コード例 #1
ファイル: mempool.cpp プロジェクト: FWGS/libvinterface
// Purpose: Allocs a single block of memory from the pool, zeroes the memory before returning
// Input  : amount - 
void *CMemoryPool::AllocZero( unsigned int amount )
	void *mem = Alloc( amount );
	if ( mem )
		V_memset( mem, 0x00, amount );
	return mem;
コード例 #2
// Purpose:
CReplayScreenshotTaker::CReplayScreenshotTaker( IViewRender *pViewRender, CViewSetup &view )
:	m_pViewRender( pViewRender ),
	m_View( view )
	m_pUnpaddedPixels = NULL;
	m_pPaddedPixels = NULL;
	m_pVTFPixels = NULL;

	m_pVTFTexture = NULL;

	m_pBuffer = NULL;

	if ( !m_pScreenshotTarget )

	m_aPaddedDims[ 0 ] = m_pScreenshotTarget->GetActualWidth();
	m_aPaddedDims[ 1 ] = m_pScreenshotTarget->GetActualHeight();

	g_pClientReplayContext->GetScreenshotManager()->GetUnpaddedScreenshotSize( m_aUnpaddedDims[ 0 ], m_aUnpaddedDims[ 1 ] );

	// Calculate sizes
	int nUnpaddedSize = 3 * m_aUnpaddedDims[ 0 ] * m_aUnpaddedDims[ 1 ];
	int nPaddedSize = 3 * m_aPaddedDims[ 0 ] * m_aPaddedDims[ 1 ];
	// Allocate for padded & unpadded pixel data
	m_pUnpaddedPixels = new uint8[ nUnpaddedSize ];
	m_pPaddedPixels = new uint8[ nPaddedSize ];

	// White out the entire padded image
	V_memset( m_pPaddedPixels, 255, nPaddedSize );

	// Create the VTF
#ifndef _X360
	IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture = CreateVTFTexture();
	if ( !pVTFTexture->Init( m_aPaddedDims[ 0 ], m_aPaddedDims[ 1 ], 1, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888, nFlags, 1, 1 ) )

	m_pVTFTexture = pVTFTexture;
	m_pVTFTexture = NULL;
#endif // _X360

	// Allocate pixels for the output buffer
	int nVTFSize = 1024 + ( 3 * m_aPaddedDims[ 0 ] * m_aPaddedDims[ 1 ] );
	m_pVTFPixels = new uint8[ nVTFSize ];
	m_pBuffer = new CUtlBuffer( m_pVTFPixels, nVTFSize );
コード例 #3
// Sets the length (used to serialize into the buffer )
void CUtlString::SetLength( int nLen )
	if ( nLen > 0 )
#ifdef _DEBUG
		int prevLen = m_pString ? Length() : 0;
		AllocMemory( nLen );
#ifdef _DEBUG
		if ( nLen > prevLen )
			V_memset( m_pString + prevLen, 0xEB, nLen - prevLen );
コード例 #4
ファイル: view.cpp プロジェクト: EspyEspurr/game
void CViewRender::WriteSaveGameScreenshotOfSize( const char *pFilename, int width, int height, bool bCreatePowerOf2Padded/*=false*/,
												 bool bWriteVTF/*=false*/ )
#ifndef _X360
	CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
	pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION );
	pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW );

	g_bRenderingScreenshot = true;

	// Push back buffer on the stack with small viewport
	pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( NULL, 0, 0, width, height );

	// render out to the backbuffer
    CViewSetup viewSetup = GetView ( STEREO_EYE_MONO );
	viewSetup.x = 0;
	viewSetup.y = 0;
	viewSetup.width = width;
	viewSetup.height = height;
	viewSetup.fov = ScaleFOVByWidthRatio( viewSetup.fov, ( (float)width / (float)height ) / ( 4.0f / 3.0f ) );
	viewSetup.m_bRenderToSubrectOfLargerScreen = true;

	// draw out the scene
	// Don't draw the HUD or the viewmodel
	RenderView( viewSetup, VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH | VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR, 0 );

	// get the data from the backbuffer and save to disk
	// bitmap bits
	unsigned char *pImage = ( unsigned char * )malloc( width * height * 3 );

	// Get Bits from the material system
	pRenderContext->ReadPixels( 0, 0, width, height, pImage, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888 );

	// Some stuff to be setup dependent on padded vs. not padded
	int nSrcWidth, nSrcHeight;
	unsigned char *pSrcImage;

