コード例 #1
void CDAViewRender::PerformSlowMoEffect( const CViewSetup &view )
	C_SDKPlayer *pPlayer = C_SDKPlayer::GetLocalOrSpectatedPlayer();

	if ( !pPlayer )

	if (!da_postprocess_shaders.GetBool())

	if (!pPlayer->IsAlive())
		m_flStyleLerp = 0;

	ConVarRef da_postprocess_slowmo("da_postprocess_slowmo");
	ConVarRef da_postprocess_deathcam("da_postprocess_deathcam");
	ConVarRef da_postprocess_skill("da_postprocess_skill");
	ConVarRef da_postprocess_vr("da_postprocess_vr");


	if (pPlayer->IsStyleSkillActive())
		m_flStyleLerp = Approach(1, m_flStyleLerp, gpGlobals->frametime*2);
		m_flStyleLerp = Approach(0, m_flStyleLerp, gpGlobals->frametime);

	bool bShowPostProcess = false;
	if (pPlayer->GetSlowMoMultiplier() < 1)
		bShowPostProcess = true;
	else if (m_flStyleLerp)
		bShowPostProcess = true;
	else if (!pPlayer->IsAlive() && pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_FREEZECAM)
		bShowPostProcess = true;
	else if (da_postprocess_compare.GetInt() || da_postprocess_slowmo.GetInt())
		bShowPostProcess = true;

	if ( bShowPostProcess )
		IMaterial *pMaterial = materials->FindMaterial( "shaders/slowmo", TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS, true );

		if ( !IsErrorMaterial(pMaterial) )
			if (pPlayer->IsAlive())


			if (da_postprocess_compare.GetInt() == 1)
				DrawScreenEffectMaterial( pMaterial, view.x, view.y, view.width/2, view.height );
				DrawScreenEffectMaterial( pMaterial, view.x, view.y, view.width, view.height );
コード例 #2
// Purpose: Same as ScreenTransform, but transforms to HUD space.
//			These are totally different things in VR mode!
int HudTransform( const Vector& point, Vector& screen )
	if ( UseVR() )
		return FrustumTransform ( g_ClientVirtualReality.GetHudProjectionFromWorld(), point, screen );
		return FrustumTransform ( engine->WorldToScreenMatrix(), point, screen );
コード例 #3
ファイル: baseplayer_shared.cpp プロジェクト: EspyEspurr/game
// Purpose: 
// Input  : eyeOrigin - 
//			eyeAngles - 
//			zNear - 
//			zFar - 
//			fov - 
void CBasePlayer::CalcView( Vector &eyeOrigin, QAngle &eyeAngles, float &zNear, float &zFar, float &fov )
#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
	if( UseVR() )

	if ( IsObserver() )
		CalcObserverView( eyeOrigin, eyeAngles, fov );
		CalcPlayerView( eyeOrigin, eyeAngles, fov );
	// NVNT update fov on the haptics dll for input scaling.
#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
	if(IsLocalPlayer() && haptics)
コード例 #4
void CSDKModeManager::LevelInit( const char *newmap )
	g_pClientMode->LevelInit( newmap );

	ConVarRef cl_detail_max_sway("cl_detail_max_sway");
	ConVarRef cl_detail_avoid_radius("cl_detail_avoid_radius");
	ConVarRef cl_detail_avoid_force("cl_detail_avoid_force");
	ConVarRef cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed("cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed");

	// HACK: the detail sway convars are archive, and default to 0.  Existing CS:S players thus have no detail
	// prop sway.  We'll force them to DoD's default values for now.
	if ( !cl_detail_max_sway.GetFloat() &&
		!cl_detail_avoid_radius.GetFloat() &&
		!cl_detail_avoid_force.GetFloat() &&
		!cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed.GetFloat() )
		cl_detail_max_sway.SetValue( "5" );
		cl_detail_avoid_radius.SetValue( "64" );
		cl_detail_avoid_force.SetValue( "0.4" );
		cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed.SetValue( "0.25" );

	if (UseVR())
#ifdef _DEBUG

コード例 #5
ファイル: view.cpp プロジェクト: EspyEspurr/game
// Sets up the view parameters
void CViewRender::SetUpViews()

	// Initialize view structure with default values
	float farZ = GetZFar();

