コード例 #1
// Busy-wait Analog to digital conversion initiates SS3 and
// calls the user function provided in the initialization with
// the results of the conversion in the parameters.
// UserTask3(AIN7);
// Input: none
// Output: none
// Samples ADC7
// 125k max sampling
// software trigger, busy-wait sampling
void ADC0_InSeq3(void){
  uint32_t microphone;
  ADC0_PSSI_R = 0x0008;         // 1) initiate SS3
  while((ADC0_RIS_R&0x08)==0){};// 2) wait for conversion done
                                // 3) read 12-bit result from AIN7 (PD0)
  microphone = ADC0_SSFIFO3_R&0xFFF;
  UserTask3(microphone);        // 4)  call the user function
  ADC0_ISC_R = 0x0008;          // 5) acknowledge completion
コード例 #2
void ADC0Seq3_Handler(void){
  uint32_t microphone;
  microphone = ADC0_SSFIFO3_R&0xFFF;// 12-bit result from AIN7 (PD0)
  ADC0_ISC_R = 0x0008;          // acknowledge ADC sequence 3 completion
コード例 #3
ファイル: ADC.c プロジェクト: tllado/RTOS_Bus
void ADC0Seq1_Handler(void){
  ADC0_ISC_R |= 0x02;          // acknowledge ADC sequence 2 completion
  UserTask3(ADC0_SSFIFO1_R);   // 12-bit result pushed out to user task