	// Create a padded version if necessary
	unsigned char *pPaddedImage = NULL;
	if ( bCreatePowerOf2Padded )
		// Setup dimensions as needed
		int nPaddedWidth = SmallestPowerOfTwoGreaterOrEqual( width );
		int nPaddedHeight = SmallestPowerOfTwoGreaterOrEqual( height );

		// Allocate
		int nPaddedImageSize = nPaddedWidth * nPaddedHeight * 3;
		pPaddedImage = ( unsigned char * )malloc( nPaddedImageSize );
		// Zero out the entire thing
		V_memset( pPaddedImage, 255, nPaddedImageSize );

		// Copy over each row individually
		for ( int nRow = 0; nRow < height; ++nRow )
			unsigned char *pDst = pPaddedImage + 3 * ( nRow * nPaddedWidth );
			const unsigned char *pSrc = pImage + 3 * ( nRow * width );
			V_memcpy( pDst, pSrc, 3 * width );

		// Setup source data
		nSrcWidth = nPaddedWidth;
		nSrcHeight = nPaddedHeight;
		pSrcImage = pPaddedImage;
		// Use non-padded info
		nSrcWidth = width;
		nSrcHeight = height;
		pSrcImage = pImage;

	// allocate a buffer to write the tga into
	CUtlBuffer buffer;

	bool bWriteResult;
	if ( bWriteVTF )
		// Create and initialize a VTF texture
		IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture = CreateVTFTexture();
		if ( pVTFTexture->Init( nSrcWidth, nSrcHeight, 1, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888, nFlags, 1, 1 ) )
			// Copy the image data over to the VTF
			unsigned char *pDestBits = pVTFTexture->ImageData();
			int nDstSize = nSrcWidth * nSrcHeight * 3;
			V_memcpy( pDestBits, pSrcImage, nDstSize );

			// Allocate output buffer
			int iMaxVTFSize = 1024 + ( nSrcWidth * nSrcHeight * 3 );
			void *pVTF = malloc( iMaxVTFSize );
			buffer.SetExternalBuffer( pVTF, iMaxVTFSize, 0 );

			// Serialize to the buffer
			bWriteResult = pVTFTexture->Serialize( buffer );
			// Free the VTF texture
			DestroyVTFTexture( pVTFTexture );
			bWriteResult = false;
		// Write TGA format to buffer
		int iMaxTGASize = 1024 + ( nSrcWidth * nSrcHeight * 4 );
		void *pTGA = malloc( iMaxTGASize );
		buffer.SetExternalBuffer( pTGA, iMaxTGASize, 0 );

		bWriteResult = TGAWriter::WriteToBuffer( pSrcImage, buffer, nSrcWidth, nSrcHeight, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888 );

	if ( !bWriteResult )
		Error( "Couldn't write bitmap data snapshot.\n" );
	free( pImage );
	free( pPaddedImage );

	// async write to disk (this will take ownership of the memory)
	char szPathedFileName[_MAX_PATH];
	Q_snprintf( szPathedFileName, sizeof(szPathedFileName), "//MOD/%s", pFilename );

	filesystem->AsyncWrite( szPathedFileName, buffer.Base(), buffer.TellPut(), true );

	// restore our previous state
	pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION );
	pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW );

	g_bRenderingScreenshot = false;
コード例 #5
// Purpose: 
bool CRecastMesh::Build( CMapMesh *pMapMesh )
	double fStartTime = Plat_FloatTime();

	Reset(); // Clean any existing data

	BuildContext ctx;

	ctx.enableLog( true );

	dtStatus status;
	V_memset(&m_cfg, 0, sizeof(m_cfg));

	// Init cache
	rcCalcBounds( pMapMesh->GetVerts(), pMapMesh->GetNumVerts(), m_cfg.bmin, m_cfg.bmax );
	rcCalcGridSize(m_cfg.bmin, m_cfg.bmax, m_cfg.cs, &m_cfg.width, &m_cfg.height);
	int gw = 0, gh = 0;
	rcCalcGridSize(m_cfg.bmin, m_cfg.bmax, m_cellSize, &gw, &gh);
	const int ts = (int)m_tileSize;
	const int tw = (gw + ts-1) / ts;
	const int th = (gh + ts-1) / ts;

