コード例 #1
ファイル: grid.c プロジェクト: emmamai/vortex-indy
// What is nodenum of this origin, if any?
int GetNodeNum(vec3_t origin) {
vec3_t vtmp;
float dist;
//float best=99999, bestd=99999, d;//GHz
int i;

//gi.dprintf("GetNodeNum() is checking %d nodes\n", numnodes);

  // Search all of my node[i]'s
  for (i=0;i < numnodes;i++) {

	//if (dist < best)//GHz: added for debugging only
	//	best = dist;
	//d=distance(node[i].origin, origin);
	//if (d < bestd)
	//	bestd=d;

    if (dist < 1.0F)//FIXME: wtf does this mean?
     return i; }

  //gi.dprintf("best result=%f, need=%f, actual=%f\n", best, 1.0F, bestd);
  return -1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: g_combat.cpp プロジェクト: ufoai/ufoai
 * @brief Applies morale changes to actors who find themselves in the general direction of a shot.
 * @param shooter The shooting actor.
 * @param fd The firedef used to shoot.
 * @param from The weapon's muzzle location.
 * @param weapon The weapon used to shoot.
 * @param impact The shoot's impact location.
static void G_ShotMorale (const Actor* shooter, const fireDef_t* fd, const vec3_t from, const Item* weapon, const vec3_t impact)
	/* Skip not detectable shoots */
	if (weapon->def()->dmgtype == gi.csi->damLaser || fd->irgoggles)

	Actor* check = nullptr;
	const float minDist = UNIT_SIZE * 1.5f;
	while ((check = G_EdictsGetNextLivingActor(check))) {
		/* Skip yourself */
		if (check == shooter)
		pos3_t target;
		VecToPos(impact, target);
		/* Skip the hit actor -- morale was already handled */
		if (check->isSamePosAs(target))
		vec3_t dir1, dir2;
		VectorSubtract(check->origin, from, dir1);
		VectorSubtract(impact, from, dir2);
		const float len1 = VectorLength(dir1);
		const float len2 = VectorLength(dir2);
		const float dot = DotProduct(dir1, dir2);
		if (dot / (len1 * len2) < 0.7f)
		/* Skip if shooting next or over an ally */
		if (check->isSameTeamAs(shooter) && VectorDistSqr(check->origin, shooter->origin)
				<= minDist * minDist)
		vec3_t vec1;
		if (len1 > len2) {
			VectorSubtract(dir2, dir1, vec1);
		} else {
			VectorScale(dir2, dot / (len2 * len2), vec1);
			VectorSubtract(dir1, vec1, vec1);
		const float morDist = (check->isSamePosAs(target) ? UNIT_SIZE * 0.5f : minDist);
		if (VectorLengthSqr(vec1) <= morDist * morDist) {
			/* @todo Add a visibility check here? */
			G_Morale(ML_SHOOT, check, shooter, fd->damage[0]);