void OGR_DS_SetStyleTable( OGRDataSourceH hDS, OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hDS, "OGR_DS_SetStyleTable" ); VALIDATE_POINTER0( hStyleTable, "OGR_DS_SetStyleTable" ); ((GDALDataset *) hDS)->SetStyleTable( (OGRStyleTable *) hStyleTable); }
/** * \brief Set entry in color table. * * This function is the same as the C++ method GDALColorTable::SetColorEntry() */ void CPL_STDCALL GDALSetColorEntry( GDALColorTableH hTable, int i, const GDALColorEntry * poEntry ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hTable, "GDALSetColorEntry" ); VALIDATE_POINTER0( poEntry, "GDALSetColorEntry" ); reinterpret_cast<GDALColorTable *>( hTable )->SetColorEntry( i, poEntry ); }
void OGR_L_SetStyleTable( OGRLayerH hLayer, OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hLayer, "OGR_L_SetStyleTable" ); VALIDATE_POINTER0( hStyleTable, "OGR_L_SetStyleTable" ); ((OGRLayer *) hLayer)->SetStyleTable( (OGRStyleTable *) hStyleTable); }
void CPL_STDCALL GDALSetDescription( GDALMajorObjectH hObject, const char *pszNewDesc ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hObject, "GDALSetDescription" ); ((GDALMajorObject *) hObject)->SetDescription( pszNewDesc ); }
void OGRDeregisterDriver( OGRSFDriverH hDriver ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hDriver, "OGRDeregisterDriver" ); GetGDALDriverManager()->DeregisterDriver( (GDALDriver*)hDriver ); }
void OGR_L_ResetReading( OGRLayerH hLayer ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hLayer, "OGR_L_ResetReading" ); ((OGRLayer *) hLayer)->ResetReading(); }
void OGR_G_AddPoint( OGRGeometryH hGeom, double dfX, double dfY, double dfZ ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hGeom, "OGR_G_AddPoint" ); switch( wkbFlatten(((OGRGeometry *) hGeom)->getGeometryType()) ) { case wkbPoint: { ((OGRPoint *) hGeom)->setX( dfX ); ((OGRPoint *) hGeom)->setY( dfY ); ((OGRPoint *) hGeom)->setZ( dfZ ); } break; case wkbLineString: ((OGRLineString *) hGeom)->addPoint( dfX, dfY, dfZ ); break; default: CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Incompatible geometry for operation"); break; } }
void OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet( OGRDataSourceH hDS, OGRLayerH hLayer ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hDS, "OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet" ); ((OGRDataSource *) hDS)->ReleaseResultSet( (OGRLayer *) hLayer ); }
void OGR_L_SetSpatialFilter( OGRLayerH hLayer, OGRGeometryH hGeom ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hLayer, "OGR_L_SetSpatialFilter" ); ((OGRLayer *) hLayer)->SetSpatialFilter( (OGRGeometry *) hGeom ); }
void CPL_STDCALL GDALSetColorEntry( GDALColorTableH hTable, int i, const GDALColorEntry * poEntry ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hTable, "GDALSetColorEntry" ); ((GDALColorTable *) hTable)->SetColorEntry( i, poEntry ); }
void OGR_L_SetStyleTableDirectly( OGRLayerH hLayer, OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hLayer, "OGR_L_SetStyleTableDirectly" ); ((OGRLayer *) hLayer)->SetStyleTableDirectly( (OGRStyleTable *) hStyleTable); }
void OGR_DS_SetStyleTableDirectly( OGRDataSourceH hDS, OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hDS, "OGR_DS_SetStyleTableDirectly" ); ((OGRDataSource *) hDS)->SetStyleTableDirectly( (OGRStyleTable *) hStyleTable); }
void CPL_STDCALL GDALCreateColorRamp( GDALColorTableH hTable, int nStartIndex, const GDALColorEntry *psStartColor, int nEndIndex, const GDALColorEntry *psEndColor ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hTable, "GDALCreateColorRamp" ); ((GDALColorTable *) hTable)->CreateColorRamp( nStartIndex, psStartColor, nEndIndex, psEndColor ); }