	// Max tiles and max polys affect how the tile IDs are caculated.
	// There are 22 bits available for identifying a tile and a polygon.
	int tileBits = rcMin((int)dtIlog2(dtNextPow2(tw*th*EXPECTED_LAYERS_PER_TILE)), 14);
	if (tileBits > 14) tileBits = 14;
	int polyBits = 22 - tileBits;
	m_maxTiles = 1 << tileBits;
	m_maxPolysPerTile = 1 << polyBits;

	// Generation params.
	m_cfg.cs = m_cellSize;
	m_cfg.ch = m_cellHeight;
	m_cfg.walkableSlopeAngle = m_agentMaxSlope;
	m_cfg.walkableHeight = (int)ceilf(m_agentHeight / m_cfg.ch);
	m_cfg.walkableClimb = (int)floorf(m_agentMaxClimb / m_cfg.ch);
	m_cfg.walkableRadius = (int)ceilf(m_agentRadius / m_cfg.cs);
	m_cfg.maxEdgeLen = (int)(m_edgeMaxLen / m_cellSize);
	m_cfg.maxSimplificationError = m_edgeMaxError;
	m_cfg.minRegionArea = (int)rcSqr(m_regionMinSize);		// Note: area = size*size
	m_cfg.mergeRegionArea = (int)rcSqr(m_regionMergeSize);	// Note: area = size*size
	m_cfg.maxVertsPerPoly = (int)m_vertsPerPoly;
	m_cfg.tileSize = (int)m_tileSize;
	m_cfg.borderSize = m_cfg.walkableRadius + 3; // Reserve enough padding.
	m_cfg.width = m_cfg.tileSize + m_cfg.borderSize*2;
	m_cfg.height = m_cfg.tileSize + m_cfg.borderSize*2;
	m_cfg.detailSampleDist = m_detailSampleDist < 0.9f ? 0 : m_cellSize * m_detailSampleDist;
	m_cfg.detailSampleMaxError = m_cellHeight * m_detailSampleMaxError;
	// Tile cache params.
	dtTileCacheParams tcparams;
	memset(&tcparams, 0, sizeof(tcparams));
	rcVcopy(tcparams.orig, m_cfg.bmin);
	tcparams.cs = m_cellSize;
	tcparams.ch = m_cellHeight;
	tcparams.width = (int)m_tileSize;
	tcparams.height = (int)m_tileSize;
	tcparams.walkableHeight = m_agentHeight;
	tcparams.walkableRadius = m_agentRadius;
	tcparams.walkableClimb = m_agentMaxClimb;
	tcparams.maxSimplificationError = m_edgeMaxError;
	tcparams.maxTiles = tw*th*EXPECTED_LAYERS_PER_TILE;
	tcparams.maxObstacles = 2048;


	m_tileCache = dtAllocTileCache();
	if (!m_tileCache)
		ctx.log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTiledNavigation: Could not allocate tile cache.");
		return false;
	status = m_tileCache->init(&tcparams, m_talloc, m_tcomp, m_tmproc);
	if (dtStatusFailed(status))
		ctx.log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTiledNavigation: Could not init tile cache.");
		return false;
	m_navMesh = dtAllocNavMesh();
	if (!m_navMesh)
		ctx.log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTiledNavigation: Could not allocate navmesh.");
		return false;

	dtNavMeshParams params;
	memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
	rcVcopy(params.orig, m_cfg.bmin);
	params.tileWidth = m_tileSize*m_cellSize;
	params.tileHeight = m_tileSize*m_cellSize;
	params.maxTiles = m_maxTiles;
	params.maxPolys = m_maxPolysPerTile;
	status = m_navMesh->init(&params);
	if (dtStatusFailed(status))
		ctx.log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTiledNavigation: Could not init navmesh.");
		return false;
	status = m_navQuery->init( m_navMesh, RECAST_NAVQUERY_MAXNODES );
	if (dtStatusFailed(status))
		ctx.log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTiledNavigation: Could not init Detour navmesh query");
		return false;

	// Preprocess tiles.
	m_cacheLayerCount = 0;
	m_cacheCompressedSize = 0;
	m_cacheRawSize = 0;
	for (int y = 0; y < th; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < tw; ++x)
			TileCacheData tiles[MAX_LAYERS];
			memset(tiles, 0, sizeof(tiles));
			int ntiles = rasterizeTileLayers(&ctx, pMapMesh, x, y, m_cfg, tiles, MAX_LAYERS);

			for (int i = 0; i < ntiles; ++i)
				TileCacheData* tile = &tiles[i];
				status = m_tileCache->addTile(tile->data, tile->dataSize, DT_COMPRESSEDTILE_FREE_DATA, 0);
				if (dtStatusFailed(status))
					tile->data = 0;
				m_cacheCompressedSize += tile->dataSize;
				m_cacheRawSize += calcLayerBufferSize(tcparams.width, tcparams.height);

