コード例 #1
ファイル: OSDipAppOld.cpp プロジェクト: tkelman/OS-oldmirror
void OSDipApp::createModels() {

	UtilPrintFuncBegin(m_osLog, m_classTag, "createModels()",
			m_appParam.LogLevel, 2);
	int i;
	int j;
	const int nCols = m_osInterface.getVariableNumber();
	const int nRows = m_osInterface.getConstraintNumber();

		//First the define the objective function over the entire variable space
		//Create the memory for the objective  function
		m_objective = new double[nCols];
		for (i = 0; i < nCols; i++) {
			m_objective[i] = m_osInterface.getObjectiveFunctionCoeff()[i];
			//std::cout << "obj coeff = " << m_objective[i] << std::endl;
		setModelObjective( m_objective);
		//--- Construct the core matrix.
		int nRowsRelax, nRowsCore;
		nRowsRelax = 0;
		nRowsCore = 0;

		std::vector<OtherConstraintOption*> otherConstraintOptions;
		std::vector<OtherConstraintOption*>::iterator vit;

		// Now construct the block matrices
		int *rowsRelax;
		int whichBlock;
		DecompConstraintSet *modelRelax = NULL;

		std::set<int> blockVars; //variables indexes in the specific block
		std::set<int> blockVarsAll; //all variable indexes that appear in a block
		std::set<int> blockConAll; //all constraint indexes that appear in a block
		std::set<int>::iterator sit;
		CoinPackedVector *row;
		int *rowVars;
		int rowSize;
		if (m_osInterface.m_osoption != NULL
				&& m_osInterface.m_osoption->getNumberOfOtherConstraintOptions()
						> 0) {
					= m_osInterface.m_osoption->getOtherConstraintOptions("Dip");
			//iterate over the vector of contraint options
			for (vit = otherConstraintOptions.begin(); vit
					!= otherConstraintOptions.end(); vit++) {
				// see if we have a Core Constraint Set
				if( ( (*vit)->name.compare("constraintSet") == 0)
						&& ( (*vit)->type.compare("Block") == 0)) {
					//get the block number
					//ch = new char[(*vit)->value.size() + 1];
					//ch[(*vit)->value.size()] = 0;
					//memcpy(ch, (*vit)->value.c_str(), (*vit)->value.size());
					//whichBlock = atoi(ch);
					//delete ch;
					whichBlock = atoi( (*vit)->value.c_str() );
					// first get the number of constraints in this block
					nRowsRelax = (*vit)->numberOfCon;
					rowsRelax = new int[nRowsRelax];
					//now get the variable indexes for just this block
					//first clear indexes from a previous block
					for (i = 0; i < nRowsRelax; i++) {
						rowsRelax[i] = (*vit)->con[i]->idx;
						if( (*vit)->con[i]->idx >= nRows) throw ErrorClass( "found an invalid row index in OSoL file");
						m_blocks[ whichBlock].push_back( rowsRelax[i] );
						//also add to the set of all rows
						if (blockConAll.find(  (*vit)->con[i]->idx ) == blockConAll.end()) {
							blockConAll.insert(  (*vit)->con[i]->idx );	
						//add the variables for this row to the set blockVars
						row = m_osInterface.getRow(rowsRelax[i]);
						rowSize = row->getNumElements();
						rowVars = row->getIndices();
						for (j = 0; j < rowSize; j++) {
							if (blockVars.find(rowVars[j]) == blockVars.end()) {
						delete row;
					}//end for or rows in this block
					modelRelax = new DecompConstraintSet();
					CoinAssertHint(modelRelax, "Error: Out of Memory");
					//create the active columns in this block
					for (sit = blockVars.begin(); sit != blockVars.end(); sit++) {
						modelRelax->activeColumns.push_back( *sit);
						//insert into the all variables set also, but throw an execption
						//if already there -- same variable cannot be in more than one block
						if (blockVarsAll.find( *sit) == blockVarsAll.end()) {
							blockVarsAll.insert (*sit);	
							throw ErrorClass("Variable " + UtilIntToStr(*sit) + " appears in more than one block");
					if (m_appParam.LogLevel >= 3) {
						(*m_osLog) << "Active Columns : " << whichBlock << endl;
						UtilPrintVector(modelRelax->activeColumns, m_osLog);