void OGR_L_SetSpatialFilterRect( OGRLayerH hLayer, double dfMinX, double dfMinY, double dfMaxX, double dfMaxY ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hLayer, "OGR_L_SetSpatialFilterRect" ); ((OGRLayer *) hLayer)->SetSpatialFilterRect( dfMinX, dfMinY, dfMaxX, dfMaxY ); }
void OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet( OGRDataSourceH hDS, OGRLayerH hLayer ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hDS, "OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet" ); #ifdef OGRAPISPY_ENABLED if( bOGRAPISpyEnabled ) OGRAPISpy_DS_ReleaseResultSet(hDS, hLayer); #endif ((GDALDataset *) hDS)->ReleaseResultSet( (OGRLayer *) hLayer ); }
void GDALDestroyGCPTransformer( void *pTransformArg ) { GCPTransformInfo *psInfo = (GCPTransformInfo *) pTransformArg; VALIDATE_POINTER0( pTransformArg, "GDALDestroyGCPTransformer" ); GDALDeinitGCPs( psInfo->nGCPCount, psInfo->pasGCPList ); CPLFree( psInfo->pasGCPList ); CPLFree( pTransformArg ); }
void OGR_G_GetPoint( OGRGeometryH hGeom, int i, double *pdfX, double *pdfY, double *pdfZ ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hGeom, "OGR_G_GetPoint" ); switch( wkbFlatten(((OGRGeometry *) hGeom)->getGeometryType()) ) { case wkbPoint: { if( i == 0 ) { *pdfX = ((OGRPoint *)hGeom)->getX(); *pdfY = ((OGRPoint *)hGeom)->getY(); if( pdfZ != NULL ) *pdfZ = ((OGRPoint *)hGeom)->getZ(); } else { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Only i == 0 is supported"); } } break; case wkbLineString: case wkbCircularString: { OGRLineString* poLS = (OGRLineString *) hGeom; if (i < 0 || i >= poLS->getNumPoints()) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Index out of bounds"); *pdfX = *pdfY = 0; if( pdfZ != NULL ) *pdfZ = 0; } else { *pdfX = poLS->getX( i ); *pdfY = poLS->getY( i ); if( pdfZ != NULL ) *pdfZ = poLS->getZ( i ); } } break; default: CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Incompatible geometry for operation"); break; } }
void GDALDestroyTPSTransformer( void *pTransformArg ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( pTransformArg, "GDALDestroyTPSTransformer" ); TPSTransformInfo *psInfo = (TPSTransformInfo *) pTransformArg; delete psInfo->poForward; delete psInfo->poReverse; GDALDeinitGCPs( psInfo->nGCPCount, psInfo->pasGCPList ); CPLFree( psInfo->pasGCPList ); CPLFree( pTransformArg ); }
void CPL_DLL OGR_G_SetPoints( OGRGeometryH hGeom, int nPointsIn, void* pabyX, int nXStride, void* pabyY, int nYStride, void* pabyZ, int nZStride ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hGeom, "OGR_G_SetPoints" ); switch( wkbFlatten(((OGRGeometry *) hGeom)->getGeometryType()) ) { case wkbPoint: { ((OGRPoint *) hGeom)->setX( pabyX ? *( (double *)pabyX ) : 0.0 ); ((OGRPoint *) hGeom)->setY( pabyY ? *( (double *)pabyY ) : 0.0 ); ((OGRPoint *) hGeom)->setZ( pabyZ ? *( (double *)pabyZ ) : 0.0 ); break; } case wkbLineString: case wkbCircularString: { OGRLineString* poLine = (OGRLineString *) hGeom; if( nXStride == 0 && nYStride == 0 && nZStride == 0 ) { poLine->setPoints( nPointsIn, (double *)pabyX, (double *)pabyY, (double *)pabyZ ); } else { double x, y, z; x = y = z = 0; poLine->setNumPoints( nPointsIn ); for (int i = 0; i < nPointsIn; ++i) { if( pabyX ) x = *(double*)((char*)pabyX + i * nXStride); if( pabyY ) y = *(double*)((char*)pabyY + i * nYStride); if( pabyZ ) z = *(double*)((char*)pabyZ + i * nZStride); poLine->setPoint( i, x, y, z ); } } break; } default: CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Incompatible geometry for operation"); break; } }