	// Build initial meshes
	for (int y = 0; y < th; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < tw; ++x)
			m_tileCache->buildNavMeshTilesAt(x,y, m_navMesh);
	m_cacheBuildTimeMs = ctx.getAccumulatedTime(RC_TIMER_TOTAL)/1000.0f;
	m_cacheBuildMemUsage = ((LinearAllocator *)m_talloc)->high;

	const dtNavMesh* nav = m_navMesh;
	int navmeshMemUsage = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < nav->getMaxTiles(); ++i)
		const dtMeshTile* tile = nav->getTile(i);
		if (tile->header)
			navmeshMemUsage += tile->dataSize;

	DevMsg( "CRecastMesh: Generated navigation mesh %s in %f seconds\n", m_Name.Get(), Plat_FloatTime() - fStartTime );

	return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: ragdoll_shared.cpp プロジェクト: DeadFuze/swarm-sdk
static cache_ragdoll_t *ParseRagdollIntoCache( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, vcollide_t *pCollide, int modelIndex )
	IVPhysicsKeyParser *pParse = physcollision->VPhysicsKeyParserCreate( pCollide );
	cache_ragdollsolid_t solidList[RAGDOLL_MAX_ELEMENTS];
	cache_ragdollconstraint_t constraintList[RAGDOLL_MAX_ELEMENTS];
	solid_t solid;
	int constraintCount = 0;
	int solidCount = 0;
	cache_ragdoll_t cache;
	V_memset( &cache, 0, sizeof(cache) );
	while ( !pParse->Finished() )
		const char *pBlock = pParse->GetCurrentBlockName();
		if ( !strcmpi( pBlock, "solid" ) )
			pParse->ParseSolid( &solid, &g_SolidSetup );
			cache_ragdollsolid_t *pSolid = &solidList[solidCount];
			pSolid->boneIndex = Studio_BoneIndexByName( pStudioHdr, solid.name );
			if ( pSolid->boneIndex >= 0 )
				pSolid->collideIndex = solid.index;
				pSolid->surfacePropIndex = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( solid.surfaceprop );
				if ( pSolid->surfacePropIndex < 0 )
					pSolid->surfacePropIndex = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( "default" );
				pSolid->params = solid.params;
				pSolid->params.enableCollisions = false;
				Msg( "ParseRagdollIntoCache:  Couldn't Lookup Bone %s\n", solid.name );
		else if ( !strcmpi( pBlock, "ragdollconstraint" ) )
			constraint_ragdollparams_t constraint;
			pParse->ParseRagdollConstraint( &constraint, NULL );
			if( constraint.childIndex != constraint.parentIndex && constraint.childIndex >= 0 && constraint.parentIndex >= 0)
				cache_ragdollconstraint_t *pOut = &constraintList[constraintCount];
				V_memcpy( pOut->axes, constraint.axes, sizeof(constraint.axes) );
				pOut->parentIndex = constraint.parentIndex;
				pOut->childIndex = constraint.childIndex;
				Studio_CalcBoneToBoneTransform( pStudioHdr, solidList[constraint.childIndex].boneIndex, solidList[constraint.parentIndex].boneIndex, pOut->constraintToAttached );
		else if ( !strcmpi( pBlock, "collisionrules" ) )
			ragdollcollisionrules_t rules;
			IPhysicsCollisionSet *pSet = physics->FindOrCreateCollisionSet( modelIndex, pCollide->solidCount );
			rules.Defaults(physics, pSet);
			pParse->ParseCollisionRules( &rules, NULL );
			cache.pCollisionSet = rules.pCollisionSet;
		else if ( !strcmpi( pBlock, "animatedfriction") ) 
			pParse->ParseRagdollAnimatedFriction( &cache.animfriction, NULL );
	physcollision->VPhysicsKeyParserDestroy( pParse );
	cache.solidCount = solidCount;
	cache.constraintCount = constraintCount;
	return CreateRagdollCache( pCollide, solidList, constraintList, &cache );
コード例 #7
void CPlayerSpawnCache::Reset()
	V_memset( &m_Data, 0, sizeof( m_Data ) );