コード例 #1
ファイル: multiblocks.c プロジェクト: msullivan/rmc-compiler
void multiblock_1(int b, rmc_int *p, rmc_int *q) {
    VEDGE(ainner, post);
    VEDGE(a, b);

    LS(a, {
        L(ainner, lol());
        if (b) { rmc_store(q, 1); } else { rmc_store(p, 1); }
コード例 #2
static void insert_between(widget *n, widget *n1, widget *n2) {
    VEDGE(pre, link);
    n->prev = n1;
    n2->prev = n;
    n->next = n2;
    L(link, n1->next = n);
コード例 #3
optional<T> MSQueue<T>::dequeue() {
    auto guard = Epoch::pin();

    // Core message passing: reading the data out of the node comes
    // after getting the pointer to it.
    XEDGE(get_next, node_use);
    // Make sure we see at least head's init
    XEDGE(get_head, get_next);
    // Need to make sure anything visible through the next pointer
    // stays visible when it gets republished at the head or tail
    VEDGE(get_next, dequeue);

    lf_ptr<MSQueueNode> head, next;

    for (;;) {
        head = L(get_head, this->head_);
        next = L(get_next, head->next_);

        // Consistency check; see note above
        if (head != this->head_) continue;

        // Is the queue empty?
        if (next == nullptr) {
            return optional<T> {};
        } else {
            // OK, now we try to actually read the thing out.
            if (L(dequeue, this->head_.compare_exchange_weak(head, next))) {


    // OK, everything set up.
    // next contains the value we are reading
    // head can be freed
    optional<T> ret(std::move(next->data_));
    next->data_ = optional<T> {}; // destroy the object

    return ret;
コード例 #4
ファイル: locks.cpp プロジェクト: msullivan/rmc-compiler
void drf_mutex_unlock(mutex_t *lock)
    VEDGE(pre, unlock);
    XEDGE(unlock, post); // ew
    L(unlock, lock->locked.exchange(0));
コード例 #5
ファイル: locks.cpp プロジェクト: msullivan/rmc-compiler
void mutex2_unlock(mutex2_t *lock)
    VEDGE(pre, unlock);
    L(unlock, lock->owner = lock->owner + 1);
コード例 #6
ファイル: locks.cpp プロジェクト: msullivan/rmc-compiler
void mutex_unlock(mutex_t *lock)
    VEDGE(pre, unlock);
    L(unlock, lock->locked = 0);
コード例 #7
 void unlock() {
     VEDGE(pre, unlock);
     L(unlock, locked_.fetch_xor(kWriterLocked));
コード例 #8
 void unlock_shared() {
     VEDGE(pre, unlock);
     L(unlock, locked_.fetch_sub(1));
コード例 #9
void MSQueue<T>::enqueueNode(lf_ptr<MSQueueNode> node) {
    node->next_ = node->next_.load().update(nullptr); // XXX: ok?

    // We publish the node in two ways:
    //  * at enqueue, which links it in as the next_ pointer
    //    of the list tail
    //  * at enqueue_swing, which links it in as
    //    the new tail_ of the queue
    // Node initialization needs be be visible before a node
    // publication is.
    VEDGE(node_init, enqueue);
    VEDGE(node_init, enqueue_swing);
    // Make sure to see node init, etc
    // This we should get to use a data-dep on!
    // Pretty sure we don't need XEDGE(get_tail, catchup_swing)...
    XEDGE(get_tail, get_next);
    // Make sure the contents of the next node stay visible
    // to anything that finds it through tail_, when we swing
    VEDGE(get_next, catchup_swing);
    // enqueue needs to be visible before enqueue_swing so that if
    // head != tail in dequeue, it always manages to have seen
    // head->next
    VEDGE(enqueue, enqueue_swing);

    // Make sure the read out of next executes before the verification
    // that it read from a sensible place:
    XEDGE(get_next, verify_tail);

    // Marker for node initialization. Everything before the
    // enqueue_node call is "init".

