コード例 #1
CUtlString CUtlString::Replace( const char *pszFrom, const char *pszTo ) const
	Assert( pszTo ); // Can be 0 length, but not null
	Assert( pszFrom && *pszFrom ); // Must be valid and have one character.
	const char *pos = V_strstr( String(), pszFrom );
	if ( !pos )
		return *this;

	const char *pFirstFound = pos;

	// count number of search string
	int nSearchCount = 0;
	int nSearchLength = V_strlen( pszFrom );
	while ( pos )
		int nSrcOffset = ( pos - String() ) + nSearchLength;
		pos = V_strstr( String() + nSrcOffset, pszFrom );

	// allocate the new string
	int nReplaceLength = V_strlen( pszTo );
	int nAllocOffset = nSearchCount * ( nReplaceLength - nSearchLength );
	size_t srcLength = Length();
	CUtlString strDest;
	size_t destLength = srcLength + nAllocOffset;
	strDest.SetLength( destLength );

	// find and replace the search string
	pos = pFirstFound;
	int nDestOffset = 0;
	int nSrcOffset = 0;
	while ( pos )
		// Found an instance
		int nCurrentSearchOffset = pos - String();
		int nCopyLength = nCurrentSearchOffset - nSrcOffset;
		V_strncpy( strDest.GetForModify() + nDestOffset, String() + nSrcOffset, nCopyLength + 1 );
		nDestOffset += nCopyLength;
		V_strncpy( strDest.GetForModify() + nDestOffset, pszTo, nReplaceLength + 1 );
		nDestOffset += nReplaceLength;

		nSrcOffset = nCurrentSearchOffset + nSearchLength;
		pos = V_strstr( String() + nSrcOffset, pszFrom );

	// making sure that the left over string from the source is the same size as the left over dest buffer
	Assert( destLength - nDestOffset == srcLength - nSrcOffset );
	if ( destLength - nDestOffset > 0 )
		V_strncpy( strDest.GetForModify() + nDestOffset, String() + nSrcOffset, destLength - nDestOffset + 1 );

	return strDest;
コード例 #2
bool SizzlingProtect::IsChatExploit( const CCommand &args, int ClientCommandIndex )
	const char *pChar = V_strstr( args.ArgS(), "%" );
	while ( pChar )
		if ( !IsValidString(&pChar) )
			return true;
		pChar = V_strstr( pChar, "%" );
	return false;
コード例 #3
// Purpose:
bool C_SceneEntity::GetHWMorphSceneFileName( const char *pFilename, char *pHWMFilename )
	// Are we even using hardware morph?
	if ( !UseHWMorphVCDs() )
		return false;

	// Multi-player only!
	if ( !m_bMultiplayer )
		return false;

	// Do we have a valid filename?
	if ( !( pFilename && pFilename[0] ) )
		return false;

	// Check to see if we already have an player/hwm/* filename.
	if ( ( V_strstr( pFilename, "/high" ) != NULL ) || ( V_strstr( pFilename, "\\high" ) != NULL ) )
		V_strcpy( pHWMFilename, pFilename );
		return true;

	// Find the hardware morph scene name and pass that along as well.
	char szScene[MAX_PATH];
	V_strcpy( szScene, pFilename );

	char szSceneHWM[MAX_PATH];
	szSceneHWM[0] = '\0';

	char *pszToken = strtok( szScene, "/\\" );
	while ( pszToken != NULL )
		if ( !V_stricmp( pszToken, "low" ) )
			V_strcat( szSceneHWM, "high", sizeof( szSceneHWM ) );
			V_strcat( szSceneHWM, pszToken, sizeof( szSceneHWM ) );

		pszToken = strtok( NULL, "/\\" );
		if ( pszToken != NULL )
			V_strcat( szSceneHWM, "\\", sizeof( szSceneHWM ) );

	V_strcpy( pHWMFilename, szSceneHWM );
	return true;
コード例 #4
static void FileSystem_AddLoadedSearchPath( 
	CFSSearchPathsInit &initInfo, 
	const char *pPathID, 
	const char *fullLocationPath, 
	bool bLowViolence )

	// Check for mounting LV game content in LV builds only
	if ( V_stricmp( pPathID, "game_lv" ) == 0 )

		// Not in LV build, don't mount
		if ( !initInfo.m_bLowViolence )

		// Mount, as a game path
		pPathID = "game";

	// Check for mounting HD game content if enabled
	if ( V_stricmp( pPathID, "game_hd" ) == 0 )

		// Not in LV build, don't mount
		if ( !initInfo.m_bMountHDContent )

		// Mount, as a game path
		pPathID = "game";

	// Special processing for ordinary game folders
	if ( V_stristr( fullLocationPath, ".vpk" ) == NULL && Q_stricmp( pPathID, "game" ) == 0 )
		if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-tempcontent" ) != 0 )
			char szPath[MAX_PATH];
			Q_snprintf( szPath, sizeof(szPath), "%s_tempcontent", fullLocationPath );
			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( szPath, pPathID, PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL );

	if ( initInfo.m_pLanguage &&
	     Q_stricmp( initInfo.m_pLanguage, "english" ) &&
	     V_strstr( fullLocationPath, "_english" ) != NULL )
		char szPath[MAX_PATH];
		char szLangString[MAX_PATH];		
		// Need to add a language version of this path first