    // Set up the mono/middle view.
    CViewSetup &view = m_View;

	view.zFar				= farZ;
	view.zFarViewmodel	    = farZ;
	// UNDONE: Make this farther out? 
	//  closest point of approach seems to be view center to top of crouched box
	view.zNear			    = GetZNear();
	view.zNearViewmodel	    = 1;
	view.fov				= default_fov.GetFloat();

	view.m_bOrtho			= false;
    view.m_bViewToProjectionOverride = false;
	view.m_eStereoEye		= STEREO_EYE_MONO;

	// Enable spatial partition access to edicts
	partition->SuppressLists( PARTITION_ALL_CLIENT_EDICTS, false );

	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

	// You in-view weapon aim.
	bool bCalcViewModelView = false;
	Vector ViewModelOrigin;
	QAngle ViewModelAngles;

	if ( engine->IsHLTV() )
		HLTVCamera()->CalcView( view.origin, view.angles, view.fov );
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
	else if ( g_pEngineClientReplay->IsPlayingReplayDemo() )
		ReplayCamera()->CalcView( view.origin, view.angles, view.fov );
		// FIXME: Are there multiple views? If so, then what?
		// FIXME: What happens when there's no player?
		if (pPlayer)
			pPlayer->CalcView( view.origin, view.angles, view.zNear, view.zFar, view.fov );

			// If we are looking through another entities eyes, then override the angles/origin for view
			int viewentity = render->GetViewEntity();

			if ( !g_nKillCamMode && (pPlayer->entindex() != viewentity) )
				C_BaseEntity *ve = cl_entitylist->GetEnt( viewentity );
				if ( ve )
					VectorCopy( ve->GetAbsOrigin(), view.origin );
					VectorCopy( ve->GetAbsAngles(), view.angles );

			// There is a viewmodel.
			bCalcViewModelView = true;
			ViewModelOrigin = view.origin;
			ViewModelAngles = view.angles;

		// Even if the engine is paused need to override the view
		// for keeping the camera control during pause.
		g_pClientMode->OverrideView( &view );

	// give the toolsystem a chance to override the view
	ToolFramework_SetupEngineView( view.origin, view.angles, view.fov );

	if ( engine->IsPlayingDemo() )
		if ( cl_demoviewoverride.GetFloat() > 0.0f )
			// Retreive view angles from engine ( could have been set in IN_AdjustAngles above )
			CalcDemoViewOverride( view.origin, view.angles );
			s_DemoView = view.origin;
			s_DemoAngle = view.angles;

	//Find the offset our current FOV is from the default value
	float fDefaultFov = default_fov.GetFloat();
	float flFOVOffset = fDefaultFov - view.fov;

	//Adjust the viewmodel's FOV to move with any FOV offsets on the viewer's end
	view.fovViewmodel = g_pClientMode->GetViewModelFOV() - flFOVOffset;

	if ( UseVR() )
		// Let the headtracking read the status of the HMD, etc.
		// This call can go almost anywhere, but it needs to know the player FOV for sniper weapon zoom, etc
		if ( flFOVOffset == 0.0f )
			g_ClientVirtualReality.ProcessCurrentTrackingState ( 0.0f );
			g_ClientVirtualReality.ProcessCurrentTrackingState ( view.fov );

		HeadtrackMovementMode_t hmmOverrideMode = g_pClientMode->ShouldOverrideHeadtrackControl();
		g_ClientVirtualReality.OverrideView( &m_View, &ViewModelOrigin, &ViewModelAngles, hmmOverrideMode );

		// left and right stereo views should default to being the same as the mono/middle view
		m_ViewLeft = m_View;
		m_ViewRight = m_View;
		m_ViewLeft.m_eStereoEye = STEREO_EYE_LEFT;
		m_ViewRight.m_eStereoEye = STEREO_EYE_RIGHT;

		g_ClientVirtualReality.OverrideStereoView( &m_View, &m_ViewLeft, &m_ViewRight );
		// left and right stereo views should default to being the same as the mono/middle view
		m_ViewLeft = m_View;
		m_ViewRight = m_View;
		m_ViewLeft.m_eStereoEye = STEREO_EYE_LEFT;
		m_ViewRight.m_eStereoEye = STEREO_EYE_RIGHT;

	if ( bCalcViewModelView )
		Assert ( pPlayer != NULL );
		pPlayer->CalcViewModelView ( ViewModelOrigin, ViewModelAngles );

	// Disable spatial partition access
	partition->SuppressLists( PARTITION_ALL_CLIENT_EDICTS, true );