    NodePtr tail, next;

    for (;;) {
        tail = L(get_tail, this->tail_);
        next = L(get_next, tail->next_);
        // Check that tail and next are consistent: In this gen
        // counter version, this is important for correctness: if,
        // after we read the tail, it gets removed from this queue,
        // freed, and added to some other queue, we need to make sure
        // that we don't try to append to that queue instead.
        if (tail != L(verify_tail, this->tail_)) continue;

        // was tail /actually/ the last node?
        if (next == nullptr) {
            // if so, try to write it in. (nb. this overwrites next)
            // XXX: does weak actually help us here?
            if (L(enqueue, tail->next_.compare_exchange_weak_gen(next, node))) {
                // we did it! return
        } else {
            // nope. try to swing the tail further down the list and try again
              this->tail_.compare_exchange_strong_gen(tail, next));

    // Try to swing the tail_ to point to what we inserted
      this->tail_.compare_exchange_strong_gen(tail, node));
コード例 #10
optional<T> MSQueue<T>::dequeue() {
    // Core message passing: reading the data out of the node comes
    // after getting the pointer to it.
    XEDGE(get_next, node_use);
    // Make sure we see at least head's init
    XEDGE(get_head, get_next);
    // XXX: another part of maintaining the awful head != tail ->
    // next != null invariant that causes like a billion constraints.
    // Think about it a bit more to make sure this is right.
    // This is awful, so many barriers.
    XEDGE(get_head, get_tail);
    // If we see an updated tail (so that head != tail), make sure that
    // we see update to head->next.
    XEDGE(get_tail, get_next);

    // Need to make sure anything visible through the next pointer
    // stays visible when it gets republished at the head or tail
    VEDGE(get_next, catchup_swing);
    VEDGE(get_next, dequeue);

    // Make sure the read out of next executes before the verification
    // that it read from a sensible place:
    XEDGE(get_next, verify_head);

    NodePtr head, tail, next;

    universal data;

    for (;;) {
        head = L(get_head, this->head_);
        tail = L(get_tail, this->tail_); // XXX: really?
        next = L(get_next, head->next_);

        // Consistency check; see note above
        if (head != L(verify_head, this->head_)) continue;

        // Check if the queue *might* be empty
        // XXX: is it necessary to have the empty check under this
        if (head == tail) {
            // Ok, so, the queue might be empty, but it also might
            // be that the tail pointer has just fallen behind.
            // If the next pointer is null, then it is actually empty
            if (next == nullptr) {
                return optional<T> {};
            } else {
                // not empty: tail falling behind; since it is super
                // not ok for the head to advance past the tail,
                // try advancing the tail
                // XXX weak v strong?
                  this->tail_.compare_exchange_strong_gen(tail, next));
        } else {
            // OK, now we try to actually read the thing out.
            assert_ne(next.ptr(), nullptr);

            // We need to read the data out of the node
            // *before* we try to dequeue it or else it could get
            // reused before we read it out.
            data = L(node_use, next->data_);
            if (L(dequeue, this->head_.compare_exchange_weak_gen(head, next))) {


    // OK, everything set up.
    // head can be freed
    optional<T> ret(data.extract<T>());

    return ret;
コード例 #11
void MSQueue<T>::enqueue_node(lf_ptr<MSQueueNode> node) {
    auto guard = Epoch::pin();

    // We publish the node in two ways:
    //  * at enqueue, which links it in as the next_ pointer
    //    of the list tail
    //  * at enqueue_swing, which links it in as
    //    the new tail_ of the queue
    // Node initialization needs be be visible before a node
    // publication is.
    VEDGE(node_init, enqueue);
    VEDGE(node_init, enqueue_swing);
    // Make sure to see node init, etc
    // This we should get to use a data-dep on!
    // Pretty sure we don't need XEDGE(get_tail, catchup_swing)...
    XEDGE(get_tail, get_next);
    // Make sure the contents of the next node stay visible
    // to anything that finds it through tail_, when we swing
    VEDGE(get_next, catchup_swing);
    // enqueue needs to be visible before enqueue_swing so that if
    // head != tail in dequeue, it always manages to have seen
    // head->next
    // XXX: do we still need this??
    VEDGE(enqueue, enqueue_swing);