		Q_snprintf( szLangString, sizeof(szLangString), "_%s", initInfo.m_pLanguage);
		V_StrSubst( fullLocationPath, "_english", szLangString, szPath, sizeof( szPath ), true );
		initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( szPath, pPathID, PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL );		

	initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( fullLocationPath, pPathID, PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL );
コード例 #5
int CSizzPluginContext::GetPluginIndex( const char *pszDescriptionPart ) const
	if (pszDescriptionPart)
		int num_plugins = m_pPluginManager->m_plugins.Count();
		for ( int i = 0; i < num_plugins; ++i )
			CPlugin *pPlugin = m_pPluginManager->m_plugins[i];
			if (pPlugin && V_strstr(pPlugin->m_szName, pszDescriptionPart))
				return i;
	return -1;
コード例 #6
void CReplayBrowserBasePage::OnCommand( const char *pCommand )
	// User wants details on a replay?
	if ( !V_strnicmp( pCommand, "details", 7 ) )
		// Get rid of preview panel

		QueryableReplayItemHandle_t hReplayItem = (QueryableReplayItemHandle_t)atoi( pCommand + 7 );
		IReplayItemManager *pItemManager;
		IQueryableReplayItem *pReplayItem = FindReplayItem( hReplayItem, &pItemManager );		Assert( pReplayItem );
		if ( pReplayItem )
			// Get performance
			int iPerformance = -1;
			const char *pPerformanceStr = V_strstr( pCommand + 8, "_" );
			if ( pPerformanceStr )
				iPerformance = atoi( pPerformanceStr + 1 );

			m_hReplayDetailsPanel = vgui::SETUP_PANEL( new CReplayDetailsPanel( this, hReplayItem, iPerformance, pItemManager ) );
			m_hReplayDetailsPanel->SetVisible( true );

			m_pReplayList->SetVisible( false );

			surface()->PlaySound( "replay\\showdetails.wav" );

	// "back" button was hit in details panel?
	else if ( FStrEq( pCommand, "back" ) )

	BaseClass::OnCommand( pCommand );
コード例 #7
// Returns an address from the given PlayerInfo instance.
bool AddressFromPlayerInfo2( IPlayerInfo* pInfo, const char*& output )
	if (!pInfo)
		return false;

	if (pInfo->IsFakeClient() || V_strstr(pInfo->GetNetworkIDString(), "BOT"))
		output = "";
		return true;

	unsigned int index;
	if (!IndexFromPlayerInfo(pInfo, index))
		return false;

	INetChannelInfo* netinfo = engine->GetPlayerNetInfo(index);
	if (!netinfo)
		return false;

	output = netinfo->GetAddress();
	return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: fx_impact.cpp プロジェクト: Davideogame/TheHunted
// Purpose: 
bool Impact( Vector &vecOrigin, Vector &vecStart, int iMaterial, int iDamageType, int iHitbox, C_BaseEntity *pEntity, trace_t &tr, int nFlags, int maxLODToDecal )
	VPROF( "Impact" );

	Assert ( pEntity );

	// Clear out the trace
	memset( &tr, 0, sizeof(trace_t));
	tr.fraction = 1.0f;

	// Setup our shot information
	Vector shotDir = vecOrigin - vecStart;
	float flLength = VectorNormalize( shotDir );
	Vector traceExt;
	VectorMA( vecStart, flLength + 8.0f, shotDir, traceExt );

	// Attempt to hit ragdolls
	bool bHitRagdoll = false;
	if ( !pEntity->IsClientCreated() )
		bHitRagdoll = FX_AffectRagdolls( vecOrigin, vecStart, iDamageType );

	if ( (nFlags & IMPACT_NODECAL) == 0 )
		const char *pchDecalName = GetImpactDecal( pEntity, iMaterial, iDamageType );
		int decalNumber = decalsystem->GetDecalIndexForName( pchDecalName );
		if ( decalNumber == -1 )
			return false;

		bool bSkipDecal = false;

		// Don't show blood decals if we're filtering them out (Pyro Goggles)
		if ( IsLocalPlayerUsingVisionFilterFlags( TF_VISION_FILTER_PYRO ) || UTIL_IsLowViolence() )
			if ( V_strstr( pchDecalName, "Flesh" ) )
				bSkipDecal = true;
		// (davideo): don't show blood decals on the player model, makes the mutant too visible
		if ( V_strstr( pchDecalName, "Flesh" ) )
			bSkipDecal = true;

		if ( !bSkipDecal )
			if ( (pEntity->entindex() == 0) && (iHitbox != 0) )
				staticpropmgr->AddDecalToStaticProp( vecStart, traceExt, iHitbox - 1, decalNumber, true, tr );
			else if ( pEntity )
				// Here we deal with decals on entities.
				pEntity->AddDecal( vecStart, traceExt, vecOrigin, iHitbox, decalNumber, true, tr, maxLODToDecal );
		// Perform the trace ourselves
		Ray_t ray;
		ray.Init( vecStart, traceExt );

		if ( (pEntity->entindex() == 0) && (iHitbox != 0) )
			// Special case for world entity with hitbox (that's a static prop)
			ICollideable *pCollideable = staticpropmgr->GetStaticPropByIndex( iHitbox - 1 ); 
			enginetrace->ClipRayToCollideable( ray, MASK_SHOT, pCollideable, &tr );
			if ( !pEntity )
				return false;

			enginetrace->ClipRayToEntity( ray, MASK_SHOT, pEntity, &tr );

	// If we found the surface, emit debris flecks
	bool bReportRagdollImpacts = (nFlags & IMPACT_REPORT_RAGDOLL_IMPACTS) != 0;
	if ( ( tr.fraction == 1.0f ) || ( bHitRagdoll && !bReportRagdollImpacts ) )
		return false;

	return true;