	// Enable access to all model bones
	C_BaseAnimating::PopBoneAccess( "OnRenderStart->CViewRender::SetUpView" ); // pops the (true, false) bone access set in OnRenderStart
	C_BaseAnimating::PushAllowBoneAccess( true, true, "CViewRender::SetUpView->OnRenderEnd" ); // pop is in OnRenderEnd()

	// Compute the world->main camera transform
    // This is only done for the main "middle-eye" view, not for the various other views.
	ComputeCameraVariables( view.origin, view.angles, 
		&g_vecVForward, &g_vecVRight, &g_vecVUp, &g_matCamInverse );

	// set up the hearing origin...
	AudioState_t audioState;
	audioState.m_Origin = view.origin;
	audioState.m_Angles = view.angles;
	audioState.m_bIsUnderwater = pPlayer && pPlayer->AudioStateIsUnderwater( view.origin );

	ToolFramework_SetupAudioState( audioState );

    // TomF: I wonder when the audio tools modify this, if ever...
    Assert ( view.origin == audioState.m_Origin );
    Assert ( view.angles == audioState.m_Angles );
	view.origin = audioState.m_Origin;
	view.angles = audioState.m_Angles;

	engine->SetAudioState( audioState );

	g_vecPrevRenderOrigin = g_vecRenderOrigin;
	g_vecPrevRenderAngles = g_vecRenderAngles;
	g_vecRenderOrigin = view.origin;
	g_vecRenderAngles = view.angles;

	s_DbgSetupOrigin = view.origin;
	s_DbgSetupAngles = view.angles;
コード例 #6
ファイル: view.cpp プロジェクト: EspyEspurr/game
void SoftwareCursorChangedCB( IConVar *pVar, const char *pOldValue, float fOldValue )
	ConVar *pConVar = (ConVar *)pVar;
	vgui::surface()->SetSoftwareCursor( pConVar->GetBool() || UseVR() );
コード例 #7
ファイル: view.cpp プロジェクト: EspyEspurr/game
// Purpose: Render current view into specified rectangle
// Input  : *rect - is computed by CVideoMode_Common::GetClientViewRect()
void CViewRender::Render( vrect_t *rect )
	Assert(s_DbgSetupOrigin == m_View.origin);
	Assert(s_DbgSetupAngles == m_View.angles);

	VPROF_BUDGET( "CViewRender::Render", "CViewRender::Render" );

	vrect_t vr = *rect;

	// Stub out the material system if necessary.
	CMatStubHandler matStub;

	// Assume normal vis
	m_bForceNoVis			= false;
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

    // Set for console commands, etc.
    render->SetMainView ( m_View.origin, m_View.angles );

    for( StereoEye_t eEye = GetFirstEye(); eEye <= GetLastEye(); eEye = (StereoEye_t)(eEye+1) )
		CViewSetup &view = GetView( eEye );

		#if 0 && defined( CSTRIKE_DLL )
			const bool bPlayingBackReplay = g_pEngineClientReplay && g_pEngineClientReplay->IsPlayingReplayDemo();
			if ( pPlayer && !bPlayingBackReplay )
				C_BasePlayer *pViewTarget = pPlayer;

				if ( pPlayer->IsObserver() && pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE )
					pViewTarget = dynamic_cast<C_BasePlayer*>( pPlayer->GetObserverTarget() );

				if ( pViewTarget )
					float targetFOV = (float)pViewTarget->m_iFOV;

					if ( targetFOV == 0 )
						// FOV of 0 means use the default FOV
						targetFOV = g_pGameRules->DefaultFOV();

					float deltaFOV = view.fov - m_flLastFOV;
					float FOVDirection = targetFOV - pViewTarget->m_iFOVStart;

					// Clamp FOV changes to stop FOV oscillation
					if ( ( deltaFOV < 0.0f && FOVDirection > 0.0f ) ||
						( deltaFOV > 0.0f && FOVDirection < 0.0f ) )
						view.fov = m_flLastFOV;