    // Marker for node initialization. Everything before the
    // enqueue_node call is "init".

    lf_ptr<MSQueueNode> tail, next;

    for (;;) {
        tail = L(get_tail, this->tail_);
        next = L(get_next, tail->next_);
        // Check that tail and next are consistent:
        // If we are using an epoch/gc based approach
        // (which we had better be, since we don't have gen counters),
        // this is purely an optimization.
        // XXX: constraint? I think it doesn't matter here, where it is
        // purely an optimization
        if (tail != this->tail_) continue;

        // was tail /actually/ the last node?
        if (next == nullptr) {
            // if so, try to write it in. (nb. this overwrites next)
            // XXX: does weak actually help us here?
            if (L(enqueue, tail->next_.compare_exchange_weak(next, node))) {
                // we did it! return
        } else {
            // nope. try to swing the tail further down the list and try again
            L(catchup_swing, this->tail_.compare_exchange_strong(tail, next));

    // Try to swing the tail_ to point to what we inserted
    L(enqueue_swing, this->tail_.compare_exchange_strong(tail, node));
コード例 #12
    void slowpathLock(Node::Ptr oldTail) {
        // makes sure that init of me.next is prior to tail_link in
        // other thread
        VEDGE(node_init, enqueue);
        // init of me needs to be done before publishing it to
        // previous thread also
        VEDGE(node_init, tail_link);
        // Can't write self into previous node until previous node inited
        XEDGE(enqueue, tail_link);

        LS(node_init, Node me);
        Node::Ptr curTail;
        bool newThreads;

        // Step one, put ourselves at the back of the queue
        for (;;) {
            Node::Ptr newTail = Node::Ptr(&me, oldTail.tag());

            // Enqueue ourselves...
            if (L(enqueue,
                  tail_.compare_exchange_strong(oldTail, newTail))) break;

            // OK, maybe the whole thing is just unlocked now?
            if (oldTail == Node::Ptr(nullptr, 0)) {
                // If so, try the top level lock
                if (tail_.compare_exchange_strong(oldTail,
                                                  Node::Ptr(nullptr, 1)))
                    goto out;


        // Need to make sure not to compete for the lock before the
        // right time. This makes sure the ordering doesn't get messed
        // up.
        XEDGE(ready_wait, lock);

        // Step two: OK, there is an actual queue, so link up with the old
        // tail and wait until we are at the head of the queue
        if (oldTail.ptr()) {
            // * Writing into the oldTail is safe because threads can't
            //   leave unless there is no thread after them or they have
            //   marked the next ready
            L(tail_link, oldTail->next = &me);

            while (!L(ready_wait, me.ready)) delay();

        // Step three: wait until the lock is freed
        // We don't need a a constraint from this load; "lock" serves
        // to handle this just fine: lock can't succeed until we've
        // read an unlocked tail_.
        while ((curTail = tail_).tag()) {

        // Our lock acquisition needs to be finished before we give the
        // next thread a chance to try to acquire the lock or it could
        // compete with us for it, causing trouble.
        VEDGE(lock, signal_next);

        // Step four: take the lock
        for (;;) {
            assert_eq(curTail.tag(), 0);
            assert_ne(curTail.ptr(), nullptr);

            newThreads = curTail.ptr() != &me;

            // If there aren't any waiters after us, the queue is
            // empty. Otherwise, keep the old tail.
            Node *newTailP = newThreads ? curTail : nullptr;
            Node::Ptr newTail = Node::Ptr(newTailP, 1);

            if (L(lock, tail_.compare_exchange_strong(curTail, newTail))) break;

        // Step five: now that we have the lock, if any threads came
        // in after us, indicate to the next one that it is at the
        // head of the queue
        if (newThreads) {
            // Next thread might not have written itself in, yet,
            // so we have to wait.
            Node *next;
            XEDGE(load_next, signal_next);
            while (!L(load_next, next = me.next)) delay();
            L(signal_next, next->ready = true);

        //printf("full slowpath out\n");
        //printf("made it out of slowpath!\n");
コード例 #13
 void unlock() {
     VEDGE(pre, unlock);
     LS(unlock, clearTag(tail_));