					createModelPartSparse(modelRelax, nRowsRelax, rowsRelax);  //does not work for cutting planes
					//createModelPart(modelRelax, nRowsRelax, rowsRelax);
					m_modelR.insert(make_pair(whichBlock + 1, modelRelax));
					setModelRelax(modelRelax, "relax" + UtilIntToStr(whichBlock),
					if (m_appParam.LogLevel >= 3) {
						(*m_osLog) <<  std::endl <<  std::endl;
						(*m_osLog) << "HERE COMES THE DUPLICATION (WHEN createModelPartSparse USED)" << std::endl;

					UtilPrintVector( modelRelax->activeColumns, m_osLog); 
	 			//free local memory
	 			UTIL_DELARR( rowsRelax);
			}//end for over constraint options
		}// if on ospton null
		//get the core constraints -- constraints NOT in a block
		int *rowsCore = NULL;
		int kount = 0;
		nRowsCore = nRows - blockConAll.size();
		if(nRowsCore <= 0) throw ErrorClass("We need at least one coupling constraint");
		rowsCore = new int[nRowsCore];
		for(i = 0; i < nRows; i++){
			if (blockConAll.find( i ) == blockConAll.end() ){
				rowsCore[ kount++] =  i;

		if( kount  !=  nRowsCore) throw ErrorClass("There was an error counting coupling constraints");
		DecompConstraintSet * modelCore = new DecompConstraintSet();
		createModelPart(modelCore, nRowsCore, rowsCore);
		setModelCore(modelCore, "core");
		//--- save a pointer so we can delete it later
		m_modelC = modelCore;

		//get the master only variables
		for (i = 0; i < nCols; i++) {
			if (blockVarsAll.find(i) == blockVarsAll.end()) {
				std::cout << "MASTER ONLY VARIABLE " << i << std::endl;
		//--- create an extra "empty" block for the master-only vars
		//---   since I don't know what OSI will do with empty problem
		//---   we will make column bounds explicity rows
		int nMasterOnlyCols = static_cast<int> (modelCore->masterOnlyCols.size());
		if (nMasterOnlyCols) {
			if (m_appParam.LogLevel >= 1)
				(*m_osLog) << "Create model part Master-Only." << endl;
		UtilPrintFuncBegin(m_osLog, m_classTag, "printCurrentProblem()",
				m_appParam.LogLevel, 2);
	 //free local memory
	 UTIL_DELARR( rowsCore);
	}//end try
	catch(const ErrorClass& eclass){
		throw ErrorClass( eclass.errormsg);

}// end createModels()
コード例 #2
ファイル: SDPUC_DecompApp.cpp プロジェクト: coin-or/Dip
void SDPUC_DecompApp::createModelCore(DecompConstraintSet * model){

   //--- MASTER (A''):
   //---	  z[i,j,t] <= y1[i,j]  for all (i,j) in A, t in T		  //arc-investment
   //---	  z[i,j,t] - z[i,j,t-1] <= y2[i,j,t]  for all (i,j) in A, t in T  //arc(unit) commitment
   //---	  y[i,j] binary for all (i,j) in A
   int   i, t, a, colIndex;
   int   numTimeperiods =		 m_instance.m_numTimeperiods;
   int   numArcs        =		 m_instance.m_numArcs;
   int   numNodes		=		 m_instance.m_numNodes;
   int   numCols        =		 numArcs   //y1-vars
      + 3 * numTimeperiods * numArcs	           //y2-, z-, and x-vars
      + numTimeperiods * numNodes;		   //theta-vars
   int   numRows		  =		 numArcs * numTimeperiods;
   int	 col_yStartIndex  =		 0;
   int	 col_zStartIndex  =		 numArcs*(1+numTimeperiods);
   int	 col_xStartIndex  =		 numArcs * (1 + 2*numTimeperiods);
   int	 col_thetaStartIndex  =	 numArcs*(1 + 3*numTimeperiods) ;