void GNMGenericNetwork::ConnectPointsByMultiline(GIntBig nFID, const OGRMultiLineString* poMultiLineString, const std::vector<OGRLayer*>& paPointLayers, double dfTolerance, double dfCost, double dfInvCost, GNMDirection eDir) { VALIDATE_POINTER0(poMultiLineString, "GNMGenericNetwork::ConnectPointsByMultiline"); for(int i = 0; i < poMultiLineString->getNumGeometries(); ++i) { const OGRLineString* poLinestring = (OGRLineString*)poMultiLineString->getGeometryRef(i); ConnectPointsByLine(nFID, poLinestring, paPointLayers, dfTolerance, dfCost, dfInvCost, eDir); } }
void OGR_G_SetPointCount( OGRGeometryH hGeom, int nNewPointCount ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hGeom, "OGR_G_SetPointCount" ); switch( wkbFlatten(((OGRGeometry *) hGeom)->getGeometryType()) ) { case wkbLineString: { OGRLineString *poLine = (OGRLineString *) hGeom; poLine->setNumPoints( nNewPointCount ); break; } default: CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Incompatible geometry for operation"); break; } }
void GNMGenericNetwork::ConnectPointsByLine(GIntBig nFID, const OGRLineString* poLineString, const std::vector<OGRLayer*>& paPointLayers, double dfTolerance, double dfCost, double dfInvCost, GNMDirection eDir) { VALIDATE_POINTER0(poLineString, "GNMGenericNetwork::ConnectPointsByLine"); OGRPoint oStartPoint, oEndPoint; poLineString->StartPoint(&oStartPoint); poLineString->EndPoint(&oEndPoint); double dfHalfTolerance = dfTolerance / 2; GNMGFID nSrcFID = FindNearestPoint(&oStartPoint, paPointLayers, dfHalfTolerance); GNMGFID nTgtFID = FindNearestPoint(&oEndPoint, paPointLayers, dfHalfTolerance); if(nSrcFID == -1 || nTgtFID == -1) return; // connect nSrcFID with nTgtFID via nFID ConnectFeatures(nSrcFID, nTgtFID, (GNMGFID)nFID, dfCost, dfInvCost, eDir); }
void OGR_G_SetPoint( OGRGeometryH hGeom, int i, double dfX, double dfY, double dfZ ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hGeom, "OGR_G_SetPoint" ); switch( wkbFlatten(((OGRGeometry *) hGeom)->getGeometryType()) ) { case wkbPoint: { if( i == 0 ) { ((OGRPoint *) hGeom)->setX( dfX ); ((OGRPoint *) hGeom)->setY( dfY ); ((OGRPoint *) hGeom)->setZ( dfZ ); } else { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Only i == 0 is supported"); } } break; case wkbLineString: case wkbCircularString: { if (i < 0) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Index out of bounds"); return; } ((OGRLineString *) hGeom)->setPoint( i, dfX, dfY, dfZ ); break; } default: CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Incompatible geometry for operation"); break; } }
void OGR_GFld_SetType( OGRGeomFieldDefnH hDefn, OGRwkbGeometryType eType ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hDefn, "OGR_GFld_SetType" ); ((OGRGeomFieldDefn *) hDefn)->SetType( eType ); }
void OGR_GFld_SetName( OGRGeomFieldDefnH hDefn, const char *pszName ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hDefn, "OGR_GFld_SetName" ); ((OGRGeomFieldDefn *) hDefn)->SetName( pszName ); }
void OGR_GFld_Destroy( OGRGeomFieldDefnH hDefn ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hDefn, "OGR_GFld_Destroy" ); delete (OGRGeomFieldDefn *) hDefn; }
void OGR_DS_Destroy( OGRDataSourceH hDS ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hDS, "OGR_DS_Destroy" ); delete (OGRDataSource *) hDS; }
void OGR_GFld_SetIgnored( OGRGeomFieldDefnH hDefn, int ignore ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hDefn, "OGR_GFld_SetIgnored" ); ((OGRGeomFieldDefn *) hDefn)->SetIgnored( ignore ); }
void OGR_GFld_SetSpatialRef( OGRGeomFieldDefnH hDefn, OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hDefn, "OGR_GFld_SetSpatialRef" ); ((OGRGeomFieldDefn *) hDefn)->SetSpatialRef( (OGRSpatialReference*) hSRS ); }
void CPL_STDCALL VRTFlushCache( VRTDatasetH hDataset ) { VALIDATE_POINTER0( hDataset, "VRTFlushCache" ); ((VRTDataset *)hDataset)->FlushCache(); }