					// Catch case where FOV overshoots its target FOV
					if ( ( view.fov < targetFOV && FOVDirection <= 0.0f ) ||
						( view.fov > targetFOV && FOVDirection >= 0.0f ) )
						view.fov = targetFOV;

					m_flLastFOV = view.fov;

	    static ConVarRef sv_restrict_aspect_ratio_fov( "sv_restrict_aspect_ratio_fov" );
	    float aspectRatio = engine->GetScreenAspectRatio() * 0.75f;	 // / (4/3)
	    float limitedAspectRatio = aspectRatio;
	    if ( ( sv_restrict_aspect_ratio_fov.GetInt() > 0 && engine->IsWindowedMode() && gpGlobals->maxClients > 1 ) ||
		    sv_restrict_aspect_ratio_fov.GetInt() == 2 )
		    limitedAspectRatio = MIN( aspectRatio, 1.85f * 0.75f ); // cap out the FOV advantage at a 1.85:1 ratio (about the widest any legit user should be)

	    view.fov = ScaleFOVByWidthRatio( view.fov, limitedAspectRatio );
	    view.fovViewmodel = ScaleFOVByWidthRatio( view.fovViewmodel, aspectRatio );

	    // Let the client mode hook stuff.

	    g_pClientMode->AdjustEngineViewport( vr.x, vr.y, vr.width, vr.height );

	    ToolFramework_AdjustEngineViewport( vr.x, vr.y, vr.width, vr.height );

	    float flViewportScale = mat_viewportscale.GetFloat();

		view.m_nUnscaledX = vr.x;
		view.m_nUnscaledY = vr.y;
		view.m_nUnscaledWidth = vr.width;
		view.m_nUnscaledHeight = vr.height;

        switch( eEye )
#if 0
                // Good test mode for debugging viewports that are not full-size.
	            view.width			= vr.width * flViewportScale * 0.75f;
	            view.height			= vr.height * flViewportScale * 0.75f;
	            view.x				= vr.x + view.width * 0.10f;
	            view.y				= vr.y + view.height * 0.20f;
	            view.x				= vr.x * flViewportScale;
				view.y				= vr.y * flViewportScale;
				view.width			= vr.width * flViewportScale;
				view.height			= vr.height * flViewportScale;
			    float engineAspectRatio = engine->GetScreenAspectRatio();
			    view.m_flAspectRatio	= ( engineAspectRatio > 0.0f ) ? engineAspectRatio : ( (float)view.width / (float)view.height );

				g_pSourceVR->GetViewportBounds( (ISourceVirtualReality::VREye)(eEye - 1 ), &view.x, &view.y, &view.width, &view.height );
				view.m_nUnscaledWidth = view.width;
				view.m_nUnscaledHeight = view.height;
				view.m_nUnscaledX = view.x;
				view.m_nUnscaledY = view.y;

                Assert ( false );

		// if we still don't have an aspect ratio, compute it from the view size
		if( view.m_flAspectRatio <= 0.f )
		    view.m_flAspectRatio	= (float)view.width / (float)view.height;


	    if( gl_clear_randomcolor.GetBool() )
		    CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
		    pRenderContext->ClearColor3ub( rand()%256, rand()%256, rand()%256 );
		    pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( true, false, false );
	    else if ( gl_clear.GetBool() )
		    nClearFlags |= VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR;
	    else if ( IsPosix() )
		    MaterialAdapterInfo_t adapterInfo;
		    materials->GetDisplayAdapterInfo( materials->GetCurrentAdapter(), adapterInfo );

		    // On Posix, on ATI, we always clear color if we're antialiasing
		    if ( adapterInfo.m_VendorID == 0x1002 )
			    if ( g_pMaterialSystem->GetCurrentConfigForVideoCard().m_nAASamples > 0 )
				    nClearFlags |= VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR;

	    // Determine if we should draw view model ( client mode override )
	    bool drawViewModel = g_pClientMode->ShouldDrawViewModel();

	    if ( cl_leveloverview.GetFloat() > 0 )
		    nClearFlags |= VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR;
		    drawViewModel = false;

	    // Apply any player specific overrides
	    if ( pPlayer )
		    // Override view model if necessary
		    if ( !pPlayer->m_Local.m_bDrawViewmodel )
			    drawViewModel = false;

	    int flags = 0;
		if( eEye == STEREO_EYE_MONO || eEye == STEREO_EYE_LEFT || ( g_ClientVirtualReality.ShouldRenderHUDInWorld() ) )
	    if ( drawViewModel )
		if( eEye == STEREO_EYE_RIGHT )
			// we should use the monitor view from the left eye for both eyes

	    RenderView( view, nClearFlags, flags );

		if ( UseVR() )
			bool bDoUndistort = ! engine->IsTakingScreenshot();

			if ( bDoUndistort )
				g_ClientVirtualReality.PostProcessFrame( eEye );

