static bool cmdSecretGetValue(vshControl *ctl, const vshCmd *cmd) { virSecretPtr secret; VIR_AUTODISPOSE_STR base64 = NULL; unsigned char *value; size_t value_size; bool ret = false; secret = virshCommandOptSecret(ctl, cmd, NULL); if (secret == NULL) return false; value = virSecretGetValue(secret, &value_size, 0); if (value == NULL) goto cleanup; if (!(base64 = virStringEncodeBase64(value, value_size))) goto cleanup; vshPrint(ctl, "%s", base64); ret = true; cleanup: VIR_DISPOSE_N(value, value_size); virSecretFree(secret); return ret; }
static int virStorageBackendRBDOpenRADOSConn(virStorageBackendRBDStatePtr ptr, virConnectPtr conn, virStoragePoolSourcePtr source) { int ret = -1; int r = 0; virStorageAuthDefPtr authdef = source->auth; unsigned char *secret_value = NULL; size_t secret_value_size = 0; char *rados_key = NULL; virBuffer mon_host = VIR_BUFFER_INITIALIZER; size_t i; char *mon_buff = NULL; const char *client_mount_timeout = "30"; const char *mon_op_timeout = "30"; const char *osd_op_timeout = "30"; const char *rbd_default_format = "2"; if (authdef) { VIR_DEBUG("Using cephx authorization, username: %s", authdef->username); if ((r = rados_create(&ptr->cluster, authdef->username)) < 0) { virReportSystemError(-r, "%s", _("failed to initialize RADOS")); goto cleanup; } if (!conn) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("'ceph' authentication not supported " "for autostarted pools")); return -1; } if (virSecretGetSecretString(conn, &authdef->seclookupdef, VIR_SECRET_USAGE_TYPE_CEPH, &secret_value, &secret_value_size) < 0) goto cleanup; if (!(rados_key = virStringEncodeBase64(secret_value, secret_value_size))) goto cleanup; VIR_DEBUG("Found cephx key: %s", rados_key); if (rados_conf_set(ptr->cluster, "key", rados_key) < 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("failed to set RADOS option: %s"), "rados_key"); goto cleanup; } if (rados_conf_set(ptr->cluster, "auth_supported", "cephx") < 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("failed to set RADOS option: %s"), "auth_supported"); goto cleanup; } } else { VIR_DEBUG("Not using cephx authorization"); if (rados_create(&ptr->cluster, NULL) < 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("failed to create the RADOS cluster")); goto cleanup; } if (rados_conf_set(ptr->cluster, "auth_supported", "none") < 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("failed to set RADOS option: %s"), "auth_supported"); goto cleanup; } } VIR_DEBUG("Found %zu RADOS cluster monitors in the pool configuration", source->nhost); for (i = 0; i < source->nhost; i++) { if (source->hosts[i].name != NULL && !source->hosts[i].port) { virBufferAsprintf(&mon_host, "%s,", source->hosts[i].name); } else if (source->hosts[i].name != NULL && source->hosts[i].port) { virBufferAsprintf(&mon_host, "%s:%d,", source->hosts[i].name, source->hosts[i].port); } else { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("received malformed monitor, check the XML definition")); } } if (virBufferCheckError(&mon_host) < 0) goto cleanup; mon_buff = virBufferContentAndReset(&mon_host); VIR_DEBUG("RADOS mon_host has been set to: %s", mon_buff); if (rados_conf_set(ptr->cluster, "mon_host", mon_buff) < 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("failed to set RADOS option: %s"), "mon_host"); goto cleanup; } /* * Set timeout options for librados. * In case the Ceph cluster is down libvirt won't block forever. * Operations in librados will return -ETIMEDOUT when the timeout is reached. */ VIR_DEBUG("Setting RADOS option client_mount_timeout to %s", client_mount_timeout); rados_conf_set(ptr->cluster, "client_mount_timeout", client_mount_timeout); VIR_DEBUG("Setting RADOS option rados_mon_op_timeout to %s", mon_op_timeout); rados_conf_set(ptr->cluster, "rados_mon_op_timeout", mon_op_timeout); VIR_DEBUG("Setting RADOS option rados_osd_op_timeout to %s", osd_op_timeout); rados_conf_set(ptr->cluster, "rados_osd_op_timeout", osd_op_timeout); /* * Librbd supports creating RBD format 2 images. We no longer have to invoke * rbd_create3(), we can tell librbd to default to format 2. * This leaves us to simply use rbd_create() and use the default behavior of librbd */ VIR_DEBUG("Setting RADOS option rbd_default_format to %s", rbd_default_format); rados_conf_set(ptr->cluster, "rbd_default_format", rbd_default_format); ptr->starttime = time(0); if ((r = rados_connect(ptr->cluster)) < 0) { virReportSystemError(-r, _("failed to connect to the RADOS monitor on: %s"), mon_buff); goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: VIR_DISPOSE_N(secret_value, secret_value_size); VIR_DISPOSE_STRING(rados_key); virBufferFreeAndReset(&mon_host); VIR_FREE(mon_buff); return ret; }