   SDPUC_Instance::arc * arcs = m_instance.m_arcs;

   UtilPrintFuncBegin(m_osLog, m_classTag,
		      "createModelCore()", m_appParam.LogLevel, 2);

   //--- create space for the model matrix (row-majored)
   model->M = new CoinPackedMatrix(false, 0.0, 0.0);
      throw UtilExceptionMemory("createModelCore", "SDPUC_DecompApp");
   model->M->setDimensions(0, numCols);
   model->reserve(numRows, numCols);
   //--- create the rows and set the col/row bounds
   UtilFillN(model->colLB, numCols,  -m_infinity);
   UtilFillN(model->colUB, numCols,  m_infinity);
   for(a = 0; a < numArcs; a++){
      colIndex = a;
      //add y1-vars   
      model->colLB[colIndex] = 0;
      model->colUB[colIndex] = 1;
      for(t = 0; t < numTimeperiods; t++){
	 int t_prev = 0;
	 if(t == 0) {
            t_prev = numTimeperiods - 1;
	 else {
            t_prev = t - 1;

	 colIndex = a + t * numArcs + numArcs;
	 //add y2-vars   
	 model->colLB[colIndex] = 0;
	 model->colUB[colIndex] = 1;

	 CoinPackedVector row1;        // 0 <= y1[i,j] - z[i,j,t]  for all (i,j) in A, t in T
	 CoinPackedVector row2;        // 0 <= y2[i,j,t] - z[i,j,t] + z[i,j,t-1]  for all (i,j) in A, t in T 
	 CoinPackedVector rowFix_y1;   //fix y1=1
	 CoinPackedVector y2upper1;   // y2(t) <= z(t)  : if off in t then we dont start-up
	 CoinPackedVector y2upper2;   // y2(t) <= 1-z(t-1)  : if on in t-1 then dont start up in t

	 //insert y1-var coefficient
	 row1.insert(a, 1.0);
	 rowFix_y1.insert(a, 1.0);
	 //insert y2-var coefficient
	 colIndex = t * numArcs + a + numArcs;
	 row2.insert(colIndex, 1.0);
	 y2upper1.insert(colIndex, -1.0);
	 y2upper2.insert(colIndex, -1.0);
	 //add z-vars   
	 colIndex = t * numArcs + a + col_zStartIndex;
	 model->colLB[colIndex] = 0;
	 model->colUB[colIndex] = 1;
	 //insert z-var coefficient
	 row1.insert(colIndex, -1.0);
	 row2.insert(colIndex, -1.0);
	 y2upper1.insert(colIndex, 1.0);
	 colIndex = t_prev * numArcs + a + col_zStartIndex;
	 row2.insert(colIndex, 1.0);
	 y2upper2.insert(colIndex, -1.0);

         std::string rowName1_1 = "MP1_1_" + UtilIntToStr(a) + "_" + UtilIntToStr(t);
         std::string rowName1_2 = "MP1_2_" + UtilIntToStr(a) + "_" + UtilIntToStr(t);
         std::string rowName2_1 = "MP2_1_" + UtilIntToStr(a) + "_" + UtilIntToStr(t);
         std::string rowName2_2 = "MP2_2_" + UtilIntToStr(a) + "_" + UtilIntToStr(t);
         std::string rowNameFix = "fix_y1_" + UtilIntToStr(a) + "_" + UtilIntToStr(t);
	 //TODO: any issue with range constraint
	 model->appendRow(row1, 0.0, m_infinity, rowName1_1);  //add MP1_constraints (arc investments)
         model->appendRow(row1, -m_infinity, 1.0, rowName1_2);  //add MP1_constraints (arc investments)
	 if(arcs[a].tail == 0) {   //ONLY for supply arcs (!!)
	    model->appendRow(row2, 0.0, m_infinity, rowName2_1);  //add MP2_constraints (arc commitment) 
	    model->appendRow(row2, -m_infinity, 1.0, rowName2_2);  //add MP2_constraints (arc commitment) 
	 model->appendRow(rowFix_y1, 1.0, m_infinity, rowNameFix);  //add fix y1 vars
	 //model->appendRow(y2upper1, 0.0, m_infinity, std::string("y2-upperbound-1"));  //add upperbounds on y2
	 //model->appendRow(y2upper2, -1.0, m_infinity, std::string("y2-upperbound-2"));  //..to strengthen formulation