			// logic here all cloned from code in viewrender.cpp around RenderHUDQuad:

			// figure out if we really want to draw the HUD based on freeze cam
			bool bInFreezeCam = ( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_FREEZECAM );

			// draw the HUD after the view model so its "I'm closer" depth queues work right.
			if( !bInFreezeCam && g_ClientVirtualReality.ShouldRenderHUDInWorld() )
				// TODO - a bit of a shonky test - basically trying to catch the main menu, the briefing screen, the loadout screen, etc.
				bool bTranslucent = !g_pMatSystemSurface->IsCursorVisible();
				g_ClientVirtualReality.OverlayHUDQuadWithUndistort( view, bDoUndistort, g_pClientMode->ShouldBlackoutAroundHUD(), bTranslucent );

	// TODO: should these be inside or outside the stereo eye stuff?

#if !defined( _X360 )
	// Stop stubbing the material system so we can see the budget panel

	// Draw all of the UI stuff "fullscreen"
    // (this is not health, ammo, etc. Nor is it pre-game briefing interface stuff - this is the stuff that appears when you hit Esc in-game)
	// In stereo mode this is rendered inside of RenderView so it goes into the render target
	if( !g_ClientVirtualReality.ShouldRenderHUDInWorld() )
		CViewSetup view2d;
		view2d.x				= rect->x;
		view2d.y				= rect->y;
		view2d.width			= rect->width;
		view2d.height			= rect->height;

		render->Push2DView( view2d, 0, NULL, GetFrustum() );
		render->VGui_Paint( PAINT_UIPANELS | PAINT_CURSOR );
		render->PopView( GetFrustum() );

コード例 #8
ファイル: in_main.cpp プロジェクト: jimbomcb/BirdPoop-Src
void CInput::CreateMove ( int sequence_number, float input_sample_frametime, bool active )
	CUserCmd *cmd = &m_pCommands[ sequence_number % MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ];
	CVerifiedUserCmd *pVerified = &m_pVerifiedCommands[ sequence_number % MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ];


	cmd->command_number = sequence_number;
	cmd->tick_count = gpGlobals->tickcount;

	QAngle viewangles;
	engine->GetViewAngles( viewangles );
	QAngle originalViewangles = viewangles;

	if ( active || sv_noclipduringpause.GetInt() )
		// Determine view angles
		AdjustAngles ( input_sample_frametime );

		// Determine sideways movement
		ComputeSideMove( cmd );

		// Determine vertical movement
		ComputeUpwardMove( cmd );

		// Determine forward movement
		ComputeForwardMove( cmd );

		// Scale based on holding speed key or having too fast of a velocity based on client maximum
		//  speed.
		ScaleMovements( cmd );

		// Allow mice and other controllers to add their inputs
		ControllerMove( input_sample_frametime, cmd );
#ifdef SIXENSE
		g_pSixenseInput->SixenseFrame( input_sample_frametime, cmd ); 

		if( g_pSixenseInput->IsEnabled() )
			g_pSixenseInput->SetView( input_sample_frametime, cmd );
		// need to run and reset mouse input so that there is no view pop when unpausing
		if ( !m_fCameraInterceptingMouse && m_fMouseActive )
			float mx, my;
			GetAccumulatedMouseDeltasAndResetAccumulators( &mx, &my );
	// Retreive view angles from engine ( could have been set in IN_AdjustAngles above )
	engine->GetViewAngles( viewangles );

	// Latch and clear impulse
	cmd->impulse = in_impulse;
	in_impulse = 0;

	// Latch and clear weapon selection
	if ( m_hSelectedWeapon != NULL )
		C_BaseCombatWeapon *weapon = m_hSelectedWeapon;

		cmd->weaponselect = weapon->entindex();
		cmd->weaponsubtype = weapon->GetSubType();

		// Always clear weapon selection
		m_hSelectedWeapon = NULL;

	// Set button and flag bits
#ifdef SIXENSE
	if( g_pSixenseInput->IsEnabled() )
		// Some buttons were set in SixenseUpdateKeys, so or in any real keypresses
		cmd->buttons |= GetButtonBits( 1 );
		cmd->buttons = GetButtonBits( 1 );
	// Set button and flag bits
	cmd->buttons = GetButtonBits( 1 );

