannel; text_archive >> mDeviceType; ClearChannels(); AddChannel( mClockChannel, "PS/2 - Clock", true ); AddChannel( mDataChannel, "PS/2 - Data", true ); UpdateInterfacesFromSettings(); }
void QuadratureAnalyserAnalyzerSettings::LoadSettings( const char* settings ) { SimpleArchive text_archive; text_archive.SetString( settings ); text_archive >> mInputChannelA; text_archive >> mInputChannelB; text_archive >> ticksPerRotation; text_archive >> ticksPerFrame; ClearChannels(); AddChannel( mInputChannelA, "Quadrature A", true); AddChannel( mInputChannelB, "Quadrature B", true); UpdateInterfacesFromSettings(); }
void AtmelSWIAnalyzerSettings::LoadSettings(const char* settings) { SimpleArchive text_archive; text_archive.SetString( settings ); text_archive >> mSDAChannel; int temp_dl; text_archive >> temp_dl; mDecodeLevel = static_cast<DecodeLevel>(temp_dl); ClearChannels(); AddChannel(mSDAChannel, CHANNEL_NAME, true); UpdateInterfacesFromSettings(); }
void LD110AnalyzerSettings::LoadSettings( const char* settings ) { m_oArchive.SetString( settings ); for(int nIndex = 0; nIndex < m_nBCDAndDigitChannelCount; nIndex++) { m_oArchive >> m_oBCDChannelVector[nIndex]; m_oArchive >> m_oDigitChannelVector[nIndex]; } m_oArchive >> m_oGlobalClockChannel; ClearChannels(); AddChannels(); UpdateInterfacesFromSettings(); }
void IRAnalyzerSettings::LoadSettings( const char* settings ) { SimpleArchive text_archive; text_archive.SetString( settings ); const char* name_string; text_archive >> &name_string; if( strcmp( name_string, "IRAnalyzer" ) != 0 ) AnalyzerHelpers::Assert( "IRAnalyzer: Provided with a settings string that doesn't belong to us;" ); text_archive >> mInputChannel; text_archive >> mFrequency; text_archive >> *(U32*)&mSignal; ClearChannels(); AddChannel( mInputChannel, "Infrared", true ); UpdateInterfacesFromSettings(); }
void SDMMCAnalyzerSettings::LoadSettings(const char *settings) { SimpleArchive archive; U32 tmp; archive.SetString(settings); archive >> mClockChannel; archive >> mCommandChannel; archive >> tmp; mProtocol = SDMMCProtocol(tmp); archive >> tmp; mSampleEdge = SDMMCSampleEdge(tmp); ClearChannels(); AddChannel(mClockChannel, "Clock", true); AddChannel(mCommandChannel, "Command", true); UpdateInterfacesFromSettings(); }
void USBAnalyzerSettings::LoadSettings(const char* settings) { SimpleArchive text_archive; text_archive.SetString(settings); text_archive >> mDPChannel; text_archive >> mDMChannel; int s; text_archive >> s; mSpeed = USBSpeed(s); text_archive >> s; mDecodeLevel = USBDecodeLevel(s); ClearChannels(); AddChannel(mDPChannel, "D+", true); AddChannel(mDMChannel, "D-", true); UpdateInterfacesFromSettings(); }
void SDIOAnalyzerSettings::LoadSettings( const char* settings ) { SimpleArchive text_archive; text_archive.SetString( settings ); text_archive >> mClockChannel; text_archive >> mCmdChannel; text_archive >> mDAT0Channel; text_archive >> mDAT1Channel; text_archive >> mDAT2Channel; text_archive >> mDAT3Channel; ClearChannels(); AddChannel( mClockChannel, "Clock", true ); AddChannel( mCmdChannel, "Cmd", true ); AddChannel( mDAT0Channel, "DAT0", true ); AddChannel( mDAT1Channel, "DAT1", mDAT1Channel != UNDEFINED_CHANNEL); AddChannel( mDAT2Channel, "DAT2", mDAT2Channel != UNDEFINED_CHANNEL); AddChannel( mDAT3Channel, "DAT3", mDAT3Channel != UNDEFINED_CHANNEL); UpdateInterfacesFromSettings(); }