   //--- create column names (helps with debugging)
   for(a = 0; a < numArcs; a++){
      std::string colName = "y1(a" + UtilIntToStr(a) + "(" +
	 UtilIntToStr(arcs[a].tail) + "," +
	 UtilIntToStr(arcs[a].head) + "))";
   for(t = 0; t < numTimeperiods; t++){
      for(a = 0; a < numArcs; a++){
	 std::string colName = "y2(t" + UtilIntToStr(t) + ",a" + UtilIntToStr(a) + "(" +
            UtilIntToStr(arcs[a].tail) + "," +
            UtilIntToStr(arcs[a].head) + "))";
   for(t = 0; t < numTimeperiods; t++){
      for(a = 0; a < numArcs; a++){
         std::string colName = "z(t" + UtilIntToStr(t) + ",a" + UtilIntToStr(a) + "(" +
            UtilIntToStr(arcs[a].tail) + "," +
            UtilIntToStr(arcs[a].head) + "))";
   for(t = 0; t < numTimeperiods; t++){
      for(a = 0; a < numArcs; a++){
         std::string colName = "x(t" + UtilIntToStr(t) + ",a" + UtilIntToStr(a) + "(" +
            UtilIntToStr(arcs[a].tail) + "," +
            UtilIntToStr(arcs[a].head) + "))";
   for(t = 0; t < numTimeperiods; t++){
      for(i = 0; i < numNodes; i++){
         std::string colName = "theta(t" + UtilIntToStr(t) + ",n" + UtilIntToStr(i) + ")";

   //--- create a list of the "active" columns (those related 
   //---   to this commmodity) all other columns are fixed to 0
   UtilFillN(model->colLB, numCols,  0.0);
   UtilFillN(model->colUB, numCols,  0.0);
   colIndex = 0;
   for(a = 0; a < numArcs; a++){
      //set y-columns active
      //model->colLB[colIndex] = 0;
      //model->colUB[colIndex] = 1;
      //set y-columns as master-only columns
      colIndex = col_yStartIndex + a;
      model->masterOnlyCols.push_back(colIndex);  //y1-vars
      for(t = 0; t < numTimeperiods; t++){
	 colIndex = col_yStartIndex + t * numArcs + a + numArcs;
	 model->masterOnlyCols.push_back(colIndex);  //y2-vars

   if(m_appParam.LogLevel >= 3){
      (*m_osLog) << "Master only columns:" << endl;
      UtilPrintVector(model->masterOnlyCols, m_osLog);
      if(model->getColNames().size() > 0)
			 model->getColNames(), m_osLog);
   //--- set the indices of the integer variables of model
   UtilIotaN(model->integerVars, col_xStartIndex, col_yStartIndex);
   UtilPrintFuncEnd(m_osLog, m_classTag,
                    "createModelCore()", m_appParam.LogLevel, 2);
   //--- display problem
   //int j = 0;
   //cout << "find: \nActive cols: ";
   //std::vector<int>::const_iterator it;
   //for(it = model->getActiveColumns().begin(); it != model->getActiveColumns().end(); it++){
   //cout << *it << " ";
   //cout << "\ns.t.\n";
   //for(j = 0; j < model->getNumRows(); j++){
   //cout << model->rowNames[j] << " : \t\t";
   //cout << model->rowLB[j] << " \t <= \t" ;
   //for (i = 0; i < model->getNumCols(); i++){
   ////cout << "numCols=" << model->getNumCols() << endl;
   //if(model->getMatrix()->getCoefficient(j,i) != 0) {
   ////cout << "i" << i << " ";
   //cout << " " << model->M->getCoefficient(j,i) << " " ;
   //cout << model->getColNames()[i] ;
   //else {cout << "" ;}
   //cout << " \t <= \t " << model->rowUB[j] << endl ;