	// Using joystick?
#ifdef SIXENSE
	if ( in_joystick.GetInt() || g_pSixenseInput->IsEnabled() )
	if ( in_joystick.GetInt() )
		if ( cmd->forwardmove > 0 )
			cmd->buttons |= IN_FORWARD;
		else if ( cmd->forwardmove < 0 )
			cmd->buttons |= IN_BACK;

	// Use new view angles if alive, otherwise user last angles we stored off.
	if ( g_iAlive )
		VectorCopy( viewangles, cmd->viewangles );
		VectorCopy( viewangles, m_angPreviousViewAngles );
		VectorCopy( m_angPreviousViewAngles, cmd->viewangles );

	// Let the move manager override anything it wants to.
	if ( g_pClientMode->CreateMove( input_sample_frametime, cmd ) )
		// Get current view angles after the client mode tweaks with it
#ifdef SIXENSE
		// Only set the engine angles if sixense is not enabled. It is done in SixenseInput::SetView otherwise.
		if( !g_pSixenseInput->IsEnabled() )
			engine->SetViewAngles( cmd->viewangles );
		engine->SetViewAngles( cmd->viewangles );


		if ( UseVR() )
			C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
			if( pPlayer && !pPlayer->GetVehicle() )
				QAngle curViewangles, newViewangles;
				Vector curMotion, newMotion;
				engine->GetViewAngles( curViewangles );
				curMotion.Init ( 
					cmd->upmove );
				g_ClientVirtualReality.OverridePlayerMotion ( input_sample_frametime, originalViewangles, curViewangles, curMotion, &newViewangles, &newMotion );
				engine->SetViewAngles( newViewangles );
				cmd->forwardmove = newMotion[0];
				cmd->sidemove = newMotion[1];
				cmd->upmove = newMotion[2];
				cmd->viewangles = newViewangles;
				Vector vPos;
				g_ClientVirtualReality.GetTorsoRelativeAim( &vPos, &cmd->viewangles );
				engine->SetViewAngles( cmd->viewangles );

	m_flLastForwardMove = cmd->forwardmove;

	cmd->random_seed = MD5_PseudoRandom( sequence_number ) & 0x7fffffff;

	HLTVCamera()->CreateMove( cmd );
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
	ReplayCamera()->CreateMove( cmd );

#if defined( HL2_CLIENT_DLL )
	// copy backchannel data
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < m_EntityGroundContact.Count(); i++)
		cmd->entitygroundcontact.AddToTail( m_EntityGroundContact[i] );

	pVerified->m_cmd = *cmd;
	pVerified->m_crc = cmd->GetChecksum();
コード例 #9
ファイル: in_main.cpp プロジェクト: jimbomcb/BirdPoop-Src
void CInput::ExtraMouseSample( float frametime, bool active )
	CUserCmd dummy;
	CUserCmd *cmd = &dummy;


	QAngle viewangles;
	engine->GetViewAngles( viewangles );
	QAngle originalViewangles = viewangles;

	if ( active )
		// Determine view angles
		AdjustAngles ( frametime );

		// Determine sideways movement
		ComputeSideMove( cmd );

		// Determine vertical movement
		ComputeUpwardMove( cmd );

		// Determine forward movement
		ComputeForwardMove( cmd );

		// Scale based on holding speed key or having too fast of a velocity based on client maximum
		//  speed.
		ScaleMovements( cmd );

		// Allow mice and other controllers to add their inputs
		ControllerMove( frametime, cmd );
#ifdef SIXENSE
		g_pSixenseInput->SixenseFrame( frametime, cmd ); 

		if( g_pSixenseInput->IsEnabled() )
			g_pSixenseInput->SetView( frametime, cmd );

	// Retreive view angles from engine ( could have been set in IN_AdjustAngles above )
	engine->GetViewAngles( viewangles );

	// Set button and flag bits, don't blow away state
#ifdef SIXENSE
	if( g_pSixenseInput->IsEnabled() )
		// Some buttons were set in SixenseUpdateKeys, so or in any real keypresses
		cmd->buttons |= GetButtonBits( 0 );
		cmd->buttons = GetButtonBits( 0 );
	cmd->buttons = GetButtonBits( 0 );

	// Use new view angles if alive, otherwise user last angles we stored off.
	if ( g_iAlive )
		VectorCopy( viewangles, cmd->viewangles );
		VectorCopy( viewangles, m_angPreviousViewAngles );
		VectorCopy( m_angPreviousViewAngles, cmd->viewangles );

	// Let the move manager override anything it wants to.
	if ( g_pClientMode->CreateMove( frametime, cmd ) )
		// Get current view angles after the client mode tweaks with it
		engine->SetViewAngles( cmd->viewangles );
		prediction->SetLocalViewAngles( cmd->viewangles );

	// Let the headtracker override the view at the very end of the process so
	// that vehicles and other stuff in g_pClientMode->CreateMove can override 
	// first
	if ( active && UseVR() )
		C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
		if( pPlayer && !pPlayer->GetVehicle() )
			QAngle curViewangles, newViewangles;
			Vector curMotion, newMotion;
			engine->GetViewAngles( curViewangles );
			curMotion.Init ( 
				cmd->upmove );
			g_ClientVirtualReality.OverridePlayerMotion ( frametime, originalViewangles, curViewangles, curMotion, &newViewangles, &newMotion );
			engine->SetViewAngles( newViewangles );
			cmd->forwardmove = newMotion[0];
			cmd->sidemove = newMotion[1];
			cmd->upmove = newMotion[2];

			cmd->viewangles = newViewangles;
			prediction->SetLocalViewAngles( cmd->viewangles );

コード例 #10
void CBaseViewModel::CalcViewModelView( CBasePlayer *owner, const Vector& eyePosition, const QAngle& eyeAngles )
	// UNDONE: Calc this on the server?  Disabled for now as it seems unnecessary to have this info on the server
#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
	QAngle vmangoriginal = eyeAngles;
	QAngle vmangles = eyeAngles;
	Vector vmorigin = eyePosition;

	CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = m_hWeapon.Get();
	//Allow weapon lagging
	if ( pWeapon != NULL )
#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
		if ( !prediction->InPrediction() )
			// add weapon-specific bob 
			pWeapon->AddViewmodelBob( this, vmorigin, vmangles );
#if defined ( CSTRIKE_DLL )
			CalcViewModelLag( vmorigin, vmangles, vmangoriginal );
	// Add model-specific bob even if no weapon associated (for head bob for off hand models)
	AddViewModelBob( owner, vmorigin, vmangles );
#if !defined ( CSTRIKE_DLL )
	// This was causing weapon jitter when rotating in updated CS:S; original Source had this in above InPrediction block  07/14/10
	// Add lag
	CalcViewModelLag( vmorigin, vmangles, vmangoriginal );

#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
	if ( !prediction->InPrediction() )
		// Let the viewmodel shake at about 10% of the amplitude of the player's view
		vieweffects->ApplyShake( vmorigin, vmangles, 0.1 );	

	if( UseVR() )
		g_ClientVirtualReality.OverrideViewModelTransform( vmorigin, vmangles, pWeapon && pWeapon->ShouldUseLargeViewModelVROverride() );

	SetLocalOrigin( vmorigin );
	SetLocalAngles( vmangles );

#ifdef SIXENSE
	if( g_pSixenseInput->IsEnabled() && (owner->GetObserverMode()==OBS_MODE_NONE) && !UseVR() )
		const float max_gun_pitch = 20.0f;

		float viewmodel_fov_ratio = g_pClientMode->GetViewModelFOV()/owner->GetFOV();
		QAngle gun_angles = g_pSixenseInput->GetViewAngleOffset() * -viewmodel_fov_ratio;

		// Clamp pitch a bit to minimize seeing back of viewmodel
		if( gun_angles[PITCH] < -max_gun_pitch )
			gun_angles[PITCH] = -max_gun_pitch; 

#ifdef WIN32 // ShouldFlipViewModel comes up unresolved on osx? Mabye because it's defined inline? fixme
		if( ShouldFlipViewModel() ) 
			gun_angles[YAW] *= -1.0f;

		vmangles = EyeAngles() +  gun_angles;

		SetLocalAngles( vmangles );

コード例 #11
void C_PropVehicleDriveable::DrawHudElements( )
	CHudTexture *pIcon;
	int iIconX, iIconY;

	if (m_bHasGun)
		// draw crosshairs for vehicle gun
		pIcon = gHUD.GetIcon( "gunhair" );

		if ( pIcon != NULL )
			float x, y;

			if( UseVR() )
				C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = (C_BasePlayer *)GetPassenger( VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER );
				Vector vecStart, vecDirection;
				pPlayer->EyePositionAndVectors( &vecStart, &vecDirection, NULL, NULL );
				Vector vecEnd = vecStart + vecDirection * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH;

				trace_t tr;
				UTIL_TraceLine( vecStart, vecEnd, MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

				Vector screen;
				ScreenTransform(tr.endpos, screen);

				int vx, vy, vw, vh;
				vgui::surface()->GetFullscreenViewport( vx, vy, vw, vh );

				float screenWidth = vw;
				float screenHeight = vh;

				x = 0.5f * ( 1.0f + screen[0] ) * screenWidth + 0.5f;
				y = 0.5f * ( 1.0f - screen[1] ) * screenHeight + 0.5f;
				Vector screen;

				x = ScreenWidth()/2;
				y = ScreenHeight()/2;

				ScreenTransform( m_vecGunCrosshair, screen );
				x += 0.5 * screen[0] * ScreenWidth() + 0.5;
				y -= 0.5 * screen[1] * ScreenHeight() + 0.5;

			x -= pIcon->Width() / 2; 
			y -= pIcon->Height() / 2; 
			Color	clr = ( m_bUnableToFire ) ? gHUD.m_clrCaution : gHUD.m_clrNormal;
			pIcon->DrawSelf( x, y, clr );

		if ( m_nScannerDisabledWeapons )
			// Draw icons for scanners "weps disabled"  
			pIcon = gHUD.GetIcon( "dmg_bio" );
			if ( pIcon )
				iIconY = 467 - pIcon->Height() / 2;
				iIconX = 385;
				if ( !m_bScannerWepIcon )
					pIcon->DrawSelf( XRES(iIconX), YRES(iIconY), Color( 0, 0, 255, 255 ) );
					m_bScannerWepIcon = true;
					m_iScannerWepFlashTimer = 0;
					m_bScannerWepDim = true;
					pIcon->DrawSelf( XRES(iIconX), YRES(iIconY), Color( 0, 0, GetFlashColorIntensity(55, 255, m_bScannerWepDim, 10, m_iScannerWepFlashTimer), 255 ) );
					m_iScannerWepFlashTimer %= 20;
						m_bScannerWepDim ^= 1;

	if ( m_nScannerDisabledVehicle )
		// Draw icons for scanners "vehicle disabled"  
		pIcon = gHUD.GetIcon( "dmg_bio" );
		if ( pIcon )
			iIconY = 467 - pIcon->Height() / 2;
			iIconX = 410;
			if ( !m_bScannerVehicleIcon )
				pIcon->DrawSelf( XRES(iIconX), YRES(iIconY), Color( 0, 0, 255, 255 ) );
				m_bScannerVehicleIcon = true;
				m_iScannerVehicleFlashTimer = 0;
				m_bScannerVehicleDim = true;
				pIcon->DrawSelf( XRES(iIconX), YRES(iIconY), Color( 0, 0, GetFlashColorIntensity(55, 255, m_bScannerVehicleDim, 10, m_iScannerVehicleFlashTimer), 255 ) );
				m_iScannerVehicleFlashTimer %= 20;
					m_bScannerVehicleDim ^= 1;
コード例 #12
int CEstrangedSystemCaps::GetCaps( void )

	// If we're in the middle of building cubemaps
	ConVarRef building_cubemaps("building_cubemaps");
	if ( building_cubemaps.GetBool() )

	// Check for null-ness...
	if ( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig )
		// If we don't support shader model 3.0
		if ( !g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->SupportsShaderModel_3_0() )

		// If we support fetch4 (ATI)
		if ( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->SupportsFetch4() )

		// If we use ATI depth formats
		int shadowFilterMode = g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetShadowFilterMode();
		if ( shadowFilterMode != NVIDIA_PCF_POISSON && ( shadowFilterMode == ATI_NO_PCF_FETCH4 || shadowFilterMode == ATI_NOPCF ) )

		// If we're not running with DirectX 9
		if ( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetDXSupportLevel() < 90 )
			systemCaps &= ~CAPS_SHADOW_DEPTHPASS;

		// If we're not running with DirectX 8
		if ( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetDXSupportLevel() < 80 )

	// If we're not Windows
	if ( !IsWindows() )

	// ae - temporary bugfix: disable shader
	// post processing on mac
	if ( IsOSX() )

	// If we're in VR mode
	if ( UseVR() )

	// Check null
	if ( materials )
		// If we don't support shadow depth textures
		if ( !materials->SupportsShadowDepthTextures() )
			systemCaps &= ~CAPS_SHADOW_DEPTHPASS;

	return systemCaps;